The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 12, 1930, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebra
Official Studcnc Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
itjce five cents
VOL XXIX-No. 81.
Aspirants for Leads in New
Comedy Will Compete
Wednesday Night.
Eleven Principals Will Be
Used: Choruses Have
Been Selected.
Try0"1" 'or principal parts in
Kosmet Klub'i 1930 spring musical
comedy, "Sob Sinter." will be, bold
In Tf mple 203 Wednesday evening
at 7 o'clock. Students wishing to
take part In the annual show are
requested to sign the application
blanks which are posted In the Col.
lege Book store.
Eleven principals will be used In
the production. Regular eligibil
ity rules will be followed by the
Kostnet Klub In the selection of
players. Exact dates on which
Sob Sister' ' will be presented
have not been announced by the
Kosmet Klub. but work will begin
on the show next week. Chorus
tryouts were held Tuesday evening
and the personnel of the male and
female choruses will be released
this week by the Klub.
Resume of Parts.
Numerous requests have been
made by students who expect to
try out for "Sob Slater" for a brief
resume of the characters. These
are given below, In order that
those who wish to take part In
Wednesday evening's tryouts may
bave some Idea of the roles for
which they are best fitted to com
pete. The male lead in "Sob Sister"
is Bob Hamilton, a young novel
ist who has reeclved permission to
stay in San Menquln penitentiary
for a short time in order to get at
mosphere for bis latest book. Ac
cording to the author's description
he is fairly tall, good looking and
clever. The nature of the produc
tion demands that he be able to
Mary, the feminine lead, must
also be able to sing. She, states
the description, "being a leading
lady, must be good looking and
endowed with personality. Other
qualifications are 'more or less
identical with the usual require
ments for a feminine lead."
Wisecracker Wanted.
Sparkling wlsecrackes are of
fered throughout the show by
Bennie, Bob's partner in San Men
quln. Several posslbl emen to fill
this role bave been suggested by
members of the Kosmet Klub, but
new talent may be uncovered dur
( Continued on Page 2.
Miss Brinkerhoff Is Given
$200 for Article on
Horse Riding.
Martha Brinkerhoff, a senior In
the school of Journalism, recently
received a check for $200 in pay
ment for a story on horseback rid
ing which is to appear in a future
i:'sue of the Woman's Home Com
panion. The title of the story Is
' Just all In Knowing How."
This article was written a year
ao in a class In agricultural
journalism which was conducted
by R. P. Crawford. It is unusual
because of its novel approach to
the subject, the story being of a
practical nature though it is com
bined with a bit of humor.
The article is 3.000 words in
length and has commanded the
highest price of any story written
by agricultural journalism stu
dents, Mr. Crawford said in com
menting upon the success.
Miss Brinkerhoff has had a
great deal of experience in horse
back riding and was an instructor
in this sport in an eastern camp.
Vesper Tryuuls Will
Be Held Again Friday
Vesper choir tryouts, which were
to have closed today, will be held
Friday also, according to Peggy
Howser who is in charge. The
trials have been held for the past
week in Ellen Smith hall from
12:30 until 1 o'clock each day. The
same half hour will be used for
Friday's tryouts.
Dr. Guilford, Pyschology Professor,
Makes Lantern Slides in Spare Time
Last year Dr. J. P. Guilford, as
sociate professor of psychology,
started again a hobby he had been
interested in when he was a boy
photography. Liecxures uj f"1-" ' J "
hanced by lantern slides demon
strattng phenomena, traits, trends,
and otherwise dull data, and it is
photographing and preparing these
slides for bis classes that Dr. Gull
ford enjoys In his spare time. He
baa an eager interest too, in line
etchings, particularly those of
noteworthy architecture.
About a year ago Dr. Guilford
happened to discover quite a good
' camera for four dollars and has
spent many interesting and valu
able hours photographing with it
illustrations in different works of
psychology. A number of slides
can be made in a few hours In the
Greek Council Cleart
$2M on Hall; to Aid
KoBtiut tire Deficit
More than 1300 was cleared
by the Interfraternity council
on the annual Interfrsttrmty
ball, according to Information
received late Tuesday evening.
Final checkups have not been
completed, but the general
Chairman estimates that 1200
la the minimum profit
The proceeds will go to the
Kosmet Klub to assist that or.
ganiiation In the payment of
debts Incurred In the Playhouse
fire, which occurred after the
spring show In 1928. A com
plete report will be presented
before the Interfraternity coun
cil at its next meeting.
Greek Radio Contest Was
Entirely Fair, Say All
Denial of any malfeasance in
connection with the Judging of the
Interfraternity radio singing con
ducted the past few weeks was
unanimously made Tuesday bv the
three Judgs. riiftrlch Piiks, man
ager or Kf AS; narom mrner ana
Roger Roblnsou. The denial came
um ronnlt tt short editorial null)
which appeared In the Tuesday Is
sue or The Daily rseorasican. as
Mnvhn fhrre wnsn't anvthina
crooked with the results of the In
terfraternity song contest but even
the Barb council could bave won If
a Judge of the contest, an an
nnnnrpr of the contest, an indi
vidual in charge of the contest, and
a secretary to open contest cor
respondence had been Its members.
That the contest was held on a
purely nonpartisan basis and in an
entirely fair manner is vouched
for by three judges. Protection was
made ror this immediately auer
the contest began so that there
would be no cause for suspicion.
they declare.
Mail Vote Counted Half.
Th content was 1ud?cd fifty
percent on the letters and tele
grams received at the station and
fifty percent on the decisions of
fh inHtrps First fraternities were
listed by each Judge, so they say.
according to nis own esumaiion oi
their musical talent, each making
up bis list separate from the
others. None of the Judges was al
lowed to place his own fraternity
on the list.
When It came to judging the
frntomitips renipsented bv the
judges, the two not affiliated with
the particular organization being
considered were the only ones per
mitted to cast their ballots. The
average of these two votes, based
on a scale of fiftv for the highest,
comprised the other man's vole.
. . L I ! . . I
it uma rnrourn mc man vine.
declared Dirks, "that Thl Kappa
Psi won the contest. Every letter
upon receipt at this office, was
registered by our secretary."
Robinson had charge of counting
hte mail vote but a record of the
count and all letters and telegrams
were kept, according to Dirks, and
on available if anvone wishes to
question the validity of the re
sult. Robinson said that, although he
is in the employ of the radio sta
tion as an announcer, he an
nounced only one of the interfra
ternity broadcasts. He declared
that he was duly elected by Kos
ment Klub, one of the organiza
tions sponsoring the sing, to have
complete charge of the contest.
SEATTLE, Wash. W. A. A. of
the University of Washington is
sponsoring a women's skate recre
ation class in the ice arena of their
civic auditorium. There are
twenty-five women in the class.
The more experienced women aid
and teach those who do not skate.
Countryman Staff
Will Hold Meeting
Thursday at 6 p. m.
A meeting of the staffs of
the Cornhusker Countryman,
agricultural publication, will
be held Thursday at 6 p. m. at
the college cafeteria, according
to an announcement made by
Harold Marcott, editor. Trays
will be filled at the cafeteria
and taken to a room on the sec
ond floor where plans will be
Members of the editorial,
business and circulation staffs
are all requested to be present.
little dark rom hidden in the maze
like psychology laboratories.
Special Camera Used.
Briefly there are three processes
in making slides photographing,
developing and mounting them.
The camera with an enlarging lens
is focussed over the page to be re
produced. The plate is developed
chemically, put In a holder with a
slide of sensitized glass at its back
on which the negative is photo
graphed. Another glass plate pro
tects the gelatinous film and a
tape around the edges makes it
secure and the picture can be
thrown on tie screen in the lecture
hall by a magic lantern.
Before Dr. Builford acquired
the camera, it was necessary to
buy what slides were available
anil have others made by photo
, (Continued on Page 2.
Double-Ballroom Party Will
Need Two Orchestras
Instead of One.
Prom Girl Announcement Is
Set to Take Place in
Main Ballroom.
Innovating a new plan for one
of the threw major pnrtles. the
Junior-Senior Prom, arrangements
bave been made by the committee
to present the traditional party iu
two ballrooms at the Hotel Lin
coln with two orchestras yet to
be selected.
According to the plan as an
nounced by Don Orison prom
chairman, the annual formal end
ing the "stiff collar" season will
be presented In an entirely new
manner. The main ballroom at the
Hotel Lincoln and the Venetian
room will be connected by two
runways, in an attempt to handle
the crowd that ordinarily attends
the major parties of the univer
sity. Report of the committee was to
the effect that the two-ballroom
Idea would be accepted with en
thuslasum by the student body be
cause of its unusualness, its plan
of decoration, and the choice of
two orchestras for dancing. Ar
rangements have been made with
the management of the hotel to
handle a large crowd, as three
checking rooms will be available
for the students.
Feature in Main Ballroom.
Presentation of the prom girl
will take place in the main ball
room at a prescribed bed time
when activities can be centered in
one room. Dancing will be held in
both rooms and entertainment
staged in both places. According to
representative student and faculty
members of the Ida of a double
party would be met with approval
due to the maganlmlty of the oc
casion and crowd.
Due to the fact that, according
to Student council and faculty
committee rulings, no out of state
orchestra can be brought in to play
for any party at the university,
the committee felt that the new
idea for staging the Junior-Senior
Prom would be successful.
Ticket sales for the prom will
not begin before Feb. 24 and may
be sponsored by activity organiza
tions on the campus. Definite an
nouncement of negotiations tor
ticket distribution will bo made
Cvril Winkler, president of the
Junior lass and member of the
committee, contrar ted for the Lin
coln ballrooms and is planning for
the handling of the crowd at the
Keiner Will Explain Foreign
Viewpoint at Lunch
Today Noon.
Walter Keiner, a native of
Switzerland, will discuss "More
Blind Spots." at the World Forum
luncheon today. The gathering
will be held in the dining room of
the Nebraskan hotel, at 12 o'clock.
The meeting will be over at 12:50,
making it possible for those having
1 o'clock classes to attend.
The viewpoint of the Swiss peo
ple will be represented by Mr.
Keiner. He received his elemen
tary education In Switzerland be
fore coming to the United States.
During the summer months Mr.
Keiner is employed as a park
ranger at Long's peak in the Colo
rado Rockies.
Mr. Keiner has attended the
University of Nebraska for several
years and is a student assistant in
the department of botany. Students
from different lands are especially
urged to attend the World Forum
meetings dealing with the view
points of foreign peoples accord
ing to Meredith Nelson, chairman
of the Y. M. C. A. committee in
charge of the arrangements for the
Tickets can be obtained from the
university Y. M. C. A. office in the
Temple, or from the Y. W. C. A.
office in Ellen Smith hall. The
price of the tickets is thirty-five
cents or forty cents if purchased
at the door.
The pledges of Kappa Phi,
Methodist sorority, entertained
tho active members at a valentine
party from 8 to 10 o'clock last
Friday evening at Ellen Smith hall.
The entertainment consisted of
games and a short program. Re
freshments were served Immedi
ately after the program.
The committee chairmen were:
general chairman. Helen Holden;
reception, Dorothy Jackson; pro
pram. Helen Shawen: games. Fern
Sherrard; refreshments, Mable
Banks: decorations. Elirabelh Wil
liams. About eighty gir.s attended
the party.
Dr, Paul hey to He tit
Lumbermen Convention
I'ounnv of Th Lwoin Jmimi.
Professor Ivey. formerly teacher
of advertising and salesmanship at
the I'nlversity of Nchra.ska. will
be the principal seaker at the
Nebraska Lumber Dealer's asso
ciation meeting here Feb. 19 to
21. Since his days in Lincoln he
has published two books on his
specialties and now lectures before
university classes and before
salesmen of nationally used manu
factures, besides conducting a
salesmanship school at Los An
Stage Shows Secured, New
Decoration Effects Arc
A barb party has been planned
for Feb. 14. It is to be a valentine
fete and the decorations will be
appropriate to the date. Stage
shows will feature seven different
color schemes.
A riffercnt system of advertising
is being carried out this time, ac
cording to the Barb council. In
stead of sending out invitations
large posters are being put out
and .smaller ones are being put cn
radiator caps. A big sign has also
been erected just cast of Admin
istration hall, which will be fol
lowed with other signs telling
more about the party.
Beck's orchestra has been se
cured and they will present some
new specials for the stage shows.
This party is the first one held
since Christmas and Is open to all
Committees Appointed.
The committees in charge are
as follows: decorations, Marie
Broad, Lcona Louis and Grace
Pechous; decorations for the stage
shows Ruth Hether. Martin
Klinger; refreshments, Esther
Bayer; checking, Earnest Klinger
and Everett Temple; committee
on rhanprons. Ruth Hatfield. Mer
edith Nelson and Glen Relchen-
bach; lights and effects, Floyd
Peterson; signs, Glen Reichen
bach. The chaperons who have been
secured for the party are: Dr. and
Mm Steicer. Prof, and Mrs. H. O.
Warner, Prof. L. B. Orfield, J. M.
Yowell, Mr. and Mrs. van uer
Slice and Mr. and Mrs. Haydon.
Wednesday, Feb. 12.
Vesper choir tryouts. 12:30 to 1
p. m.. Ellen Smith hall.
World Forum, 12 o'clock, at Ne
braskan hotel.
Dramatic club meeting, 7:30
p. m., dramatic club rooms, Tem-
Ple- ,
Lutheran Bible league, Temple
25, 7 p. m.
Thursday, Feb. 13.
Glider club meeting. 7:30 p. m.
Mechanic Arts, 207.
Siema Delta Chi, Beta Theta
Pi house, 6 p. m.
University league of Women
Voters, Ellen Smith hall, 4 p. m.
N club, N club rooms, :id p. m.
Friday, Feb. 14.
Vesoer choir tryouts, Ellen
Smith hall, 12:30 to 1.
Deadline for election filing, Coli
seum, 5 p. m.
IS'ebraskan Suggests
Installing Ticker to
Get Yearbook teus
Reports from the 1930 Corn
husker staff Tuesday afternoon
indicated that the limited space
for junior and senior pictures in
the yearbook is rapidly becom
ing more limited. The room for
Junior photos was cut In third
Tuesday when one of the three
available spaces was taken by
a junior student.
The Daily Nebraskan office,
anxious to keep up on the cur
rent affairs of the Cornhusker,
has suggested that a ticker be
Installed In the Nebraskan edi
torial rooms so that the exact
tJtus of the Junior-senior sec
tions could be determined at
tny hour of the day. Tuesday
morning The Nebraskan re
ported that three Juniors and
two seniors might be fortunate
enough to have their likenesses
portrayed on the pages of the
Cornhusker. The Cornhusker,
with apologies to ' he economics
department, must be on a down
' " '
Favor Publication of News
Of Sorority Parties in
Head of Student Council,
Innocent and Barb Give
That the panhcllenic ban on pub-
liclty for bocinl events of sorori
ties should be iirteu Is the expan
sion of opinion of seven of the
right presidents of sororities who
were interviewed yesterday, mak
ing a total of eighteen who favored
the revision of the present ruling.
Although Maxine Mathers,
president of Pi Beta Phi. doca not
favor the policy of sororities striv
ing to outdo each other for the
sake of publicity, she sees no rea
son for its being withheld from the
columns of The Nebraskan .
"As 1 see it, publication of ac
counts of sorority parties will do
no barm, unless they take up too
much space." stated Ruth Pilling,
Alpha Chi Omega president. Miss
Pilling advocates the revision of
no harm, unless they take up too
tut Ion to make publication per
missible. Rule Reasonless.
That anything which Is a part
of the university may rightly be
published In the university daily is
the belief of Kathryn Bauman
president of Kappa Delta, and of
Frances Robinson, Sigma Delta
Tau officer. Accounts of such
events have a definite news value
sttaed Miss Robinson.
"I don't see any h:u-m in its
being published In The Nebraskan.
In fact, I can't see any point in
Its being withheld for people who
read The Nebraskan are interested
in sorority activities," stated
Gielcbea Stanaeven, president ot
(Continued on Page 3.)
Program of Curtain Skits
Will Be Presented on
Gamma Phi Beta's toy shop
revue, featuring a jack-in-the-box
announcer, a hobby horse chorus,
tin soldiers, and original song hits,
will be one of the five acts of the
Coed Follies, to be presented Sat
urday, Feb. 15, at the Temple
theater under the auspices of the
A. W. S. Helen McChesney will
act as general chairman.
Two curtain skits, one a song
and dance act by Alpha Phi and
the other a reading and dance hit
by Delta Delta Delta, will com
plete the program for coeds.
Pi Beta Phi will present a pan
tomime offering of popular maga
zines, and Sigma Kappa will fur
nish an act, "College Melancholy,"
with original songs and dances. A
burlesque on the minute men of
Lexington entitled "Her Final
Sacrifice" will be the Thl Mu con
tribution. W. A. A. is to have a unique act,
according to Miss McChesney, In
which three choruses are involved
in the jves of the different types
of university girls.
The tickets, which sell for twenty-five
cents, may be secured from
members of the A. W. S. board or
representatives in sorority houses
and dormitories.
Those Given Now Will Last
Three Years Instead
Of Merely One.
A new ruling governing special
certificates authorized by law of
the 1929 legislature was announced
by State Superintendent Taylor. It
is to the effect that certificates is
sued this year will be valid for
three years instead of one year.
All applicants must bave earned
a minimum grade of 70 percent
with an average of SO percent.
This means the applicant s prep
aration will be given a definite
grade. This grade will be averaged
with the grade earned in the dem
onstration of their ability together
with the grades earned in their
preparatory courses. This must
average 60 percent with no grade
below 70 percent.
Another rule provides that the
certificate may be renewed by
earning twelve semester hours of
college credit, including three
hours in education. This require
ment is identical for all other cer
tificates issued by the state super
intendent of public instruction.
Examinations will be held at the
office of the state superintendent
July IS and Aug. 29 this year, and
Jan. , 1931. The fee for issuance
of tbe certificate is one dolar. The
expense of the examination snail
be prorated among the applicants.
Only Tuo I ''ilingt
Hetor ted to Ihtte
l or I'rom Girl '
Two fibre, tor Juntor.Stmer
Prom girl and none for lit
other offices t be 1 lied in the
second semckter election were
reported from the student ac
tivities office In the Coliseum
Tuesday. Deadline for filing
hat been announced for &
o'clock Friday afternoon, Feb.
Offices to b filled at the
election, Feb. 18, are: senior,
Junior, sophomore and fresh
man clsit presidents, Junior
Senior Prom girl, and woman
representative on the student
council from the college of
Change in Date Also Adds
To Task of Picking
Senior Coed.
Selection of the 1P30 May
Queen Is not U be such an easy
task this frti . judgiuK fiom the
situations that have arisen within
tho last few mouths. With the
change in the date for Ivy day und
with the recent resolution by the
Student council that a mem.V-r of
the council thould be present at
Hie counting of the ballots tor May
Queen, the Mortar Bourd society,
sponsoring the election, hns been
unable to reach a satisfactory so
lution to the problem.
Last spring, following th ex
pose made by an Omahn news
paper, showing how Alan G. Wil
liams, barb leader, had succeeded
In getting his hjjrb queen elected,
the Student council passed a reso
lution governing future May Queen
elections. The following is the text
of the recommendation made to
the Mortar Biard society by the
Student council:
Council's Proposal.
1. That beginning with the
school year of 1929-1930, the sen
ior women shall, at an election
taking place in March, elect six
women from the senior class as
nominees for the position of May
2. That the May Queen shall be
chosen by the junior and senior
men and women at the regular
spring election, held by the Stu
dent council, from this list of can
dates. 3. The candidate polling the
highest number of votes shall
serve as May Queen. The candi
date polling the second highest
number of votes shall serve as her
Maid of Honor.
4. These votes sh.'.ll be counted
by the members of the Mortnr
Board and at least one of the mem
bers of the Mortar Board faculty
advisory committee.
5. This election shall hold for
one year, at the exp. ration of that
time, Murtar Board, retains the
right to change the method of elec
tion, provising that the aforesaid
nii tliod thold prove unsatisfac-
( Continued on Page 2.
Winner of Honor Is to Be
Decided Next Week;
Many Enter.
Willi the application of two uni
versity coeds for the traditional
honor of prom girl, several sorori
ties last night indicated that they
would enter the race for the fem
inine laurels. According to rumor
Helen Melster, Delta Gamma from
Omaha, has been entered in the
contest, the election of which will
take place next Tuesday morning.
Marjorie Williams, Omaha, is the
other senior woman whom sorority
members have said will be entered
from Kappa Kappa Gamma soror
ity. No definite check on the exact
number or identity of those who
have filed can be had due to recent
student council ruling that idenity
of those filing cannot be known
before the filings close Friday at
5 p. m.
According to eligibility rules,
any university coed is free to en
ter the contest if she has made
twenty-seven hours during the
last semester.
Players Eat and Eat, Audience Gets
Hungrier and Hungrier at New Play
Food and more food! That is
what those who are taking part
in the University Tlayers produc
tion of "Enter Madame" get. A
real meal is served on the stage,
and to all appearances it is more
than a meal. It Is a banquet.
"Stage property and stage scen
ery is worked out on the theory
of illusion," declared Robert
Reade, stage manager for the
players. "Everything on tbe stage
is prepared with the specific pur
pose of making the individual who
is sitting in the last row think
that he is gazing upon a room in
which he might live himself."
A Colorful Meal.
The food which seems so bounti
ful to the audience is selected with
considerable care. The most im
portant thing is to get colorful
food, and as a result such thing?
aa lettuce, carrots, and apples
If Ayres' Idea Is Approved,
Sponsorship of Barb
Group Will End.
Fewer Functions, on Closed
Dates. Is Substance of
Latest Scheme.
Voicing his opinion Tuesday
evt-ning, Akn Williams, thairmao
.f the Hnrb council, exprcsstd
himvlt being oppoxrd to the
nrw vat mi v party plan which has
Imm n pieM-ntt-1 Iwfore the Student
foun.-il I v Jovie Ayres. Il the pUn
is accepted by the Student council
art-l approved' by the faculty com
mute on stuiert orpanlrallons
the present All-University parlies
wil be t'lscontiniud and the Barb will be loll without auy
di tu .
Williams stated that in the ex
pression of opinion he voiced sen
nments of the Barb council as a
KnIv. The Bni h rniim il will ml
Wednesday evening to discuss the
pl-tn a. it has been briefly de
scribed in The Nebraskan, bow
ever. Four Events Suggested.
Under the Ayres plan, four par
ties will be given during the year.
These will be typical al university
functions, fraternity and sorority
attendance guaranteed by the clos
ing of party nights to all Greek
Utter functions. The committee in
ch-irge will be made up of four
representatives from the Student
council, four from the Barb coun
cil and the four class presidents.
"I don't understand what is
meant by an all-university'
partv," declared Williams. "The
implication is that we have failed
in our attempt to give true all
university parties. I'm sure the
Barb council would welcome and
appreciate any suggestions as to
1ijw we could improve our parties
and make them truly 'all univers
ity'." The All-L'niversity parties, ac
cording to Williams, have been
prepared to satisfy all students.
Stage sbows were offered for stu
dents who did not dance and a well
known orchestra was always se
cured for the dancers.
Barbs Predominate.
"Naturally a greater part of our
attendance is from the nonfratern
ity class," continued Williams.
(Coutinued on Tage 3.)
Films of Animal Life Are
Shown by Wyoming
Motion pictures of animal life
were shown at Agricultural hall
Tuesday during two general con
vocations on the college of agricul
ture campus. A large number of
students saw the pictures, tbe first
showing being at 11 o'clock and
the second at 4 o'clock. The pic
tures will again be shown at 10
o'clock Wednesday morning.
Charles J. Belden, of Pltchford,
Wyo noted for his studies in an
imal photography, took the mov
ing pictures which constitute some
of his most recent work. Belden
specializes in still photography and
many of his pictures have ap
peared in prominent photographic
Prof. H. J. Gramlich, bead of
the department of animal hus
bandry in the college of agricul
ture secured the pictures for tbe
convocations. Belden is operating
a large cattle and sheep ranch in
r TV Crawford, professor of
agricultural journalism, will ad
dress members or tne jsioux ciiy
alumni club of the university at
the annual charter day dinner to
be held there Friday. The mem
bers of the committee wnicn are
planning the dinner are: Howard
Benedict, Robert Rannard, Miss
Kdith Girardot. Miss Ethel Bern
ham, Earl Eohl, H. L. Rice, Miss
Ruth Kendall and Jchn Powers.
have been used. Mashed potatoes
are used to take the place of the
oft referred to truffles, which, ac
cording to Mr. Beale, have not yet
been identified.
"You should see the way Ed
win Qutnn, who plays the part of
the Italian chef, works when he
serves the meal," laughed Mr.
Reade. "He no sooner get all
the dishes on the table when he
has to serve the food and then re
move the dishes again."
Those who don't get to eat on
the stage receive their share later
on. Paul Thompson, who takes
the role of the doctor, stands dur
ing the entire banquet, but be la
amply rewarded when the play la
Some of the other stage prop
erties w hich prove to be quite dif
ferent from wh-.t they first seem
are the tapestry and the curtains.