I riuu.K Mil; I)in M HK K N hi ptajr II. II fsntt l vtjr fall II dual If amateur museum mm STOP FOR HOLIDAYS ,FHS la as ros- as ShltMlhM) 01 Finsl Will Afternoon Ther Un I any answer. II (Hit of r.nl l.!," bald sli Hrnle. 'Hut Ftatlirt'"1 ''" rwuld Uu Be Held Today in 'a " t i, H " easier fr rif'fmr " Morrill Hall. , nt i-.iim.ii .i)tf r dumb and I sjuesa Ihry ar INhrr nut I tiff mililnt bar fir lh i.kel as lhy hav." The last Aundajr altnn tnu-, mm profrem lo held !, fhrtttmae fc heM thie after-1 n in MiH-rill hall Al 1 V or lira Marine flhahalell will lata lo rfcildren on "Water. " Itiiaj talk will b foiu.med by a motion lirtur of lb lllm "And rVnith. at." Th piiliii depute the' trucil of plant if In h dert ' nuntry. Th prtram will l itoplltal of lh on Kivn lo lb ibiMrrn l 10 JO Malutday morn lii . At lh adult pi.rm at 4 00 p m. Misa fthanafell will fiv an il lustrated talk on 'Old itinstmas " Th film -Arid HiMilhweel" m all b hciaa. and Bydney Campbell, a huh xhool iudiit. will play a number of avlopbnn soli. K. U. Colllne. assistant curator al lh museum, will mndurt lura Ihrmigh lh muiini fr lh bene fit of lh visitors durtnc th after noons. The rialurdsy and Hun day program will l continued on Jan. 11 and 12. UmVElrFMEN VISITIKSIUDENIS New Plan Includes Talking Over relations Among Various Races. Two nt w developments In th proiram of th university Y. M. C. A. wr outlined by Lr nankin, prcaidtnt, at an advisory board meeting held In the Temple cafe teria Saturday noon. Th flrat Innovation will be th visiting- of alck atudenta. They are to be visited In their room and In lh Infirmary, greeting carda will be aent them, and member will call to aee If they ran be of any service. Thla work la being don under th direction of Glen Hutch Innon. A Christian world education pro gram tinder th direction of Ray Hummel la to be Inaugurated. An Inter-raclal commission of atudenta of all race will meet to discus inter-raclal relation and prejudices. IM ( III PLANS TO 1 IK Alt I.IXTUIK ON ll.l'NOTI.srs TASK rl ltd. honor at) ptbolcy ftatemity will hold rlnaed meet ing, M-Mtay lec. I in ial smierue 121 al 4 o'tlock. (ird-n W. Han lay will apeak on "Th History and Application of Hypnosis " 'A hynotlMd auliirct will b used In demonstrating th curious facta of hynos's. All memhere ar urged to he present. Thla will he lh first meeting ainc lh election and lunation of member. Only membera of th fraternity will b admitted. DKIMll OK SPACK WILL III. UK.TI'RK . HV PHOK. SWKZKY "Pepth of ".par." will b th regular observatory lecture lo be given by I'rof. I. D. Hwetey al th observatory Tuesday evening. Dec. 17. at cVrlork. Th lecture will deal with recent knowiedg of th Immensity of th universe. The observatory will he open to th public from 7 until 10 o'clock. According to Professor Swetey. Jupiter may be easily seen at this time of lh year. Thla will be the last observatory program until after lh holidays. COLUMBIA HOOKS DR. HKNGTSON IN St'MMKR SESSION BOUTS ARE SLATED Clove Battles Will Occur On Monday Afternoon In Coliseum. ( Mirrfftfy Knilio Program for IIWJL' MMst. Pr IS . r..r T IS. N.i .. ' IWMI tIM. v s 4 I .1 Ik Isii l I s m "Wfcsi M.. a l'ik 1U " S. Hi. hM.tIM II m s.s s4 1 " w-l Sr I" M .sii sis. ltM Hi S. ii 1' nils' m.. ms. wu " r j HMSII S-'MM SSISISI Sa l l KrnilKnal ttaits in Ihie rlasara In Ihe inlerfialertiily bomg our nantent ar arbeduled fur 4 3d u clock Monday afternoon at the coliseum. Although no ilefinit an nouncement has been mad. is probable that bampioeiship matches In all rlassea will l- staged 'Nedneaday aflernoiw at Ihe same hour. ' railings for Monday ate: IM pounds: Amslo llia Kigma rtu va. Muur. Ielta I'psilon; Van Valkenberg. Pelta Higma lambda v. Ja kn. Tau Kappa r'psilnn. ISA pounds: Amatu. IVMa figma Phi vs. Whukwlr. vita Higma Lambda; llurren. Tau Kappa n ailon va. Hutchinson, I'hi Higma av . UT fVHjn.U. I Urn en. KiRma Nil' i. vim. IVM Hif m j.mtU v. MrUitht rirm Hmivt. it VV4 ' m ! It H i t ii Ml T'tfit- s m - "A N '- , ir j (, .t4 i.Mt 4 M w (( U m ' lbM.1 I 4 ! h .r hf M II iMHMi ai tMMtt-ir II l (A Ms ' ) K-SKbM M M ttar, v4) ,i r l wimH4. II N r m f'k I p m ' HAttKt f htiftft tt9 VHkM lttlMI ! ! I. i Ha t O'tia i-n4tttfsti f hv4 a.UwsM I It I m "tiMl (W IM I ts Mt t f l asKs41 )-1 ( MtttwM, ! Iwietl g liwuiij . Himiii It. MlMf VtfXaMl ' IM ltm4Ul BaM. mi twto t m - I Ml H rt l M.aya. INaM'tl l Ilk I WHUH 4M i M r'U (. M !. l a-'4 I '' ! M"- II ) aVopsas I s4 a n -. tViiiwi I. .lsg" sfeaf l 4st M sj ltalias ( Ml I I ii m Tm i . Iiti m . tt . . fMt I wU i ; I tj 4 ' 4 Bs i 4 ! lt ) at 4.l ! IV fa M MNI l ! M. a !!- i fs m - 1 -- eH 4 s4 !- s 14 i s t K't Ml U' ' ! h m It 9 tMK fra' tn4., I'imwWi t H M'l - Vs lIKlai (lis llt f M W-i .irtriiiNf! v( tlV'v4 tlsf BMlaV f l-4 s-s a. - I -' ' ' 4 a ! I. ' I. tt U.. M- i am 1 1 INti-l Iw I 4 ' I f I h ftV i , 4 U1 tWIw4t tMVMMgWt II s t-f ! I vi A HJVI I h sKVa ! I - I irr Kail Ks.ji Hi t( lksM IMll l f UiiMH H t XI M - VH'lwr tviwtn is m U llrmlrirktt ltrUrt Bornnrll TrxtlnMik "A Mrtt Vur in Thytir," a tnibrxtli mrltln by Prof, Hrbrt liomwnlU prttfMor of Wthmqiic of intniclitn Id cinra whirh ppar1 early In tvtotr, hi ben rvieJ In Iht Dt-nihr U n of School l ln t and Mth malka, by Dr. B. O. Ilrndrtrtti of lh department of chvmtitry. Learn to Dance liuarante lo leaib you in u rntal lessons. I'lavM-a vry MoruU" and Medliredav. Private lessons moining. after-n-wn evening I'a'l t Appointment Mn. Luclla Williamt I'rivat Phone BU.'i. rltmli" I J.'O D ft I4MMMMMMMI "Your Drug Stori" Try I Ham WUMmis Tnsaialrhes si nur lAiacnonsiie. . whtttmsn Csriills - The Owl Pharmacy 1st N. 14th A . BiOM I i Christmas I Greeting Cards FOOTBALL MAKES . BUMS Or PLAYERS - - tOontlnued from Pag Onel Idcd with board, room and laun Iry ''If all th itchiMili do It. nobodv ten nob. and they would be doing the decent thing by the player.' Mi Bride thinks the situation is hopeless. The only thing that could be done would be to malte jt out and out professional. Me sees no way of curbing the football monaler. It la more pow erful than lh colleges which cre ated it, far more powerful than the Pr. Ne's A. Bengtsnn has ac cepted a return engagement to serve on the staff of Columbia uni versity during th coming sum mer, having charge of th summer school work In economic geogra phy In the school of business. Dr. Brngtson will hav on course j open to undergraduates at Oolum-1 bia and a course limited to grad- ; uate students. I Arrangements are being made whereby he will serv halt of th I nln week summer term at Ihe j University of Nebraska, leaving I the remaining weeks to be filled by others on the sian. inui is ine second summer at Columbia for Or. Bengtson. FACULTY ('ONDIICTS SUKVKV AT SKWAKI) A school survey is now tinder way at Seward, Neb. Participants in this survey are Dr. Charles Kordyce, Dr. H. C. Koch. Dr. C. IX Weldemann, Prof. K. W. lanU, Dr. t. W. Rosenlof, as well as members of the department of school administration. CLASSIFIED ADS. rTfe.H ALL ill vi v4nt a Towiuitnd phutuitratfo I pnuTtiftpn 8et with Reward ir CuukmK yuur Hntjcft Blurt 10 wilt Ut Black fountain pn d rirwn Hall and R on Hth. LI jiai-Utm Koid wrut watch. 1 diamond! And 4 aairva. ' Manahct ly. BiSota tABl rial vatrn in tavtory oi Atiomwa hall ' riday a(trnoon Rtward.M wn AfT tiJ, Havt nad cipcncnc tn tnetii wnnng. Hncfta mionabia. Roaa BIU4, S.MIR Ht. Dial M.V.3. IAT-Bnnt buck I tn vKimt nt Mix lnfh and 0 tr4t Saturday mornini. Mildrad ctiappell. RENTCARS Model "A" Kurds, Chevrolet sixes and fours and Reo Wol verines and Hying Clouds. Special discount on Chevrolet 4 cylinder cars and Reo Wolver ines. Reservations held until 7 p. m. Time charge begins at T p. m. Plenty of cars at all times. W will appreciate your business. Motor Out Company 1120 P Street Always Open The Davit School Service Tor 13 Yesri Nebraska's leading Tracheit' Agency titselithf 1H U3- Slusrt Bids., Lincoln. B-OM trormtrly 131 No. tlth 81. Any Time of tb Day h a Good Time in the Day for Cood Eats STOP AT THE University Candy Kitchen 244 No. 13th -733 (KliHWIW!MIIWWIW! I A Few TUCKER-SHEAN For our Christmas Card stock this yar w hav se lected cards with that "something different" appeal Rxcluaiv designs just a little more artistic and unique. You may buy any quantity with name engraved, printed, process engraved or blanka you chose. May w show them to you,? Graves Printing Company Three Door South of Unl. Temple. I 5 lit North Itth St. hen ll I Hi 1; 4 . . . on nnsiiTP In ihr SOS. i TH K 1'H'i PF.r.SONALIZKD C.UTi IM AKg' . . . n'IV. tCfi'iH K' si flu . . . nrr doubly 50 if ihry'rr 4 i Qotwm Qold Stripes puK every woman . . . tall, medium, short . . . sl-nder. average or matronly f:ri Htautiful shev ihiffons with square or p'.lntrd liocN or senu scrvk wetjrhts - picol lop chiffon with the sniHit narrow French heel. Keatmcd now a special dis play of these Gift stocklngM. $133 Pair 3 Pairs for S 5 70 (lf (i.K'S Frrr Ho.ilcry - Rudge's Sti-ect Klm.i . 'Qw&$& Gmmwl Co LYRICTIIEATRE HAVE LOCK 'SuHdayt Dec. 15 VAUDEVILLE Davis & Ball T Black Clouds In rtslln nvlsw you've hfsrd themf nhw tn thsip. ON THE CRBEN "The Sophomore" 190 sll tslklng College f-onwly. Sunday Mstine only at 2:30 and 4:30 Qift i Suggestions i Haenstand Clths of Bartlmr at $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 Sport Combination Flannal snd Cmlhalr at $25.00 and $30.00 Lou Hill hn BM7S Fr Appointment i What, no captain? How can we rally? Let loose that old enthusiasm and wear the hat they call TMBE 1RALLV It's a smart little head-gear, and it's the possessor of plenty of campus spirit, so let's go! Yet, it's a 5 bucks Desk Fountain Pens Bill Folds New Size Cigarette Cases Key Eases Pocket Lighters Pocket Comb Sets Shaeffer Lifetime Parker Duofold Wahl Eversharp Book Ends U. of N. Diaries Games Desk Calendars Desk Pads Desk Accessories Desk Scissor Sets Smoker Sets Memo Books Recipe Files & Books Fine Stationery Writing Cases Brief Cases Leather History Covers Bridge Sets Bridge Table Covers Book Covers Telephone Book Covers Card Cases Desk Lamps Gift Books Shopping Lists Pocket Date Books Christmas Wrappings, Oxds, Seals, Tags Names gold lettered free on Pens and leather goods. Christmas Cards UNUSUAL EXCLUSIVE A small deposit will hold a gift you choose. TUCKER -SHEAN BP) I 9 - i - - rr--i i i . . . . . . . II - - Sill COILID CX BSIl I n je.ei iw. t vj v" Uouli Cnjoyonoppingai and jvs 2 H j S "" LINCOlN'SBlSYSTOREy o"S - ; j ! Inn n d n o n ?2Jl-R.nt-iil I i i i mm Jim f iirv rw fi si npvT- jtzi i 4 L: js.-t rs is r s 3L -And a Qreat Corps of Smiling Helpful Salespeople Help )i to Make Your Qift Shopping Easy at the Qreater Quid's . Gold's" tovc of practical (6i(tgH Gold's Usual Store Hours All This Week Until Friday Open Friday, Saturday and Monday - 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 1 MONDAY ; Qroup I i stripes, checks. prtnU, plains in S eluding; fin broadclot i all at LLjijIrOT-r-T'--J''J" -K--it-ii-ti-U IS CHRISTMAS SHIRT DAY FEATURING that gift of gifts for men fine Shirts! ' Nothing will please him more than one of a half dozon ot IIhbo iiaiily Miim. Kv.-r.v oil.: cut lo fit tnilored to porfrction nixl made from thr fiuc-st fast rel orod materials. Plain colors, now stripes, rh-ver printR-i vry one of them a slirriiift value Four big groups fonturod Mon day! Choose his Shirts Monday ! THOUSANDS OF FINE SHIRTS TO CHOOSE FROM -EVERY ONE A REAL VALUE! Qroup 2 - fin broadcloth and Blackatone madras Shirts In the newest patterns. Qroup 0 J'si- 3 I Qroup 4 raon stripes, maara ana uroaa- cloths. fine English eroaaaoins. etc. all mi.B S-Men s Store South Ar. Shirts of fine madras cloths, broad cloths and other hiehest grrad shirt ings, f 1 I s it Jewelers Opticians STATICNER8 12 O .St. MUE83IH. B7MMMMMMMMMMW 1