The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 13, 1930, Image 1

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he Daily Nebra
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
Students Affairs Committee
Tables Recommendation
On Minor Offices.
Accepts Constitutions of
Concordia, Dental and
Coed Societies.
Minor cliu officers of the four
cIuim In tbe university win still
b elected as usual. 11 was dis
closed following: a meeting of tbc
faculty committee on student af
fairs Wednesday afternoon. Tbls
became evident when the commit
tee tabled the recommendation of
fered by the Student council ask
ing: that these, offices be elimin
ated. The committee could see no rea
sou why tbe offices should be elim
inated, according: to the report.
Tbe argument presented by the
council was that neither the vice
president nor Uie secretary and
treasurer of any of the classes
wss serving- any useful purpose.
Committee members Intimated
that they could find no great use
ful work that even the presidents
or class should have the privilege
also stated that each organization
or class srnuld have the pnviic
of electing a treasurer or any
other offices that It deemed neces
sary or desirable.
Approves Barb Changes.
Approval of the changes In the
constitution of the Barb council as
submitted to the Student council
was made by the faculty commit
tee In another action Wednesday.
The name of the Barb council was
changed to Barb Executive board.
It la the policy or the Student
council to conform the names of
all such boards to a particular
form. In this way the Barb Execu
tive board will be lcassed with
others as the Engineering Execu
tive board and the Agricultural
Executive board.
Two other changes were made
tn the constitution. Article II. Sec
tion V was made to read "This
election abaU be aa open general
election by Australian ballot." Sec
tionVI of the same article was ap
pended with. "All vacancies occur
ring t the Barb Executive board
shall be filled by a majority vote
of the membership two weeks fol
lowing the date the members rip
has been declared vacant unlets
within one monta of a regular
Constitutions of several organiz
ations were accepted and the
groups recognized in a final action
of the faculty committee on stu
dent ai fairs. These were Concor
dia, a Lutheran group, of which
Paul Gruber is president: Omicron
Kappa Upsilon, honorary dental
fraternity, of which Dean Grubb is
president; and the Junior League
of Women Voters.
Nature of Women's Groups
To Be Explained to
A convocation for all freshmen
women who entered university at
mid-year will be sponsored by
Mortar Board in Ellen Smith ball
at 5 o'clock this afternoon. The
purpose of the program Is to give
new women In the university a
better appreciation of tbe activities
open to them on the campus.
Ruth White will represent the
home economics club, and speak on
the activities at the agricultural
college. Gretcben Standeven will
talk about A. W. S. board, and
Ruth Diamond about W. A. A. Big
Sister work will be explained by
Marion Wilkerson, and Y. W. C. A
by Sue HalL All new women are
urged to come into the dining room
where the convocation will be held.
PI Lambda Theta, honorary edu
cational sorority, will meet this
evening at the home of Genevieve
Moritx. 8816 Orchard street, for
election f officers and new mem
bers. All members desiring trans
portation to meet at Ellen Smiti
between 7 and 7:15 o'clock. The
meeting will be called about 7:30.
Spanish Club Elects
New Officers Wednesday
Mary Giangrosso was elected
president of the Spanish club
Fine Arlt Band Will
Present Convocation
The University of Nebraska
fine arts band under the direct
ion of Wil'ism T. Quick will
present the fine arts convoca
tion. Tuesday, February 18 at
11:00 o'clock In the Temple
Theater. The program will be
9 follows
Overture "Bohemian Girl"
W. Balfe
A Japanese Sunset
Jessie Dpp"
Valse Suite -Bird Voices"
R. VoMtiedt
Selections' from "The Red
Hill". Victor Herbert
leorge Farley, Sioux City, la.
announced Xi.HnvIav I hut lie had
accepted an olfer to coach fout-j
ball and hasketbnll at the C,-.
land high school, Goodlund. Kit. I
Farlv rnptain and fullback I
on the !!:". footbfcll team, at .W
Farley Is the second Nebraka
star to sign a contrart to com n in
Kansas, 'lliue" Howell rntrrvd
the firl.l IiihI fall uhrn hit accented
a coaching position at Pittsburgh
Teachers college m rittamirgn,
Wednesday at a regular meeting
of the club In I'nlversity hall 10.V
Tne meeting was me nrsi oi inc
second semeter.
Other officers elected were Hor
tense Hendersen, vice-president;
Llovd Teale. secretary: and Maty
Ann Sacchi, treasurer.
First Edition by New Staff
Is Being Printed; mew
Changes Made.
Printing of the first rv-tion of
the "Cuiuliubker Countryman."
agricultural college publication,
under its new staff will be com
pleted Friday, according to Har
old Marcott, '31. editor. Several
changes in makeup have been
made in the magazine, Marcott
As assistants to the editor the
new staff has Donald Farka, '31,
and Boyd Von Segeern, '32. man
aging editors. Emory Fahrney,
'31, is business manager cr tne
publication and Cyril Winkler. '31,
is circulation manager.
Of interest to students is the
announcement of a feature story
writing contest in the February
issue of the magasine. Three
prizes of ten, three, and two dol
lars will be awarded to students
submitting the most interesting,
the best written, and the roost
timely stories. The story winning
first prize will be published in the
March issue of the Countryman.
Only agricultural college under
graduates may submit stories.
Perin Featured.
A story of the career of the late
Senator W. Perin, who was super
intendent of the university farm
for forty years, heads the list of
feature articles In the February
number. The article is written by
Harlan Bollman and is entitled
"He -Reared" Ag Collcsrc." A
complete account Is given of the
development of the college during
Perin's contact with it which
lasted four decades.
"Judges Know Their Livestock"
is the second feature represented
in the magazine. It is written by
Claude Roe. '30. and is a general
discussion of Judging teams.
An interview with Miss Mar
garet Fedde, chairman of the de
partment of home economics, is
given by Boyd Van Seggern. '32.
"Home Economics for Men" Is the
title and tbe 6tory concerns a dis
cussion in an unusual manner of
the need of a course in home
making for men. Miss Fedde has
urged the institution of such a
course for several years.
Ag Men Take Part in Athletics.
Richard Flynn. '32. gives an ac
count of the success students have
had in athletics on the college
campus. His story bas as its
title "Many Participate in Ag
Showing how meetings during
Organized Agriculture week were
(Continued on Pag" 3.i
rlingIareslow ,
for student ofrges
Tab Shows Little Progress
In Registering for
Filings for offices to be filled at
the second semester Tuesday, Feb.
18. are coming in 6low at the stu
dent activities office, according to
Ralph Raikes. Yesterday at five
o'clock there were no filings for
the class officers, six for Prom
girl and one for woman represent
ative on the Student council from
the college of agriculture.
Raikes would not divulge the
names of the Prom girl applicants.
The names must first be checked
for eligibility at the dean of stu
dent affair's office, he said. Ru-oVw-.nt
th camnug vesterday
were that there would be several
more filings late in tbe week.
Only senior women are eligible
and tbe list of candidates will be
narrowed down to six at the stu
dent i-tif.n. junior and senior
students will vote for their four
favorite candidates.
The candidates for the class
presidencies will probably not file
until Friday it was indicated yes
terday. Tbe factions have not
completed nominations yet but it
Is probable that they will have full
lists of candidates.
Freshman Commission
To Be Y.VT.CA. Guests
All the groups of the freshman
commission will be guests or tbe
social staff of the Y. W. C. A. at
a tea at Ellen Smith hall Thurs
day between 4 and o'clock.
About forty frehmen women are
e73cUd f attend. Janet Winter
" ;
r.ith Roberts t. cLt.-fc-e of fresa-;
man coa;si.'f,"U
Greek Scholar Will Deliver
Address to Senior
Class June 7.
Bishop Lcete of Omaha Will
Give Baccalaureate
Sermon June 1.
Pr. Paul Shorey, prominent
Greek scholar and professor of
Creek language and literature at
the University of Chicago, has ac
cepted an invitation to be com
mencement speaker at the
I'nlversity of Nebraska June
7, accord-in g to an an
nouncement made today by Chan
cellor E. A Burnett, 't was also
announced that Bishop Frederick
D. Leete. Methodist bishop of
Omaliv has accepted an Invitation
to deliver the baccalaureate ser
mon on June 1.
Dr. Shorey holds sixteen degrees
from European and American
schools. He has received degrees
from Harvard. Leipzig. Bonn. Am
erican School of Classical Studies.
Xfiimrh Inn- Collesre. Missouri.
John Hopkins, Michigan. Colorado,
Princeton. Pennsylvania, Wiscon
sin. Pron-n and Le'ce. He was ad
mitted to the bar in Chicago in
1S80 and nas ncen proiessor 01
Greek since 1592. He Is a mem
ber of a number of educational so
cieties and a noted writer.
Authority on Plato.
As a writer. Dr. Shorey has be
come prominent because of his
numerous translations of GreeK
and he is accepted as authority on
Plato. He has written a number
of critical essays and was the
editor of "Classical Philology'
from 190S to 1927.
Besides being a member of the
American Academy of Arts and
letter Phi Beta Kappa, and
nrwcMpnt nf the American Philoso
phical society in 1910. Dr. Shorey
has held proressorsnips in nrja
Mawr from 1&&5 to 1S92, John
Hopkins in 1912. University of
Etarlln in 1013 nrl 1914. and his
present 'position at Chicago since
Commencement exercises will be
held in the University coliseum on
Saturdav morning. June i, starl
ing at i0:30 o'clock. The bacca
laureate sermon will be delivered
in St. Paul church at 4 o'clock,
June 1.
One Act Drama to Feature
Friday Night Program
Of Organization.
A one act olav will be the spe
cial feature number of the Pallad-
ian program which will be given
at Palladian hall. Temple building,
on Friday evening at e:S0 o'cloc k
by tbe junior members of the or
ganization. Julia Harrison. Homer
Deadman and Ralph Gemmel will
have the leading parts of the play
Other numbers on the evening s
program are a group of skits and
pantomimes which promise to be
clever and original. Included In
these acts will be a skit. "The
Zoo Romance." a pantomime en
titled "Sweethearts on Parade"
and a skit by Kula Bee Martin and
Annie BracKett
nnie BracKeu.
Included in the musical program
will be 'The Guitar Chorus." com
ill be "Tne tiuitar cnorus. com- ,
posed of Bern ice Nelson, Annie
Brackett, Virginia Black and Julia
Harrison. Tbe "Song and Dance
Chorus" will also present several
As an invitation to all who may
be interested in the work of tbe
Palladian society. Miss Virginia
Black, in charge of the program,
issued tbe following statement:
"The Palladian society is one of
the oldest organizations on the
campus. It wishes to prove its
usefulness to the university. It is
doing this by offering these Fri
day night programs which are
open to the public. Everyone is
Invited especially Palladian
alumni members."
Phi Tau Theta, men's Methodist
fraternity. Initiated twelve men in
their semester initiation at the
Methodist church Tuesday, Feb.
H. Tbs initiated men are; Lloyd
Watt. Lexington, Tex.; Kenneth
MiMett, Lincoln: John Bishop, Val
entine; John Cantral, Palmer;
Harold Bates; Wood Kiver, 111.;
E. D. Wiley. Durham, Maine; Clif
ford Russell, Falc.ot.ey. N. Y.:
Neil Hunk el, Rogers, la: and
Charles Shaw. An activity pro
gram was outlined following the
Baptists Entertain
For Student Cabinet
Members of tie Baptist Student
cabinet were entertained at a
breakfast Sunday morning, Feb.
9, at tbe Baptist church. . Miss
Frames Greenough, of New York
City, traveling student s.c::lry
of th Nvird of e-i-jrt:on. gave
' . ... ... i
report -i n-r wm
Direcli l ollii't
l uurln) .'I Th Lincoln Journal.
Wno is general chairman of the
Coed Follies committee. The af
fair will take place Saturday
Feb. i:..
Sororities Plan Variety
Of Skits for Friday
Grace Cathan will be featured In
the song and dance skit by Alpha
Phi. one of the acts to be presented
at the Coed Follies. Saturday, Feb
ruary 13, at the Temple theater.
The program, under the auspices
of A. W. S., will consist of five
acts, each of several minutes
length, and two curtain skits.
The Women's Athletic associa
tion offers an act entitled "Jo'a
Triumph." featuring unusual types
of choruses, according to Helen
McChescey. general chairman of
the Coed Folnes committee.
The act presented by Gamma
Phi Beta takes the form of a toy
shop revue with tin soldiers, a
hobby horse chorus, a parade of
the blocks, and a jack-in-the-box
announcer. Delta Delta Delta will
give a curtain skit consisting of a
reading and dancing.
As its offering for the program
PI Beta PhPwiil "sTage a panto
mime of popular magazines. "Col
lege Melancholy", featuring orig
inal songs and dances, will be pre
sented by members of Sigma
"Her Final Sacrifice", a wo
men's burlesque on the minute men
of Lenington, will be the contribu
tion of Phi Mu.
Members of the A. W. S. board
have tickets for sale, or they may
le purchasei at tne aoor me
evening of the presentation for
twenty-five c-uts.
Katherinc Williams Is assistant
chairman of the Coed Follies, and
Peg Howser has charge of the
nosters. Chairman of the program
committee is Sally Pickard. and of j
the publicity committee is Maryj
Nichols, ureicnen ree nas cnarge
of the ticket sales, and Betty Cook
of the selection of judges for the
final presentation.
More Than Eighty Students!
Make Application tor
Parts in Unit.
Try outs for rn'ile and female
of Kobmet Klub's "Sou
sictr" to be produced as the
w i be
v ... ' V' . i,
held again Thursday night from
7:00 to 6 00 o clock. Tbey will Iw
given in Wally Marrow's studio in
the Eagle apartment house.
Try outs for the chor-uses were
held Tuesday night and about
eighty men and women took ad
vantage of them. A large number
was unable to be present then,
however, and 60 the additional
chance will be given tonight.
A bip turn out was present for
tryouts for principal parts of the
show in the Temple ouuaing lasi
night. Eleven main characters are
to be filled. Nothing definite as to
the personnel of the show will be
announced for some time yet.
Male aspirants for the chorus
should be able to sing. This will
be insisted on more strongly than
dancing ability. Coed candidates
however, should have considerable
abiiity as dancers and will not be
so strongly judged on vocalizing.
Important Meeting
Of A Club Tonight
It is important that all mem
bers of the N Club attend the
meeting of that organization to
night at 6:15, in the club rooms.
Thursday, Feb. 13.
Glider club meeting, 7:30 p. m.
Mechanic Arts, 207.
Sigma Delta Chi, Beta Theta
Pi house. 6 p. m
University League of Women
Voters. E!!n Smith hs.IL. 4 p. xa.
N dub. N club rooms. 6:15 p. m.
Meeting of Tassels, 7:15 p. n,
Ellen Smith hall.
Friday, Feb. 14.
Vesper choir -yoi;t--. ETen
Sir.ith hall. 12.30 : J 1.
n,rr for rfottion fii:csr. Coli-
nnrrni'o n muriM
Proposes May Honorary
Be Decided by Vote of
Uppcrclass Coeds.
Two of Faculty Committee
To Count Tallies of
Deciding that the Stiult-nt coun
cil shall have no n-pre'cnistlvcs
on the board which will count the
votes for May Queen, the f.u-i.lty
committee on student ai(iis sub
mitted Ita recommendation Wed
nesday. The recommendation Included
the ruggcstion that at least two
members of the faculty advisory
committee of Mortar Board fhall
count the votes, and that both
Junior and senior women he al
lowed to vote for tbe queen. No
men vots would be cast.
Members of the committer who
signed the recommendation are
Dean Amanda H. Heppner. Miss
RernW Klwel , and Mis Florence
I. McGahey.
The report is ns follows:
"We recommend that the May
Queen be chosen from the Senior
class by the junior and senior wo
men at an election conducted by
Mortar Board not latet than the
first week in March. Each junior
and senior girl shall vote tor one
girl only. The senior who receives
the greatest number of votes shall
be elected May Queen, and the
candidate polling the second high
est number of votes shall serve as
her maid ot honor.
These votes shall be counted by
at least two members of the Fa
culty Advisory committee of Mor
tar Board, who shall convey the
results of the election to Mortar
Christian World Educational
Meetings to Be Held by
Y. M., Y. W.
Christian World Educational in
stitute, sponsored by the Univer
sity Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.,
will be held Feb. 20 'o 22, inclu
sive. Three visiting .,pcakers will
give talks both at t ac meeting and
in some of the lapses aa yet un
determined. Tl o three speakers
are: Frank Wilson, Clark Eichel
ber and Miss Margaret Read.
Mr. Wilson is tbe National Stu
dent secretary among negro stu
dents. He was one of the six at the
meeting of the World Student
Christian association in India last
year Mr. Wilson is from New
York. Mr. Luhelbcrger is the mid
western representative of the
League of Nations. He is from
Chicago. I
Miss Read is a student of labor
problems of England and India.
She ia visiting this country for ai
short time. Her home is in Eng
land. Th speakers will visit Wes
leyan and Cotner. A joint discis
sion led by these three will be held
Saturday. The problem for discus
sion will be interracial problems.
Mr. Wilson will give a talk at
the World Forum Friday noon.
Vera Reser and Ray Hummel have
charge of these meetings.
Coeds May Stay Out Until
12:30 if Functions
Held on Campus.
The req'iest made by the Student
council last fall that the time limit
on the three major formal parties
be again extended to 12 o'clock had
been parsed as a permanent record
on Jan. 16. 1929. it was revealed by
Dean Amanda H. Heppner yester
day. The council had requested such
action the previous year and it
was soon afterwards that the fac
ulty committee on student organi
zations made it a permanent rec
ord. A provision is that these
three parties be held on the Ne
braska campus if subject to such
alteration of rules.
Those parties referred to are
the Military ball. Interfraternity
ball, and Junior-Senior prom. If
these parties are held on the cam
pus they may be continued untU
12 o'clock and coeds will have their
time limit extended until 12:30
Y. M. AM) Y. W.
University Y.M.CA. and Y. W.
C. A. wiU hold a Joint devotional
meeting Sunday at the Emanuel
church at Fifteenth and U street.
Claude Gordon, negro student from
Jamaica, will speak at 8 o'clock.
Sunday has been set aside as tbe
day for discussion of International
nuestions. Devotional meetings
similar to this one will b h:d ail
ovpr the w-irld. Tbe day has lxn
universally af-po.t.t'.-u lor prayer
fed such diJCUsicLS.
.six mointM of thi Teachri'
o.llt'Ke tuiul'y and two other in
struitots of tiie university attend
ed th, meeting of tho NebrHi-kii
School M.ixtets' dub at Onmhi
Tu. vIhv. He.ules the faculty men
vho attended the meeting there
whs al-o prvseiil from Lincoln
Attorney General t A. Sorensen
who iMn .-eil I In- meeting.
Thi? -f the teachers collece
lirulty who attended were Dr. O.
H. Werner. Ir. i:. F. llenslik. Dr.
K. O. Uroady. Dr. II. C. K.k h. Dr. j
N. II. Moiton, and Dr. A. K. Cong
don. The ether two faculty mem-1
beis were IVoi. Roy K. fix hran.
of the department of history, audi
Prof. G. O. Ficl s, ot the d-'ivirt-i
ment ot aneiint and modern lang-j
Fortieth Annual Art Display
Opens in Merrill Hall
Wednesday f.':cj"-.t.
Amid colorful pn,-,T:.'.ry the
fortieth annual art exhibit loim
ally opened Wednesday evening at
MornJI nail wiih the Beaux Aits
ball. Approximately five hur.i'red
people thronged to the opening ex
hibition. Herbert Ycnne, assistant
professor of elocution and drama
tic art at the university, was mas
ter ot ceremonies.
The largest, and by far the be.t
collection of pictures, were viewed
tor the first time by the public.
Special featuics and lectures will
be held throughout the exhibition.
Studcrts will be permitted to view
the exhiij.t free ot charge by Fprc
lal arrangement. An invitation has
been issued from ths office ot the
scnool ot fine arts to all thff uni
versity crganizatior.s to hold their
meetings in Morrill hall. Speakers
will be furnished by the school for
tbe meetings.
Depict Art Periods.
Living pi tures ep;ctmg the
undei lying spirits of the four art
periods formed the central interest
of the ball. The episodes were
given twice during the evening in
the auditorium, while the dance
was held in Euynant hall.
Orchesis, women's honorary
dancing society of the university. I
presented the "first number of the
episodes representing the classic
art period. A group of white fig-1
ures against a blue background !
told tbe story of the judgment of (
Paris, in selecting the most beau- j
tiful of three goddesses, JunO, Min- ;
erva and Venus. The presentation j
was all the more effective for its j
simplicity of motion and costume, j
Beatrice Richardson, dancing in-1
structor was in charge of this ;
Baroque is Second Episode.
The formal tone of the Baroque
furnished the theme of the second
episode against an elaborate rose
background. The central figure
was portrayed by Mrs. Fred Cald
well in an elaborate costume of
gold and rose, assisted by Mrs.
Fred Sidles and Mrs. J. E. Law
rence dressed as pages in white
Mrs. Harry Mfginnis with Mrs.
Lyle Holland, William Cotter and
(Continued on Tage 2.'
The December issiio of the Ne
braskan Blueprint, accord. ng to
the repert received by John Clema,
editor-in-chief, was placed in
cias "A'V the highest lating that
maybe obtained in the Engineer
ing" College Magazines associated.
To receive this rating an engineer
ing magazine must fulfill all the
rulings of the E. C. M. A. and
must have a good cover, well
handled editorial material, and
proper placing of advertisements.
Carnival Entries Mutt
Be in by Tuesday Moon :
Entries in the interfraternity j
events for the Cornhusker carnival j
must be made by Tuesday noon, j
according to Rudolph Vogeler. di- ;
rector of interfraternity athletes.
Gwcn Thirza Fay Appears Tonight
For Last Time in 'Enter Madame9
The last performance of "Enter
Madame"' by the University
Players will be given tonight at
the Temple theater.
This delightful comedy by Gilda
Varesi and Dolly Eyrac has occas
ioned much pleasure to tbo.e who
have witnessed it durirg the past
week. The action of the play in
volves the life of a famous prima
donna, Madame Lisa Delia Robbia,
played by Gwen Thirza Fay. She
is a very temperamental individual
who specializes in dramatic effects
and emotional raptures to the dis
gust of hr American husband,
Gerald Fitzgerald, played by G.
Walter Vogt. The latter is finally
moved to tne point of divorcing
her, and marrying another :?"
but at this crucial time the Ma
dame returns home from some
concert tour and re-vamps him all
over again.
Both Miss Fay and Mrs. Vogt
sre escllc-nt in their parts and
thy are patti' ii'arly enjoysb In
their V'tie s'inrs'ber. Jerc
Mickie as the ton. John, alto aJii
Committee Approves Idea of
Proportional Seating
In Council.
New Form Will Be Tried at
Spring Elections to
Test Feasibility.
App'ovul of the proportional
rTprtS'ntstlcn plan of seating
members .n the Student council
wah n,.vlc by the faculty commit-to-
on student affairs Wednesday.
Tho appioxal was made provision
ally, h nvever. th- plan being
pl.ict.l nn trial for lh rest of this
The proportional representation
plan was lathered by David Fell
man, graduate member of the Mu
drill council. Its purpose Is to se
cure greater repitseniation ol all
sf-'rt-nu in the university ou um
Stud nl cout.cil. 'Ibe plan provides
for an additional representation to
le plac.-d by the council by each
voting faction foi every 125 votes
that faction polls.
Pi.m Approved Provisionally.
Not knowing whether th pli
would be feasible or not. the com
mittee to whnb the Student coun
cil submitted its proposal as draft
el by Fcllman approved the
plan "provisionally By this Is
n-.ant that the council shall try
the plan at the spring elections,
Amanda H Herpncr said, in giv
ing the report of the committee.
The proportional representation
plan will go before students of the
entire university at Tuesday a
election for referendum vote.
Appears Good.
Nothing wrong or harmful could
be seen in the plan, according to
j i
other committee memoers. anu o.
appears to r for the good ot the
university as a whole, some Intim
ated. The faculty committee will
determine future precedure after
the plan has been put to a test in
April at tbe spring elections.
. Conference - was had with
members of tbe political science
department of the university to
ascertain the legality of this new
representation plan and to ex
amine it for any possible loop
holes. This was done by a sub
commiUee which gave a favora
ble report, the plan standing as or
iginally presented by the Student
council to the faculty committee.
The Student council first ac
cepted the plan of proportional
representation as drawn by Fell
man on Jan. 22, 1930.
Red and White Predominate
In Decorations for
Friday Party.
Elaborate decorations of red and
white iu harmony with tbe spirit
of the occasion will be used at the
barb party Friday night at the
coliseum, according to Alan Wil
liams, chairman of the Barb coun
i il. The walls, as well as the ceil
ing will be covered with decora
tions. A master of ceremonies will be
introduced as a new feature of the
party. A stage show will climax
the evening's entertainment. Be
cause of the additional expense of
the affair the price bas been
raised to thirty-nve cents per per
son. Signs advertising the party were
tiistnouted over the campus Wed
nesday and the large sign has been
placed in front of the Administra
tion building.
The chaperones who have been
secured for the party are as fol
lows: Dr. and Mrs. Steiger. Prof,
and Mrs. H. O. Warner, Prof. L.
P., Orfi-!n .1. M- Yowell and Mrc.
Van der Slice, Mr. and Mrs. Hay
don and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pow
ell. much to the general merits of the
play. He is the typical college boy
as seen by his attitude of super
iorit y.
Madame Lisa Delia Robbia's en
tourage of servants is a source of
great amusement to the audience.
It is composed of Valerie Worrell
as Bice, Madame s personal maid;
Edwin Quinn a Archimede. Ma
dame's Italian chef; Paul Thomp
son as the doctor: and Eleanor
Foley as Miss Smith, the secretary-
Bice and Archimede are typ
ical Europeans with their general .
exuberance and spirit. Miss Smith
proves to be the conventional old
Otber members of the cast are:
Prudence Erown as Mrs. Flora
Preston, the widow who tries to
U re away the prima donna's hus
band; Gertrude Sullivan at Aline
Chalmers, the girl tbe eon John
want to marry; and Paul MUler
as Tomamofo. Mr. Fitzgerald's
Japanese valet.
Single admission ticket may be
bad at Rosa P. Curtice for seventy -five