TI.'EsDW. MMICII CH. THE DXI .Y NEBRASKAN Daily Nebraskan mtn c.rcBT. wa3!ii ' - - - ' 'fair''? .. -v A. mi tk 2fL ''YHjL. . Sift t. tiK-ia -? c vt - VmTSsI. i EDITORIAL STAFF e.'-4tH ; EDITORS C t u . ' v C-.i . ....... rn e m i.-, UI, V . . c v,-u- t . &LSISES5 STAFF I b wi..... -i &T-w a.st.t evl-viM vH,;E5v;? Yf ir ' .?J Yc'" Illusion Of Grandeur, TirKFTTHEP. or tt uu?.;a tjt. a 'ZJi-zr-c tj oc tf Nia- ! ka j i-J!U.rs. we z'A ' tetrpt to ietersiii. E;t of th.rff rt Netrakax u crti. that ttraj: eleetls the t?iE.t 'vij are poi.vrJ of : of arivy.rv:y. The ce!ii arviVxrats are liLrtls-yjiS.j t'.-ci.ea'.-le -i .r-g tie do-x. the arrer-r-.tL.ru' 4.vn. azI ai-zi d -vr. , of th stioti o tie ajf.t ryy- up-vc tfc irJtia u!: irssL Tfc'-y t:;e-.e tie tit of a Greece rige J a tio! of P.tr-mv. airi as if .i.at were ' rt etoi-ih. thy freevfx rvr tie ;1! ision that : ceraii Greek p.i r.2iiate a gT:i.tr c-r .f r;?erAr.tv than do ctsers. - - - j- f Let as exf.i'jie froci tie t.v:is- mo& tie rushing p:opar..li. most ar.v appr'.prialed fjr.Cs fcia'J te of whi'.h is rt meait veriofiftly. ' mad avaZa'c-e to tie utiverrlty. atd pra.toay m of h.ci L. : Representa-ve Oishxg. who has takn sen&isiy. There is no harm ; ho-x hanelf throughout the ses ir. trying V impress a r-tee w-.th sion to r.e an able parliamentarian the relative ad-.antaes of ths or and a resp-e'.-.er of orderly proct- tiat fraternity cr sorority. In fact Z the struggle for ;prema..y amor,-' tie Greeks 1: a fine thing atn it ; rs confined to striving or real O'iailtv anl aitempis lo fte.eti membrship c re b.cs of this o'iaI:ty. RL'T the oo&oxious form of Greek , - ,.,... that v-h i ir. , ""r-- : in tv. ,t4n,-a.r ri.uTt. r.' : campus social Lfe. It if. the prac- tkal application of the i'ieas of , rjbject" Article IIL section 14 of Qert- mentioned the report of the artificial Vuperionty which is dis-jthe constitution provides that "no university investigating commit rticr The ideas, which are i bill shall contain more than one tee recommending salaries of aB e . . , . . . .r., uta tv .rr rn r members of the faciuty, stating taken neiuaiy only by peop;e who; Piojec. and the sme shall be . voted to oo.i t think straight, a.-e that any , clearly exprer-sed in the title ' j acc.pt tte report because he op- Gre-f k pin, or a certain Greek pin. j r.or.stit tes in itself a rea.son for pP.OM all appearances. Mr. Cusb fijr;f and acting superior to tie ing is absolutely righL The og ana acting suj- oomrnon herd. Icealiy, the displays of thi atti-'was t u't. ar Midler.. Thev would under ordinary circumsUrces mer- ' it nothing but sly laughter and d.s- da.n for the hjil3owxe. of tie ' brain of an individual who ukes ; Mrriously the idea that he is on a ; :r.g into bii!) unnoticed jokers dal fc.gber plane after acquiring tie ing with irrelevant subjects. It Kalge of such and such an organ:- ! was made a constitutional Lmita--fetion. ticn !so that a governor would not i;ut the attitude has its fcenous have to veto an entire bill in order implications becaus it has rxssi-'to kill vme extraneous provision, hih ties for reflecting discredit on There may Ve a reaxnable the whole Greek system. In fact, doubt as to whether university we know of certain legislators who j employees are state officers with fjrjcerely feel that the fraternity- i in tie meaning of section 22. Eut sorority system is a bad thing be cause it engenders these obnoxious f-eiings of superiority. While we believe that their opinions of these organizations should not be based on the behavior of a few members of Greek houses whose attitudes are disagreeable, nevertheless, It cannot be denied that valid charges may be made against organiza tions which foster such foolish notions. A T the risk of being blacklisted, the Nebraskan is going to point out what it sincerely believes i true. It is a generalization which in tio sen&e Is universal in . II T"' - "'LolIs vrreriJ! yenr tf cc.sm.tii'.c - iw.rtT i rxr secern :tT Eli' Is cr wis it ai: tiit. -- sjpz v.-r. . -r t wrcr Eft' zatiot cir ty ar.txc - a kjlzt ccccccIt kr:-x as - - f,tlZ.A " t :y tft say to tt ty , - - r - S are trwii ar- ' uie t seri-vIy tie inrftAice fi Wvr ailatoc- Get ever r.'.- , . . v, -.,r-V:: Iratenutj or srrr.ty cay ceai Eaci t j'c is tie aj c; vxia. , cA-.ts azui er v.yarie exper:.tv:es. puas r'h:r,r to vyj if vw it isti5tti for , Scraping p Prertdenti. D! ESPITE tie CHC.ty.tA of F--;- ree'talive Marioc Oi?i-Cg of Grd aid '.tier n inters of the , bo-se. tie bo-ise Th-rviay vcted , imett Vj s.rute rryre t:ei:t5 ' tr - rr "-jiti Havekott Urjes Acceptance. - - z i . ; ' -a.--? The !j-.:-.r:tT tie o i:rerieit tiat the iii.Tr..y -(.rt. averred ttat condi-n.-:.hdraw froa c:eir'ceriip ii ti ; tio-fis have changed for the wor?e North Cef.raJ Assooiatx of Col- ' !egr ail Seco&dary Sv.h'AJ. This pro-.-Uo ir. tie till rec-lres tie uri- verv.tv to f-.Ie with tie state a jc; tor a statestett that it ki w-.th c'ra-T. frcri r.-eri?.eri.p ce.ore re. reaJ terore tne noose io constitutional proviiiots which he believes make invalid the "nder" attached to the university appro- j prvatjo&s i!e.(..'.ia. , ! Article III. sext.on 22 of the 'constitution provides that "biils j : making annrotriations for the ray ; of members and officers of tie teg- j ulature. an: for tie sauries oi tne .. oriicers o: tie eovercmeiii. st-u , c-octain no provision on any other j .... , provision included in section 14 put into the cor.stitut.on for i the erv purpose of eliminating iust such -riders" as the en at- ! Uched to the present fc r. red a- rst: or. tie practice of log-ro!I.r.g and sneak- I there cannot be the slightest doubt but that the North Central rider is not included within the title of the appropriation bill and that it does not deal with the main subject of the bilL pvEAN H. H. Foster of the law college, has a copy of a writ ten opinion by C. A. Sorensen, at that time attorney general, rela tive to a matter similar to the one now in question. The legislature of 1931 attached to the appropria tions bill a provision that "no addi tional salary nor any part of sal ary or wages shall be paid from any revolving fund or any other - .- L th s-ary cf tir ai iit rjiiTvsi. p Er j - - n.r. K bi that sfic " cc ' c; to;nct-1; - : U-rg tc rjr. jcai ls p' si.c irri5 azi t yi- TZ-'Z LAW Cs. raiii ty ti .pr was that: -azy f r::oc i v vt? m-vh u cit - " t.eariy express u.e t ecav:teI itto law." A a r- i fc Ktaied that Mr. AWJr vas r rtit4 to tcti sUr. ,. .v., aw .. . n LZ-- --t---'-- t fists ir atta.:hii the North Ce- tral rwier. that crt:tcaj i: i w terer m. : wnni.n etjmivate j RED EE FROM BILL ; UJrolarships w21 te'pre- i .Cocut-i fix ni Pae l.i fied in September. in Ume to his prx-grajr. Mer oetiared: ,&r tri-oc. The roc "The arjC't reEjr.erced c1 , CSf;j cardioatea win be an te tie k'west this ie-at-jre has EOUncj fci Hooore Coovocatk oj ; ever at prot r:a:eJ for the , geral a-p rcpna:.K This in sp-ite of an ii-iTeae o. 3.W-J or Rep. Join Kavetoit of Helper, iChcrefcce to tie since the governor rcce cet rep.-rt. . ; ; " -We've seen ten cent com anc , ti;r.v cent wfcai. " he stated. "I rn : cag attention to tie taxpayers ;.irr if" P- .CFi.. --6 : 'rj- rsiTrkvers f.rrt of a.L 1 want to i Preserve tie scnoo. c-. ih i we must r-reserve the home." Miss Sarah T, Muir. Lincoln, took a leading part in the debate cc both questions. She expressed the opinion that reduction might caase increases -r wnicn w ouiG mae ii , ci.t ror tnose w ptjjrr uivuii.- stances to get an education. &ne told of stucents who are now fir irtr furr-ace. workinr at restau rir.t staying up late at night to siu-fiv v,ui xo Assert.ng that the proposed cut ; . , ,'.,,-1 xfi.r- i wc-uja nun, l.-oc.u , iicljuvh. a:rf.ndment. He challenged his : i:zures ana saia: icere a w .v.--... v ,v.,-.t tvc i r.i. : . . . i versuv. v nai inis iwus ttreus p'.w pj tome of the provisions. I wouion X pux inn university into politics under any circum stances." Cne declared. "I wouldn't deny trie chancellor the ncht to fix salaries. " P.epresentative Marion Csiiig ? Ord attempted to remove the " '""'ishin ir, the North Central associa- tion. He pointed out that tie rider, which aLso takes in the nor- mal schools, would make the state schools inferior to private institu tions. Representative Fred Barclay of Pawnee City declared that the as sociation had forced the building of schools through threats to with draw those schools from accredi tation unless the physical plant was improved. A strong speech in support of the university was made oy Rep resentative Charles Larw-n of Taylor, who advocated removal of the rider from the bill, referring to it as an "Indian gift." Declaring that if anything is wrong with the association, the legislature should pass a law forbidding all schools in the state to join, Larsen said it ap peared to be an attempt to "vent our spleen on the university." Prof eg for Speaks to Sigma Gamma Eptilon Sigma Gamma Epsilon. honorary geological fraternity, held an open meeting Thursday night, at which Professor Dwight Kirsch of the fine arts college gave an illustrat ed lecture on the southwest. Plans for a banquet March 21 were dis cussed at a business meting after the talk. . - TT fill If III nAVt II c,r,, v WMTttn C JO Will Senior Women. Candidates for tl senior scfeof- vt,Tr-ZL cnio mia i Ra-c art tlr Wedeeidtt j i -j !diT. Tte i-troeTrs ar to Ukei 1 rtiV. in Ea South Ha3. iDt ratiiJ-j " y- o , . - fc to aZ frir'js vho re at uie prcs tt f tjex ratk zA wbo pct- :c, Vr..t Jire. 1924. or at - saitiser term A Tt;4 tv, ra--dir- were to Vi PERSONAL ins rtoZy or pitial!y lf-Ppoctfc. t,-TheW KtortiH are cot to be - ny.eev. rd are gTiitrf as awards of Ent for ef- fort KVoo! tfe as well as for schc-UstiC attaimneflU- -tv .o Twv-,.r-.rvatiota were e- q-Jrei'two of wtkh should from mencbers of the faculty of the SElfNING SAYS R00SE- f rpQGRESS DUE.t TO GROWTH OF EXEC UTIVE POWER (Continued from Page 1.) accomplish this thing- because there has been a definite trend toward executive responsibility. Three thing? according to Mr. Secning, have contributed to the rise of the presidential power upon the legis- lation of congress. .,,,!,.,., rf arv . - ,:r ...t tT.,.-lvP Wli,v. "Instances are not wanting wnere appointments were conditioned on carrying out policies favored by the president," said Mr. Senning. The second rower which the r,rciA&t trt v; ,rfvar. :SM ia tvo tage is the power of the veto, ac cording to Mr. Senning-. The fear of veto, because of personal dis like of a bill by the president, is harbored by every congressman. The shearing of the speaker of the house of his vast powers in chared the wav for a presi- Hirtiv d4iaiith directly deal with congress, is the opinion of Ur. ben- li "These three influences have 0.-ort01r. v,v Tri. " -e two other presidents," said Profes sor Senning in concluding his talk. The weekly talks by Dr. Sen ning, were started by the univer sity officials some time ago for the primary purpose of explaining to the people in the state the work ings of the government, as well as timely notes on the doing of the state legislature and ' congress. They are heard over KFAB every Friday afternoon. SPRING NUMBER OF AWGWAN WILL GO ON SALE MARCH 29 (Continued from Page 1.) i cuaad by Marvin Robinson is an other feature in the Awgwan. A series of ten letters describing the entire course of a spring ro mance appear in "Once in a Blue Moon," by Lucile Hunter, a story in the spring i.ssue of the numore publication. Katherine Howard's fashion page is another feature in the magazine. In this issue. Miss Howard writes and illustrates spring clothing. Two pages of cartoons portray ing irpring methods of having good times by Morris Gordon also appear in the publication. Intensive Commercial Course A FOR COLLEGE PEOPLE Prepare now with intensive hiph grade business training that puts you in direct touch with jx'sitions. Course leading to degTee Bachelor of -Science in Commerce NEW CLASSES NEXT WEEK Lincoln School of Commerce P and 14th B6774 Lincoln, Nebr. EELI-3I0US WELFARE GROUP TO SF0XS02 WXEK OP EMPHASIS ( Ct Un frcnn Pe l. hi fr.or ability to tir z-d f J to cnf EJ thAB KViOt-tt ladr in tfc fsVi" t the Ury th fctat eo-!.?: Mr. HArnfTrocic- tfc ffey oC Horace Pe fcAJ tire tc otttr Etn:r cf tise T. XL C. A utkA etATf ta risttirt t:? cimpds fr.x:tly. soitireat area t Eruifetxal k. trch feaa fci fceaJctiartfrrs in Kansas Oty. Mo. Ke is a s rtrf ?sof tfT, ni-, TTioal eenr.ir. SttBa Slturlock. r'tv uJ : TSA tn Uit-COiE Mia Apr.: dett secretary o: Lte natroaj T. W. C A. The profraTa for the week of a tirity starts Frkiay e-veniiig when a f enerii meeting wt3 be heid a; 7 30 ii E3en Sirith hall to ixj-i-gva.te the series of ferece and nveeticfs which will foi..w. Tee prc-fram which is cw cr.-m-pVete will he ajusounced in Wednes day's edition of the Daily Ne brafkas. R.O.T.C. RIFLE TEAM COMPETES IV MATCH Retults of Tournament To Be Announced in Several Weeks. The rifle team of the P- O. T. C ur.it completed the firing for the WiEians Randoiph Hearst national matches Fridav. The results will rsx anaouncea ior setnu Three teams of five men each were firing for NebrasKa. The three high scorers of the firing were Richard Nicholson. Howard Mixjon, and Freeman who were aL! members of the first team. This ccmpetition is op-en to all senior R. O. T. C units in the United States and its territories. A trophy is awarded to the first three places in the national match. At the present time the Navy has the first place cup. Nebraska won third place in the Middle West championship in the competition in 129. The unit was awarded a silver shield and the in dividual team members were given medals. The members of this team were Philip Bartholomew. Merrill Flood. Eton Fee. M. W. Powell, and Chauucey A. Hager. KIRSHMAN WRITES ARTICLE Beta Gamma Sigma Paper Publishes Feature by Professor. In the spring issue of the B-t Gamma Sigma Exchange. put:Ka i -t,--- . " " . . ,t inn of the National Business aj- ministration honorary organiza tion, is an article written by Dr. J. E. Kirshman. member of the Business Administration faculty. The title of his article is "The Financial Breakdown and Its Rem edy." In the article Dr. Kirshman deals with various problems con nected with the present economic crisis and makes suggestions for improvement of the situation in its international scope. Your Leather Jacket Your Gloves Your Tie or Hat When it needs ckar. ing. semi it to the Old Reliable MODERN CLEANERS SOUKUP 4. WESTOVER Call F2377 for Service "29th emr in Lined" K