The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1930, Page FOUR, Image 5

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    ' - V
.uuril)-tl Honor.
Iv Dav Orlr
fRinY. WW 2. 1010
ER 01
First Home Games Will Be,
Run Oil Today and
t Tomorrow. i
Rhodes Says First Defeats
Due to Ovcrfaith in the
Team's Ability.
By Leonard Conklin.
''"hfp y" Rhodes sent his he
b:i team through extensive par
tic etterday afternoon in pre-;
paration tr this afternoons en
counter with umveisity. Two
Cmes milk up Ue program with
ihe I" Ci'y tenm for this week
end. with on starting this after
neon at 4 n'lW'k and the other be
ginning nt 10 nclmk Saturday
A short intield uwkout venter
day found l'l.trum nt firt. Pat
ton at Mfwi'l. I'M vision nt third
.ir.rt Sp;k William nt short.
Maer a linahlc to partake in.
the prnrlu because of n geo
ymphy field trip hut will hold ,
down'tht position nt thr second
ck when art ion is begun today,
lowant Strong.
r.hodc sees the Iowa tram as
worthy opponent-'. They defeated
Mir-souri early in the ,f;on H to
n . L.t year they were only a half
pme .short of first place in the
Big Ten division, and after the
season was over made a successful
tr.p in the east. Since the frames
today and tomorrow are non con
ference Rhodes will bo saving his
most powerful batteries for next
week when the Nebraska team'
journeya to Law rence to meet Kan
sas university.
In commenting on the defeats
Nebraska took last week at the
hands of Missouri and Oklahoma, i
"Choppy" said that it was just n
case of who pot th breaks. Ne
hra.ska tallied more hits than Mis
souri in both of the conflicts at
Columbia but w as on the short end
of the final scores.
Last Season Same.
Nebraska started the season last
vear much the same as it has this
vear. Three defeats in a row
marked the results of the first
three starts and in one battle with
Oklahoma the Big Six champions
collected eighteen nils to the four
of their adversaries and the frame
ended In a tie. Rhodes thinks the
material is there but the fire to
win is lacking because of the ov
erconfidence that last year s vic
tories has Instilled in his men. The
defeats so far are probably the
best thine that could happen to
last vear s champs.
WiiTe. the Comhusker who hits
all the three base drives, is on the
sick from blood poisoning in his
leg. He was injured while sliding
into home at Missouri last week.
Lindberg is Umpire.
Lindberg of Oakland. Nebraska,
will umpire behind the bat this aft
ernoon while WilRams will be the
base umpire at Landis field for the
university frames this season.
The probable lineups in batting
order for Friday aie: Nebraska.
Spike Williams, shortstop; Maser.
second base; Ulstrom. fust base:
Oraos, left field; Patton. center
field; Row, right field: Davison,
third base: Boo Williams, catcher,
and Fairchild. pitcher: Iowa uni
versity: Stebbins. third base: Nel
son, catcher: Kenny, second base;
Rath, left field: Mowry. center
field; Reedquist. first base: Koser.
right field; Hildreth, short stop and
Mitchell, Carlscn or Ingraham.
Continued From Page l.i
son to show tb result of vitamin
deficiency in wnite rats were ex
hibited by Mr. Madison and Olhe
First aid requirements of a drug
gisr which are an important part
of his training, were demonstrated
Tniversity senior who was made
an liorvnarv member of Ko.smet
Kliih Thursday morning Miss Hos
man has been mtive in rlub show
bet-hlfs doing other dtaruatir wmk.
She is ntfiliated with Alpha Omi
tron Pi.
by .losrph Faiman and F.thel
James, compounding and dispens
ing, the practice that makes the
druggist legally responsible for the
rafrty of the patient. cleverly
demonstrated by having the labor
atory exhibition resemble a pre
scription counter in a drug atore.
James Urrcn. chairman. Richard
Ixder. Raymond Heclan. John
Sihriepel. aMigarct Koerting and
Herman Prhuchman were in
charge of this exhibition.
Strength Determination
James lowd and Juan Telais
conducted tests to .-how how the
strength of a preparation Is deter
mined accurately estimating its ef
fect on living animals or tissues.
Biological standardization is based
on the principle that a certain
quantity of a drug will always pro
duce trie same effect in the same
species of animals. The nge and
weight of the animals is taken into
Cosmetics, including all of the
creams and powders used since an
cient times with special consider
ntlon of toilet waters since it was
impossible to cover the whole field
adequately, were explained and
analyzed "bv Louise Hansen, chair
man. Margaret Risk, riiyllis
Rhodes and Viola Hachtel.
I'ses of crude animal and vege
table drugs, pharmacognosy, and
the forms of the drug3 before they
have ecn prepared for administra
tion, were exhibited by William
Bogle, chairman, Wilmer Gness
and Willard Chandler.
Members of the executive com
mittee who managed the affair
were Charles Wilson, chairman.
Richard Loder. James Stone. Wil
lard Chandler. Paul Sterkel, Louise
Hansen and Estel Lork.
Tennis Team Will Show for
! hrst Time at Home
! Saturday.
I Nebraska and Iowa State
Share Honors With
One Win. Loss.
Nebraska tennis team goes
Into action at home for the first
time Saturday afternoon hen
Kansas Aggies come to Lincoln.
The mate hes will be played on the
Lincoln Tennis club courts at An
irii.n. nark becinnins at 2:30
' i -
o clock.
Cornhusker prospects are look-
ing up with Paul Mahood recover-,
I ag from a sprained ankle which!
1 ho i.t.umhi hMi k from the match i
with Oklahoma last week. Accord
ing to Harold Sherman, varsity
i letter man of the tennis team, thus
, injured ankle is the reason why
: Nebraska was defeated by Okla
' noma 6 to 0 Instead of 5 to 1
' M.hrtrwl will nlav number one man
'for Nebraska in Saturdays
matches. The other three men who
will swing racquets as his team
mates are Harold Sherman. Milo
Cameron and Jim Elliott.
Formidable Opponents.
I The Aggies have two men who
may prove formidable opponents.
, Captain Silvenvood stands at the
i head of their list and. though he
i grips his racquet strangely near
j the center of the handle, he has
' plenty of driving: power. Silver-
wood received a great deal of
'publicity during the basketball
, season "because of hss unorthodox
'shot and the odd positions from
which he shoots. He overcame all
I hut two points of a four basket
i lead, with one handed shots from
i the side of the court when Ne-
hra.ska played basketball at Man
i hattan. The other man who will
I nrnhihlv renresent the Kansas in-
virfirs r rrrertr. another daneer
signal who will need particular
watching. Bredcoff and Crane.
The Manhattan team docs not
have a very imposing record in
matches played so far. It lost to
Kansas university, 6 to 0; to Iowa
State, 6 to 1: and tied Missouri. 3
to 3. This places the Aggie squad
in the cellar of th Rip Six vying
with Missouri for last place. Since
Nebraska played with Missouri
representatives on their own
courts last week to the tune of .1
to 1 the statistics point out that a
victory should open the season
here at home. At present Ne
braska and Iowa State have a loss
and a win each which tics them
for third place in the conference.
Big Six standing.1 are:
wit rc'
Noted Wisconsin Historian
Is to Speak on 'What
Makes a Thinker
- ,zJ
i'nu'iHy f l.'-1 Journal.
of Omaha, senicr in the college of
law. who addie!w.l the Ivy day
gathering yesterday on the need f
students' 'union building on the
campus of the University of Ne
braska. Mattson Is a member of
Pe'.ta L'psilon fiaternity.
SITY. Evanston. III. The chorus
was recognired by the dean of
women at Northwestern university
as an excellent temporary career
for stage struck college gradu
ates. In fac t many of our girl gradu
ates would considerably Increase
the beauty, grace and dancing
ability of some of our
professional state choruses." said
Dean Florence S. Rohnett.
Tt.. i.ioa that it is socially im
proper for a college gul to enter
a chorua can no longer be main
tained." she said. "I would not
advise a college graduate to re
main a chorus girl as many yean
as her legs maintain their dancing
ability, but 1 do think university
girls who are seriously consider
ing a dramatic career can gain
stage presence and practice from
praticipation in a professional
Author Will Also Address
Cultural Gatherings in
Pr. Carl Russel Fish, of the de
partment of history at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin, will speak
at a special convocation to be held
in the Temple theater this morn
ing at II o'cl-wfc. His talk w.ll
le on the subjc. rf "What Mai;-a
Pr. Fish is consW.'ied one of .hJ
fcremosl authorises on history in
the United Stav.. He has been
associated wit'j the University of
Wisconsin since VX-O where n! is
;m constant demand for fu.uti-Jrs
.f all kinds. He i a noted it:t'.r,
having writ' -u a nu.nber of torn.
Weslear. Abearance.
Besides g vlng a lecture at the
u.iveiailv. l.. ih ill also
H-eak to Vv'4lta- i.niveraity stu
dents on thJ jr jtct of -M nO
c-rsua Robot." em tu th Line: i
a pool teacher4 . he Park act
on Biography." this morning
Tils evenm e speak at a
fi nner to ! t:l4 al the Umw
fly rlub at i'Ktk. Hia Ink
will be on tin nj'ecl of "The
Ilusinesa of Hia'MV."
'. iiketa mav obtained Trim
Pean J. P. rticks 1
pr. Fish r lce:i hrougnt IV
the university through the Nebras
ka hiaioiy teachers association
who are holding the meetings in
Lmccilu tuo last Ihiee da of lliia
In contiruance ci their r
gram. Prof. Chnn V. Cray. a
t.ilant prof.r cf Histor'. ,v'"
lead a pap' t'r. i nd and Nv l
'iwarmament ' Piof. , V. K.
C.intelaln of Perti ftate Teati.trJ
rrllege will lend about "Jolt t I'
Piown of Ns tkbU i Steam W k.j
Fme." Prof. Wi'liam 7.imme
man of Mid'htd o liege of Fre
mont will prTt "Kome AiHts
of the French Revolution." "Op
portunities for a Plutarch" Is the
subject of the paper of Trof.
Hewitt B. Vinnedge. Hastings col
lege. These ppers will be read
on the afternoon of the second
day In Scial Sciences 101.
Lincoln High Mentor c
Rhodes Hand Coachi
Sandlottcrs. '
Coach Browne of Lin.
waa out at Land. a field -ft
afternoon helping Coach
put bta raacball tul o.;
their paces in preparat.pB ,.'
four games that will h,
during the next five days
Iterinninr Monrfav K,..
take charge of all the J
squad and of all freshmea .
ested In baseball n.
aquad of hia own. StuartsJ
H.lll k. ... ,1... J - .
uni.r., H uainioj :
day from about 3 o clock J
4. in t... du... ,. . . '4
. t. ,,vn in. n win ISK .
out to meet the varsity is .
tice contests. All futuie u
asplrnnta are urged t tUn
for the freshman pratic. ,
plenty of exneneme m
tion against real ball p;xtJ
Plstrict Supervisor Kirkpatnrk
Petroit, of the S. 8. Kresge com
pany, and Mr. Carver, who is
manager of the Kresge store in
Omaha will be in Trof. T. T. Bul
lock's office in Social Sciences,
room 306 today to interview stu
denta who are interested In mer-
The thickest Malted Mi'Ju
tbt city at our Soda roun
Owl Pharmac
14S No. 14th 4 P St, nl
Good Haircuts
This theory haa been proeen
time after time. Massagea
clean the akin and add attrac
tion. Wa are experts in all
lines of barbering.
The Mogul
127 N. 12
White Star Cafe
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kertakedet
131 South 11th Strct.
Tailoring replaces gathering
uPer'Seat Pajamas
Premedie Day Friday.
Premedic day will be held next
Friday. May 2. There were 333
in attendance last year and it is
ekpected that more than this num
ber will be in attendance this
year. The university medical col
lege has made plans for the en
tertainment of the guests for that
day. Four clinics will be held.
The surgical clinics will be con
ducted by Dr. Clyde A. Roeder
and Dr. J. A. Wynberg. The med
ical clinics will be held by Dr.
Herbert Davis and Dr. John Allen.
This will be held in the University
Registration will take pla'ce at
S:C.O. All those that are admitted be certified to be premcdical
Ftudcnts. Badges will be the only
means by which students may
enter. At noon luncheon the
guests will be served luncheon al
the school cafeteria. In the after
noon inspection of the campus and
buildings will take place.
Ball Game Planned.
A baseball game will be played
in the afternoon between the pre
medics and freshman medics.
Saturday the premedics will be
guests of the students and will be
shown clinics and parties will be
held for them.
Kan. a. t'
Neh.-a.Va . . . ,
Irtw-a S'a'.e ...
Kanaaa Ac
1 1
1 1
n. lfton
n ,.vo
n . mo
I .00.1
htiimponing. 3!c n4 up
Massaging. 35c and up
For Haircuts That Fit. It's
K. F. (Jack! Kearna. Trop.
Haircut linn rW
Pc"nil Shnp trom "O" St
133 No. 14ih St. Lincoln. Nebr.
Battling Darkies, Kappa Dell Trio,
Harmonica Band Billed for Ag Fair
Six negro youngsters, aged nounced. beginning at i.m in me (
'.welve. will engage in a battle afternoon and continuing until the
oysl as one of the attractions fair closes at night. j
luring Farmers Fa:r. May Z. at , old Dishes Gathered. j
.he college of agriculture. Tne j bj norseshoe pitch-
battle roval headlines the bill of . " ' 8 . b ' 1
entertainment drawn up for the l P'" tumbling dish break
side show, which is being man- "d a clown face all of
aged by George Adams, "SO. of; which are grouped under the
, head of fun and frolic, will be
Novelties of various kinds will
be included in other numbers in
the side show, Adams stated
found along the midway among
the concessions stands, according
to final arrangements of Fred
. . .... . ..., ,Uf .A I
listed for .norpheum and foUies ' f the e nterta Jot
a tcit show attraction that will
run all afternoon and evening. ""'"V " " ,"'" j
aarence Oover. master of cere- "P "d broken by pitched base-
monies, announced that rehearsals , ,
have been completed. Movies will be shown in the ,
Trio Will Appear. evening, several reels of film hav-
The vaudeville numbers will in- j ing been secured by Dick Cole, j
elude an act by the Tri F club, who has charge of that phase of
e-iria' rn nrpnnization on the col- entertainment. I
lege campus, a dancing numoer
by the Kappa Delta tno. a har
monica band, and two special
acts, the nature of which haa not
been revealed. An orchestra will
furnish music. !
There will be a show every
forty-five minutes. Clover an-1
Send Coupon Below for Complete
FREE Informal. on
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Gentlemen: Pleaae tend me with
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The old drawn-up Waist and bunched-up scat in
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Now you can have comfortable roominess with
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Super-Seat pajamas are now offered by habcrdashc
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Wilson Brothers Super-Shorts, the season s wp
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J-a berdask ery
Model "A" Fords. Chevrolet
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Special discount on Chevrolet 4
cylinder cars and Reo Wolver
ines. Reservations held until 7
p m. . gime charge begins at 7
p. m Plenty of cars at all
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bocineu. .
1120 W Street Always Open
Motor Out Company
1000 picnickers at picnic headquarters,
1439 "O" SL
GtAiAKTLt any article tearing the WiLon Brothers
trade-mark is unsatisfactory for aj reason yon tan
tmrhanze it at any Wilson Brotis dealer. If your
haberdasher does not carry Super-Scat Pajamas lie
shall gladly supply them to you through the nearest
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preference, and check. (SJ, t3., $4, $5.) Address,
Wilson Brothers, SJ0 South H'clU Street, Chicago.
Opn till midnight 6c Sundays
We suggeit-
Wieners Red Hot Buns Steaks
Marshmallrms. Potato Chips
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Sandwiches 6c complete picnic lunches put up at
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Correct Apparel for Men.
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