WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER Theta Sigma Phi Sponsors Annual Banquet for Journalism Students Journalists Attend Political Banquet, Theta Sigma Phi, women's jour nalistic honorary sorority, will sponsor the annual banquet for all students Interested In journalism Thursday evening, Nov. 3. This event will be held at the Univer sity club and the time Is 6:15. The program will consist of a take-off on the coming election and In making of awards for the best news Items and feature stories submitted to the Daily Nebraskan during the past semester. Gayle Walker, head of the school of Hournalism. will make the awards to the students chosen as winners. Adrea Frohlich Weds Phi Gam. The marriage of Miss Adrea Frohlich, daughter of Mrs. E. Dickinson Markel of Pittsburg, Kas., and Leo Scherer of Lincoln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scherer of Dallas, S. D., was solemnized Oct 22 at the home of Rev. J. G. Colburn of Girard, Kas. Miss Rosalie Frohlich, the bride's .sister owoH na her attendant. Blue Howell of Pittsburg was the best man- Both Mr. and Mrs. Scherer o-ro,iiintts of the University of Mohmska. She is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority and he is af filiated with rni uamma ueu. Delta Gammas Return For M eek End Events. Guests at the Delta Gamma house during homecoming were Carolyn Echols, Louise Correa, Thelma Paulson, Lucille Conrad, Elizabeth Reimers, Louise Driskell, Shirley Brooks and Marie Jtsusen. Alpha Phi Alumns Arrange Dinner. Alpha Phi alumnae will enter tain at a 6:30 dinner, Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ed . Gardner honoring the freshmen of the sorority. Assistant hostesses A SHIVER YOUR TIMBERS And Get a Date DAN MURPHY AND HIS Musical Skippers Hotel Cornhusker FRIDAY, NOV. 4th Adm. $1.00 Per Couple, Plue Tax 8:30 to 11:30 Another MMt tk AM. Hit at the 31tlEi CALL THE COPS! It's a Riot of I tin anil l-aothttr Thrill! and thills! THE LID IS OFF! ! FRYTHING FROM SPOOKS TONUTSI Cirtcii 2 BEN tYON l ZASU PITTS . ttOM " ttlN FUlCfll RIALTO I Kmc Thru Wcdnetday I Barbara Stanwyck In the plcturlzation of Edna Ferbers novel American Womanhood, mm ADDED COMEDY ACT NEWS FULL TWO HOUR 6HOW IX COACH $S80 Special Caachej and Pullman Open at 10 00 p. m. Friday Eveiui-i November 4. VMS a L Immmm ssass sssassssi psssssssssssa sssasassssssi . Football TtT On Special M To Iowa Leart Mncota 12:U a. m. Arrive Iowa City t:W a: EE1 UKMNO Lrare lews CiU 11 :M a. m. Nov. t Arrive Lincoln t:M a. m. Net. I Train wlU be pirkcS riffct at Football Kladinm. PuUmans may be crnplrd arinj th day with dining car tarsi rcilabla fur all meal Cboic Paser Sla For Gmu Available T Patron at U TnUa Ml'CB CHEAPER AV SAFER THAN DETVTNa NO TEAH1C TROUBLES ynr Tcur TbktAa Early a CITT TICKET OFFICE ZI7 Stuart Bid. lit North, lltb St.. Uneoba. Neks Pbona Esj0t ROCK ISLAND LINES 2, 1932 i PTV III la will be Mesdames Harry Pecha, Parke Kcays, Helen Prouty, Rus sell Joynt, D. e. DePutron and Milton Blankenship and Miss Doro thy Holcomb. Red Perkins Plays At University Party. Red Perkins and his original Dixie Ramblers have been chosen to play for the third all university party to be neia in the coliseum Nov. 12. Sig En Alumns Give Stag Party. Lincoln alumni of Sigma Phi Epsilon held an informal tag party at the cnapter house at a p, m. Monday Oct. 31. Alumni and active chapter were guests of T. B Strain. Pledges Are Guests At Venison Dinner. Delta Sigma Lambda enter tained their pledges apj alumnae at a vension dinner Tuesday, Nov. 1. Forty guests were present Delta Chi auxiliary met with Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Clark Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. William Wright assisted. Gamma PhVs To Pete Officer. Dorothy Jennings, St. Louis, Mo., province director of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, will be the guest r f the local chapter over the week end. She will be entertained by the alumnae with a "luncheon at the chapter house Saturday, and by a tea Sunday afternoon. Marv Ball, of Long Pine, grad uate of the class of 1929 and mem ber of Mortar Board and Gamma Phi Beta, will be the guest of the LGamma Phi chapter house Wed nesday evening. She la returning from a trip to New York. Acacia auxiliary held at bridge dinner Tuesday evening at Tommy's Ark. Ten couples were present. The Mothers club of the Sigma Nu fraternity met for a luncheon at the chapter house Tuesday, Nov. 2. Fall initiation for Robert Reeder and Harold Whitmer, both or I re mont, was held at the Sigma Nu house Monday evening. Phi Mu alumnae met Tuesday at the home of Miss Opal Dillon. Miss npnnvieve Brehm was assistant hostess. sicrmn Thl Sima announces the niocrino- of I.lovd Jenkinson of Monroe. Neb. He is a freshman in Arts and Science college. fiREEK COUNCIL VOTES TO ELIMINATE FAVORS (Continued from Page 1). in nnttinn- this function over in fine manner." Norman Galleher, rnnnr n nresident. declared. "The tickets sell for fifty cents nnH a snlendid meal will be served an interesting program will be presented for those attending the luncheon. Further dfscussion was conduct ed concerning the new rushing rules previously adopted by the council by a split vote, the new rules passing by only a majority. Further amendments are being rnnsirfprpd in an effort to secure the co-operation of the entire body which is necessary to me uc-m-ful enforcement of the rules. A trial vote taken Tuesday eve ning to determine how the frater nities lined up with these new rules showed 20-11 in favor, eight rep resentatives being absent. I.I0RHEAD GIVES ADDRESS BEFORE DEMOCRAT CLUB (Continued From Page J. go 'unfettered, and, as in the past, in the interests of the people. "I have been a consistent supporter of the democratic party becaiw-c I thought it stood for the Interests The Nebraska Cornhuskers VI. The Iowa Havkeyes At Iowa City, la., Saturday, Not. 5th "D AD'S DA Y" Bargain Round Trip Far noil LINCOLN IN PULLMAN Be(ofe-r Chart tot Space Occupied. i of the rank and file of the people," he said. ' The congressman impressed on his audience that the older men in politics were worxing for the in terest of the young people. At least those older men, he said, that were not interested primarily in furthering their own interests. He made it a point that it was not possible for a man to enter public life and become wealthy while in office, if he were honest. "This country needs more men who are interested in the welfare of Uie na tion," Morehead stated. SAVING DIVIDEND ' MAY BE GIVEN TO BOOK PURCHASER (Continued from Page 1.) Cornhimker staff has been working to save the students money on the 1933 honk. Th nriee of the 1933 book, which Is already the lowest in the history of the Cornhusker, may even be lower if the co-operation of the students can be secured. The profit-sharing plan, which has been introduced this year, may make it possible for each purchas er to share in the profits if enough books are sold. First Tims Plan Used. The Cornhusker business man- Rcer. said. "The uniaue profit sharing plan offered this year by the 1933 year book is the first time that such a nlan has been offered to the students. It will prove or substantial savings to all chasers if they will co-operate with the staff of the Cornhusker, and nurchase their books during the present sale. "Tne lowest pnee onereu, may be reduced even more if 1,000 . . . m j o ir books are sold. The extended re duction will be taken care of by a refund at the end of the year when the books are delivered which will possibly bring the price to below 44. on the cash pavtaent plan. The same corresponding saving will also be effective on all sales plans Must Vote for Three Coeds, "This possibility will be realized only if enough books are sold. As the price of the book will be higher after the initial sale is closed, or ders must be placed now in order to receive full advantage or tne op portunities placed at the disposal of the students." Skade also pointed out that the votes for Cornhusker Coeds must be cast for different girls. Every ballot gives each person three choices. In other words, one voter cannot cast 10,000 votes for the same candidate. He must cast 5.000 for one girl, 3,000 for an other for another and 2,000 for his third choice. GREEKS APPROVE IDEA OF GIVING PARTIES JOINTLY (Continued From Page 1.) Delta Upsilon, thinks the. plan a step forward toward better social activities. Ann Bunting, president of Pi Beta Phi approves the idea. Sigma Nu approves also. Sigma Phi Sigma believes that combina tion parties would be a good idea, according to John Johnson, social chairman. Jane Von Seggern, social chair man of Kappa Kappa Gamma be lieves that the parties would be a success if Greek letter groups would combine. "I wish, tho, that the coliseum could be fixed up bet ter than it has been. If good perm anent decorations could be had. I think the party would be a grand success." According to Charlotte English, Sigma Kappa the idea is a good step toward reducing ex penditures and at the same time increasing Bocial functions. UPPERCLASS GROUP HEARS FIRST TALK Member YW Board Gives First of Series of Home Talks. At upperclass commission meet ing held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Ellen Smith hall. Mrs. Noma Kldd Green gave the first of a series of six talks on home re lationships. Mrs. Green is a mem ber of the Y. W. C. A. advisory board, and has also published an article on home relations. This commission group has been divided into two sections due to the larre number of members. Doris Sleeves is the head of one group and the newly elected president is Margaret Mcuonuugu. Elizabeth Earner is in cnarge m the other group, and tne new president is Helen Uhling. Mary Jean Claaper is secretary. All upperclass gins are invueu to attend these meetings, and for the next six weeks Mrs. Green will continue her series of talks. KANSAS CHANCELLOR TO ADDRESS COLLEGE University Head Will T alk On Importance of Persons. Consent has been received from Chancellor E. H. Undk-y f ,h University of Kansas to peak at the Teachers college convocation to be held Tuesday. Nov. 8 at 11 n'rinrir In th Temnle building. His subject will be "The Importance of p.rinm " Thla convocation is be- Inr held under the ausp.ces of the Teachers college and the univer sity as part of their participation in National Education Week, which is to be observed In all edu rational Inatitutlons. Chancellor Lindley will complete his day with a talk before the Faculty Men's Dinner club at the TTnlvrraltv club Tuesday night. xh Chancellor's sublett for that mHn will be "The New Frun tier." ' The seniors in Purdue celebrated the Initial touchdown of the season by throwing away tbelr derby hats. That night at the football dance, all seniors wore cords, which rved as tickets of admission. The first game was played with Kansas State. NEW V-8 FORD mZ u9 Don't "oTouVs4, ni "W - Kioion out co. 1110 P Always Opon Mt THE DAILY NEBRASKAN W.CT.U. PRIZES FOR CONTEST Temperance Union to Offer Fifty Dollars for Winning Essay. The Ada Mohn-Landls Prize Contest, which is conducted an nually by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, announces the following prizes for those manu scripts which shall be deemed de sirable for publication in Medal Contest Reciters: In the selections suitable for youths and adults the first prize is $50, second 5aa, ana the third $25. The general theme shall be "The effect of alcoholic liquor on human life." In the se lections suitable for children the first prize is $25 and the second is $20. Tho general theme shall be "The Value of Total Absti nence." Any person, without reference to age, is eligible to enter me xv&o Reserve Purchase Rights. The National W. C. T. U. will re serve the right to purchase any en try which is not awarded a prize, and the donors of the prizes re serve the right to withhold all awards if the judges do not re gard the manuscripts entered as desirable. And number of essays may be submitted by the entrant, but three copies of each must be sent, typewritten on one side of the page only and marked with the number of words. A committee of three judges from different sections of the country will be appointed and the decision will be announced in the Union Signal. The manuscripts will be judged on the construction, style, thought, dramatic interest, and the appeal to humanity for the abolition of unrighteousness. Manuscripts are to be sent to the W. C. T. U. headquarters in Chicago, the name of the writer being enclosed in a separate sealed envelope, before April 1, 1933. contest. ELECTION IS THEME JOURNALISM DINNER (Continued from Page 1). may become acquainted with the activities of the school of journa lism The curtain will rise on this po litical scene Thursday at 6:15. Tickets are seventy-five cents, and may be purchased in the office of the school of journalism at the east entrance of U hall. Members of Theta Sigma Phi, journalistic sor ority sponsoring the dinner, will be in the Nebraskan office to sell tickets Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Tickets must be secured by Thursday noon. Socialist Club Hears Candidate for Senate Members of the University cf Nebraska Socialist club were ad dressed Monday evening by Daniel Hill, socialist candidate ior con press. The meeting was held in the Temnle theater. The present depression, Mr. Hill said in his talk, was caused by concentration of capital and over production in all lines of business, industry and science. He was introduced by C. E, Gray, president of the student so cialist ClUD. Colorado university recently ap pointed nineteen new faculty mem bers. Puppet Show in Java, Battle Fields -v y- t t iwr Ut Ltona Lena variety w 1 nus vruusv Variety from watching Java nese produce plays with oufiaio- hide puppets, to visiting me war scarred areas of China where the recently Sino-Japanese hostilities took place lent flavor to the re- cent round tne woria trip oi rvc bekah M. Gibbons, associate pro fessor of the home economics de partment. Crossing Europe tnrougn rraTite and Switzerland and Italy, Miss Gibbons sailed from Naples to Af rica, disembarking there and visit ing Egypt. Then he went by way of Syria and Palestine to India and Burma. She made moe trips irora the latter places to Java, Bali, Singapore, the Malays, and Siam, and returned home by way of China and Japan. Kh.; stayed six months in India to vi.sit two sis ters while there, one of wnom is a missionary and the other a doc tor. Collects Art Object. Miss Gibbons broiiRht back in teresting pieces of art from the places she visited. In Java she found some carved woodrii masks and statutes. In India Mi. Gib bons picked up a rosewood ele phant, some nutive jewel! y ln.;ud ing a heavy silver toe ring (cost ing its weight in silver ruppees! silver pins lnlsid with kinisluher feathers, and coral earring. She also bought a Ninnlaii rug in India. The people of La.lof, In Thibet, make these rugs of felted goat's hair and then transport them on Yaks down the nioun- Survey Shows That Phi Beta Kappa Students Live Longer Than AtMetes Mortality tables compiled by a national insurance company reveal j.hat the life of the studious rni Beta Kappa is about two years longer than his more aclivc brother of the gridiorn while the ordinary undistinguiched student can hope for filtecn-bundreths of a yar mere than the athlete, ac cording to an article in the Wis consin Dally Cardinal. The tables, which are based on a study of the life of 38,269 gradu ates of eastern colleges, show sur prising facts as regards the long evity of the scholars and athletes. In the group of students surveyed 6.500 were honor students, 5,000 were athletes, and the rest aver cje rtuacnts. It was found that the average student may expect to live 46.YI years, while the athlete can expect to live but 45.58 years or a frac tion of a year less than he. It is particularly interesting to note SURVEY SHOWS INCREASE Associated Press Indicates More College Graduates Than in 1900. A survey made by the Associ ated Press indicates that there is a marked increase in the number of college graduates since 1900. Other observations included: "The chances of a boy or girl going to high school, which were only one in twenty-five in 1890, are now one in two. The chances of a boy or girl going to college, which were oulv one in thirty-three in 1900, are now one in six. Ten cents per day paid by every person voting in the United States would pay the entire bill for public education." PAST REGENT DIES AT Carl Julius Ernst a Member Of University Board For Six Years. Carl Julius Ernst, seventy-eight former Lincoln resident and re gent of the University of Nebras ka, died Tuesday at his home in Omaha. He has been an employe of the Burlington for fifty-six years and at the time of his re tirement last May, he was assist ant treasurer of the road. Connected with the land depart ment of the Burlington in Lincoln, Mr. Ernst was a member or tne board of education here six years and served an equal time as re trent of the Universitv of Nebras- O . . . . " M ka, at one time being president oi the board. Was Native of Prussia. Mr. Ernst came to this country with his parents, his father leav ing Silesia, Prussia, to escape the Prussian militaristic system. His parents first came to Nebraska City and his rise to prominence as an official of the Burlington reads like a tale of romantic fiction. At Nebraska Citv he went to work in the Guenzel store, owned by the father of Carl J. Guenzel, Lincoln Never having studied English, hp. learned the language from readme- the Nebraska City News, After working for a time in the store, he took a position in a book store. On Oct. 1, 1872, he began working for the Otoe County Na tional bank at Nebraska City. On Feb. 1, 1876, Mr. Ernst left the bank to enter the service of the Burlington, from which begin ning he worked to the top, attain ing the position of assistant treas urer when ne was pensionea. Helped Many Foreigners. Mr. Ernst helped many foreign ers who came over to this country, His acquaintances include not only his German countrymen out aus trtans. Hollanders. Swedes, Nor wprrians. Danes. Bohemians, and German Russians. Many of his for eign friends came to him for ad vice. This nloneer. attaining success under the burden of many handi caps and hardships, spent much of his life helping other people to adopt themselves to their new en vironments. Have your Cornhusker picture taken at Hauck's studio, 1216 St. Adv. i f mi' ( . tains to India where they are em broidered. The Ladocs raise goats, and use the animals hair to make the high boots and small caps that they wear. In China and Japan Miss Gib bons secured carved pieces of Jade, fashioned in the figure of a water buffalo, some images used in the tiny street theaters, a dan cer and a Budda on a Lotus blos som. Peking is the best plnce in the world to shop, according to Dr. Gibbons, especially in the thteve's market held in the temple courts. Finds Egypt Interesting. Egypt was Interesting because of Tut-Ank-Ahmet's tomb and the Valley of the Kings. Miss Gibbons found while visiting in the Orient that the Indian and Burman peo ples, although close neighbors, dif fer greatly in speech, religion, in dress and native customs. Java was unique for its puppet plays. The people of the densely popu lated island of Bali she found to be happy go lucky. After Bs'l came Singapore, the Malay states, and Siam. where Miss Gibbons visited the ruins of Angor. In China Miss Gibbons saw the devastated war zone around Nan king anJ Shanghai. She crossed to I'eklng on a Blue express train heavily guarded by Chinese ol dirra. Only two wks before her trip, tho guards themselves had held up the train, which they had been detailed to defend against bandits. that the honor student may look forward to 47.73 years of existence. Two Causes. In the opinion of the company this longevity may be attributed to two causes. In the first place, physical and mental fitness tend to accompany each other; and sec ondly, it is difficult for a man to excell In scholarship unless he is In good physical condition. The failure of athletes to come up to the average of even ordinary students may be attributed to the fact that figures for much of the study were gathered before phys ical examinations became neces sary for athletic competition. Moreover, with Increased control of athletics la the last few years and the present system of medical examinations in the universities, it is probable that there is a radical change in expectations of the ath lete and Phi Beta Kappa based on this survey. OMAHA TUESDAY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Th Dally ritfcrantan maintain! a dally column under Ihli nud containing all of ficial nonce oi organization meeting, or nnouncementa or general intereet to stu dents. Anyone may have such notices In serted by calling th Dally Nebrankan of fice before 7 p. m. ui day before the notice is to appear. I. S. A. All students interested in form ing a local chapter of the Inter national Scientific association will please report to Clifton Amsbury at his office SS 109b not later than Wednesday, Nov. 2. Luncheon. A luncheon for finance cantaina and executives Tuesday and Thurs day at noon in Ellen Smith hall. Social Dancing, The social dancing hour will be held in the Armory Friday eve ning from 7:30 to 8:30. Vocational Guidance Staff. Vocational Guidance staff of the A. W. S. board will meet Wednes day at 4 o'clock in the A. W. S. room at Ellen Smith hall. Inter-Church Staff. The Inter-church staff of the Y. W. C. A. will meet Wednesday afternoon at Ellen Smith hall, at 5 o'clock. Afl Upperclass Commission. Upperclass women at Asrrieul- tural college will discuss Dolitics at their next raeetlr-g, to be held Thursday at 12:20, in the home economics parlors. Ag Frosh Commission. Agricultural college freshman commission will hold its weeklv meeting Thursday. The subiect for discussion is etiquette. . Cornhusker tSaff. The cornhusker business staff will meet Wednesday at 5 o'clock Barb Council. There win be an important meeting of the Barb Council at S. S. 205 at 5 o'clock Wednesday, Freshman Council. ur. u. m. .Patterson, of the de partment of philosophy will lead Liic ireauuicu council meetin01 on Wednesday evening in the Y rooms in the Temple. His topic will be "Ethics of Cribbing." The meet ing will begin at 7 o'clock. Freshmen Engineers. The freshmen engineer's huddle Smith's Restaurant Plate Dinner. changed daily .... 459 to ST Special Sunday mm. Dinners Sy New Location 140 No. 14 St. Phone B7516 9 Keep in Shape Vassarettes Girdles $5 and $10 Corsettes $10 and $15 Bend, stretch or twist what way voii win - ? VASSARETTK FOU? DATION GARMENTS stay put. (iirdle am! corsettes are knitted of fine flesh color lisle and thread, lastex Swiss ribbed and full fashioned. TWO WAY STRETCH, LIGHT WEIGHT, BONELESS. A REVELATION IN" COMFORT. They can be washed in warm soap suds and laid flat to dry. BKAUTin L LY MOLDINYi. ABS. LUTELY SMOOTH no BeuniH or wrinkh s. DAINTY and SMART. One of the best invest ments in smartness on caii make, we believe. Second floor. Vassarette Undies keep smart t7t nonT PANTIES AND PANTIFS that snug and don't give one and lule mixture; 50?c Bilk. 1.93, MnxEsgtai THREE. will meet in the Alumni rooms in the Temple Wednesday evening at 7 o clock. Socialist Club. In view of the open forum of the three political clubs on the campus being set for Thursday evening, the meeting of the Socialist club scheduled for Wednesday evening will not be held according to Charles Gray, president of the or ganization. Journalism Banquet. Annual journalism banquet, to be held Thursday night, Nov. 3, at the University club at 0:15. Members of the school of journal ism and others interested in jour nalism are particularly invited. The public is welcome. Tickets are seventy-five cents and may be se cured in office of school of jour nalism, U hall. They must be pur chased by Thursday noon. MRS. ROY GREEN ADDRESSES VESPERS. Mrs. Roy Green of the Y. W. C. A. advisory board addressed the weekly vespers nt Agricultural college Tuesday. Wesley Players. Wesley Players will hold their monthly dinner meeting at the Wesley Foundation at o o ciock Wednesday. Formal pledging will take place following the dinner. All pledges please be present. Social Staff. Important social staff meeting cf Y. W. C. A., Wednesday at 5 o'clock at Ellen Smith hall. All members of the staff must be pres ent. Vesper Staff. Important vesper staff meeting at Ellen Smith hall on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 5 o'clock. you vf-e'te tot " on 1 in Corsetlt lines lines unbroken. Too! KNEE LENGTH the figure and keep it warm iota of bulkines. Weinberg uool and cotton mixture,; all 2.50, 3.7. rtond Fluiir I 1 II ?A NO. 1 alW s mW'eSaaagP i