The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 12, 1930, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Thcta Chi, A.T.O.. Delta Sig'
And Sig Alph Teams
Hang Up Wins.
Most Groups Depend on One
High Scorer tor Main
Work ot Evening.
Tbeta Oil tlled iit 12 10 H
.rr Ihe IM M. thereby winning
tbeir diusioo of the wterfrster
n.iy lesgue. The A. T. O. team
tromeed the Vl Krp ,A ,hf
tune of 14 to J" 'hl
won a clo-elv -MiteMed gme
frvm Omega lWta Tl . to ?o. The
S.g A'pb wslked ovrr lb Phi
.ij : Ia 12. I" n interrollege
gme. the lawyers er thoroly
trounce i hy tht pot ml ml bui.inen
men with score of
ftembeider. the ei.r.gted cen
tcr for the Tbeta "his a
big r.-oo by his team vn the
ihsmpionshlp from the BeU. a
he rode juot an even one-half of
Ht trams points. Tbi battle wss
plenty clee tbruout. with the win
ning 'team doing root of tbeir
point making io the first half.
Koberts played a nice game at the
guard r. continually breaking
up the scoring thrusts of Wesecott
and P.eckner for the Beta.
rsiidet UJi A. T. O. Ttan.
Prandet lei the A. T. O. outfit
m their struggle ag!oj.t tbe Pi
Kapps. accounting for six of his
teams 16 ptcts. LarVry, candi
tat for a center herth of the
f-aejipe team, plaved a bargup
same, feeding the ball to hi?
rre in hi? lesgue style. During
the firt half both trams had dif
ficulty to locating the hoop, with
the winning team oo'y making
ibree field goals.
Gabriclso and Keith led the
Peita Sigma Phi team to a warmly
orteMed victory over the Omega
Krta Pt aggrecation. hy making 20
f their team s 2 poirta. Gabriel--or,
was the leadir.g poorer for the
rvrnmg. tallytns six times from
!pe field and dropping two gift
loK'en through the hoop fr a total
f It points. Lid countered 8
point fr his team, but was un
b:? to make enough to tide hU
;esm over to a victory.
l,ouis Brown led the Sig Alph."
to an eay victory over the Phi
Sig?, counting S point before the
melee was terminated. Bud Me
F.ride appeared in a new role, when
he j.bowed up attired in a would-be
hssketban suit. Bud dropped two
field goals through the hopper, and
was very much in evidence when
;he Phi Sigs attempted to score
irora the Held. Smith was the
high point man for the Phi Sigs,
staling & points for the evening-'
Davidson Score.
MuU. Davidson. sUllar freshman
1 H.-ketba31er, led the Business men
n their defeat of tbe Lawyers, by
making 12 of his team's 29 points.
Tobnny Klroba.ll potential varsity
man. waa next in line in the scor
ing column, making 8 points be
iore tbe final bell clanged.
Don Kelley contributed Just half
at the Lawyers' 10 points, but his
mates were unable to make the all
necessary two pointers. The vic
tory enabled tbe Bifcad men to en
ter the finals in race. When
tbe Cornhusker carnival rolls
around, they will meet the Teach
ers lor the inter-colle ge champion
ship. Tan Kappa Ipsilon won their
ga.roe on a forfeit, when tbe Phi
Kaopa team failed to make an ap
pearance. Pi Kappa Pbi ws
awarded their game against the
Tbeta Xi team. a1o by forfeit.
Delta Sigma Phi alpo won their
game against Pti Delta Tbeta
team on a forfeit.
Walter Ducker Is Second;
Affair Is Statewide and
Open to All.
Keith Martin. Lincoln, won first,
place in the statewide poster con
test. He was a sopboraore in tbe
school of fine arts at tbe Univer
sity of Nebraska.
Walter Ducker of Lincoln won
honorable mention with his poster
work. He is a junior in the school
nf fine arts. Rose Reynolds of the
university won the contest last
The contest, was open to any
resident of Nebraska and contri
butions were received from all
parts of tbe state and from many
The subject of tbe contest was
advertising tbe annual art exhibi
tion. The judges of tbe contest
were Mrs. Dean R. Leland, Mrs. A.
R. Kdmiston, Fred Craig, W. L.
Yonkton and Dr. J. E. M. Thomp
son. Mr. J. L. Teeters established
the prirea last year for tbe poster
About S50.0OO was saved by fif
ty-seven w-:ves of Yale graduates
and profer-tional students while
thflr husbands were going to
school according to a report of the
university bureau of appoint
iUTF.Jt A LI. it a TcM-naene phouisra.1
OK COl'KSK jour phoura.pli from
BauHf'a r'ufl'" i" plaa
FOR SAlATiriiie-' evpn i n pomn.
at-r beri worn Fior-nr LnlL
4ry fin iwh F B4U
RfK'kS tr T-Mirrr Vtrr.f, Sa per wonili.
ts . rr-a. bjcu
;kttin; on of
IIv I'Jnifr Skov
Mi.r help in fin nef a nam for
(hi An ninmoua leMer. typ1
on i.tenl council tationery. Im
larts the information thai Ne
braka u a member f the Mis
souri Valley Inlercolleglals Ath
letic asot uiion. anj that Ids name
In the Valley"1 Is traditional, bav
mr been ued on the sports column
of The Nebraakan fr six years
Kor these rean. ths writer of
the letter recommend retention of
the old name.
The situath n is critical. iVming
as it des on student council sta
tionery, tbe letter has mors weight
than an orlmary suggestion. It
may be almt a command Ws
are Impress! but oot ersuadeU.
Tht accomplishment of the Ne
braoka svkimuung team in taking
Iowa fiate l a ileaning deaervea
commendation The loa dual
mefl as the second added to the
list of Hukee victories in Big Pis
competition. In addition, the Amu
team on the Hig 8ix title lat
ear. Chances fr wnit sweater
for letter men in swimming seem
to be gtvd.
KxresMxe comment on the man
ner tn whuh the clothes fail to fit
one of the members of the basket
ball team has driven us to poetry:
Tm Mm Ci- t Mwrt KttH
ftnm. r ai vn ih ee-
(This is dedicated to Herh i;ih
Me la the man to buy the sus
Coed Basketball Tourney J
Continues; Schedule
k Revised.
Alpha Xi Delta and Delta Zeta
rB r.ff with hirh points in tbe
early games of tbe women's intra
mural baskeioall season. Aipua
XI iVlta trounced Kappa Thi by a
ror e.f 2S to 14. and I Vita Zela
won from tbe Hukeettes with a
score of 16 to .Y
Once arain the schedule has
been rearranged as lifted llow.
No games already scheduled, now
ever will be cancelled, and failure
to reoort at the time and place
listed will call for a forfeit. Up-
perclassmen expecting to play, and
not registered for physical educa
tion work, reus! obtain a permit
from tbe health office, a under
weights and weak hearts are
Head the schedule once more
and note the changes:
5 p. m.
Pbi Omega Pi vs. 1-X-L, wom
en's gymnasium.
Delta Delta Delta vs. Alpha
Delta Tbeta, women's gymnasium.
7 p. m.
Dormitory A vs. Kappa Alpha
Tbeta, gymnasium.
Alpha Omieron Pi vs. Chi
Omega, gymnasium.
5 p. m.
I-X-L vs. ?igma Eta Chi, Ban
croft. Delta Gamma vs. Gamma Tbi
Beta, EancrofU
7 p. en.
Phi Mu vs. Ti Beta Pbi, gym
nasium. Alpha Delta Pi vs. Kappa Delia,
5 p. m.
Ksppa Alpha Tbeta vs. Kappa
Phi. gymnasium.
Alpha Thi vs. Hukerettes, gym
nasium. Delta "eta vs. Alpha Delta
Tbeta, Bancroft.
Chi Omega vs. Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Bancroft.
To be in style at the state college
of Washington you must work
your way through! That's what
nearly eighty-five percent of tbe
men and thirty-seven percent of
the 30-eds are doing. This large
percentage is earning from one
fourth to all of its current college
in ih eiist according to recent
newspaper reports, tbe average is
about thirty percent for tbe men,
so State College figures indicate
Hof -ctm rrillep-ians are lust
three times as resourceful in this
respect as tbeir eastern bromers.
COLUMBUS. Ohio. Feb. 3 Ser
Tart.r who Ran? under tbe win
dows of Westminster hall at Ohio
State university Wednesday nigbt
were prepared "for an unfavorable
reception. Each musician was
armed wtih a stout black cotton
Theatening beads appeared
from the windows, but tbe signers
nonchalantly raised their umbrel
las and warbled on. Torrents of
bot water descended harmlessly.
Tbere was but ore casualty wben
someoae ubrled an apple down so
forceful: that it ripped a large
bole tbrougn oDe f the umbrel
As a puoishment for laxity in
pleJge duties. Phi Gamma Delta
pledges bere were ordered by the
active members to have strawberry-blonde
dates in a corner
drugstore on a certain afternoon,
or suffer the consequences.
Tbe Deopbvtea began "drawing
fire" about 4:45 and continued to
lHr. ih university's flaming
youths into tbe comer shop.
J crowded with laughing spectator.
Last Non-Conference
Of Season Puts Squad
Into Stiff Fight.
Next Big Six Game Will Be!
With Tigers: Grace
Jumps Score.
Slo SIX stMIN..
.-. s s a i n I
rtnM,a .Its ! '
Vlllr . SI '
i... m.u s t t ;
ass I
Nehrafka"s baketeer will meet
St. Louix university here tonicht
In a return engagement, the ns
non-conference tilt of the scaxon.
When thev met during the Christ
mas holidays In Mt. Iuin the
eouthernem downed the (linkers.
3n to 2V in a fast contest.
Hot on the heel of the St.
Louikan will come Missouri, tn-0
r.- ir..i r.f ihe IIil" Six ronfrr- '
erne, to test the Coinl.ii-kerm.-n
Salu'rlay night.
Big Six plav so far thl week
has been limited to the Hansm-
Nebraska affair at Lawrence Mon-
day Bight, in whuh the Jayhaw ks
Wnl ihir nerfe.l record siolle.-s
bv downing Ncbra.vka. 27 to 20.
The win gave Kansas a string of
four in conference circles, and kept
the Jsvhawks tied with Ihe Mis -
,iirl ficers for ihe lead of the
Bv virtue of sxiiim: lu field
goals and a fre throw. Iin Maclay.
Nebraska center, extende.l hi lead
in tbe confercni-e individual scor
ing race, and raised his Wal to
7 points. 21 point ahead f-f Craig
of Missouri and Koadcap of loiwr -i pH"i
?Ute. who aie tied
with f6 points each.
Harvey (irace. Nebraska for
ward, went ahead of Tom
Churchill of Oklahoma in the
scoring table. His totnl for the
six games in wbith he ha. played
is 43 points. one more than
"hur hi!l ha made in as many en
counters Irace is now in fifth
place. Bishop, Kansa.v forward.
came from thirteenth place to
tic for sixth with Churchill when
he made a total of twelve points
against Nebraska Monday. Mome
FVher. Nebraska forward, .t ill (
holds fourth place with 4x jK-int
five more than his co-furward'
The fifteen high scorer:
e is o r.
Mr'. --tv .
cm-c . . .
Rnrtrnp. 1 8
I'l.her . N!
' . - Vh .
Churrhi'l. OH
Bi.Vtp. Kan
H"k 1 s
v-crrt K. A. .
WonOh. I f
Thr,ipp.rm. KB.
H'lhn. Vn .
Mffr, Ok'
Wel.h. Vn
Cmttiit, K. A
: r, s
.s is
a ; .. : .
t. 17 11 CS i
1 J. 4.1
is i; r
S V". 1? 4T
K 1 S
17 40
17 j :-n
a 12 11 S5
S 17 1
a is s :.
r. ii s :n
up until 6. As cheers announced
tbe arrival of each pledge and his
auburn-locked partner, the snigbt
after tinges of crimson discolored
tbe cars and faces of the em
barressed neophytes, who managed
to stumble over chairs and drop j
their bats in tbeir anxiety to sink ,
into virion.
One ingenious freshman taxied !
up to the high school when the
supply of red heads ran low and
brought back a golden-baired lss
that was allowed to count. An
other pledge secured Mrs. J. H.
Allen. Delta Tau Dlta hostess, to
save himself fiom punishment.
University of Washington, Se
attle As a result of a popular de
mand by both employers and stu
dents the University of Washing
ton is considering a revision in the
courses in the college of engineer
ing, which woulO provide a more
commercial or industrial curri
culum. Tbe course would consist of a
major in one of the four principals
fields of engineering and a minor
in the school of rusiness admin
istration. These courses would De
co-ordinated so a tn train the stu
dent thoroughly i i tbe business or
administrative part as well as tne
technical end ot engineering.
Tbe new course would lead to
tbe degree of B. S. without any
other designation, such as civil,
electrical, mechanical or chemical.
Eighty-three studenta of the
University of Kansas were arrest
ed recently. Tbey bad collegiate
Fords without lighting paraphe
salia. University Kadio
I'ropram for Wefk:
D an waUir rrport
t ibThr Invalid Traj.
by Vrs. True
""'.'iocv talk. -Swlal Work an
Kvery Van r. Iniwwt."
Kon. aaaieian 1n sonal rk. Unc-oln,
1h Wan.'' by A-Hn RTirl(3Bon, as.
aiatant profenaor r,f riitfr;.
THtfrada .
snwthrr report.
S 3SWrkiy munrum talk by F. G. Col
lins, i-uritw.-J2
Talk from 1h dairy department or tne
12-1S ,-Ba.a! Baa! Whltf or Blark . y
Paul McDill. amlflant tal xtirK.-i
armt in boy' and elrl' lul.
12 a Fsrm flaph.
2 ao-FirA-eots Iwaon of ih ra'o-or.
rnportmrr (WW in ' Br Kng'iBll
for FvervHav t'.-' bv Maurice H.
Wrtrrr. profmsaor of 1nr'"b Sutjoct.
"Stunbltoc Blorka m orammar."
n-Weahr TTXin.
70 "The Nuraerj' ev-hop!," by Tn-a. True
Howemakpr. ...
12 -Tarm Kqu'p-nerrt Work-Feb. 2
kr C. U Ziok, i -iet run or In atrrlculture
entuss IS- ,, .
.'irmi Wuitnea Flao. PT
Medlar, ajaoclata professor of
eeonoro ira.
12 20-Farm flah.
.an Health talk. To K aupplleo by tba
eolteee oi pharmacy.
1 4i..pvrholojv Applied In Anve-lle-,r
" tr.' W f. Waltcm InetrurUjT la
the eenaruperrt of p:thoiocy and
a Weather report
SSTerrtv f"t leenno of the
rourae In peciontol ispaot.h fv
-r. I.
f ro-
a a. aienia. m the n-I.-nr"
fnanre ler'iT-r Aaaifnjeot .
io the tet
Leaoa 21
10- Aoottal -irter r P
ITta tne olnh M LnKerwi
braka m Feb J-,. :
Tin: nit tU.nnxskVN
Versatile Sooner Athlete Slay Letter
In Four Major Sports in Single Year
NOMAS, rrh 1 J -Torn
Chun hill. Oklahoma s versatile
allil.le, has annouiirej his inteo
ti..n l training for the Olympic
Ksnii-s to he held at Hollywood.
Calif., in 1532. He waa on the
Citiled Mle decathlon team that
. ...iiU.i.l h Antalerdam in It'S
"r. however, he is going
H. i lorego d vatliloii worn nm i
'an injured ankle. whth ill keep
him out f the splints and h!th
Inn 'es lie will not give up traik
, altogether fr Sooner roaches are
counting on hun to be a consistent
Unofficial Tabulation Gives
Leaders 3.610 Points;
Pi Kappas Next.
l noffu lal M ores compiled at the
l.i-e of the first day's competition
tn the interfihtrnnty mdor track
meet give Sigma Phi KpHon first
plice with 3 610 points, with Tl
Kappii Alpha. .Sigma Alpha Kpsl
..n. Kappa Sigma and Tau Kappa
Kioilon rankmir nest In the order
'named. Seventeen fraternities are
' repre.M-nted in the scoring column.
j ;vhJ m;irka were turned in for
'the M-yard d-h. with Barnes and
K-by ncKotiating the instance In
j .V7. while several men got under
six sccon.lf. In the high Jump. Lee.
iSigma Phi Kpsilon. jumped 3 feet
II im he to go above the 1.000
I mark m th scoring system,
! In all event, only the two best
1 nsi k.t in cath fraternity were
svnre-il. In events where only one
ii fioiii the fralen.ity fiut.-hcd
i-oni-titior.. no points were
nv .tr-I'-d.
Perf'-rman" e were s-ored on a
reirular pentathlon basis. The
f-i it.
i irt tirfi ft.M.n
i Knee ima
1.-1 Kane. p. (tan
lM icmn lH(
j SntW
1 h.ta M
lrlls t M . .
ieia ;
ir 1
Vli'Sa Sipni I hi
I t'ht .mm INtla . ..
Mtmi Vlftha Ma ...
in :
Kdna St. Viuccnt Millay, one of
the foremost American women
ports, waa made an honorary mm-
Ixr of Tbeta Sigma Phi recently,
at- .4
iSi , ii
m V- I J v
! Hi m
performer in the javelin, iliatua
and wciKhl events
In addition l throwing the
weights on the traik team, the
giant speedster aleo plans to try
lor a plars on Oklahima s lMe
ball team this spring as a pitcher
fhould he letter in both ixehall
and Irttik. be would be the tirst
athlete in hooner history to win
four major Inters In a single year
A football letter has been aw aided
ta him already, and he will get
his -O" for lakettal as axn as
the season is over. Oklahoma
New Group Will Be Open to
All University Women
To Attend.
The finance staff of the V. NV.
C. A . under the leadership of Kuth
MatfKld. has reri;anised into a
disusM.n group for the rest of the I
semester. The group will be o-n
to everv university woman, and ,
will h"ll regular meetings every!
Thursday at a p. m. in Kllen Smith
The group plans to have a spe
cial topic each week, and obtain an ;
outside speaker, or one of the(
members of the group to talk.
Alter the talk, general discussion
of the question will follow. j
"Thf Value of Mcney to the
College Woman" will 1 the topic!
for the week, led by P.uth Hat-j
All phases of the financial prob
lem for the univeraity student will
le taken up during the rest of the
year. This group will serve as the
basis of a new discussion group
for next year.
Model -A" Kords, trhevrojet
sies and fours and Keo 'l
vetines and Hying Cloud.
Special discount on Chevrolet I
cylinder cars and Keo Wolver
ines. Reservations held until I
p. m. Time charge begins at 7
p. m. Plrtity of cars at all
times. We will apprecu te your
1120 P Street Always Open
29 years the Daily
the onlv effeetive
Motor Out Comjvany
between local and national merchant and
the student consumer. Throughout all these
years the advertising in this paper has been
true and reliable.
The merchants behind these ads are faithful,
loval boosters of the university.
Crete Sending Delegation
And Band in Honor of
Husker Athlete.
Although Husker fan in.y not ! University OKUhoms. Nor
U aware of the ta. t. tonntit I man h n an instructor in lot--.Steve
Hokuf Night." or ul leat 'nv here thevked his vivat oil tl-e
tu the memlers ot the Crete Com-; N.ttotn of an (lm tree M induy and
munity club and I'.otsry club, u ho ,, timled up In sean b id mid-winter
are attending the M. luis-Ne- j, ne lotgot tbt curl"i'v s
braAka basketball game m a i.iv
to honor Saline
famous athlete.
county's niott
Tb Crete delegation
I also
bringing along the 110th Medical
reglbieut band an enliven the .
aion. A commitlre reprraeiiiing
the two organisations In been
busy gelling many or tue iikiu-
bera lined up for the trip a possi
The husky Crete guard his N-come-
the hero of Urn home town
with bis lirst year of Nebraska
comiH-tltion. both -n the football
team und his raiud progress in
Coach Charley Phti ks couit clas.
Such a clever assortment of
valentines are waiting for you
here. Tiny ones, huge ones,
medium sized ones. They are
new and distinctive, and there
are dozens and dozens of dif
ferent kinds.
Nebraskan has servoi!
m nvi sl.W. l l Um VKV 12. Vr.ii.
1 1. .kill wa named on several "All
ii,, kiv- ifMina at eud. and ha
lren holding l'0
a regular yU
i guard on lbs haketbal team.
The Crete newtpaper tommenta
on Meves career aa i""
".sieve has made good in footlall.
bakelttl and in bu studies, and
in honor of his triple success at
the ctate univerity. horns town
fne'id plau tn attend 'he lug gtnis
pevt r.tne lav nfM l a ody.
taking allig the Ulh Medical
regiment band for go.J inea.iie."
tnl to cat
j Three,
the linih. but
ic"ing tne
failing to spy
inrtnutnr. pulie.1 lite
,iwn and were hall a block aay
,.fre tl.f holanud rei.Iired thil
ne waa l mg flee-ej for nis .o.
' ""
Special Noon Lunches
11 A P.
Our Stora l Your Store"
. -e