The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 15, 1932, Page SIX, Image 6

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Varsity Men Drive Hard for Season's Tough Schedule
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Gridders Forcing Early Work With Double Practice
All Week; Single Drill Scheduled From
Now On, Bible Declares.
Facing one of the toughest football schedules in years.
Head Coach Iana X. Bible and Assistants Browne and Selmltc
have been driving sixty varsity pigskin candidates thru
double-barrelled sessions since the opening of school Monday.
Beginning today, there will be but a single drill each day.
With almost a full month before Nebraska meets Iowa
Clnta .n flni fi tk r T.inrnln HfialrerO - -
roaches can co about the task of.the first cut amon& varsity aspir
selecting the varsity somewhat
more deliberately this year. Coach
Bible announced Wednesday that
ants would come next Monday fol
lowing the initial public scrim
mage Saturday afternoon. The
& csuor
i ing tc
,-f. C
. ewvee
216 See. Mut. B2327
N. E. Corner 12th O Sta.
Croqulgnole. Spiral or Combination
All complete for $2.00
Shampoo and Marcel 50c
Shampoo and Finger Wave 50c
Phone lor Appointment
affair will probably get under way
at 3 p. m.
Select These Teams.
Three tentative lineups were se
lected Monday for dummy scrim
mage purposes, and the "A" team
continued intact for both the Tues
day and Wednesday workouts.
Lawrence Ely was at center. War
ren DcBua and Clair Bishop at
guards, O'Brien and Cuiwlu
Hulbert, tackles and Steve Hokuf
and John Roby at the wing posi
tions. In the backfield, Jack Mil
ler was calling signals, with Mas
terson, Boswell and Sauer at the
halfback and fullback positions.
In the drills thus far, Bible and
his aides have stressed calisthen
ics, punting and passing. Monday
and Tuesday, the candidates were
given a list of formations to study,
with signal drill occupying a large
part of Wednesday's practice.
Bauer Ineligible.
Major casualties in the Corn-
husker ranks this season are few,
ineligibility forcing out Henry
"Chief" Bauer, quarterback and
Forrest McPherson, a tackle. The
loss of Bauer will be particularly
severe, as his absence leaves the
team without a capable passer.
According to Coach Bible, the
chief weak spots are at guard and
at the signal calling post. The
Scarlet has but two lettermen re
turning at guard and there is no
experienced quarterback in suit.
Burt Durkee, two-letterman at
end from Rock Island. 111., and
Clare Campbell, reverse center
from Friend, were the onlv letter
winners unreported Wednesday.
Following is the square roster:
(.nil- O'Brlrn, tarklr, Omnha.
i.anrrnrr Kly, rrnlrr. Onuid Inland.
Slrvr Hokuf. end, Crrtr,
Chrl Mathia, qnartrrbar't, Trrnmarh.
Cntrgr Sam-r, bark, Lincoln.
Marrrn PrRna, tnard, nrllrvlllr, Kft.
lark Mlllrr, quartrrbark, Omaha,
(lair Bishop, ruard, l.lnrnla.
Krnnrth Wtillr, bark, Kimball.
I,rr foiiplf, end, Rtiaallr.
ilrn Juallrii, mard, Kimball,
John Rnby, end, Nrllun.
Roll In I'arMina, bark, l.lnroln,
Krrd Murray, bark. Omaha,
franklin Mrlrr, rrntrr, .Inroln.
lav KoMlrr, rnd, l.lnroln.
! Prnnry, hark. Tabor, la.
Ralph Kldrldir, bark, Norfolk,
Hilbrrt Ronwrll, hark, Rnvrnna.
Hrurr Kllbmintr, rnd, l.lnroln.
I'hlia . -nt-t mnv nf. l.lnroln.
Harry lfM, rrntrr, Kort Iavenwoiih,
Hnhrrf Ikaii, hark. Lincoln.
linn llulhrrt, rnd, l.lnroln.
M altar OrRrnwn. mard. l.lnroln.
Thrndorr Fahrnhrurh. hark, Crrtr.
Knrrr Wolrntl, rnd, (Irrrn River, Wi.
Mrrl Prrk, rnd, Trrumarh.
Mrrrla llrlntnl, guard, Annlry.
Krnnrlh l.unnry. rnd, York.
fllrnn Kkrwra, bark, Imperial.
John Miller, hark, l.lnroln,
I lair HINnn, hark, Morrill,
film .lonra, rrntrr, Omaha.
Nral Mrhrlnr, miard. Grand Inland.
Ill t'trrmr, tarklr, l.lnroln,
Cnrnln Hnlhrli, tarklr, l.lnroln.
Carl vie Slaah, hark. An. ley.
Ilrrnard Ma.trraon. bark, Lincoln.
Warrrn HroilM, tarklr, Hrotlabluff,
Trd Htowrll, guard, l.lnroln.
Frank Rnln, rnd, Kalrnury.
Waller I'flnm, Inrklr, Imperial.
I'lyaar Srhleutrr. tarklr, Krrmont.
Ralph Schmidt, bark, Jefferaon I Ity, Mo.
.lark Thiiman. bark, Rnmrn Row,
l,rl Hurnrtt, bark, (icntry. Mo.
Llnier llulika, auard, Virginia,
good weather. This semester, the
column will appear three times
weekly, perhaps oftener if the oc
casion demands.
Coach Dana X. Bible, head mo
gul of the Husker football forces
does not hesitate a bit in saying
that Nebraska will be in the field
with a good football team this
yfsr, Eaj-3 Biblo. "I feel confluVul.
that we are going to have a fine
team, but that still doesn't mean
that we will have a good record.
However, the team that beats us
will have to play excellent foot
ball." And ho made the assertion
very calmly, matter-of-factly.
Nebraska loses a good quarter
back and accurate passer with the
definite annt ui cement that Henry
"Chief Bauer will be ineligible this
season. Bauer plans to be in schoo
and will work out with "Red
Young's Nubbins crew. The former
Lincoln high Ftr h two yer of
competition ahead of him,
George Sauer is back for an
other season bigger than ever, and
what is a lot more important de-
bif Joe Miller i
Wash and Grease
A Complete Wash. Your Car Cleaned Inside and Out
A Corr.plete Grease With Quaker State Superfine Greases
1121 M
Mohmtk Tires
Clares that he is sure that his an
kle will stand up. Sauer has given
his ankle every conceivable kind
of test during the summer, and he
believes that he is set 'or another
big season. George weighed 1B7
pounds before practice started
last Saturday, but has lost four or
five since.
Bernie Masterson has filled out
and appears to be in fine shape
He scales 190 pounds. Masterson
served as a life guard at the Muny
pool this summer.
Dancing Tonight at Lincoln Premier Ball Room ,
M St. at 10th
Featuring GRANT MOORE and His 12 New
Orlean Black Devila
An unusually good colored union dance orchestra. Seldom is a
J.Br.ttryti of this character offered 1 in L neol. for only
65c per couple. Dancing every Tues.. Wed., Thurs.. Fri., Sat.
VTELL, it seems awfully good to
be back at school again And
writing this column once more.
Frankly, this semester holds more
interest for me in sports because
it is football season. Crisp fall
weather and a good football game !
That 13 certainly a great combina
tion in my mind, altho I'm not for
getting those rainy Saturdays
when Cornhusker fans prayed for
j i s "
rIo-iiieet your niiiest
ood. dress
are now featuring
QCfCtety ($cmd (cotkes
y. '
JSTeVER kave finer Quality cJothes teen offered by a
nationally known maker than this season's masterful crea
tions ky Society Brand. Never kas a name stood kigker in
tke minds of millions of men, for Quality and style and value,
tkan Society Brand. Tkat is wky we deem it a privilege to
ally tkis store with tke famous Society Brand Clotkes and
to feature tkis nationally famous quality line.
Prices tkis season are sensationally low and values are
aksolutely witkout precedent. Never kas it cost so little to
dress up to your kigkest ideals. Come in. Ask us to explain
tke Revolutionary Plan tkat kas made tkese sensational
values possible. Tke details will convince you.
$30 $35 $40
ffj t
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All The Way Home From The
EVERY young collegian ... be she a freshman, a senior, will
want to visit the Maison Lo renzo Beauty Salon before she
"Scrams" for various events. How do we know? We know
these young wise-heads, we know what they want and we're ready
to fill their needs! Our FREE MAKE-UP SERVICE will get a big
hand . . . and the beauty expert s at Gold's will tell you just what
rouge or powder you should use, how your coiffure should be
dressed and WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU ... Mr. Lorenzo
himself frequents the Maison Lorenzo to meet young collegiates!
Won't you drop in and meet M r. Lorenzo and give Majson Lor
enzo the pleasure of meeting you?
GOLD'S Maison Lorenzo Fourth Floor.
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Men's Store
South Annex