The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 22, 1930, Image 1

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    he Daily Nebraskan
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
Noted Irish Economist and
Poet Says Cities Take
Country's People.
Philosopher Declares That
Urban Life Causes
Gcorg rtiiMfolI. noted Irish eco
nomist, 1'i't, and philosopher ad
dressed an all-university convoca
tion Tuesday morning tn the
StiiHt t theater. He was introduced
by Chancellor K. A. Burnett. The
speech wan broadcasted over the
western network of the National
Broadcasting company.
Mr. Kns'ell tiHik a hi. topic.
"The Philosophy of Kural and
Community Life."
"K Is not the custom in your
country to regard poets as eco
nomic authorities." said Mr. Bus
Rell, "but during: the Inst twenty
five years, I have been th adviser
of the Irish farmers, started hanks,
published and edited agricultural
newspapers, and written books,
that have been read in piactlcally
every country of the world. I am
not saying: this to glorify myself,
but only that you can understand
that I have some background for
what I will say today."
Pioneer In Co-operation.
The Irish Agricultural Organiz
ation society with which Mr. Rus
sell has worked is first the English
speaking organization to under
take the task of building up rural
Mr. Russell stressed the impor
tance of focusing creative imagin
ation on the problem of rural so
ciety. He compared modern
mothnHa of transnortation with
these of the medieval times, when
people born in a rural community
were unable to migrate to the ur
ban centers.
Forsees Condition.
In view of the progress of the
United States Mr. Russell believes
that this condition of rural exodus,
is more likely to affect this coun
try, than it is the countries of
Europe. "Your cities are teeming
with vitality, and energy drawn
from the country aides of all na
tions," said Mr. Russell but when
the country deteriorates to such
aa extent that it can no longer
supply the city, the city will also
Mr. Russell called attention to
the statement of Wheeler McMil
lan, American economist that 15
percent of population was all that
was necessary 40 pursue agricul
ture, and even 10 percent of the
population, properly educated
could supply this country with its
agricultural needs.
Prophesies Decline.
"But if your population becomes
90 percent urban your humanity
will begin to deteriorate because
the cities will have reached a
point whers efficiency will allow
the people to io less work," de
clared Mr. Russell. Mr. Russell is
of the opinion that America needs
at least 20 percent of her popula
tion in the rural districts.
"Try and build up a rural civili
zation that will be so pleasant, so
prosperous, that the children will
not want to leave," advised the
However, Mr. Russell does not
advocate conflict between the
rural and urban communities.
They are fundamentally one,
pointed out the speaker, and or
ganization makes the farmer a
better buyer for the city's prod
ucts. Urges Co-operatives.
He suggested that we consider
most seriously the nature of the
l Continued on Page 3.1
Phi Beta Kappa Oldest Greek
Society and Scholastic Honorary,
Was Founded on Campus in 1S96
Dr. L. A. Sherman. W. G. Langworlhy Taylor and
Prof. Laurence Fossler. Head of Department
of German, Were Charter Members.
ebrask-a Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary
scholastic conization, will begin its years program on Mon
dav Oof h a six o clock dinner at the I n.vcrsily club.
An 'illustrate! h-'ture hy Prof. Harry K. ( 'unn,nl,am. head
of the department of architect u.v, on 'Man s Karly KfloitMo
v it;,v,.ir .-.rtisliealiv." will le H"' Ivrtwe ot llu-
The organization has arranged
a full program for 1930-31. includ
ing lectures by Dr Fred Morrow
Fling of the nistory department,
who has been in Europe for the
past year: Judge Henry H. Wil
son, who will speak on "Modern
Italy;" and Dr. Zora Schaupp. of
the philosophy department. The
annual joint meeting of S:gma Xi
and Phi Beta Kappa will be held
in March this year. .
' Camp Heads Group.
Offfcers of the Nebraska chap-
ter are Chester C. Camp of the de- !
partmont of mathe-natics, presi-1
The thildien ptogmni m tini-
Ill(i hi' ttij, iiiilvm.itt nitiaaiim fid
SundM.v afternoon. Ocl. 2ti. will be
devoted to the tio.m noith as ex
emplified by Alnxka.
A film entitled "Ala-ka 1 will
open the enleitMinii'f lit at 2. 30
The second feature will lie nar
ration by Marjoiie Shanafcll ot
the department on the Altu-kan
Indian. The closing nunilM-r will
bo another film: "A Vacation Ad
venture." . Tin' usual three o'tlock touis ol
the museum will he conducted hy
Collini and Klue.
Chicago Theological School
President Scheduled for
Rev. Albert W. Palmer, presi
dent of the Chicago Theological
seminary affiliated with the t'ni
verstty f Chicago, will address a
university convocation at 11
o'clock Tuesday. Oct. 28. in the
Temple theatei.
The Rev. Mr. Palmer holds de
grees from the t'niveislty of Cali
fornia, stid from Yale. He spent
several years in Honolulu, relum
ing to 'he I'nitcd States as pastor
of the Oak Paik Congregational
church, Oak Park, til. Mr. Palmer
has also acquired some renown as
an author of "The Drift Toward
Religion," and "What is Christi
anity?" He is a number of Alpha Tau
Omega fraternity, and served as a
chaplain in Franco during the
He has several engagements in
Lincoln other than the convocation,
including a luncheon meeting Mon
day with the Council of Religious
Welfare, in the Temple, and a
meeting with a group of minis
terial students at Westminster
! Virmco :Wl Xorf h VnnrI fnl h Ht I'prt
at 4 o'clock. He is scheduled to
speak to a group of students at
7 o'clock in Social Sciences also
on Monday. His activities in Lin
coln will end with a Vesper serv
ice for the Y. VV. C. A. at 5 o'clock
in Ellen Smith hall.
A. W. S.
Women's Board Issues Seals
To Be Pasted on All
"N" stamp sales begin today.
The sale, sponsored hy A. W. S.
board, is held annually and has
proved successful in getting alum
ni back for one of the biggest
events of the year.
The stamps are intended to be
put on each letter mailed in order
that every grad may know about
homecoming, Nov. 15. They will
be sold in all sorority houses and
dormitories as well as fraternities
by upperclassmen representatives.
Two freshman girls from each
sorority will compose a team, sev
eral of which will be assigned to a
downtown business block. A prize
is to be given to the most success
ful team.
Stamps are sold at a straight
rate of one cent to sororities, fra
ternities and dormitories. Each
member of these organized groups
will be asked to buy at least ten
stamps. They may also be pur
chased at Lor.g's and at Miller's
All sorority representatives have
been requested to report to Jean
Rathburn, chairman of the sale, in
the A. VV. S. office on the second
floor of Ellen Smith hall between
3 and 5 o'clock Wednesday after
noon. dent; Adelloyd W. Williams, vice
president; Gertrude Moore, his
torian; Clifford M. Hicks, secre
tary; and Luvicy M. Hill, treas
urer. The program committee of
the organization is headed by
Adelloyd W. Williams. Members
of this committee are Chester C.
Camp. Edna Hewitt. James E.
LeRossignol. Winona M. Perry,
Clifford M. Hicks and Joy P. Guil
ford. Phi Eeta Kappa, national hon
orary scholastic organization, was
founded at the College of William
and Mary- In W illiamsburg. Vs., on
(Continued on Page 3.)
jntcrlratcrnity Group Passes
Resolution Upholding
A a foowup to the unofficial I
action taken lant week, the Inter
tiateinlty council l.l nigh' of-!
iicIhIIv gave its fane tion to fresh-,
nu-n green caps as university
The motion stating that the I
council go on record as favoring '
the tradition was unanimously ac- j
cepted after It had been tabled at
the previous meeting because of,
tthe ohju'tion ol one traletnity.:
Alpha Theta Chi. who previously 1
in the year instructed its fieshmen!
not to wear the caps because or
Hpparent lack of enforcement of
Hie tule, last night rescinded its
objection became of the unanimity
if consent to the tradition by the
other traternities as shown
through their council lepicsenta
tive.v Some Discard Caps.
The question of how long the
caps are to be worn was brought
up. Rome of the houses said that
their treshmen had thrown away
the caps following the victory of
the freshman team over the Okla
homa freshmen Saturday. Presi
dent Fred Grau said that the out
come of the Pittsburgh Rame
would decide whether ot not the
treshmen would continue to wear
the caps.
Announcement was made that
Wither Walden. an official of the
national Interfratetnlty council
will speak to all fraternity men on
the subject. "Fraternity and Its
Problems" Thursday. Nov. 26. The
talk will probably be given in the
Temple theater. All fraternities
were urged to send as many men
hs possible, especially their fresh
men. A method of gelling better or
chestra rates for parties was dis
cussed by the council. However,
most of the fraternities are satis
fied with the present prices.
Discuss Scholarship.
Methixls of raising fraternity
scholarship were taken up with a
discussion of the advisability of a
definite scholastic standard initia
tion requirement for all men
whether or not they have twenty
four hours or more in the uni
versity. New scholarship plaques
are to be provided by the council
this year. A committee fot this
purpose will be appointed soon.
IN OHIO college i
Id: Mackie. who graduated in j
1029 with a degree of master of!
arts, majoring in geography, now J
is one of the instructors in geog- j
raphy at St ate college at Bowling !
Green. Ohio.
In addition to her teaching ac
tivities at State college. Miss
Mackie is making a special study
of the distribution of industry in
northwestern Ohio.- Bowling Green
is located about twenty-five miles
south of Toledo in a favorable
area for that type of study.
Speaker Advises Women to
Study Political
"Modern warfare is ruled by the
pocketbook," said Mrs. Ellery Da
vis in her talk at Vespers last
night. She n.ade an appeal for
the municipal power plants instead
of the privately owned plants.
Mrs. Davts gave as her reason
for studying politics, the fact that
she would like to see more people
support the office holder who is
trying to do right than oppose him.
Mrs. Davis' talk was followed by
a piano solo by Mary Jo Ryan.
Matias Cuadra. a Filipino stu
dent, gave a talk telling what
Christianity .has done for him. He
was dressed in his native costume
and explained its features. Cuadra
told the story of his life in the
Philippines and his coming to Am
Palladian literary society
pledged the following people Mon
day night: Vernon Filley of Lin
coin, freshman in agricultural col
lege; Margaret Reedy of Denver,
Colo., sophomore in arts and sci
ence; Don Morris of Catol, fresh
man In engineering: and Frederic
Ehlert of Woodbine, la., freshman
in arts and science.
Stamp Saleswomen
Requested to Report
All sorority representatives
for the "N" stamp sale are
asked to report to the chair
man of the sale in the A. W. S.
office on the second floor of
Ellen Smith hall between 3 and
5 o'clock this afternoon for
structiona and information re
garding the sale.
Hunter I'. II. K.
T ,
.... v'-'-V 1
N ' ' . t
t(it!iv rst Th Journal,
Professor Kiwsler la head of the
department of Cei manic langu
ages. He is theonly charter mem
hei of Phi Beta Kappa, which was
founded at Nebrank in 196. who
Is still meher of the faculty.
IVan L. A. Shrrman and Prof. W.
Mngwoithy Taylor, former
members ot the university faculty
hut now letiied and living In Lin
coln were also charter members.
Grmmill Says Pictures of.!
Students Must Be in
Earlier This Year.
Taking of first pictures tor the
Junior and senior and fraternity
and sorority sections of this year's
Cornhnsker will start today, ac
cording to Kenneth Gammill, edi
tor of the yearbook. The time
limit has been set at a much ear
lier date this year than last year.
The photos must be sent to the
publishers before the first of the
"It is absolutely necessary that
we receive co-operation from the
student body in this matter," the
editor said yesterday, "as our con
tract states that the pictures must
be at the publishing house at a
comparatively early date. Any peo
ple who do not have their pictures
in when the time limit is reached
will be denied a place in the Corn
busker. There will be nothing else
we can do.
Regular Procedure Followed.
The regular procedure for mak
ing appointments will be followed
this year. When the juniors and
seniors call at Hauck's or Town
sends studios for sittings they will
be given a card to fill out which
will ask their names, organization
affiliations, class and university
In an endeavor to give the. lar
gest possible number of students a
chance to get their pictures taken
the Cornhusker office has inaugu
rated a system whereby they will
call the members of the student
body and assist, them in making
photographic appointments.
It is hoped, by members of the
yearbook staff that students will
make their appointments early, for
the picture taking will end at an
earlier time.
The presidents of fraternities
and sororities have been asked to
appoint a member of their organi
zation to take charge of the pic
ture appointments. This member is
expected to aid in securing the
photographs for his or her organi
Final plans for the State High
School Journalism convention to be
held on the campus Saturday will
be considered at the Sigma Delta
Chi meeting Thursday evening at
the Theta Chi house.
This convention is being spor
sored by the Journalistic fraternity
and a special issue of the Nebras
kan will be published Saturday
morning in honor of the event.
The committee appointed to in
vestigate possibilities of reviving
the Awgwan will report on pros
pects for reviving the comic sheet.
Statistics and estimates will be
considered by the group at the
Sigma UpMlon Will Be
GiieM of Alpha Thets
Members of Sigma Upsilon, hon
orary literary fraternity, will be
the guests of Alpha Theta Chi fra
ternity. 1806 D street, at their
regular fortnightly social meeting
Sunday evening. The meeting will
start at 8 o'clock. Manuscripts and
original and selected poetry and
prose wall be read. A few guests
have been invited. Refreshments
will be served at the close of the
D. Will Entertain
Alpiia kappa Psi Tonight
AJpha Kappa Psi. professional
fraternity of commerce, will hold
a smoker at the Delta Sigma
Lamtwja bouse. Wednesday eve
ning at 7:30 o'clock. Oct. 22. All
members are requested to be
- 1 - -
Organizations May Apply
All Requests to Take Part
In Kosmet Show Must
Be in at 5 p. m.
Fraternities and sotoritie ui th
ing to take part in Kosmet Klub'
morning revue on ThankNgiving
day may file application at the
club rooms in the Annex building
between 4 and 6 o'clock Wedne...
day, Thursday and Friday after
noons. This announcement and lo that
Carl Hahn. president of the club
will take application at the Sigma
Nu houe any other time than that
listed above 'was made at a meet
ing of the club yesterday after
noon. Application Deadline.
Deadline for application, accord
ing to club members Is Tuesday,
Oct. 2ft at 5 p. m. This deadline
must be strictly observed so that
skits can be Reviewed and work
begun on the show soon aftei.
In making application, organi
sations should give a short sum
mary of their act. explaining the
action, probable time for playing
and general nature. The Thanks
giving morning show is an annual
affair and the production this year
will resemble that of last.
Committee Will Review. J
A committee of Kosmet ' Kluh ,
will review each skit following the j
deadline and will select the best '
material for the morning matinee.
Arrangements aie being made for,
music for the production and plans ,
for the election of Nebraska
sweeihenrt. to be presented in the
show, are being formulated.
Several oiganizations are al
ready at work on their skit for the
show and a number of ohters have
indicated their intentions of get
ting up an act.
A large number of applications
for work on the show have been
heceived and the vatious staffs
selected will be anounced as soon
as eligibility can be checked.
Director of Summer School
To Leave Tomorrow for
Annual Convention.
R. D. Moritz, director ol summer ,
session, will leave tomorrow for ;
Madison. Wis., where he is to M- j
tend the annual national conven- j
tion of summer school directors.
The association, which is com-1
posed of institutions o North
Ametica ei.gaged in giving ad-1
vanced or graduate instruction '
during the summer months, was!
founded for the purpose of consid- j
cring matters of common interest j
relating to the university summer
sessions, particularly with regard i
to graduate study.
The program which is prepared '
annually by the executive commit- j
tee will consist of an address of .
welcome by Glenn Frank, presi
dent of the association; summaries
of previous works, round table dis
cussions on subjects regarding the
betterment of its works, and re-1
ports by various committees.
Dr. H. G. Deming. chemistry pro
fessor, returned Sunday from Iowa
City, Iowa, where he addressed the
second annual conference of Iowa
science teachers, made up of many
high school and college chemistry
instructors in Iowa.
While in Iowa he made three
addresses: "Competition and Riv
alry as an Aid to Chemistry In
struction;" "Chemistry Presented
as a Branch of History," and "The
Model Experiment Method of
Teaching Chemistry in High
Mrs. Magdalene Bernard, an in
structor in the department 'f
mathematics, will speak at the
meeting of Pi Mu Epsilon, hono
rary mathematical fraternity,
Thursday night. The topic of her
address will be "The History and
Analytic Derivation of Kepler's
Laws." The meeting will be held
in Social Science room 101 f.t
7:30 o'clock.
Wednesday, Oct 72.
Dramatic club applications, main
desk Temple building, 12 a. m. to
4 p. m.
Freshmen council. Temple, 7
p. m.
Irecord fall
vote is cast
r,..iui !Hi,.ii.iMr.
nl Wrirj No mw
MHiun hmomo
, ;,. r Ja.Ut Lr,i.l.r. SatUiir,! Willi Faii-nrM
Of LlrrlioiK .Nii.Ii. V Haul Lrjulrr, Nt
ri.ii.r.l W it la Ki-miIi.
Kenneth Gammill. blue
Don Maeiay. yellow Jiehet. JOT
Stanley Menglcr. barb S2
Steve Hokuf. blue ihirt... ?41
Coburn Tomion, yellow
Glenn Burton. brb . 60
Cbnt Mthi, blue shirt ...241
Lawrence Ely. yellow JacVet 20S
Ralph Copenhaver, barb.... 46
Bill Weir, blue shirt 249
Wiltard Anderton, yellow
Garden Williams, barb 4
Don Edsvsrdi. Independent. 34
Biq Sister Board. Y.W.C.A.
Co-Operate in Plans for
Annual Evert.
Go to Church Sunday, when all
university vomen are utged to at
tend the church of their prefer
ence, ha been set for Oct. 2i. ac
cording '.o n announcement made
by Big Sister board and Inter
Church council of Y. W. C. A.,
sponsors of the movement.
The affair is one of traditional
nature which has been included
among the activities of the two
organizations sponsoring it for
manv years. Big Sister board has
issued a request to all big sisters
to get in touch with their little
sisters before Thursday night and
plan to go to the church of her
Have Three Plans.
'In order to make the affair
truly all-university embracing."
Charlotte Joyce, president of Big
Sister board." said, "we are provid
ing three means by which every
giil new in school this year will be
able to go to church accompanied
hy someone who hss already been
in school a year.
"For all girls who have no big
sisters and who are members of
sororities, we uige sorority moth
ers to escort their daughters to
church. If girls who have
no big sisters and aie not mem
bers ol organized houses desire to
go to church on this Sunday, they
(Continued on Page 3. i
Official Induction of Club
Officers Scheduled for
Friday Evening.
New officers of the Cosmopoli
tan club will be officially inaug
urated at a meeting of the club
to be held Friday evening at the
Temple. Claude Gordon is the new
president; William Kaplam. vice
president; .lusn Pelias, secretary;
Teopisto Tianco, treasurer; and
Stanley Mengler. editoi.
A musical program representa
tive of the several races compris
ing the membership will precede
an address to be made by Prof. O.
Stepanek upon a cosmopolitan sub
ject of his own choosing. An open
discussion of suggested topics will
close the program.
Temple Presents Warlike Scene as
Players Present 'Journy's End';
Civic Groups Serve Doughnuts
Not a tictieli. not tiMollier war. but 1 ho decorations in tin
lobby of the Temple theater that lend atmosphere to "Jcuruey 's
Knd.': which opened tin- I'nivcrsily Players' sensou Monday
night. It's like a war oucht to be with doughnuts and coffee
after the first dose of shell fire.
A real machine gun. loaned by the miliary department.
sand bags, colorful bunting, i
tional flags, and the cadet regi
ment colors transform the Temple
into a fit setting for "Journey's
End." Guards stationed at the
doors and ushers dressed in can
teen outfits, lend a realistic touch.
Pershing Rifles is the organiza
tion in charge of the decoration.
A Red Cross booth occupies one
comer and doughnuts and coffee
were served after the first act in
wmm. ..u.,
Majority Up:
...rvim u.mku.u.
The t l over '.
t'.iri.piis fi lU'n h.oe hinn4
tlii- politu si tiee and th blue shirt
i:tia! tailion h ipiesred with p!um. eari one mgnirung
rlss prnihncy
,tite thun 2 '""I undent vrent
to the poll. Tu'lav to rt the
latC'st tall elertion vte In U
hiKtorv of campnn politic. Tne
nv'2"o0 rmpu voter who
named the i l pri)ent alv
balloled ("I h'li"f.V rr-lonrl but
bet identity will not e rex rated
until the night of the Vilnary hall.
Kennth Gammill. bin shirt
andi'iate won th senior pre
demy tare with 3'9 votes. Cm
mill "hd a majotitv of two voir,
and a pl nality of fifiy-M votes
over D-n Maclay. yellow jacket,
his nmrest opponent, vho drew
20.1 eletion niMiku Stanley Meng
ler. th.' n nfi atemity nominee oh
l.nned filtv-lwo ballots.
Athletes Win.
The olhet thre la pteM
drnt ie ent to s'hletrs.
In the conte.-t for the junior
higheft oiiii-e. Steve Hokuf. blue
shirt, polled 241 votes and w-ith
them the presidency. Coburn
Tomon. the yellow jacket repre
sentative, offered rloe opposition,
polling 216 votes. The barb fac
tion showed comparative strength
whn its junior candidate, Glen
Burton received ft Phallots.
Chris Mathis. blue shirt, took
first honors in the sophomore of
fice competition. His supporters
at the polls numbered 243, while
his closest rival. Lawrence Ely on
the yellow jacket slate, was given
205 votes. P.a'ph Cupenbaver. the
barb candidate received relative
ly warm support with 46 ballet
sheets marked in his favor.
The new freshman president is
Bill Weir, blue shirt, whose vote
totaled 2 19. Willard Anderson.
freshman nominee for the yellow
jacket organization, teceived 177
votes and Gordon Williams, tun
ning under barb colors polled 4
ballots. Don Kdwards, listed as an
independent candidate, obtained 3
votes without the support of any
political faction.
Both the blueshirt and yellow
jacket factions showed a gain in
hHllot strength as compared with
the totals recorded at last spring's
Student council election. whi'-
! bsrb stock took a noticeable di"t
I The vote, howevei. was undouh' - -j
ly affected by the soronty V'.
: which did not figure in the spring
I election.
' The total blue shut vote was
! P(i2. The yellow jackets obtained
; 79S ballots." and the barbs counted
j 205 times at the polls. Last spring
the count stood: Blue shirt 6Sb,
I yellow jacket 53. barb 333.
i " Commenting on tbe result ol the
' election Neal S. Oomon. president.
ot the vellow jacket political fac
' tion. has the following statement
! to make:
AnmiHl Cni Omejja sociology
, prize of $25 will be awarded this
year to the I'niveisity of Nebraska
' "student who has been selected by
! the teachers in the sociology de
i parlment as having done the most
outstanding work in sociology.
The award is made on a basis
i of scholarship, general personality,
interest in social affairs, social
nrohlems. and promise for the fu
ture. Lsst year the award was won
by Irene Carpenter, a member of
Delta Delta Delta sorority.
Geology department received
visits Monday from Earl Colton.
'24. consulting geologist of Okmul
gee, Okla.; and Victor Sylvan. 29,
geologist for the Indian Territory
Illuminating Oil company, of Ok
lahoma City. Ok'a.
another corner. Miss Mae Persh
ing, sister of General Pershing will
serve on Wednesday night The
Women's Over-Seas League took
charge Monday night, the Ameri
can Red Cross will do so Tuesday,
the Knights of Columbus Thurs
day, the Salvation Army Friday,
the Y. M. C. A. at the Saturday
matinee, and the American Legion
Auxiliary at the last performance
Saturday night.