The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 13, 1929, ANNUAL FOOTBALL EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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i mmy. nici Miu i n. .).
Tin: nui.v m iuisk
-lrrn Comli Hi Had Our Year In Sunry Material
At .Nclirael ami Inaugurate New Siteiu of
Pla Into Criiliiilrr (tmii.
Fml VI ill S"lr l ing IWition mul l ine
More Kxperienreil Men Than Tlii Year:
Froxh Will Make Si rone Iti.l.
With tli fooiliall topi atorc away for the m astm ami 'he
pulp to Memorial Stadium Inckeil, the font bull follower f tlio
I'ornhiiaker look forwnr.l to the opriiiiiu of the lft: Ml mum hi 011
the gridiron and the weoiiil year ninli-r I'm- tutliis.' of Coach
liana X. HiMo. Cloning a most fciiceatiful jtar .lurini; hi first
vrar a head nwnlor of the Scarlet team. Conch llihle inmost
optimistic, in regard to the 19.100
proapecta of Nebraska's
football !
Although the 1929 vear waa con
sidered a successful year with the
H inkers once mora winning I ha
championship of the Hij; Six con
ference and turning in one m In
three Interactional atarta. pros
pects for next year look even
brighter. With a great array of
veteran material returning next
fall in addition to aome of the stel
lar grlddera turned out by Coach
Choppy Rhode. Nebraska ahould
rank even greater pn the foothal
aod next year than ever before. An
impressive end schedule looma
ahead of the moleskin wartors
from Nebraska and a nine-game
card ta very probable.
8bie Hrs Year.
Coarh Bible has had one year
to teach Nebraka gridiron war
riom the tactics ha employe In
coaching football and with thia
fart In mind. It will he a mii-h
easier task next fall to get under
Husker Quarter.
Willard 'Dutch" Witte. Ne
braska quarterback, is another
memrr of the Husker aquad who
leaves thia apring. Witte nerved
at the signal position this jear and
turned in a great aeaaon. 'V'itte ia
not only a alar of tbe gridiron but
is equally so on tbe basketball
court a-.d baseball diamond. He
has won three lettera ia football
Tvfcile at Nebraska.
way In early season. The funda
mental work that Bible was
forced to go through thia fall will
be eliminated and aa to the frosh
coming into tbe varsity racks they
too will have tbe fundamental Bi
ble avrtera as that ia the style
Rhode's coached this fall. Take a
burreid glance at what will appear
in football togs next September
gives a football follower of the
Scarlet a pleasing sensation for
the outcome of tbe aeaaon.
Taking a glance at what Coach 1
D. X. Bible baa to buna bia oacx
fieli around ia indeed gratifying
to the Husker coaching taff.
Robert "Red" Young, tbe Nor
folk ace, and one of tbe greatest
ground gainers in the conference,
will be back in the moleskins
Alter j-earx of faithful
ncrvici" to university
BtndVuts & the general
public we are in a posi
tion to know just what
gift will p'ease every
Lighter tf
Pens and
Brace lets
And Others
I f V. yf k -
- i
Tr.t I all
Mi H I1 Ml
1 1 a.
"ext '" '"r IB rlr,,, to "an can
aa wen as t latiue nowiey. me
Huaker'a ttiple threat ace. How
ley and Young wil team together
in great shape next year with both
men being able to handle all de
partments of the game. Rowley
waa out of the game most of the
season due to a first-game injury
but hia reappearance late in the
season proved that he at ill had the
old fire and would be in line to do
great thinga next fall. Rowley and
Young are two veterana to whom
Coath Bible will plan to build his
offensive attack around next fall
and what a pair of barks they will
Will Have Paul.
In addition to these two grid
. dcrs, Nebraska will have Mamn
Paul, the Fremont youth, who
braska this aeaaon in a blaze of
gloiy. Paul lacked but one thing
thia season and that waa experi
ence and he easily made up for
that in apeed. daring and an over
amount of Cornhusker fight. He
started in most early aeaaon gamea
I and waa called on many times to
relieve barkfield men which ap
parently did not in any way
I weaken the strength of the Husker
I combination. Paul is booked for a
I big year during 1930 and Coach
i Bible has two more years to de
velop this gndder.
Harold Krahm. Andy Long. Ben
nie Marquis. Bern Packer, Art
Another backfield ace who ha
comoleted his last vear for Ne-
! braska is Harold Peaker. Husker
louarterbaxk. Peaker alternated
I with Witte throughout the 1929
'aeaaon at tbe signal barking posi
tion. Perry and many othea from the
aquad thia aeaaon will report to the
Husker coach for the first call next
fall in addition to froth material
which looks very impressive.
Among the frosh griddera who
displayed tbeir wares in a brillknt
fashion this aeaaon on tbe aod are:
Dunn. Mathia, Roby and Miller
This quartet of backfield stars will
rive the veteran varsity aces a
great race for regular berth on the j
Cornhusker eleven next fall. In the
Nebraska-Missouri freshman game
on the water soaked Memorial
stadium field, these four yearlings
ao completely outplayed the Tiger
cubs that predictions were coming
Tke SMMt pvpxm.r ceratals scrvee!
ia the etiaing-rewsBS ef Aaaericaa
collages, atiog dubs as4 fr
termities are suit by Ketlogg
ia Battle Crack. Tty icli4
AiX-KAN, Pep Braa FUks, Rica
Krissiiea, Wkcat KraaskU. aai
K.lloft's SkreJeaa Wkale
WUtt Biscsut. Alt KbT Hag
Ceffee the ceffee thai lets
jmm slaa.
forth Immediately after the game
aa to tha prospects of the 1V3U
Cornhusker eleven.
ReinfarceJ Wing.
But probably the greatest rein
forcement of the ItUO Cornbunk
era will be In the wing department
where the two regular enia are re
turning for competition next fall
In "UiH-h" Morgan and Steve
Hokuf. Coarh Kd Weir will eai'Iy
have the two most oustanding ends
111 the middle west. Hokuf. a sopho
more thia year, won a regular
wing position on the Husker eleven
and displayed an All-Hix brand of
football throughout the aeaaon
iiis paaa snagging and esieeially
his defensive work waa one of the
greatest shown on the Nebraska
team thia aeaaon. Hokuf and Mor
gan, however, wil not be the only
wlngmen to return to the camp of
the Cornhuskera next fall. There
will be Morria r'lsher. flashy end of
two years; Bob Hunt. Frank
Prucka. Joe Still and Bill Urban.
Thia aquad of wlngmen give Ne
braaka on of the best in the Big
Six and in this department Ne
braska will not be short in 1930.
In regard to what 'Bunny"
Oakea wil have for hia forward
wall next year, the folower of Ne
braska need not worry. When
Oakes is at the helm of Corn
husker lines, the fana are assured
that the Husker line wil be a
credit to the university and to the
great lines that Nebraska haa al
way produced. 'Bunny" has de
veloped some of the greatest lines
In the country aa well aa aome of
the most outstanding linesmen.
Next year when Coach Oakea la
sues hia first call for linesmen he
will be answered by a complete
line from tackle to tackle by vet
eran material, all seasoned, ex
perienced and fast.
Maasdam Returns.
Heading the list of returning
linesmen will be Felber Maasdam
for bia old center position. Maas
dam held down center of the line
regular all aeaaon and although
he lacks weight, be more than pays
up for it in speed and hia great
defensive work. Maasdam will be
hard pushed for his regular posi-
I : 1 FT 1 I
llr'rc we have three )M-riornn-rs on tlio p rid iron in
will leave Nebraska football this rear. Krd Rav. 212 pouu.l
tackle from Grand Island, has played a steady brand of
football for the prist three years and alternated at tl
tackle position with Broadstoiie. and Uichnrds. Vic Shei
rmper. Husker pasisinc aee. h:i only eon pleled two ;imi
for Nebraska and has been one of the outstanding bricks 01,
the team. His one year of junior oollegp competition may
rule him out for next year. Adolph Iwandowski, 111.
Chicaeo flash, h;is eoinplrtHl his three yof-s as an end for
Nebraska and Ieaes the university this spring.
5 SfcepnB!$
k V FY
Irs not hard question: Why axe Kellogg'a
Corn Flake the most popular ready-to-eat
cereal in the world? Two words give you
the answer matchless flavor.
Just pour milk or cream into a brimming
howl of these crisp and golden flakes
tomorrow. You'll want to repeat.
Ask your fraternity house steward or
your favorite campus restaurant to serve
Kellogg's the original Corn Flakes.
Valley Halfback.
With the loss of Clair Sloan this
year, Nebraska suffers a great
blow. The work of Sloan during
the past three years has been out
standing on the Nebraska eleven
Ha waa the foremost of Nehraika's
triple-threat aces snd handled all
three departments of the game In
veteran fashion. Aa a parser he
was unexcelled, as a punter and a
ball lugger be was one of the most
outstanding in the conference and
waa one of the few who were unan
imous choices for an All Big Six
lion ty the incoming frosh centers
in addition to Harvey Bauer, Lin
coln high center. Paul Morrwon
and others from the regular aquad.
It ia in the tackle department
where Oakes will poeBesa hia
powerhouse. In tacklea Nebraska
haa always been famous. Way
back in the dim dark ages of the
dusty past, the sport followers
wil find that the Cornhusker
school has always had a great
. (M.rtrrs T.ilniljtr IVogrr of Game from Knclosfd
Sfdioii on Top of Wri Sand; Telephones
Kelav Morirs for Kalrai
Br "ilLw McCLEERY.
Clicking Iji-ew litem and telegraph instrument relay the
i liraska loolliall games from the preaa bos in tha stadium to
interested reader, over the Mate. Telephone linct eome front
tin Mle lima to the press box ao that the uieii on the firlj may
tell the iiewsparH-r reporters the aide line imprcanion of all plays.
More than fifty representatives o
of Nebraska papers, papera from
the atate whoae college la oppos'
ing the Cornhuskera, and of press
associations, headquarter In the
press box for Nebraska'a home
gamea. Thai long, boxlike atone
structure Is perched at the top of
the west stands and looks down
on the field.
Great View of Came.
From the prea box, reportera
are able to look over the field and
aee each play open up. Tha num
bers of players are visible from
that news nest and every player
may be watrk.ed.
Some press representatives tele
phone each play 'o their news
paper office ao taat It may be
copied, aet in type, thromn In the
forma and allow the paper to come
from the press with a full account
of the game a few minutes after
the final gun.
Moving Pictures Taken.
Moving picture cameras are set
tackle on the aquad. Next year
Oakes will again tutor Hugh Rhea,
Marion Broadstone, Cordon Cno,
Rollin Jenkins. Roacoe Kroeger.
Ardean Peterson, and the new
members coming in from the frosh
aquad. With this aquad of atelar
tarkles to bolster up the Ne
braska line. It la an assurance
that the Huskera will possess a
great forward wall In 1930.
Glance at Guards.
Taking a hurried glance a what
Nebraska mill have in the guard
department, we find the following
men returning to echool next fall;
Jerry Adama. Gaylord Burgeson.
James Gilbert, Elmer Greenberg,
Ralph Jeffenes, Charles Justice,
George 'Dutch" Koster and the
host of freshman guards which in
clude Witt and Fogerty. two out
standing linesmen on the yearling
With this Just giving the Husker
fan a rough idea of what the Scar
Tcr " tlort in Litic'jlH. relectt
appropriately 'fbrclr ie and
v'jinrn im Lvtig't. A grft from Long
camel tt your parent ant friend
llirir proud bnatt "Ht i Xt
BRAHKA W0U AX." Your fncndi
knoic "nothing t nwtrt appropriate
than to be a Cornhutker." Hun4re4
of real rol- gift at thi itore.
up on top and la front of tha press
boa during Important gamea. The
grinding of film for newa reels
adda la tba coverage of the game.
Many persons throughout the atate
and nation are enabled to visualise
the game through the sport pagea
and the movie flashes,
-In the north end of the field ta
Ray Ramsay s atudlo from which
he broadcasts wise and aertoua re
marks concerning the game to the
stands. KFAB. the Nebraska
Bulck Automobile company eta-
linn hmariraals lha s-ama from le
aoulh end of tha nresa box. I
While the ardent fana cheer and
throw apple rorea down the tiers
of sests. tha ncvapaper men earn
their bread and butter by pound
In out word pictures of the game
The press box, sometimes closed
to the noise of the crowd by the
windows, la a scene of Journalistic
activity when the Cornhuskera
clash on the Memorial atadlum
let of 1930 wil be. It appears that
a aucceasful year la bound to be
tha outcome of 1930. Cocacb Bible
and hia staff of assistants regard
the next aeaaon aa one of the
greatest In tbe history of Corn
hiuker football teama at Ne
Lindell Hotel
Bill Barnett. Prop
231 8. 13th
To be a Cornhusker
(irumininn Will Judge
Doan College Drliatr
I'rof I'aul . Urumniann, uuee
tor f the school of fine arts, will
go to Crete, Nehr. next Friday
night la judge the Ioane collet, j
debate there.
Lincoln Journal: Aa a result of
tba atudrnt atrike at the I'mver
aity of Mexico early thia year, that
Institution la now in the students'
bands. The university la now an
aulonumoue organisation, with its
curriculum, faculty and finances
wholly within Ita control. The rul
ing body is lbs university council
bich consists of an equal repre
eenution of the atudent body and
of the faculty directors and alum
ni. Tba president of Mexico haa
the veto power over many of (he
activities of tba council. The
change In administration provides
an Interesting experiment that will
be watched by other Institutions of
that kind In Mexico and abroad.
At pre seat there la no way of tell
ing bow It will work out.
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