; 1 FOUR THE DAILY NKHRASKAN Tt KSDAY. MtVMMHEH 1. I'O i l HUSKERS PREPARE FOR K. U. BATTLE Short Limbering Up Drill Given Scarlet and Cream Warriors Monday Evening Squad Will Be in Good Condition for Important Till. AS HUSKERS STOPPED PUT n it Si V, l 'I i! !'l V, ! i lUDLEMEN LIKELY TO TAKE TO A IK SATURDAY) Nebraska Chances in Present Itace Hang on Outcome Of Contest; Missouri and Iowa State. Meet i In Other Conference Clash. I The Comhuskers begau preparations Monday niiflit tW j their most important game in the His? Six with Kmisas Sal-j u relay. Setting up exercises and a passing and running drill j comprised most of the short practice session. ; The Huskers came out of the Pittsburgh fray with no in- i juries, although the majority ot Regardless of the Dealing inaiy the Jayhawkers too irom me University of Pennsylvania last Saturday, there is no doubt in the Nebraska camp but that the game this week will be a hard one. Will Determine Chances. With Kansas and Oklahoma leading the race, the game Sat urday will determine whether or not Nebraska will remain a con tender for the title. Reports of the Penn-Kansas game showed that the former eleven found it necessary to take to th air in scoring their points. Undoubtedly Coach D. X. Bible will instruct his men to do the name, and a passing offense will be worked on all of this week. The running game, which fell down so badly the second half of the Pitt game, will not be neglected, how ever. This phase of the game also will be stressed before the Corn hluskers leav here the end of the week Missouri Meeting Iowa. The only other conference game booked for Saturday will find Mis souri playing Iowa State at Co lumbi. This game will be only of secondary importance since both teams are out of the running for the title. Kansas Aggies will go to Mor gantown, W. Va., where they will meet West Virginia university In the only intersectional game of the week for a Big Six team. Okla homa takes a rest for a week be fore meeting with Kansas on Nov. 15. 10 FIRS! CAGE CALL Two Veterans Report as Charley Black Starts Basket Practice. Charley Black, Husker basket ball coach, held the first practice of the season Monday afternoon when sixteen men with varsity hopes were on hand to absorb the first bit of grooming offered in preparation for the heavy schedule co iome. The first hoop contest will find Black's men contending with the University of South Dakota at Vermillion on Dec. 13. On the weekend following, Pittsburgh will bring a team to Lincoln and dur ing vacation the Comhuskers will hustle out to Seatf.e, Wash., tor a three game series with the Uni versity of Washington. Fisher, Davey In Suit. Morris Fisher and Seldo.i Davey were In suit last evening throwing .- the ball about as if they would start shooting from where they left off last March. Steve Hokuf and Don McClay are the other two available letter men. Maclay was highest individual scorer in the Big Six last year and consistently .controlled the tip at center. Hokuf Yeplaced veteran letter men at guard though it was onl yhis soph omore year. Other men out yesterday in eluded Fi Stipsky, Leonard Conk lin, Bernard Houchins, Art Mauch, Byron Hirst, Bill Smith, Leonard Smith, Bob Morley, Witt, Lackey, Zinneker, Kip, Gittens and Levin son. The conference standings last year: 1 i' 3 4 A S 10 pet. .800 .7U0 .600 .jf 10 .tOO .000 Miisourl . . Kansas . .Nebraska . low a St it . .8 . .7 ....5 t. ansa state Oklahoma 0 Schedule IBZU-xi. Dc. 13 University of South Dakota at Vermilion. Dec. 19 University of Pittsburgh at Lin coln. Dec. 27-20-30 University of Washlng ton at Seattle. Jan. 3 Brlgham Young University at Lincoln. Jan. 10 University of Missouri at Lin coln. Jan. IT University ot Oklahoma at Nor rnan. Jan. 18 University of Kansas al Law. rence. . . Jan. 24 D.nkc university at Lincoln. Jin. 31 Iowa Stale college at Lincoln. Feb. 2 Butler university at Lincoln. Keb. 7 University of IMssourl at Colum oia F.b. t Kansu State at Manhattan. cb. 14 University of Kansas at Lin coln. K?b. IS Iowa State college at Ames. Ten. 24 -Kansas State at Lincoln. Feb. 28 University of Oklahoma at Lin coln. genres Last Year. Nebraska JT 8t. Louts U -i 2" Butler V 58 46... West Va. U 1? X Pittsburgh U 34 41... Kansas Aggies o9 30. .. .Montana SI it South Dakota State 2. 21 Missouri ...27 ..Oklahoma m ..Iowa state 22 ..Iowa U 2 ..Kansas Aggies ...41 ..Oklahoma 37 . .Kansas 27 . .St. Louis U 43 ..Missouri 31 . . Iowa State 50 ..Kansas 38 32. M. 42. 47. 20. la. 34. .12. 30. Oberlin college students of zo ology were treated recently to the rare sight of fresh water jellyfish, discovered by Dr. R. A. Budington, head of the department, in the Vermillion river, west of here. Dr. Budington told his classes this was the sixth time in zoological history that jellyfish, regularly found in -salt water, had been found inland. CLASSIFIED WANT ADS. MAXUSCRJPT8 typd 5o thousand , , words. Res' arch and club papers) - specialty. Edith Montgomery. 1615 T Bt. B 440. Lot ma do M Donald. your typing for you. B 184S. 6 HOPEFULS ANSWER Tf!T KtTCK STL'IO. 121B O Street. B291. Distinctive photographs. .TTXFR AM, if Twns' H-1 the line, men are stiff and son Bcnchwanner Mow for Kansas! With the nhow ing of the Husker forward wall the defense problem seems to be fairly well taken care of. Any line that could hold Pittsburgh within the shadow of the goal posts is not to be sneezed at. But the thing that wins all of these ball games is touchdowns. No team can just hold their op ponent scoreless, fail to make any points itself and then win the old ball game. The line opened fairly good holes for Red Young the first part of the game but for approximately three quarters there was not even a trace of a hole in the Pitt for ward wall. Neither Young nor Buster Long, with their 160 pounds can crash through a line when there is not a hole. Get either one of these men out in the open and they will make yards. There can be little doubt that Pitt is a better team than Kan sas. The Panthers have been con sistently better than Pennsylvania, the team that trimmed Kansas so decisively last Saturday, and there is little reason to doubt that Jock Sutherland's team if this year is an exception. And if Nebraska can hold Pitt to a scorless tie there is no reason on God's green earth why the Huskers; cannot come home on the long etid of the score this week end. All the team needs is a little de termination and spirit and the will to win. If they have this and the men in the backfield run a little determined interference it is go ing to be a long afternoon for the Jayhawk down at Mount Oread. Dasketball practice is under way once again. Coach Charley Black called his men together Monday for the first workout of the season. Maclay, Fisher, Hokuf and others from last year's squad will be back in the fold this year to give Nebraska a fe'uong bid for the Big Six championship. Champion ships in basketball are nearly un known around the Nebraska cam pus and fans will welcome a team which is in the money. It looked for awhile last year as though the Husker team might be one of the big guns of the con ference but even the best of plans will go astray. If Reb Russell had stayed at Neb raska, if only he had. Reb was one of the big guns last Saturdey in Northwestern's victory over Minnesota. According to Frederick Ware. "Nebraska's offense crumpled early Saturday afternoon for the lack of a heavy, capable back field performer." And there can be little doubt that Russell would have filled this role admirably. He has been one o. the powers in the Northwestern backfield since he became eligible this year. Russells name can naw be placed alongside of Glasgow, the Iowa All-American who left Neb raska to go to Iowa. Mebraska has won twenty-tive out of thirty-six games played with Kansas, two ot the games re sulting in tie scores and Kansas coming out ahead In nine of the battles. During this time the Huskers have scored 542 points to 223 for Kansas. The teams have played since 18D2 with the exception of 1904-5 when there was no games. VTith the season rapidly drawing to a close, Oklahoma still stands at the top of the conference heap. The Sooueis have Kansas and Missouri to play before they have, completed their conference scedule. Victories over these teams will assure Lindsey's team of the coveted banner. With Kansas and Nebraska meeting this week end, the stand ings may be due for a wallop. If the Huskers win from Kansas it will tie the two teams up in sec ond place. Then it will be up to Kansas to knock off Oklahoma and the race will end in a three corn ered tie. That is, it will end that way if Nebraska wins the rest of the games. ' With Missouri showing nuex-; pected strength in its last two game3 and the Kansas Aggies and Iowa State hanging around there may be some upsets yet. Missouri, however, is the only one who will have a chance to lick either the Kansans or Oklahoma as the Cy clones and Aggies have already dipped their colors in defeat to I these two teams. 1 RELIABLE SERVICE ON ALL BATTERIES (New Home Northwest Corner 17th and N) PROMPT DELIVERY ON CENTALS WESTERN STORAGE BATTERY CO. B-3391 Willard LINCOLN, J.z- Lk A , "y ' 'i II II I IT "' 11 ll.re is one i.r the Mining act inn lilies, of which there were dozens. In the Husker-l'anthcr gridiron which the PHr.theti. failed to cio.ss. despite the ?act that they had the ball twice within the Nebraska fivs yielded not a tingle point. Take Advantage of Breaks!; To Down Iowa State By 19-13 Count. K. U. SUFFERS BEATING K-Aggies Have Hard Time Defeating Improving Bengal Machine. BIG SIX STANDINGS. p w I t pet. Oklahoma .... 3 3 0 0 1.000 Kansas 2 2 0 0 1.000 Nebraska 2 1 1 0 .500 Kansas State ..3 1 2 0 .333 Iowa State .... 3 0 3 0 .000 Missouri 1 0 1 0 .000 Games This Week. Nebraska vs. Kansas at Law rence. Iowa State vs. Missouri at Co lumbia. Kansas State vs. West Virginia at Morgantown, W. Va. By GUY CRAIG. While the Kansas Jayhawks were being trounced by Pennsyl vania, a desperate goal line de fense enabled Nebraska to hold one of the east's finest teams to a scoreless tie to feature the week's play in the Big Six. Oklahoma's ability to capitalize on the creaks gave the Sooners a victory over Iowa Sf.ate and the chance to maintain itself at the top of the conference standings. Missouri gave the Kansas Aggies a real battle before finally bowing their heads in defeat, lending strength to the argument that the green Tiger team is improving each week. Kansas Fails. Kansas, with the much adver tised and discussed James Bausch in the lineup, was not able to do much against Pennsylvania al though the Jayhawks accounted for the first touchdown of the game. This was the first defeat the men from Mount Oread have suffered, losing the tilt, by the score of 21 to 6. The Kansans re turned home the early part of the week to beftin workouts for the game with Nebraska at Lawrence this week end. The Missouri Tigers scored on a long pass, then added another touchdown when the Aggies fum bled near their own goal line, to hold a 13 to 7 lead at half time. The Aggies came back strong to add six points in the third quarter and seven more in the final period to win the game, It is not alto gether improbable, judging by the improvement the Bengals have made during the past lew weeks, that Nebraska will have all it can handle when Missouri comes here for the homecoming game on Nov. 13. And the Timers are also liable to heave a wrench in the works when they play Kansas the last of the month. Sooner Triumph. Oklahoma continued its cam paign for the Big Six title by com ing from behind to lick Iowa Slate 19 to 13. The Cyclones scored Doth of their touchdowns in the second period when Kichard Crete flipped two forward passes to team mates waiting across the goal line. The Sooner pulled the game out of the fire in the final period, scoring two touchdowns in a desperate papsing attack. Oklahoma wiP rest this week end in preparation for the game with Kansas the follow ing week. Nebraska, by viitue of a line which refused to budge an inch when forced V-nck to it own goal line, was able to hold the Pitt YOUR DRUG STORE For tasty toasted sindwiches and f snappy noon lunches. 4 Whitman Candies ! THE OWL PHARMACY , 1 148 No. 14th A. p St. pnone biuoo t Batteries NEBR. 1646 N SOQNFRS CLING 10 TOP OF BIS SIX TITLE RACE ! Intramurals. Water Polo. t i 4 f Water polo schedules for the week, first game at b o'clock I und the remaining two at twenty minute intervals: Thursday: Phi Sigma Kappa vs Sigma Chi, Delta Upsilon vsf Delta Phi Gamma. Tau Kappa Epsilon vs. Theta Chi. Monday, Nov. 10: Alpha Gamma I Rho vs. Lambda Chi Alpha. Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon. It is necessary that men competing have a physical exainina t lion before participating in any game. 1 Soecvr. Pairings for championship t Wednesday: Pi Kappa Aipna I on Field 1. Thursday: Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Winner of League I. 3 o'clock ! on Field I. Winners of these games will play for championship on Monday, f Nov. 10, 5 o'clock. Field I. J The following soccer games remain to be played and must be played as indicated. Tuesday: Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Sigma Kappa, 5 o'clock, I Field 3. Tuesday: Kappa Sigma vs. Beta Theta Pi, 5 o'clock, Field 2. T The following game is to decide the championship of League i III and must be played: Tuesday: Sigma Alpha Epsilon I Field 1. A n nout, cent ents. All university basketball free throw tournament starts this afternoon from 4 to 6. All men but varsity basketball men eligible. Gold, silver and bronze medals given. Report to intramural man ager on stage. ' All men wishing to participate in all university swimming meet must start training by Nov. 4. Four weeks training required t of entries. All men who have not lettered in swimming are eli- gible. Silver and bronze medals given. An all university wrestling meet will start Dec. 2. bronze medals awarded to winners J Last of all university two mile races will be held this afternoon I at 5 o'clock in the stadium. Illustrated lecture with moving pictures will be given to fresh t men and varsity swimming squad at 5 o'clock this afternoon In "N" club room. First call for varnity swimming candidates. Meet in the Y. M. C. A. pool at 4:15 o'clock, Monday Nov. 10. Panthers to a scoreless tie. Twice during the game the Pitt team was within the 5-yard line but each tirrte the Husker forward wall stiffened to repel the attack. Backs Unable to Gain. The Nebraska backfield was un able to pierce the Panther line for any gains after thu early part of the game and the Jilt settled into a battle with Nebraska on the de fensive the greater part of the last two periods. Lack of a consistent running attack seemed to bother the Huskers a great deal and the passing game was not as success ful as it should have been. With Kansas looming before them the Nebraska team has a full week ahead of it. An injury to Koster's arm may keep him on the sidelines part of the week but outside of this minor hurt the Ne braska team came through the game in good shape and Bible will have the full squa'd at his com mand for the invasion of Mount Oread. The Massachusetts World war memorial commission will erect an imposing granite shaft on the sum mit of Greylock mountain, the highest point in the state. An elec tric light, on the top will be visible ffom five states. Orange, N. J., and East Orange, N. J.. have different laws about Sunday movies. A theater owner whose building is located on the dividing line between the two cities ropes off the East Orange side of the auditorium, and thereby obeys the law in that city, while he puts j on his Sunday movies In the I Orange side of the theater. Rudge &. Guenzel Co's. "On to Lawrence" ... Contest Standing ori'YiiteniilieH-MiKl .Sitril i-s . ' Siitui'iliiy, November 1. j; Xverage No. of Votes Per Member FRATERNITIES 1. Lambda Chi Alpha 10469 2. Sigma Chi 4503 3. Phi Kappa Psi ... 3174 4. Phi Sigma Kappa . 2759 5. Alpha Theta Chi . 2634 6. Sigma Phi Epsilon 1833 ONLY TWO MORE SELLING DAYS! WHO GOES TO LAWRENCE? QudgeGuenzel Co. round: vs. Sigma rni cpsuon, o o ciock vs. Delta Sigma Phi. 3 o'clock. Silver and in each class. BAUSCH KEEPS LEAD IN BIG SIX SCORING Long and Frahm Still Cling To Second Position in Conference Race. Although Big Jim Bausch failed to score a single point over the week end, the Jayhawk star re tained his place at the lead of the Big Six scorers. Buster Long and Harold Frahm of Nebraska, who also went scoreless, are still tied for second place with 19 points t Bausch's 36. Men who have scored ten or more points during the season m all games, conference and non- conference, are: Bausch. Kansas 5 Long. Nehrajka 3 Frahm. Nebraska .... 2 Schaake. Kansas 3 Mills. Oklahoma 2 Swart z. Kansas State. 3 Mttca. Oklahoma ... 3 Young. Nebraska 2 Warren, Oklahoma ... 2 Slmms, Oklahoma ... 2 Smith. Kana 2 Cherry, Oklahoma .... 2 Ashurv. Missouri 2 Tegland. lowi Stale... 2 Paul, Nebraska 2 TYPEWRITERS Jee u for the Koyal portable type writer, t lie itleul machine ior thf Ptudmt. All iiiukrn of murhines fur rout . All rnukea of used ma chine e,tsy payment. Nebraska Typewriter Co. Call B-2157 1232 O St. Average No. of Votes Per Member SORORITIES 1. Sigma Kappa 6350 2. Delta Delta Delta . 6096 3. Delta Zeta 6085 4. Pi Beta Phi 4580 5. Delta Gamma 4485 6. Kappa Alpha Theta 3935 U TOfV - 1 Courcftty ol thr Jitunus.1. clash Saturday. In the forground can be seen the goal line , yard marker. Kight tries with in three or four yaids of the goal l ENGI FINAL SOCCER TILT Annex Championship by 4-1 Victory Over Ags; Get Medals. The engineers featured the week in the intramural sport program when they won the final game of the soccer tournament from the aggies. 4-1. Mason of the engi neers chalked up three goals to lead the scoring. The fourteen men who will re ceive the official intramural medals are: Mason, Noonan, Steele, Roberts, Mathews, Risser, Kent, Morley, Robertson. Wick wire, Mead, Stipsky, Ehterton and Reed. The next inter-college sport on the program will be basketball which starts the first week in De cember. The athletic managers of the various colleges are: Dillon, agriculture; Baumann, business ad ministration; Faimon, pharmacy; 45c Per Ream N0TK HOOK P-APKIi UST what you have been look ing for. No . more worry about losing your key, pencils, pens or coin purses. The new ZIPPER POCKET is here. Fits snuggly on the rings of your note book. You can be confi dent of always having your valua bles safely with you and not in some unguessed hiding place about the campus. . Co-op Book The Super Frock These dressy little black crepes, with capes and mere hints of sleeves, so delightfully de- t! signed mat you will wear th em not per only to sup Fall but to parties. (which is just a bit more formal than y o u r other frocks) and there is a place for one in every college girl's wardrobe! $19.75 Magee's Co Ed Campus Shop. 1 123 R Street" 4 iaJsi j Snygg, teachers: Gaston, dental; Etherton, engineering; Rouliei, j law; and Mead, arts and sciences. Assignments Announced. Assignments for the basketball free throw tournament which starts tonight at 7:30 in the coli i seum, have been announced by I Rudy Vocgeler, director of intra I mural athletics. Ps-ki-l I Phi Sit-'nin Kappa, Alpha Ic.imma Rlio. Phi Knppa Pi anil Tu I Kappa Kpsllon. ! Baikfl 2-Pelta Tail lHtn, Delta fp- lion, Thfta Xi and Df Hit I hi. Bakel 3 PI Kappa Alpha. Phi Kappa and Ui-lia Sluma Phi. BaskM Sittms Phi iiKmB. tiiimin Al pha Mil. Zeta Beta Tau and SiK"i:i Alpha Kp4ilon. Hakel .Y-Sigma I'hl Kpsilnn. Kami Hounr. Sicma 'hi and PI Kappa Phi. Basket ti-Delta hicma I-amhda. This Chi. Alpha Th'la l'hl and Alpha Tau Omega. Basket 7 Kappa Sigma. Sinn. a Nu. Beta Thfta PI and Phi Delta Them. Basket 8 -Alpha Sigma Phi. l.-im'.'.lu On Alpha and Delta Phi (iamnia. LEA.RN TO DANcI Can teach you to lead m one lesson. Guarantee to teach you in im ! wate lessons. Classes every Mond.iy and Wednesday. Private lesi..i'"s morning, afternoon and even'na. Ball Room and Tap. . , MRS. LUELLA WILLIAMS Private Studio: phone B4258 l22GDSTRE.br Store COME and See These if I iff I III L