IOTJR THE DAILY NEBRASKA N WEDNESDAY. NOVEISIItEK 26. 1930. CORN HUSKERS SET FOR BATTLE WITH KANSAS A IE IN SUIT LAST TIME THURSDAY Biblemen Get Short Drill Tuesday; Coach Taking No Chances. LONG IS GAME CAPTAIN Wyoming Lad Honored: Ags Hopeful of First Win Over Nebraska. The Cornhuskers completed pre parations for the invasion of the Kansas Aggies with a short work out Tuesday afternoon. The varsity has rounded into good shape for the game Turkey day, and no chances will be taken of any last minute injuries in practice. Dummy practice occupied the most time during the workout. The Huskers were given a few exam ples of K-Aggie plays by the Nubbins in a dummy scrimmage. A short time was also spent on passing practice, with Long and Young doing the flipping. Long is Game Captain. Buster Long hase been chosen as game captain for the game Thursday. Although he is not a letterman, Coach Bible said that his work during the year war- Classified Want Ads Will Get It for You. l lxJ if I A I rLJ it ' If - 0 I Si-t- t .3&. Aft. ; K -"fit - ; .v ' J- I . I i l I - i jrr . ; :-i" : .... I i n v 4 tf :- TENNIS TOURNEY TO Tl Winners Are of Two to Play Crown. to an alley whole approximately twenty others were waiting, and beaten ten timeB after being in formed he had been tried and was found guilty of being a "stool pig eon." The matter Is being consid ered by President BIzmII of the university. Matches for VACATION BRINGS REST PHOTOGRAPHS THE HAUCK 8TUDIO, Wl O Street. B2991. Distinctive photographs. AFTER ALL it's a Townsend photograph that you want. LOST AND FOUND Courtesy of The Journal. Here are eleven Coruhuskers who will don their scarlet jerseys ard moleskins Thursday for the last time. For many of them, it will mark the end of three years of varsitv competion. besides a year of training as freshmen. The eleven pictured are (left to rightt top row: Ardeen Petersen, Hampton, tackle: Marion Broadstone, Norfolk, tackle; Wally Marrow. Omaha, quarterback; Clarence Nelson, York, full back; second row: Elmer Greenberg, Omaha, guard; Frank Prucka, Omaha, end; Claude Rowley, Clyde, Kas., halfback: Harold Frahm, Liberty, fullback: third row: Robert "Red" Young, Norfolk, halfback; Felber Maasdam, Omaha, center; and Andrew "Buster" Long, Buf falo, Wyo., halfback. LOST Fountain pen. J. G. Iowe en graved on barrel. Finder call F 2554. Reward. FOR SALE Two kooiS football Phone B 2083. ticket for sale. FOR RENT DO YOo nut to oh wt 10 fcimnkje your room Aanne ,&,-&uuii. iinw mum. avatiaote at 1630 Washington street. Pleasant large room for two cooking privileges only lt. Large, sunny south room lor two only $Ji. Small room for one. cheerful and pleasant, only SK. Breakfast privi leges. Everything modem. Garage. See them and savt money. Call F31.8. Mrs. tv. E. Moor. ranted the selection. Long seems to have overcome the scholastic dif ficulties that threatened to keep him on the sidelines in the last game of the year, and from all re ports will be able tb start the game. Young, also threatened with the same scholastic difficulty as Long, also will be ready for action this week. Aggies Hopeful. Kansas Aggies, fresh from their victory over Centre last Saturday are coming to Lincoln confident of winning their first game from the Hunkers in fourteen years of com petition. Reports from the camp of the K-Aggiees declare that they will display an aerial attack that must be stopped if Nebraska is to win this game. Reports have it that attendance at the game Thursday will not be over 10.000 at the most, and this number only if weather conditions are good. Officials for the game will be E. W. Cochrane. Kalamazoo, ref eree: F. E. Dennie, Brown, umpire; Ira Carruthers, Illinois, headlmes man; H. G. Hedges, Dartmouth, field judge. JAYHAI CASE MAY BE SETTLED FRIDAY Feeling That K. U. Must Stay in Confeernce Held At Mt. Oread. WILL DISCUSS CHARGES Faculty representatives and ath letic directors of the Big Six will meet in Kansas Friday in an at tempt to settle the case of Kansas university. Kansas was virtually suspended from the Big Six in the mid-season after Dr. W. A. Tarr, Missouri's representative, brought charges of recruiting, proselyting, and professionalism against the Lawrence institution. At that time it was stated that no Big Six member would sched ule athletic contests with Jayhawk teams unless the athletic officials on Mt. Oread again complied with conference rules. Kansas Denies Charges. Kansas denied that its practice violated any laws of the confer ence and has held a prolonged in vestigation of its own, which was conducted by Walter Thiele of Lawrence, an alumnus of K. U. Thiele and his associates in the in vestigation declared that the uni versity was not disobeying confer ence rules and asked for more de tailed information. The conference replied that Kansas well knew the things about which the conference complained. Meanwhile several of the mem ber schools have begun to draft their 1931 football schedules. It has been reported that these are seeking games to fill the dates or dinarily reserved for Kansas. Sen timent at Lawrence has become sharply divided, and in recent days the feeling has grown that Kan sas cannot and should not permit itself to be removed from the Big Six. A plea from Lawrence now ap parently has been answered. Chan cellor Lindley, of Kansas, who is also a member of the athletic board of his school, asked that the chancellors and presidents of all schools meet to consider the case. This session will be held in Kansas City Friday. The faculty men, of course, will be present, and the at tendance of the directors of athlet ics is also regarded as a certainty. Athletic minded women will have a brelf respite from intra, mural activities when Thanksgiv. ing vacation turns their thoughts to turkey, cranberries and pump kin pie instead of paddle tennis and bowling. This noon will see the finish of the paddle tennis tournament when the winner of the Delta Delta Del ta- Alhpa XI Delta match plays the winner of the Sigma Kappa-Alpha .i ucita game. The Delta Delta Delta team is composed of Margaret Cook and Barbara Spoerry. The Alpha Xi Delta team four is composed of Blossem McDade and partner. The Sigma Kappa team is somprised of Jcanette Cassadav and Sally Flotree. Gertrude Clarke and Katherlne Jensen make up the Al pha XI Delta team three. The bowling tournament began Monday night when sixteen teams bowled. The highest score of the evening was made by the Gamma Phi Beta team.' The high point girl was Herma Beckman with 145. Their teams and their scores for Monday evening follow: cm Omega t.1 32H. Kappa Alpha Theta 3 1.Y Kappa Kappa lismma (.11 2.(2. Helta Zeta iSl 3t2. Pht Betea Pi (ll ?10. Alpha Phi (Jl 2H2. Alpha lelta Theia (li 3(W. Alpha Helta Phi I2 32. Zeis Delta Tau 22. Delta Zeta t.1t 2(S. Alpha Chi Omega tl) 2.11. Delta Kela III 27(1. Zeta Tau Alpha 341. Phi Mu (31 324. The teams and their score for Tuesday evening are: Theta Phi Alpha 37. cm umega (21 3M. N ergettes 411. Alpha Omlro.n PI (2) SOS. Alpha Phi (1) 3Y Oamma Phi Beta 4t 312. Kappa Kappa Gamma did not appear. Kappa Phi. l 387. IS Nebraska Tackle Gets Berth On Mythical Eleven by United Press. Hugh Rhea of Arlington waa named Tuesday on the All-West- ern eleven selected by the United Press. Rhea Is a junior In school this year and has been called one of the greatest tackles to ever play for Nebraska. His name will go down in Cornhusker history alongside that of Weir, Stiner. No me, Kirnards and so on down the long list. With twelve places on the first earn, including an alternate Notre Dame players were awarded four of them, Northwestern three and Michigan. Purdue. Ohio State. Ne braska and Haskell one each. Reb Russell, Northwestern star and a former Nebraska athlete, was named as fullback on the same team. No other member of the Big Six received recognition on the first team although Jim Bauscluof Kan sas was on the Recond team and Steve Hokuf of Nebraska landed an end assignment on the third lineup. 1 u, PROFESSORS CHOOSE VIRTUE NEW PRESIDENT (Continued From Page 1.) declared. He said that there is no chance of a war between France and Italy as long as France main tains a superior navy, due to the great extent of Italy's coast line. He aliso said that there was no doubt but what Germany pre cipiated the World war, even though the Germans are trying to disprove the fact to escape payment. RENT A CAR! Fords. Reos. Durante and Austin. Your Business Is Appreciated MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1120 P St. Alwayt Open. B-6819. OKLAHOMA FROSH SEVERELY REATEN RY MASKED RAND NORMAN. Okl. Sam Kaplan, University of Oklahoma freshman, was severely beaten last Wednes day night by a crowd of men who he believed to be members of a university secret society. Kaplan said he was taken from his room by five or six robed men Delicious! Our Candied Pop-Corn with the . cutter-scotch Flavor OPEN SUNDAY CRISPETTES MADE FRESH DAILY Peanuts Roasted Freah Daily Lincoln Crispette Co S36 No. 13th f .7,7 1930 CHRISTMAS CARDS Are Now on Display Best Selections Early LATSCH BROTHERS STATIONERS 1118 0 St. F you were lost in this jam you would find a way out--- I7HAT would you do if you lost some of your possessions such as; Fountain Pens Note Books Text Books Pledge Pin Pocket Book Jewelry Frat Pin o - You would make an effort to find them and the best way to go about it is to use NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY NEBRASKAN Classified Want Ads arc Effective! They Reach All the Students All the Time 1 Oc A LINE (Minimum of Two Lines) Who can tell when you'll find what you have lost? We can tell you the best way. The Daily Nebraskan Lost and Found Department