The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1930, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
vou xxix no. n.i.
Burnett and Ramsey Will
Go to Pacific Coast to
Address Grads.
Outstate Meetings Will Be
Held on Thursday or
Preliminary plana for the ob
servance of Charier day. Saturday
Feb. IS. at the Vniverstty of Ne
braska were inadeat a meeting of
thirty faculty member with Chan
cellor E. A. Burnett Monday even
ing. It ti decided at that time
that Dr. Samuel Avery, former
chancellor of tha university. lll
have charge of 'he exercise tn
Lincoln due to CJiancellor Bur
net t'a absence.
The firit meeting of the alumni
out tn the state will be held Wed
nesday at Humbolt. The chancellor
will apeak before that rroup and
from there InUuds to go, accom
panied by the alumnt secretary.
Ray Ramsey, to the Pacific coast.
Mr. Ramaey is to atop off enroute
at Broken Bow where he will ap
pear before the local alumni cub.
Among the places to be visited
by the chancellor and alumni re
presentative are Spokane and Se
attle. Wart.: ForUnud. Ore.: San
Francisco and Los Angeles. Calif.:
Salt Lake City. Utah; and Denver
Colo. They expect to be gone until
March 4.
Although Saturday is the date
set aside In the university calendar
for Charter day. many of the
clubs in the state will gather on
Thursday or Friday. Speakers, se
cured from among faculty mem
bers, will bring greetings to the
various groups of graduates. The
lint of orators together with their
destinations follows:
Alma. C. H. Oldfather, Fob. 1.
Aurora, J. D. Hicks. Feb. 14.
Flattmouth. T. Bullock. Feb. 15.
Albion, D. X. Bible, Feb. 14.
Curtis, F. T. Keim. Feb. 15.
Falls City, D. X. Bible. Feb. 22.
Fremont, D. X. Bible. Feb. 15.
Norfolk, H. F. Schulte. Feb. 15.
Holdrege, H. E. Bradford,
David City, N. A. Bengtson,
Feb. 15.
Nebraska City, J. P. Sennlng.
Sidney. E. W. Lantz. Feb. 13.
Alliance and North Platte, E. W.
Geneva. H. F. Schulte., Feb. 17.
McCook. V. E. Sealock, Feb. 11.
Harvard, J. E. LeRossignoi, cd.
Tecumseh. C H. Patterson.
West Point, C. M. Knicr, Feb. 15
Broken Bow, Ray Ramsey, reo.
u.hmn R. D. Scolt. Feb. 15.
Seward. E. H. Barbour, Feb. 15.
Columbus, G. E. Condra. Feb. 15.
Candidates May File Until
Friday; Election on
Next Tuesday.
' Indications that many sororities
would enter candidates in the race
for the Prora girl was evidenced
last night as a canvass was made
of sorority houses by committee
members. Applications will be re
ceived until Friday, Feb. 14, at 5
o'clock at the student activities
office in the coliseum.
Sororities wishing to enter coeds
In the contest for the traditional
honor of Prom girl should make
application immediately, according
to Don Carlson, chairman of the
committee, because of the fact
that all names must appear on the
ballot at the general election next
Senior women who have made
twenty-seven hours during the
preceding two semesters and at
least twelve hours during the last
semester, are eligible for competi
tion. According to previous ar
rangement, the 1830 Prom girl will
receive considerable publicity in
newspapers and periodicals.
Dr. Lowe Will Speak
At Iowa Convention
Dr. C. G. Lowe, chairman of the
classics department, is on the
program for the twelfth annual
conference of Latin teachers of
Iowa, to be held at Iowa City.
February 14-15. He will take part
in the Friday program, giving a
talk. "A Late Greek Epic of Chiv
alry." Honors Candidates
Must Be Filed by
Friday Afternoon
i . . ..ninr lunior.
sophomore and freshman class
presidents, Prom girl, and woman
representative of the agricultural
college on the student council have
four more days in which to file
their applications for the offices.
Applications are to be made at
the student activities office in the
coliseum until . o'clock Friday.
Present ion of idnf fflcation cards
is necessary when filing an appli
cation .
New Tuel llrutl
OAurt y of Ttw Linmin Joumtl.
Omaha coed, who was recently
elected president of the Tassels,
women' pep society of the uni
versity. Miss Plckard Is a Junior
In the school of Journalism and a
member of PI Beta Phi and Tbcta
Sigma Phi.
Pep Society Names Sally
Pickard President;
Plan Banquet.
At a recent meeting of Tassels,
women's pep society of the univer
sity. Sally Pickard, Omaha, was
chosen president for the ensuing
semester. Miss Fickard is a Junior
in the school of Journalism and is
a member of Pi Beta Phi and
Theta Sigma Phi.
Other officers selected are: Es
ther Gaylord, '31. Lincoln, vice
president; Mary Jane Swett. '31,
Omaha, secretary; Dorothy Wea
ver, '31. Lincoln, treasurer; Mabel
Heyne, '31, Wisner, publicity chair-
The annuAl initiatory banquet
for pledges to Tassels will be held
Thursday evening. Feb. 20, at the
Cornhusker hotel. The initiation
committee Is composed of Helen
McChesney, Lucille Ackerman and
Helen Manning. Ruth Schill la in
charge of the menu.
Refugee From China Will
Tell of Girls of the
A feature of the Vespers service
this afternoon at 5 o'clock at Ellen
Smith hall will be a discussion of
"Chinese Girls and Their Homes"
by Mrs. A. H. Webb, who three
years ago vas forced by the na
tionalist revolution in China to re
turn to the United States.
Dr. Webb was a medical mis
sionary and was in charge of a
hospital in western China, where
Mrs. Webb had occasion for very
close contact with the Chinese.
Dr. and Mrs. Webb were in China
for five years. Preceding the
vesper service Mrs. Webb will dis
play some of the Interesting things
she" collected in China. The meet
ing will be led by Marie Broad.
The "Nebraska in Shanghai"
staff under the direction of Min
nie Nemechek is in charge of the
service. Beginning March 3 this
staff will sponsor a "Nebraska in
Shanghai" education week when
several doctors from China will
speak on the campus.
Wyoming Rancher Will Show
Motion Pictures of
Animal Life.
At tvL-n freneral convocations to
held at the college of nirricul-
ture Tuesday at 11 a. m. and 4 r.
m., moving pictures of animal life
taken ny unaries J. tseiaen, noiea
nnlnml nhotocranher of Pitchfofd.
Wyo., will be shown. The convoca
tions have been arranged at me
two different hours to enable as
mnv students to attend as possi
ble since no classes are to be ex
cused at either hour.
Belden has taken a great many
still pictures but in reoent years
k Hcvolnnprl Into a wizard at
taking movies, according to Prof.
H. J. Gramlten oi me coucge oi
ffripiiiture. The Wvomine man is
a graduate of an eastern university
and IS now operun one uj liic
largest cattle and sheep ranches
in that state.
Pictures taken by Belden are
..bA in lpadine magazines such as
the National Geographic.
Sigma Delta Chi Will
Hold Regular Meeting
Sigma Delta Chi, professional
Journalistic fraternity, will hold a
regular meeting at the Beta Theta
PI fraternity house Thursday eve
ning. Vrne Hedge, former mayor
of Lincoln, and chairman of the
aviation committee of the chamber
of rommercs. will give the address
of the eveaiw.
G. Walter Vogt Plays Part
Of Husband; Gestures
Are Realistic.
Jcrc Mickcl Takes Rclc of
Modern Son; Falls
In Love.
Gwen Thiza Fay displays un
usual acting ability In her presen
tation of the role of Madame Lisa
Delia Robbia, the temperamental
prima donna In "Enter Madame"
which is being given by the Uni
versity Players at the Temple
theater this week.
Mlsa Fay who speaks Italian
phrases with the rapidity and ease
of a native la very convincing In
her part. With her dark bair and
coloring she looks the part, and
her voice which she raises and
lowers frequently add to the valid
ity of her characterization.
Miss Fay la ably assisted by G.
Walter Vogt who Is cast as her
husband. Gerald Fitzgerald. Mr.
Vogt who has received much fa
vorable comment in the numerous
other parts In which he has played
during the year, upholds his
standard in "Enter Madame." His
gestures and facial expressions
are both natural and realistic. Mr.
Vogt seems to be in his right ele
ment in emotional roles.
Jere Mickle, as the son John,
of this unusual family, is also a
favorite. Mr. Mickle typifies the
current impression of the modern
college boy who thinks his family
is a responsibility to him rather
than that he is one to them. He
is supposed to be in love with
Aline Chalmers, played by Ger
trude Sullivan, but unlike his emo
tional mother, he is very calm and
collected about it.
Other members of the cast are:
Prudence Brown as Mrs. Flora
Preston, the widow who almost
wins Gerald Fitzgerald away from
his wife; Paul Miller as Mr. Fitz
gerald's servant; Valerie Worrell
as Madame's personal maid; Ed
win Quinn as Archlmede, ma
dame's Italian. chef;. Paul Thomp
son as her doctor; and Eleanor
Foley as her secretary, Miss
The action of the play takes
place in a bachelor's apartment in
Boston. Single admission tickets
may be obtained at Ross P. Cur
tice for seventy-five cents. The
evening performances start at
7:30 p. m.
One hundred students attended
a valentine party neia naay
evening tn honor of new freshmen
entering the college of agriculture.
Entertainment consisted or various
games, rouowea Dy a program
and subs equent refreshments
Guests at the party included Mr.
and Mrs. Keim, Miss Guthrie and
Misses Ruth White and Opal
Outstate School Heads
Visit Teachers College
Superintendents of Schools H. E.
Bixcler, of Grant; E. L. Weaver,
of Scottsbluff; and George A.
Ross, of Palisade, were among the
Nebraska elementary school offi
cials who visited at the teachers'
reference bureau yesterday.
Hiking Long Distances Is Professor
Gass' Hobby and Choice Recreation
"WouM walking be called a hobby?" asks Prof. S. B. Cass
of the English department. "Jf it would, then I have a hobby,
one that 1 have always enjoyed."
Tramps through the mountains of Switzerland, the lanes
of Enghnd and valleys of Germany as well as along the prairie
roads or jNenrassa auu iuuKi
trulls t,r the Sierras have civen
Mr. Gass experience enough to be
called an authority. "In France,
one time, 1 startea a Dicycie
trip but after losing my way, try
ing to find it by inquiries in halt
ing French, and attempting to get
through muddy roads in an un
ending rain storm. I turned around
and took the train," he laughed.
Spvpm vears aero he was one
of a quartet, of professors of the
university, all Keenly mLeresiea in
hiking. Recently the group has
been broken up but Professor Gass
still enjoys long walks when time
and weather permit.
A stout stick and a light pack
urn thn rHKpntial oaranhernalia of
the vagabond. Professor Gass ex
plains. The walking stick must
be well worn to tne nana, oe
light but strong and preferably
havo a Innn tn hfLncr on the arm
so that the hand may be free at
times to light the pipe or to pick
up interesting objects found along
the road.
Fine days in Nebraska offer
the most delightful walking
weather of any Professor Gass has
known. Along the Platte valley
there is nature scenery that rivals
any country's. A trip to Crete is
one of his favorite saiuraay
Disagreeing with Hazlitt and
Stevenson, perhaps tha most fa
mous literary trampers who bae
written of their hohhiea. Mr. Gass
believes that a solitary walk is
TvmH'taturv in
State 1'ary From
110 to 31 lU lou
Weather u Nchraskans who
WMtch In thermometer, measure
the rainfall and forecat Jack
Frost's firtt visit to the tomato
vines, had a busy year during m.
judging from the data that has
iH-rn compiled on Nebraska vy ine
I'nited States weather bureau on
the University of Nebraska cam
pus. Temperatures in the state varied
all the way from 31 degrees below
tero to 110 In the rbade, and rain
fall averages for the year reached
near tropic proportions with a
record of 57. 15 inches falling at
one point In the state. For the en
tire state, the average temperature
was 47.8 degrees, as compared
with 9.9 degrees during 1028. Av
erage rainfall was 23 09 inches.
Drier, slightly cooler than nor
mal, deficient unshin excess
cloudiness." n the way the re
port summed up the stale.
Mockler Betters His Own
Time; Cornhuskcrs
Win Relays.
A M F.S. la. (Special to The
Daily Nebraskan The Iowa State
college swimming team, champions
of the Big Six conference last
year, was Jcfcatcd by University
of Nebraska natators here tonight
in the first meet of the year for
both teams.
Leading by two points zA the be
ginning of the last event, the 300
yara medley relay, the Cornhusk
ers put the meet away 40 to 35
when Cannon, swimming the last
100 yards, nosed out Captain Burt
ner of Iowa State in a driving
Cannon led by three yards when
he took the water and the handi
cap was too much for the Cyclone
leader to overcome. Weld, Iowa
State backstroker. outswam Mock
ler, conference champion, in the
first 100 yards, but Pattavlna, Ne
braska's breaststroker, opened a
wide margin over M. Smith.
Huskers Take Five Firsts.
The Cornhuskers took first in
five of the nine events and bettered
one Big Six conference record
when Mockler swam the 150-yard
backstroke in 1:58.7, one-tenth sec
ond faster than his own conference
record. M. Smith of Iowa State
bettered by 16 seconds the confer
ence record in the 440-yard free
style when he swam the distance
in 6:5. Hestbeck of Nebraska was
a close second. All three place
winners finished well under the
conference mark.
50-Yard Dash Featured.
Although not swam in fast time,
the 50-yard dash was the feature
race of the meet with B. A. Smith
of Iowa State and Young and
Amato of Nebraska finishing in a
bunch. The Judges gave Smith
first and Amato second. The time
was :21.1. Amato came back to
win the 100-yard free style with a
finishing SDrint that carried him
ahead of Unser of Iowa State.
Sutherland, Nebraska's only con
fostjint In the. fanev divine event.
placed second to Fleig, Iowa State
sophomore. Chicken of lowa isiate.
Big Six conference champion last
year, was third.
AMFR. la. Rudv Voreler's Ne
braska swimming team edged out
a narrow 40-35 victory over the
Iowa State team in a dual swim
ming meet here Monday night.
Two valley records were broken.
Mockler of Nebraska bettered his
not as pleasant as one with a
companion or two. With his
friends, Mr. Gass often walks to
Crete and sometimes they go to
Seward or Fremont, other times
to Nebraska City or Beatrice.
"Twenty-eight or thirty miles in
one day is about the right length
of a hike for me," he says.
"The lighter the pack, the more
pleasure one can find in tramp
ing." he continues. "If you must
carry your food the pack is likely
t he too heavv. One of the most
pleasant trips I ever took waa in
Switzerland when I carnea oniy a
change of clothes and an extra
coat for rainy weather. On one
trip in California we followed a
trail in the coast range for about
ISO miles, depending on scattered
hermits to obtain food and
"There should be some objective
for stimulation of any walking
trip but the walk itself should be
the important factor. A round
trip hike in one day la not inter
esting, m Mr. Gass's opinion. One
must walk to some point far
enough away to make it worth
while, then after a night'a rest the
return is enjoyable too.
He does not walk to make bo
tanical studies or do geological
research: it is the fun of tramp
ing with a friend that makes his
hobby interesting. Mr. Gass ex
plained, the love of continuous ex
ercise in the open air and the ap
preciations of the beauties of landscapes.
Kansas Continues Winning
Streak for 4 Big 6
Defensive Work Good Witl
Outcome Doubtful Till
Last Minutes.
(Special to The Daily Nebraska)
A fighting Jayhawker quintet
kept Its record spotless tonight by
winning its fourth consecutive Big
Six baxkethall game from Nebras
ka ?7 in 20. The rame was fea
tured by g.od defensive work with
the outcome in doubt until the
closing minutes of play, wnen
baskets bv Ramsey and Ranstn
put the contest on Ice.
Tne score ai me nan wu it km.
Rturtinp nlsv In the second period
with a rush, the Huskers scored
five points to put them out. in
front. Half the Nehraskans tallies
were made fr.m the free throw
Harvey Grave, who sprained an
ankle in the gme with Oklahoma
Saturday night was in the game
tonight, and accounted for three
nAinia rvnrh Rlack used but seven
players, working Witte at forward
and Davey ai center.
Scoring honors for the evening
went to Bishop, Jayhawk forward,
who connected four times from the
field, and four times from the free
throw line. Morrie Fisher was hisb
for the Nebraskans, collecting sis
points on a field goal and four
gift tosses.
Nrbrmk, .
1 n t pt
Ft.h f J J
Grr. t J 3
Hokul. c 2 ? ? ?
Lrwndowkl. r 0 I
wm. t I"'
Dvy, c JL 2 1 2
Town S 1 20
Kmut, 27.
m ft i r
Blrtinp, f J J
Co, c 1 J
rg. g J. J
OlMJy, f J 2 Ji
Totm i 7 11 17
Head of Womi to Attend
Education:.! Meeting on
East Coast.
Dean Amanda Heppner leaves
Feb. 15 for Atlantic City to attend
the midwinter National Educa
tional association meeting of deans
of women. At the meeting, which
lasts from Feb. 19 to 22, Miss
Heppner will attend round-table
discussions on "Dormitories: What
Can We Make of Them?" On her
return trip she will visit and study
dormitory systems on other cam
puses. The main purpose of the
trip, Dean Heppner stated, is to
gather information to be used in
the erection of the proposed dor
mitories on this campus.
On the trip from Atlantic City
to Lincoln Miss Heppner will stop
to inspect the dormitory systems
at the following schools: North
western university at kvanston,
111.; Michigan university at Ann
Arbor, Micvh.; Cornell university
at Ithaca, N. Y.; Columbia uni
versity at New York; Swarthmore
college at Swarthmore. Pa., and
the University of Pennsylvania,
At the N. E. A. meeting Miss
Heppner expects to spend part of
her day in general conferences and
the remainder in sectional. group.4
which will discuss such questions
as mental hygiene and student
self government as well as dormi
tory management. Dean Heppner
will return about March 1 .
Father of Former Nes
Editor Dies in Colorado
Word was received here Monday
of the death of Dr. Charles A.
McKim last Friday at bis home in
Windsor, Colo., following a pro
longed illness.
Dr. McKim was the father of
Eugene McKim, Delta Upsilon,
who held a position of The Ne
braskan staff as news editor dur
ing the first semester until he was
called home.
Tuesday, Feb. 11.
DeMolay meeting, 8 p. m. Scot
tish Rite temple. Patrol at 7 p. m.
Vesper choir tryouts. 12:30 to
1 p.m. Ellen Smith hall.
Wednesday, Feb. 12.
Vesper choir tryouta. 12.30 to 1
p. m. Ellen Smith ball. World
Forum. 12 o'clock at Nebraska ho
tel. Dramatic club meeting. 7:30
p. m., dramatic club rooms, Tem
ple. Thursday. Feb. 13.
Glider club meeting. 7:30 p. m.
Mechanic Arts, 207.
Din-eta Journalism
7 l
V v A ' -i "t r- i. -GAYLE.
Newly appointed had of the
school of jiiiirnalix.u. Wnlker has
acted as director '!' the school
since the doath t its foun.i.r
M. M. Fogg In HO;. He recently
received bis A. M. degree frum the
Members of Chorus Will Be
Picked Tonight; Cast
On Wednesday.
Definite action toward the stag
ing of "Sob Sister." Kosmi-t Klub s
spring musical comely, will com
mence Tuesday night when ap
plicants for the male and female
choruses try out before a com
mittee of club mcmixM-s. Tryouts
will start at 7 o'clock in room 2'3
of the Temple building and from
the appearance ot the application
bulletin posted in the CoU.-ce Book
store and the reports of many
who have nut yet signed it. a
large number of candidates w;!l be
Another trrout for principals
of the t-how will be held in room
203 of tho Temple Wednesday
night, starting at 7 o'cloc k. Try
ing out for the choruses does not
bar trying ollt iT principal parts,
however. Those interested are
urged bv the club to try out for
both as'it will make for greater
efficiency in selecting the final
personnel of the 3930 production.
Girl applicants for the female
chorus will be graded largely on
dancing ability. This chorus will
specialize more in dancing than
vocal work. Male applicants for
the chorus, on the other hand,
will be judged almost entirely on
singing ability. Present plans call
for a female chorus of ten and a
male chorus of like number.
University srholarship require
ments for "participation in activ
ities will apply to all candidates
for any phase of tho show. Kos
met Klub members especially urge
all who took part in the Thanks
giving Morning revue or who have
had any stage experience to be
present at the Tuesday and Wed
nesday tryouts.
A. W. S.
All Is Ready for Staging
Of Coed Follies on
Saturday Night.
All arrangements for the pro
duction of Good Follies, annual
feature entertainment given by
coeds for university pills, have
been completed, according to
Helen McChesney, general chair
man of the committees in charge.
The affair is sponsored by A. W.
S. and will be presented Saturday,
Feb. 15.
Two novelty curtain skits will
supplement the live acts, each of
neveral minutes length, chosen by
the A. W. S. committee irom the
twenty-one suggestions submitted
by the organized groups in
Assisting Miss McChesney with
plans for the Coed Follies is Kath
erine Williams. P"g Howser Is
chairman ot the commit tep for
pewters, and Sally Pickard chair
man of the program committee.
Gretchen Fee has charge of the
sale of tickets, and Mary Nichols,
of the publicity. Betty Cook
heads the committee to select
judges lor the final presentation.
dk. e Twnfowi;
Dr. K. W. Howe, Lincoln phys
ician, will address tne members of
the Nu-Mcd club at their regular
February meeting at the Grand
hotel Wednesday evening
topic of the address will be "The
X-ray in Medicine." Besides the
address there will be some musical
numbers on the program.
The pre-meds have received
their des'gnation pins which have
the form of a silver skull and
crossbones with small ruby eyes.
Rulh Replaces Eastman
At County Institution
LaVerne Ruth, Cairo, Neb., a
student at the university, has been
placed in charge of the boys at the
Lancaster county detention home.
He is taking the place of Dana
Eastman, senior at the law college,
who has had charge for the last
three years.
Accounts of Their Parties
Should Be Printed Say
Women Heads.
Eleven Out of Twenty-One
Coed Groups Favor
Different Plan.
Kleven out of twelve sorority
prtJidenta bo could be reached
Monday declared themselves In
fvir of changing in a rule ot the
Pnnhillenic association which ex
ilinie ail news ot sorority parties
to wliu h men are Invited from
i no reason why The Ne
hrakan should not publish news
of sorority downtown parties,"
said Gladvi Lamme, president of
Alpha Ornicron Pi. when inter
viewed vesterday.
"I can see no harm in the pub
lication of news of sorority partiea
and am personally in favor of It
s'ated Prudence Erown, president
of Alpha Phi.
Many Give Opinion.
Helen McChesney. president of
Delta Delta Delta and a member
of the Panhellenic council believes
the Panhellenic rule should be
changed so as to peiinit publishing
of news of sorority parties.
Betty Craft, president of Delta
Gamma. Is perfectly willing that
such news be published providing
the Panhellenic rule is favorable.
Janet Winter, president of
Gamma Phi Beta, declared. "I am
positively in favor of The Ne
braskan publishing such news but
not tbe downtown papers."
Lucille Nordholm, president of
Alpha XI Delta; Betty Jonas,
president of Chi Omega; Irene
Shelburn, president of Delta
Zeta: Margaret Shepard, president
of Sigma Kappa; Mary Louise
Lane, head of Theta Phi Alpha;
and Edith Woodruff. Zeta Tau Al
pha's president; all expressed
themselves as being in favor of
publication of such news by The
Althea Marr, president of Kappa
Kappa was the only one
oi the twelve interviewed who was
not heartily in favor of the plan.
She prefers that only the time,
place and date of sorority parties
(Continued on Page 4.1
Swiss Student to Address
Meeting on 'More
Blind Spots
The viewpoint of the people of
Switzerland will be discussed at
the World Forum meeting Wednes
day. Walter Keiner, a native of
Switzerland, will address the gath
ering on "More Blind Spots." The
meeting will be held at 12 o'clock
in the dining room of the Ne
braskan hotel.
Mr. Keiner is a student assist
ant in the department of botany.
He has attended the University of
Nebraska for se'eral years, and
during the summer months he is
employed as a park ranger at
Long's penk, in the Colorado
Rockies. Mr. Keiner received his
citizenship lrom the United States
last spring.
Tickets for the luncheon can be
obtained from C. D. Hayes, secre
tary of the university Y. M. C. A.,
in the Temple, or from Miss Erma
Appleby, secretary of the univer
sity Y. W. C. A., in Ellen Smith
hail. The price of the tickets is
35 cents or 40 cents if taken at
tho door.
Meredith Nelson, co-chairman of
the Y. M. C. A. committee in
charge of World Forum, stated
that foreign students attending the
university are especially urged to
One of the recent contributions
to the state historical society col
lection is a handmade walnut
cradle, which was the heirloom of
Mrs. C. C. Engberg. wife of the
late Dr. C .C. Engberg. The
cradle was made by John Deva
lon, at Wheelwright, Ohio, in
1M3. It was brought to Exeter,
Nebr., a few j'ears later by cov
ered wagon. The cradle origin
ally had rockers, but constant
use since it was first made soon
wore them out.
Space for 2 Seniors
And 3 Juniors Left
In 1930 Cornhuskvr
.There is still room for two
seniors and three juniors pic
tures in the Junior-Senior sec
tion of the Cornhusker, stated
Arthur Bailey, editor-in-chief
of the yearbook last night. Per
mission must be reclved In the
Cornhusker office for having
pictures taken for these spaces.
Contracts for organ 'rations
space In the year book must be
signed within the next three
days. The space is speedily di
minishing and a number of or
ganizations will be disappointed
unlets contract are signed
soon, hs dec'ared.