utimv. iimtrwiv :n. Till: DAILY M'.llltK. Basceteers Gash With Kansas to Close Season FOUR 1 1 i I J SQUAD WILL MAKE FINAL APPEARANCE lt.mi With GuifrrrtuT l.r;iIfrs Mark Destiny of Hikrr Tr.im: (Jr.i Wilte ami Lowaruiowski art" to Compleie Career on Cape Flour. ML ACKMKN II AYE CHANCE TO DEFEAT J AYHAWKS k.invin May In Tired After Tilt it It Iowa State ami (Ireisliton on Two Preceding .Nilit: Thompson Apt to F.nler Conflict. Comli I'hail' V :l;i"ks I Wnliiixkcr team iniikfs it final f i ';! ivi of tin- M'tisoii Satiinlay Coliseum, clashing with the i"iln i:" l.;hl.i. Kansas miivi'T it v. Tin punio is scheduled Ui star! al S o'clock. TltTVf iirii''i i if tin- vii:id w ill l making their last appear anee a rrrr. -Mitatives of Xehras- t U . n the I iktrall fl.r. H.irv hc men. who were replacing furn :nut , lutoh 1 Witte. and Adolph j which had been removed from lwon iowi-ki. Mil three-xear men ! ,l in lounge of Iowa Union for n the sjv.-i. uie cnai!i'Ut;j: thrir j h senior hop. were watching the r.i'!ii,o i.ijo career.'. All three of cakes of ice as they mulled around t rie mm will pr.itV.lv we smir ,n th" muddy water. Stump made in tno jrat'ie Saturday, accord ;ng I tne statement that it would be easy U 'oa :i I'.iack. i ' cross a Klua had done. Then. Tlu !o-e of KokfU all sea-, on' ' l"' nien offered to pay -n vvi.I i.ot tr.ean cuitain tor the ; u.ui.ir to un u. quiuiei ail. rtic a. tnitv of llri.e and ! ,,r "Kr mon ceased work to watch Wi'te. t'.-.h rr.ea wctc r gulars ! Stump do the Fltra" stunt IOWA M ATM FA STAM) CIIANCK FOK SECOND AMKS, la. - Kive Iowa Hate col-l-e w rentiers will make their final appearance in Stat gyiuna. lum when the Cyclonea tangle with Kansas Friday night. Thue who will be wearing the Cardinal and Hold for the laat time in a dual meet are: Captain Hugh Lum. Shelby, 13 pound; Kynard Mc cormick, Woodward. II pound: Merlin Hansen. Han old. 8. IV US GRAPPLERS WILL MEET TIGERMEN RING TONIGH T pounds Harry Schroder, pj-1 individual ChamDions Arc Scheduled to wash in Home Meet. on. 1M pound: an.t Ralph dotal ale. Marshallto.cn. heavyweight. The three other regular mem- j bera of the squad whom Coach Otopalik will start against Kan- sa. Cole. 12S pound; Jor.l. ISs , WIN pound; and Nelson, ITS xtind. I will le available for competition next year. By winning from Kan Ha. Iowa State will be aured of a tie for second In the Wg Six conference. TRACK SQUAD PLANS WOULD MEAN TIE Huskers Boosted to Second If Gain Victory Over Mizzou Squad. w. A. A. INTRAM URALS Hooks Collided lu Or. Orr Contain Fantastic Medical Theories of I'asl Hello, folk. Hack again after givlug you a brief irl. Chrrr up the won't I yet to come. Mow that all mental j:vmnttu are over for another iiuarter well rt down to phyMcnl fmimlic. which b-n't quite auih a atram to the Intelligence. Fr' Ksr' All aV-it the big carnival. Alpha IVIta Tbeta breaki over and win firt piue for the mMt tip and coming booth. The created "Wnn ler land' all their own. Features of Ui booth included a garter witht The ekhibil 4e lienr the i-n-trance of the main library ui playa an entenaive aul lul.le rollet'tinn pf ancient mlical book, lonned to the I'niverMtv of Ne bikka bv I'r. II. iuu.1 itr. prominent p!iMcmo in lantuln. Alt of the rtllH'tiun waa secured by lr. Orr in hi tiaveU through out Europe, including a part t It during the pat unnnur. rortentioua and well bound, i thcH booki were printed at the time when many medical phru- omena and Mipemtiti.'O were llnkH band in band. lne of 'he wntera. Janiea Keill. ho lived in botaov. auatoiny and uigety al IripMc. one unall leather tvund volume, daik with age and trt.rd. U boun'l together bv dk thied. AtiHher b.Hk u tbl of a Uerniun prole. r at Oxfonl. in lWo. who wa firtt to write a book if cientific tmHi1nce upon the anatomy of the brain III b"k j i illuM rated by cSir iTjruloplier i Wrm. the famou architect. lha aliigan, underneath. 'The Tut. panger lane." ,0P l,e eveiite nth century when tut! Imagine it n- In it la.-; cai a La.-elvtll team, and j in..- I- expected to repeat this , y.ai. x audow ki i also a' i ti'lih:. pr...-pect, oi a potbil- j !y in t'.M.ri". '. Jyhavvkj en Tem. T:-.e .HyhawkJ come to Luuoln: rr..n-. omhfca. vhre they tangle I i'h the fat Creighton Bluejays i s Nebraka wrehtlera will make their last home apeurance of the ea..n tonight when they meet Missouri's rn-st at the Coliseum at b o clock A w in would give them : a clean awee; in home meets, for Kansas and lowu university al I ready have fallen before the Determine' ,,""ifr p,'i,:,.,lfrs ,n ,hP,r 0W1 More thau a cIcmi eep for home meets will be at Make for the Cornhukers. however. A vie- DCDCnDM ! torv "Vfr Missouri squad. rtnrUnlVl Vhih include Mime of the fatct ' ... . r .... ...1.4 W...nB l " . men in wiv c'iiicn in r. nai rseora-'Ka iriisirr .,, h ! in conrerence circles ims sprini; 4 , , , ..,nu nlace in liiz I Six lirc.'os. The hh.jw will embrace among Compct Will Men for Conference Indoor Meet. LAMSON MAY ,. ... .. .... .,...,, k... .......... . t Ik. I l.,..lllll'a, Ull.lllUl-l.Mir.! !! way. let's give the little girls JhN,ry ,h "vuUlion of tkej band. Pat Schnider w as the guid- r '! T . mr ,"v V . 1 u I)- three 1 orwumi la w ii ,i iiaiiii. l re i r e a i in e n i oi v.. u u Our Haircuts Kit KC.ARNS BARBER SHOP Second Shop truni "O" St 133 No. Hth Four C'baJrs log genius of the Uiotl hooplas! The house Is haunted! No. it's JuM. the Kappa lelM. They dragged out some of their bei skeletons and with a few added ! Wound" find one writer advocat Ing the use of Killing h.t oil as a salve. Though gun ami amuni tlon had been in Use only alwuit hho,k .electrici and the aid of a " J". ne n . ui ui. rM.. dark parage managed to riwM'h Ihe Inlisli ariry luiinK a real haunted house. Haunted ' American revolution where b with what? Well, use vour own ! "'I'T'eJ nire modern methods of will be shown to some extent Sat urday. when final tryouts before the conference indoor meet at Co lumbia. Mo.. March J1. will be h-ld. Nebraska's suuad. to be deter- i mined in the trvouts Saturday, will include a few old faces and a num ber of new ones this year, since seasoned competitors are larking : JrZ:'aZZ: IT; ! Alpha Gamma Rhos Defeat I : -yed K.ua St.te la.-t night. It i re.i.--onabie to believe that the . l.'ii.sans may le a trifle worn, to t! o least. low State has i :.'.n .'.i.r.r h,.f lr I ho lal f w ' ;. j.r.es. and Creighion is ' "Huh" Tuon:r..v.n. Kansas basket I1 rhi ma Delta snatched , PB 'P n the 600-yard event Sigma Alpha Mus in Second Game. In a rough game "f : . 1 . v. k. 1 . f . i , no setup ! ri i ramie rnooiinj; in wmcn is personal fouls were Bcb Ostercaard. who has turned I in three dazzling- performances for ithe Huskers already this year, is 'one of the few men who practically furious ar assured of the trip to me con ference meet. His work at Kansas Citv. when he won the Shannon has made him one of the outstand ing men of the squad. Lamson May Co. Willis lmson, Nebraska hurdler ha ..t pi.n rini.. lh. i ,cf . . ( H. . i. ... , , , i . v li ii v. i v i 1 1. .-la,, AJi.ua unuiiut " v u.', p.u.t ' .1 ' .11 . ' U (Crs Ml) in. : vu ...j" - ,u j... . u'. uij'm. cu .iriuj; power iur cr uuc ii mi iiij'ii . is 011- K;ira has a -'.-"0 victory over hacked by firm guarding in defeat- 'other win probably will draw an :-i. NVbrsskatis tins reason, win- m,- si?ma Alpha Mu. 37 to 15. (assignment for the meet as be is mr.; it in a game played at Law- rhe phi Gam-Delta Chi tilt was 'now in condition. T'etz. Thomp- :o to 21 victory from Delta Chi for the rasl two v eeks. on ,ne coliseum i:oor last nignt. in ,y b tack in the game Satur-;the second conflict .f the evening v LittV.t. I0' lraPc basketball champions in I rounurcDin play. Alpha oamma : Rho displayed scoring power i.-nie. nower. sucd a score is something of a freak. The Phi Moanirgless in attempt-ng to dopeGam, ba.j a 15 to 5 lead at the .i eame bcirg played three weeks :nalf an1 d.Jnng third quartcr aficrward. Anxthing might hap-jtne Cornbined scoring of both sides :.-n Saturday night. In fact, there , ,ota,ed only three p,, ,n ,he - a:i sorts of reason to believe . four.h ou,ner oa!s bv Jark!n :h.at the Huskers mav come -t .v.. u i ,r. .w- through with a win. j.egaroitss oi ice ouitome oiito20. :r.i.-h the sea.vn ia the first di- Uvh.stle. Bernard. Phi Gam. fouled vision. A Ktor- might mean alrvirr, rw.it. ,! f,., comeinnj th. Homey brothers left the Iriji with a one point advantage. 21 son and Smutnv are other hurd line possibilities. Cobe Tonison. b r o adjumping champion of tb-? conlertnce last vear. is another who nrobablv will N on the list. Other events" have i T 1 1 t,'IL n-.v iuiai&uuiui; penurnirrs, itiiu representation in them will depend judgment. The other booth didn t stand a ghost of a chance when It came to placing second. The Kappa Delts ju-l walked off with it. We'd like to learn their sec ret. Paula Kastwood must have bad first hand acquaintance with ni.n. I . . ............ . hnnv Kellogg s proteges f"'"1. ::" . , . " . . k1 ftll uiijn v.'. .v. .,FU0 .uv diving walrus. Ah. ye, there are also ome honorable mentions painful to relate. The Delta Gammas kicked through with kies cheaper than hot dog 'nuf Aid: Chi Omega also rated with .niethtr.g; n titled "volatile vitaphone." We'll guess with you. Anyway, there must have U-eu Something lo II, besides the name. Sounds pretty good. j Everything from African sun-. set to rats and mice were run-! ning loose, in the coliseum. You paid your money and took your choice and oh. what a graft: One booth staged a big swimming meet for the benefit of the blind mice society and the Alpha Xi Deltas put on a freak show now what was the object of such ad vertising? W. A. A. drew much trade with two throwing booths these men go strong for cave man stuff. The Kappas staged a "believe it or not" booth what couldn't we believe! treatment for wounds. Inspection of one of these books Indicate that the German and Dutch were forerunner in botany, physics and medicine. W ritten by Michael Kttmueller. a professor of its inters tar moie than the usual number of men of championship caliper. Adolpn Sinuc. Husker star who was the class of the Big Su in the li5 pound group last season, will be Nebraska's only champion representative. The in vajors squad includes two: Kob bins. 173 pounds; and Sappington. 13 pounds. Bob Hunt will face Robbina In what will pnhably be his greatest test th:s year, 'while Kees. a eteiau performer for Nebraska, will draw the assignment against Sappington. A win for either oft the Huskernien would boost their sto k greatly, and would make Ne braska one of the favorites in the Bisr Six meet March 6. The Nehrr-fka sq'iad: 115 pound. Kosowsky. 12S pound, Weber. 13."i pound. Hees. 115 pound. Magaret. 15.1 pound. Robertson or Sirnic. 16 pound. Skinner. 175 pound. Hunt. Heavyweight. Adams. Before That Date I'fvp In nl tel us tlx tu so Uitt ou mi l tm that irrT..ipitM "it." Ilkircuti cur tpeculiy. li ar, i l THE MOGUL Gib son Banjos Guitars Ukeleles Mandolins - - Dietze Music Store ISO "O L'p.-tairs . Lktu't CnjoyShoptiinq at OreeoMv I SfOiSS BLSYSTOPf SW AJTM i7 '.e for first, or a second. The probable startng lineup, ac- 'ordirjg to Coach Black, will be Fad to Tie. Here was an opportunity to tie ...orris nsner ancj iiarve Grace. . . . ... ,u- t rwarts. Dc.n Maclay renter and and a bnatbess silenre ondeil -ii.f n'.nui nu t'uicu uic Bl r:isrds. The forth period ended with i on lb tryouts Saturday. me indoor meet win oe tne ia of the season for Coach Henry Schsilte's speedsters, with the po- 1 sible exception of the Illinois re j lays. If Nebraska competes tbert 'only a few outstanding men will be sent to the mee.. AMES SQUAD PLANS i in Phi O&m r hM R.marH r.r,-.v 1 i tbe mainstay of the Phi Gams making good on five shots from the field while Jackson led the 'Delta Chis offense with nire pnir.tr. Tbe wh"le A. G. R. front line. compjse.J of Deuser, Hartly anq I.Thipps, scored so easily during the first half of their game wi'b the Sigma Alpha Mu five that tbe sec- j Cyclone Tracksters . Have;Slb bad been tbe slight reward of S Fun Fuity for Girl In Sophomore Class Is riannrd by (,roup Sophomorf commission is giving party "for all sophomore MM- Kngelpen a girls. . -ft and grin relays will be th riiMiit i-r:!.. i.f Mii nariv Mom a HOLD INITIATION AT Sl'NDAY IKET Kappa Phi. Methrniist sorority, will ii,.iiate thirty-nine girls at thir r"gTi!ar initiation service at St. Paul M. K. church. Sunday, March 2 at 3 p. m. The follow-1 ing girls will le initiated: j Avis Alren. Malel Banks. Agnes i Brustrora. Clara Mae Bratt, Irene : Carson. Vera Cruse. Margaret i Cunningham. Fvelyn Kricson. Beu lah Gates. Inez Oeschwender, Verna Harris. Lucile Hillers. Helen Holden. Mane Hornurg, Dorothy Howe. Bernice Hunter. Dorothy Jackson. Ada Mae James. Ethel Johnson. Al- Jos. Ruth Koch. Mary Here rice Miller. Effa Madeline Noellsch, Grace Otlcv. Ruth Otlcv. Therese Peter- WILLIAM AND MARY COL LEGK, Williamsburg. Va. Tbe Flat Hat club of William and Mary college claims to be th oldest col lege fraternity in the country. H will the 180 years old next Armis tice day, Nov. 11. 1030. Daily Bruin. mcda Marv. Schedule of Varied Outdoor Meets. AMES. Iowa. Feb. 27-Two dual nv-ftv four relay carnivals, the Six o'Woor the state r-..'t r.nd the rational collegiate meet ar incl'Jded on th outdoor tr'jf k .-.chdu'c of Iowa State col Z". aiinoucted by T. N. Metcalf. .Jir-ct"r of athletics. Although tbe sit for tbe state 'i3' k nert taj rot been chosen, llw sc-cres littie aouht that it 1 r-ncwed this year, since -vfrsl s-'hools re in favor of it, .-ir'-oriiir.g' to Metr. alf. A complete Cy'-l'-ie teaui probably will com jyte in the Drake relays, both d'ja! rr:es, b. Big Six meet &nd the state iiicet- Tbc srfced'iir : A'arh fy hj,:'-rn M'noa:?' imver- t r';-s Ht ':(.. 7x iP Yur.fh-f iiivk fit Lu-r.- 'iv M'i'jri at Aw. idus... ''ty IT l.Ti.. ftt atri .Jua:' Mav 2't. B t-iA rhampK'Tif h:t tt .. M. efforts. nfriwi i i iinn i ns moi ti i i iia . j f-taged in Ellen Smith hall from 4i?on- Holen hawen. Fern Sherrard. ! to 6 p. m. All sophomore girls are I Irma Shu.cr. JEvel.vn Steinmeyer, was not such an A. G. R. land sh Je. tbe points scored amounting to 15 for Alpha Gamma R.bo and 13 for Sigma Alpha Mu. Ph-pps. A. G. R. forward, tos&ed kr.g. snort and indifferent goals as well as two frte throws account ing for 10 of his team's points. His team-mates. Deuser and Hartly. g&- bim plenty of help, collecting 10 and 8 points, respectively. I'M Gamma lilta. The second half j cordially invited and plenty of ac- fu-n-.a-d. f Vi.l.ir,t. lya t .;fir.-rirr. . f W. H'.-n.;. . I . .la-. rm. c V'tt ipt, s . . R. Hon;, s C 1' 2 1 S 0 2 O 0 1 0 1 f ptf 2 1 1" 2 1 I 2 1 9 3 e ri tion is promised. HeleDa Skinner is genf-ral chair man of the party. She is assisted by Bemeice Hoffman in charge of the games, Paula Eastwood in charge of the menu, and Jean Rathburn and Dorothy Tnurlow. wbo are planning the decorations. Marguerite Thompson. Wanda Trout. Neva Beth Turner. Alice Williams. Elizabeth Williams, and Gravce Wilson. Track Tryouts Friday 4:45 and 5:00 r pt 2 2 0 ." 2 1 1 a -j Ofiicjaje t 6 to S"it K'lintl Alpha Gamma PUm. ("CP.pi at Chi'-aro iti'iat . K Hal!, f Tot. RESERVES HOLD FIRST OF SERIES of conferences!?; I P.'-h. c . . The first of a penes of meetintrs I r rf the class in girls reserve leader- ! ship was held Thursday afternoon at Ellen Smith hall. A leadership certificate w1!! be granted by the 1 national board of Y. W. C. A. at ! the close of the course. Violet Ann OLson, secretary of i the girl reserves in Lincoln, gave a j siiort talk at tbe initial meeting. ; Helen Day is in charge of this ' branch of activity. i ? ro 3 10 1". 1 2 1 1 . - - I KRAI) EN INTENDS TALK TO DINNER CROLP TONIGHT Dr. S. B. Eraden. of Kansas State university, will address a dinner group at ihe First Christian church. Sixteenth and K streets tonight. His Mj'-ject is not an nounced but il is expected to be upon some vi'al'y interesting reli gious question. Dr. Braden ba.s held tbe Bible chair at Kansas, where he accom plished a very constructive piece of religious educational work. All students are cordially invited to attend. Reservations may be mad through the church office, at fifty cents a plate. RENT CARS Model "A" Ford", Chevrolet sixes and fours and Reo Wol verines and Flying Clouds. Special discount on Chevrolet 4 cylinder cars and Keo Wolver ines. Reservations held until V p. nu Time charge begins at 7 p. m. Plenty of cars at all times. We will appreciate your business. 1120 P Street Always Open Motor Out Company j M Yd. Risli-ij Mile Kun ; ami 1 2 '''' 'm) East Stadium Our Jj Week N End G' Special S F A FOR A FEW C PENNIES I N CSED BOOKS G c SOCIOLOGY A PSYCHOLOGY M P COLLEGE U BOOK STORE S CilVE IX, ALL IllGIIT . J7 3 Menu Alpaca Ma. Burroiifc'ha, ( Totlll. . Ollfiriala: 2 S 1 ! 2 1 i0 - "YOUR DRUG STORE'' Certainly Is a pleasure to tiaie you make us of It. your store. THE OWL PHARMACY . E. Comer lth & V Phone 8 1063 IOWA STATE'S OWN LIZA. I STATE UNIVERSITY OF i IOWA, IOWA CITY Without the i cowl or angry tooahounds, cold 1 winter winds, or the sting of blow- j ing tnow. the famous character of I t'nele Tom's Cabin, Eliza, w ag seen from lie sun porch of tbe Iowa Union at S a. nx. yesterday. Robert Stump. A3 of Albia leaped from ice cake to Ice cake to win a dollar wager that had been made by one of bis fellow workmen- Stump and several of CLASSIFIED WANT ADS. a Toaoaeod tXtouc4 jlFTER ALL 11 -oo "ain Or COURSE vour pholotrapb Raurk amlto all) .!a rOR P.FXT T-y nud'Vt Hi roomt U !'. W N-l 17th LOn A!; TVi Aipfca f-at pm. call 21 terrii I L'SE DCDSEEtRS ICE CREAM SPECIAL THIS WEEK MA PLE-PECAN ICE CREAM PHONE US YOUR ORDER KOSER DAIRY & ICE CREAM CO. M2397 Evl. if jou'vebrmly derided you have enough Ijd records (or that there's nothing Dew lo bear in stepper) you'll &od this r"C ord under your arm soon after you've beard it! For Guy Lombardo giet you two DDe new foxea, trapped io tbe same imidiou smootbDCM that be di-peDfet oipbtly at New York's Hotel RooeevelL Face this muic today, aod try this other pep-packed pair while you're about it . . . Record !W 2089-D, 10-inch 75c LtE a TtXAS 5Ioo! (from Motion Picture "Under a Texas Sfoon) C4.1T Yoo Umjeestajvd? ' Fox Trolt Coy Lombardo aod Hi Rojal CaoadUns Record No. 2092-D, 10-incn 75c HaBLEM MaM (from Motion Pictura "They Learned About Women") "avr BtlXS (from Motion Picture Xaty Bluet") Fox Trolt Tbe Hot Air-Men Record No. 209I-D, 10-inch 75c I Dont Vofk ros a Ltvlk; I 5u.i Foot Lou Vocal Franki Marvia Columbia Records Viva 'tonal rjccording7he Records trithout Scratch PRINTS II A A A nere Are many New Arrivals! I-ashionable Print Frocks that lean towards ditiiK'ti ene.'R in line, fasliion ir.g and color combinations. Some in small covered patterns while others display larger figured ones. All new arriyals most attractively priced at 10 16 M5 75 The full bouffant skirt, the gay military cape, f princess siln-it'Jo r.nd modu lated flare all as modish and be coming as can be. They may be had in a large range of sizes from 14 to 4'.. also half sizes. rOLD B TiiiH Floor 14 "SILVER SEAL'' Foundation Garments Assure the Smooth, Fitted Lines the New Silhouette Demands Mf p in brasNi'-n-s, ccim-Is anJ girdle combinations with fitted waistl;cea eel opllfte4 l.ust . . . f'unetl.n garrncnta (fiv Ihe f i pure th tmv.ih fittd linw tf.at rxrn Ih !ndr woman muil arhi're In oroer to be rr.art. TLi lovely S i I v e r Seal" garment of silk bro- cae bar In rpenin? nd is lightly hond to give th proper aith'.u"tte nprT"-. Six pporlr znA jopu!arl; priced at 95 4 Excellent dia- ftl phrairm control In this vM-J- feilver Seal rombins- I 7 tlon rarmnt with r- i V movable elirtic rtrar. j " a Ml A95 " all wll priced at 95 Rayon Stripe Novelty cloth combination gar ment with unierblt and riiaphrarRi control. Sims t4 to . At GOLD S TTd 1oor S 1 i r 1 !:1 v Ixart: Fat'l cam tin l-n Tn-.rrrrrn anil O aod fyatemtta int R t lu a. Ar .