nan D AILY MEBRASKAN Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska VOL XXX NO. 58. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS.'. HE HARLAN EAS TAKES LEAD IE W COMEDY 'The Importance of Being Earnest' Will Open Next Monday. , PLAY IS SOCIAL SATIRE s v Betty Evans Plays Opposite Lead as Lover of John Fairfax. "The Importance of Being Ear- - nest," Oscar Wilde's clever com edy, is to be the third presentation of the University Players. A social satire, the action of the play is quite square and stylized. The en tire production Is to be in black, white and silver. The settings, costumes, and properties, are to conform to this unusual manner of presentation. Filled with funny lines and com edy that is as mirth-provoking to day as it was thirty-five years ago when it was first produced, "The Importance of Being Ear- nest.' is one of the best plays ever writtend by Oscar Wilde. Ques tioned as to the merits of his new est production on the night that the play was first presented, Oscar Wilde is reported to have said, "The first act is ingenuous, the second beautiful,. the third abomin ' ably clever I wrote it." Easton Plays Lead. Harlan Easton will play the part of John Worthington who lives in . the country and is always running up to town on the pretext of a friend in a scrape. Betty Evans plays opposite Mr. Easton as Miss . Fairfax who is in love with John, but thinks his name is Earnest. Ice land Bennett is Algernon Moncri eff, the close friend of John Wor thing who is always getting away from his family in the city to see a sick friend in the country, and many a spree do the two go on to gether. Charlotte Wells is Cecily Car dew, the ward of John Worthing and madly in love with his friend . Algernon Moncricff. Jane Lehnoff is dignified Lady Bracknell, mother of Gwendolyn and Algernon's aunt. Vera Waters is Miss Prism. Ceci ly's governess. Dr. Chausable, the rector, is played by Russell Lind- scog and Joe di Natalie and BW win Mortense act the parts of two , butlers. - Play Cut Down. j The play has been cut down and speeded up somewhat to eliminate any possibility of its dragging. The initial performance will be given I Monday night, Dec. 15 at 7:30 p, m. in the Temple theater. SIX GIVE TALKS AT METHODISTS' ANNUAL DINNER The Wesley foundation gave its annual Christmas dinner for Meth odist students, faculty members, and others connected with student life yesterday evening at the Grace church. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Sher man were the guests of honor. Each Methodist church in Lin coln sent a group of singers to the affair, each group presenting a special number during the evening. Berenice Hoffman, Margaret Wiener, Henry Rinker, Carolyn Cooper, Ida Dodd. and the Rev. W C. Fawell spoke as representatives ob various student activities. Dec orations were carried out in the Christmas motif. Miss Berenice Hoffman was toastmistress. Former A Cappella Choir Dreams Of Huge Cathedral for All Faiths Where Music Will Lead Worship BY FRANCES CUNNINGHAM. "Huge Cathedral for All Faiths IsMioal of Iiih eisity Stu dents" is the headline of a large feature article in the Omaha World-Herald for last Sunday. This interesting news comes from the Nebraska campus rijjht here in LineoL:. and the eut at the top of the story is a reproduction of the latest photo graph of the CJreat Cathedral choir, formerly the Lincoln a Capeila choir. f While it outlines the choir and its work, the real purpose of the feature is to announce its plan of building a great $5,000,000 cathe dral for all creeds. Volta Torrey, star writer for the World-Herald, describes the vision as: Church for All Creeds. "A cathedral for all creeds, a center for all religions, a beautiful worshipping place where music rather than the preaching of doc trine will predominate in the serv ices, is being planned by Ne braska's most extraordinary choir. "The cathedral is a dream as yet, but the dreamers are young and confident. Their Jeaders al ready are formulating plans. Talk About Plans. "There is talk of benefit football games an unusual way to raise funds for a church, but this is to be an unusual church." Torrey goes on to say that when plans are mature, the backers of the project expect such a favor able response that "at least$5,000. 000 will appear as If by magic." He gives full credit for the organ ization and training of the choir to ita founder and director, John M Rosborough, who was dean of the University School of Music until it was taken over by the school ot fine arts. Rosborouch now has no connection with the university, ai- j Feminine Lead i fry MISS BETTY EVANS Miss Evans will plays the part of Miss Gwendolyn Fairfax, who is madly in love with John Worth ing, whom she thinks is "Earnest" Worthing, in "The Importance of Being Earnest." I TO Interfraternity Group Votes Approval; To Entertain City Newsboys. PLAN CHRISTMAS PARTY By unanimous vote the Inter frn t Arnitir ovit it i 1 la ct rticht B TV i e frt the supervision of the student :, ; u posed Student council constitution now in the process of ratification Flans were also gotten under way for a Christmas party for the newsboys of Lincoln Tuesday eve ning, Dec. 16, at last night's meet ing The move of the Greek council in submitting to the authority of the Student council without a fight is the second step toward the planned revision of sudent govern ment with the Student council at the apex of authority. The first step was taken when the contro verted powers clause of the con stitution giving the Student coun cil supreme authority was adopted at the last meeting. The action of the Interfraternity council indi cates the approval of the student body to' the Student council's struggle for more complete stu dent government with a central ized authority. Part of Program. The Christmas party for Lin coln's newsboys is a part of the general program of the fraterni ties to provide parties for Lincoln's needy children preceding tne non- day s. In addition to tne coun cil's nartv. eighteen individual fraternities have already an nounced children's parties for next week. Arrangements for the party were placed in the hands of a spe cial committee appointed by Presi dent Grau. The members of the committee are Charles Pierce. Francis Obert, Otis Detrick, and Kenneth Uehling. Faulker Presents Plan. Edwin Faulkner, chairman of the Student council constitution committee, presented the proposed plan of centralized student gov ernment to the Greek group last night on recommendation by Prof. E. F. Schramm, faculty adviser to the group, that the council take ac tion either for or against the new constitution and instruct him as to his vote in the faculty committee n student affairs when the new constitution comes before that body for approval. The unanimous vote for submis (Continued on Page 2.) though his choristers are all stu dents in the state institution. Herald Stresses Spirit. The World-Herald stresses the spirit of the choir, which has nei ther dues nor salaries, and recog nizes no rules. The singers, it seems, are hardly ever absent from the five rehearsals held each week, altho no role is called. And when Mr. Rosborough returned from a summer vacation without a job, the choristers gave him a gold key to a modern office in the Stuart building. This office is luxuriously furnished with mahogany furni ture, a grand piano, and all the ar ticles conducive to a musician's pleasure. The article explains how the choir and its director have in spired students who had not yet found their stride in university life. It characterizes the work in'Ros borough's words as follows: Singing Benefits Students. " 'University students arc so phisticated,' the choir director points out. They don't want preaching and moralizing. So I don't go in for any of that. We simply work hard and sing, and it seems to do a lot of the people a lot of good." Speaking of the dreamers and (Continued on Page 4.) MANY BARB GIRLS OPPOSED TO PLAN F All Women Interviewed Who Have Lived in Dorms Dislike Idea. 'HERDED LIKE CATTLE' Coeds Who Attended Other Schools Are Against Building Program. A continuation of the survey of non-fraternity student opinion re vealed that many girls, also, were i opposed to the dormitory plan. A large variety of reasons were given by the girls as to why they would not like to live in dormitor ies. Many thought that it would tend to decrease their individual ity. All of the girls interviewed 'ho had lived in dormitories ' in other schools opposed the plan. Aartze Potts, Omaha, who is en rolled in the graduate college de clared, "I certainly didn't like dor mitory life." Miss Potts lived in a dormitory for three years. "They herd you around like a bunch of cattle," she continued, "and treat you like a bunch of half wits." Dislikes Them Heartily. Doris Fickel, Malvern, la., a senior in the school of journalism, who has, also, lived in dormitor- ies at girls schools for three Ve.ars-. stted,at !llk dr muories neariuy. mere is no homelike atmosphere there," she said, "things were a constant state of confusiton, there is lots of noise and it's impossible to get any studying done. There is nothing under the sun which can keep a large group of girls quiet. I don't care how many matrons and proc tors are employed." Miss Fickel has attended tne University of Ne braska for two years and is satis fied with present conditions. Dormitories, however, do not lack defenders. Esther Boyer, a senior in the college of agriculture, stated that she favored a policy of dormitory building. She has (Continued on Page 4.) FLING GIVES TALK TO Tells Group Philosophy And History Have Alliance. Dr. V. W. Fling addressed the annual Christmas banquet of the Sigma Pi Sigma, national honor ary psychological fraternity, at the University club Monday night on "Psychology and Philosophy and History." He said that philosophy and history are more closely allied than psychology and philosophy. He declared that all historical hap penings were unique although re lated. Psychology he adjudged as a science, which is based on recur ring similar happenings. Newly initiated members taken into the group Mon-iay afternoon were honored at the banquet. The initiated: Lyndall Brumback, Kath erine Carter, William Cotter, Dr. Arthur Jenness,- .Mrs. Margaret Jenness, Merna Post, Willard Spence, Ruth Hilton, Grace Stevens and Dr. W. H. Thompson. BAPTIST SECRETARY WILL VISIT CAMPUS Dr. A. K. Foster Scheduled To Arrive in Lincoln Friday Evening. Dr. Allvn K. Foster, of Boston j Mass.. ( raveling secretary of the Baptist student board of education will be in Lincoln from Dec. 12 to Dec. 16 for a series of talks and discussion croups. His here is made in the in terests of the Baptist foundation, headed by Miss Grace Spacht, Baptist student secretary, and is sponsored by the federation of church workers. This will be his third visit to the University of Ne braska campus. Dr. Foster has made a special study of the relation between sci ence and religion and will speak on a number of occasions on some phase of that subject. Friday evening at 8 o'clock there will be a reception' at the Baptist student house, 1440 Q street, for Doctor Foster. At 9:15 he vtll speak to the group. Saturday eve ning he will speak at the same place at 1:30 o'clock and will give opportunity tor his listeners to ask questions. Doctor Foster is to speak at a luncheon at the chamber of com merce Monday noon. The lunch eon is open to ail students and faculty members. Reservations must be made at the university Y. M. C. A. office before noon Sat urday. The cost will be fifty cents a plate. Tuesday, Doctor Foster will ad dress a oenvocation at the Agri cultural college, where, he will speak to the men taking the short course. He also will speak in a number of university classes dur ing his visit here. He will be available for inter views with students who are in terested in his subject during his visit. OR DORMITORIES MARA EISENACH TO SING EIGHT NUMBERS DEC. 16 'Mara Eisenach, soprano, will sing eight selections, five in Ger man and. three in English, at a re cital at the Temple theater Dec. 16 at 11 o'clock, it was announced today by the school of fine arts. Miss Eisenach is a student with Walter Wheatley, and will be ac companied by Miss Eva Robinson at the piano. Her program: in Ger man, Du Bist Die Run, Die Lotos blume, Der Wanderer, and Der Erl konig, all by Schubert, and Wid mung, by Schumann; in English. The Swan, by Grieg; The Violet, by Mozart, and The Lorelie, by Liszt. DR. POOL SPEAKS ON Botanist, in Talk at Vespers, Tells, of Origination of Traditions. Dr. R. J. Pool, professor of bot any in the university, in his talk at vespers last evening at Ellen bmun hall at 5 o'clock, related how many of our Christmas traditions origi nated and from whom the present customs were derived. Christmas decoration, according to Dr. Pool, involves the use of na ture as its keynote. Trees and plants - of some description have been used throughout history. Trees Essential to Romans. Trees were essential for decora tion at the Saturnalia celebration of the ancient Romans, or the pa gans. This ancient season was in honor of Saturn, and was a time of great jollity and feasting. Good was in the minds of all of tne peo ple at that time. Even the mas ters let the slaves enjoy the sea son. The oak tree was first used during the felebration. Later the Scotch pine came into usage. The Egyptians used the palm tree. Tne evergreen tree is the tree now used, but the origin of its be ginnings has been lost through legends and tales. Origination of "Yuletide." Another interesting feature, ac cording to Dr. Pool, is the use of the "Yule log." This log was gath ered and burned during the entire celebration. The length of the celebration depended on the time required for the log to burn. From this custom we get the present ex pression, Yuletide. In closing Dr. Pool stressed the point that the holiday time should be a time of prayer and worship as well as a time for celebration. A short program, led by Lyndall Brumback, preceded Dr. Pool's talk. Christmas carols were sung by the hoir. EXPLOI University of Washington Committee Investigates Royalty Profits. SEATTLE. Wash. "Do profes sors periodically exploit students by making unnecessary changes in text books merely to force the stu dents to buy new editions and in crease the professor's royalty prof its?" The charge that the v do has been made and is being investi gated by a committee of students. Although the investigation is not complete, the findings of the com mittee has geenrally been that all changes have been worthy. The following four questions are to be put to about twenty-five pro fessors who are being investigated on the charge of unnecessary changes in their books: (1) Do you have an opportunity to read a new book before ordering it? y'i) If not, are you generally disappointed after you have ordered the book and are using it in classes? (3) Why are books dropped? (4) Have you . any suggestions to remedy the situation? The University of Washington Daily in an editorial says, "The committee, by its action, is not at tempting to institute a system by which the same texts would be used year after year simpl to save students a few dollars in selling their second band books. The committee is merely questioning the reasons for these changes to ascertain whether or not they are sufficient to warrant the losses in curred to students in worthless second hand books. "The committee will find in its investigate that many so-called new editions have been ordered by faculty members without ever hav ing seen the revised works. Some of these revised editions contain little or no new material." Wednesday, Dec. 10. Alpha Phi tea at chapter bouse honoring Misa Jane McMonies. Nofltudent council meeting this week. Theta Sigma Phi meeting, U. hall 106, 5 p. m. Publication board. University hall 105, 4 p. m. Thursday, Dec. 11. Sigma Delta Chi, Sigma Phi Ed silon house, 6 p. m. Dramatic club meeting in Temple club room at 7:30 p. m. Question of going national will be discussed. League of Women Voters Christ mas meeting, Ellen Smith hall at 4 o'clock. Saturday, Dee. 13. Gamma Phi Beta house parly. ' Campus Calendar P BANQUET PLANS FOR THIS YEAR Boadstone, Greenberq and Coach Bible Will Leave Dec. 12. GO TO EAST-WEST GAME Society Plans Attempt to Change Nature of Annual Affair. The traditional Cornhusker oan quet will not be held this year owing to the fact that Coach D. X. Bible, Marion Broadstone, and El mer Greenberg will leave before Dec. 12 to participate in the East West game and will not. return to the campus before Christmas. Unless an unusually famous speaker is engaged, the dinner will not be held because it would take place so late in the winter, accord ing to William T. McCleery, presi dent of the Innocents society. Instead of the Cornhusker ban quet the society plans to have an affair of the same type shortly after the Christmas holidays. Mc Cleery stated that no announce ment'of this affair would be made until a later date. The banquet until recent years was held to give downtown busi ness men a chance to mingle with the Cornhusker gridsters and also was the occasion for the announce ment of the next season's captain. Last year, however, the team voted not to have a captain so that fea ture of the affair disappeared. For several years the various civic and community groups in Lincoln have been honoring the football squads with banquets and programs of different sorts until the Cornnusker banquet has ceased to fulfill its original purpose. Attendance dropped every year until last year the atfair was held in the Lincoln hotel instead of the coliseum and the attendance was limited to 350. Consequently, the Innocents society will attempt to change the function into an affair of a different nature without abolishing any more of Nebraska's few traditions. FELLMAN TO TALK ON Will To Stress Desirability World Forum at Noon Today. Student government will be the subject of a talk by David Fell man,, instructor of political science at the regular Wednesday meet ing of the World Forum at the Temple cafeteria at noon today. Last week the Forum heard Dr. C. H. Oldfather of the department of history speak on student gov ernment and its undesirable fea tures. Fellman will speak on stu dent government as a iesirable thing in the university. Fellman is the author of the plan of p r o p o rtional representation adopted in the Student council last spring and was active in student activities as an undergraduate. INNOCENTS Last year he was the gradual e , Gol'dnn Williams; rh aperones. Car-1 The contest is open to all undei college representative in the fetu- I oljjie ,Vnile an,i stanicy Mengler; graduate students enrolled in col- dent council. 'DAD' ELLIOTT HITS GREEK LETTER GROUP! Y. M. C. A. Worker Charges: Fraternities Wreck Personalities. Vigorous attacks on intercolle-' giate athletics and on Greek let-; ter societies featured the address ' given at Wesleyan university , Tuesday morning by "Dad" Elll- . ott, well known Y. M C. A. worker from Evanston, 111. j Sports have been so profession-1 alized and commercialized, said j Mr. Elliott, that personality of players is being smothered, and the situation is apt to grow worse. The sole desire to win games and the commercialization of athletics were pointed out as the worst features of the situation. Fraternities and sororities like wise tend to smother the individu ality of their members, the speaker charged. Most of the members are good, true men and women, be declared, but the ten dency is for the vicious minority to take the reins. Mr. Elliott arrived Monday and will be at Wesleyan until Thurs day. He was to speak at 4 p. m. to a group of women students, and to the men at 7 o'clock. VESPER CHOIR TO SING OVER RADIO AT 7:30 TONIGHT Christmas carols by the vespers choir will feature the, university Y. W. C. A. radio program to be broadcast from station KFOR to night at 7:30. Several special num bers by a trio and quartette have befn arranged. The "dime collection" project of the industrial staff also will be presented. The members of this staff have been providing support for a needy family and intend to give them a real Christmas. Eve lyn Adler is chairman of the In dustrial staff and Aleen Neeley is director of the vesper choir. Say He' Kariir.tM ? I; HARLAN EASTON Mr. Easton will play the part of Kate of the Awgwan, Nebras John Worthing who "lives in the ka's college comic which was abol country and is constantly having ' ished by action of the Student Pub to go to London because a very ; lications board last year, will be particular "friend" is always get- j decided this afternoon at a board ting into set apes in the comedy, I meeting called for 3 o'clock in Uni "The Importance ot Being Eain- versity hall. est ALL-UNIVERSITY FETE . i j Party Will Carry Out Xmas, Motif; q..,, Rqc Form Favors. GROUP BOOKS H. LYMAN Presentation of favors to chap - erones in a novel manner enter- tninintr to both the chaoerones and to those in attendance was prom- ised for the fourth all university party of th year, to be held Sat urday night "in the coliseum, by Allan Williams, in charge of ar rangements for the fete, yesterday. The party which will carry out a Christmas moiit in me uecoia tion will feature a realistic snow storm and favors in the form of snow balls. Decorations will con sist ot a series of double arches of slit crepe paper in a red and white scheme. Refreshment booths and a corner tor the chaperones will be decorated in accordance with the main holiday theme. The Barb council is making ar rangements for 100 Christmas trees to be used in the decorations for -the dance. Williams announced yesterday. The decorations he has promised will outstrip those of the military ball. Brilliant lighting effects and col ored streamers will be used to dec orate the interior of the coliseum. A special stage show which will be announced today is being planned for the party. Engage Lyman. Harold Lvman's twelve piece or chestra, which has been playing j engagements at the University of j Iowa, has been booked tor &auir day night. Chaperones for the dance will be Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Doane, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Reynolds, Dr. and Mrs. W. D.. Strong, and Prof, and Mrs. E N. Deppen. Mr. and Mrs Alcone and Captain and Mrs. Leh- i man are to be special guests. Striving: to make this their big gest party of the year the Barb council vesterday announced the appointment of a full corps of committees to take care of the ar rangements for the affair. The committees lor me party fk,.b!n,r rirnii K-iinuer anil ! stage show. Viola But t and Martin , le'es, universities, leacners coi I Kiingi r- punch, Magdeline Lebsock j leges and other schools of similar ! nnd Ruth .Jenkins: orchestra and ! rank above the high school in the I staee decorations, Esther Boyer; i i floor decorations, Delphin wasti, Erving Watson. Ralph Kiizer. lights, J. J. Peterson. ! Professor of Entomology Declares Most People Aren't 'Buggy' Enough, And Know Too Little About Insects By BOYD VON SEGGERN. I Voi. I.: ann't Muiirf-'v' I'lionifh!" . And Unit is t xjicllv m hat Prof. M.vron II. Swcuk. chairman of 1 tie entomology ih'pjirtuiriil. hm-hiiI ulii-n V was asked what he believed most people lliouuht ihmi insects. The economic iin.orlanee of insects is so great, the triito-molo-ist went on to say. that it is surprising to realize how ,innfernpi1 most persons areu about it. One of the greatest points people fail to remember, he hast ened to point out. is tnai some m' sects are iust as beneficial to man as others are detrimental. The dif ficulty seems to lie in distinguish ing between them. "You say insects are small ?" the professor brightened and it wa3 evident that he would delight in answerin? such a question. Declares Insects Strong. "On the contrary, they are great. In proportion to his size, man is a weakling, compared to an insect. And when it comes to num berswell, even the tiniest of them have an advantage. "The struggle between man and insects began long before the dawn of civilization. Up to now it has been an evenly matched contest. This btruggle will continue, no doubt, as long a.s the human race endures." Such canuid opinions come from a man who has spent long years in research. Professor Swenk has become an authority on many of the phases involved in the battle with the insect kingdom. At pre sent be is working largely on the control of the Hessian fly. codling moth, corn cutworm, and grass hoppers in Nebraska. Insects Rival Man. An interesting story of the rival ry ft insects and man, in a world TO FINAL DECISION ABOUT AWGWAN Sigma Delta Chi Petition Will Receive Final Consideration. GROUP PROPOSES PLAN Organization Would Sponsor First Issue of Humor Publication. Action of the board at today's i meeting is expected to be decsive and final. Sigma Delta Chi. pro fessional journalistic fraternity, petitioned seveial weeks ago for reinstatement of the humorous magazine, and today will present a definite plan of staff organization and editorial policy for approval or rejection. Favorable Action Expected. U n o f f I cihI statements from board members indicate mat tne ! Subscription rales, according to ! the plan submitted, will be set at i O mntB frw fit'o rmmhera In Ha j published this year, in February, ! March, April, May, and June. j News stand sales, on the campus and downtown, will set a price of 15 cents per copy. Blocks of 25 will sell to organized houses for $10.00, for the five issues this year. Sigma Delta Chi members, if the comic is reinstated, will supervise publication of the first number, to be released in February. An edi torial board and business staff would be selected by the journalis- I tic group for this preliminary work, from either within or with out its own membership. Follow ing release of this first number, the Publications board would se lect a permanent staff, basing its judgments on the accomplishments of various individuals who helped with the first issue of the maga zine. Staff personnel would include the following: Editor and two associate editors. Business manager and two as sistant business managers. Other member as named by the staff heads. One Editor a Year. The editor, under the proposal (Continued on Page 2.) $1,000 OFFERED TO STUDENTS IN ESSAY CONTEST LAWRENCE, Kas. Dean S. B. Braden of the school of religion at the University of Kansas has just received the announcement from the secretary of the Intercollegiate Prohibition association at wasn- ington, D. C, of a national essay contest with prizes amounting to more than $1,000. The general theme of the essay is ;o be "Alcoholic Drink in Mod ern Society." The purpose of the contest is to increase intelligent interest in the problem of alcoholic drink and to encourage students tn studv it for themselves. United States during the academic year 1930-31. The essays are to be of not more than 2,000 words in length. sunoosedlv dominated by humans, as told by Professor Swenk. could wind on into a novel or two. Much has recently been written about the havoc wrought by the corn borer, alfalfa weevil, Japanese beetle, fruit fly, oriental fruit worm, and others. These are now well known insects, yet few really understand much about them. They have established themlves in the country and are advancing Into new sections, despite the skill of modern science. ::Even scientists donot seem to be 'buggy' enough in those in stances," Swenk added, humorous ly. "Control of such pests consti tutes a great problem, for the solu tion ot wnicn a vast amount or concern and effort is necessary." Economically, there are two kinds of insects; those that are harmful to man, and those that art beneficial. Emphasis is often too j great on the former, to the ill re pute oi all insects. Judging from this entomologist stationed at the college of agriculture. Make Life Possible. "The word 'insect' usually pro duces a feeling of horror in the mind of the layman,' 'the profes sor remarked with a gesture. "Im mediately a picture of a mash of creeping larvae cr 'bugs' is flashed before him. There is an Impulsive desire to stamp out that filthy tContinued on Page 3 ) BOARD MAKE V