in i.v i :. I. I,. NIK DULY M HKASKAN vjl 1 BY MRY NR'IIOUt. hIm.ii! l'initil I hrnira .timer-all V pany. "' r"y. A lM lampu of tho college of 'rtjluiw comprise the artivillca ,n, ttiih Oklahoma Kaliirday. l Mu.lert ltila havo ached affair for Krlday evening. Yrian Party lJ .wntl oratlona will Irani' . . m ih- lHr,K.-n 01 in uncoin e,vi into a IVrmnn nianMon whrn mhern of Mgma Alpha, Kpnilon .ill rnt'i tain at fall rarty thrr viturdav evening. Thre hundred .. .n.n.l lh imrtv which will III i " I hr rhepcroned by f'rof. and tr. f; 0. rn-n. I roi. ami irp. a. h. Ow.ri.on. and IH. and Mra. It. C. NOW TTl T 4.1 KINO. aiNQINO DNC IX1 KIM tN NATURAL cocoas ; A coliiin fOOTLIGMT ., icWfOOLS-. ON TMI TAQI - ITUART STAGE BAND WITH "Radio Jscki and Qun" fROM lTATION W.F. A. " JTour High Hatten rT 0NCIN0 N0VtLTY "JOHNS and MABLE" " MESCNTINO M YEARS A00 Ituert Symphony Orcheetra A. J BBICH. Conductor nnwa i.a 7-11 mat. n eve ao chiloi toots ntsEnveo toe- TOGETHER M&ry Pickford Dougl&M Fairbanks in "Taming of the Shrew " ORPHEUM HOWS 1 5-7 1 MAT IV EVK ROe CHIL 10c 3 Mora Days You'll Laugh for Weeks After See Ing ' QOeirohl Lloyd "Welcome r ' asauigcr HIS FIRST ALL TALK. INO COMEDY RIOT LINCOLN Show, LS-S-T-t 35 Eve. SO Child. 10 Showing This Week RIALTO The 8coop of His Life end He Wm Accused of Murder' BIG NEWS with Robeit Armstrong: and Carol Lombard wind Comedy "So Thl li Mar. r'g" . Sound Now Mtt. Kie Eve. S5c Child. 10c Shows 1 -S-6-7-S All This Week COLONIAL Ike MM SOWtf km MimaMlm a WnuAM Raw University of Nebraska present I'MVKRSITY PLAY El. S In "JOHN FERGUSON" 2""P! Thtn.. Xw, 15-21. tu Prformnc 7:30 P. M. """4y iriailnee. 9:00 A. M. 11CU at Rons P. Curtice Co. ISTUARTl Only 1 1 m f J aU. IL. Mr. - - ri . ' .vln'- aonony and Mm. HIrr"" ftlymwd and il ik. , Thin rum.nny pr- '',"'-injiivt. k"S..T Thru W.', 'im k., -f' hour i'iv Hn nirti. 'ISt ' ' i ekx-k prmnpily ach Mr rjunli, b-w f TIlt'v ,. , t-rrt.,i ,,! h J,,J' "me of Oi I nivmy of -tnt "iihin d ffrnt t Uw yric Thearte r:.-. v-iiucs-; irTlinnrnT nTlinrilTrt 'fttmimirn rrrrirr Campu: CAM I 'I'M Mni( Outer Hudson. I'thtiirra of th enter tainment will I a pageant, in which rnrmiv-r and imhi will paitn-ipate, ami an! animal ait roiit gittiiiat inti Ihuior Minor . . T.V. 1. Vn.. Mgma l.ta fhl. Congregational aoiority. at tho Wo.xit.iirn rartv ; nuc on njciay. sn.i heai.ury. ; honor pirM anl nationnl anonaor of th ororiiy. talkl about hr rount tho-worM tour. Tabl dr. oration wi in bin and ailver. ..- muiMiij t-oiom. I Ho ntl)H nl INthlirrii I ', , . . "iinrmn riuo will nold lt Inl- tiation at Robbera' cave Viday evening at H oil.nk. and Delian Uterarv aorlMy will giv a my- , tery party ther th aam evening. Thirty new membern w.ll be tni- imti iti" iiiinrritn riuo n . 3 mat lime. Member and about'0' about -tik) atudenta from th thirty guest, who will attend lhi iJclian party will hav with them,iZ"0 from Weileyan la expected. a rnaperon Mr. and Mra. U K Crown. Mii,a Mildred II. and Miaa Mary Uutherle. I Arnon. ! An On Collrpo Mixrr Snlunlflv A mixer, aponaored bv the Trl F pep club for the. benefit of th Horne Economic anaoclatlon, will be held In the atudenta" activities j building, collega of agriculture campus, on Saturday evening. Ad mittance will be by Identification card onlv. Chaperoning th dancs will b Miaa fJladys Winegar. Mr. and Mra. K. B. Iwla. and Mr. and Mrs. Chaunrry Smith. Sipnia KnpjH IMclprs Kntortain Hinoring active members.! pledpes f Sigma Kappa w ill en-! te;tain at a yacht party at the! ch-oter houn on Saturday eve-, nl -. The Interior of the houae wi i be decorated to rese-nble ! hi, with ita frequent port holes j and life preservers. A state room I will supplant the usual reception room. Those who will chaperons the party will be Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Senning and Mrs. F. Schrader. rK.. . ... i . . . 1 1 1 1 jr t.riiiit-B, III lOSlllUlC, Will aitena me goof party given by members of Acacia In the chapter house ballroom Friday evening. Red and white are the colors to be used in the decorstlons. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Heichart and Mrs. V. A.'Browr! will serve as chaper ons. Costume I'arly at Acacia Houm . - x ' Turquoise and garnet, fraternity colors, will predominate In the decorations at the Delta Sigma Delta house party on Friday eve ning. Thoae who will act as chap erons are Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Spenser. At the Gamma Phi Beta house party Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs Robert L. Reynolds and Mrs. F. H. Beedle'will serve as chaperons. Si Groups Giv House Parties Members of Kappa Kappa Gamma will entertain at the chap ter house Saturday evening, with Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Van Decar and Mr. M. Van den Bark as chaper ons. At the ai I'm I'm nouae parry the same evening Mr. and Mrs. Ray. A. Killian and Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Slurdevant are to be the chaperons. On Saturday evening members STOP AT HOTEL D'HAMBURGER for SHOTGUN SERVICE "Bay 'Em by tbe Sack" 1141 Q St. 1718 P 8t For THANKS GIVING Think of vour horn folks anJ frunus. HoIp o beautify that t' wilh h new sot of fil .Ir.lwarc or fancv piece Vmt filtitfrCw'lU nt I: Yftirtnblr tall anl Ire f yurrr cm pin r nthr mmm a uum a .1 LUMaffltrAKt PLAN UNIQUE PARTY II..:. . 1 1, , , . univcrsiiy 01 NebrasKa ,ind Wcsleyan Groups Set Piflskin' Program liana ar all net for th Joint p gikir" rem fi all etudentt ' "f the t'nlverait of Netnekka and Nebraeka Weekyan univeieity to br held r'rwU n.ght at 8 oil.Kk in the actlvillee onildine on the MM1IIHRI ItMlfrff r ft (1)1111 lir veraiu Miiornt paator for Mth jt at ti.ivniji Th, ....... u.,ii Irclm tion .t Coa. h lan Hibla of th fnlvrmitv of Nrbraaba hn will make a a'm.rt talk on football of th apt and prearnt. and M K Gilbert, extending iNH-retary of Ne braaka esleyan. A v. . .1 k.p r.. 1 . . 1. - . . - . 'will be th representation of a pr. hmlnary rlaj.h between th Ne. ibraaka and Oklahoma football team An open invflation la extended tc all Methodiet atudenta of Ne braaka and Nebraeka W e)yan , un'vereitie. A charg of ten cente Will he miHA Ia .t.f . i k. ' ..... ... ......... . . - ... .in. i ii r rxiirniH i-i i-iiiinni. An attendance nivereity of Nebranka and about or in Alpha rhl will five a dance at th chapter house. Mra. B. Anderson and Mr. and Mra. C. H uitirather will b the chaperon a. n ine uan.ixia till Alpha hotia. members will give a dancing party which will bv cnaperoned by Mr. nd Mra. If. C. Koih and Mr. and Jirv C C. Minteer. All Students Must Report for Picture The names of the juniors and seniors that are as yet un as signed to studios for class plo tures of the 130 Comhuaker will net be published In the Ne braakan but all persons whose names hav not as yet ap peared are to report to have their pictures taken today and Saturday. The deadline is Sat urday and will not be extended, the managing editors an nounced definitely Thursday. Christmas Suggestions From Tucker-Shean ! Diamonds Watches Jewelry Clocks Fountain Pens and Desk Sets Fine Stationery Leather Goods Bridge Sets Writing Cases Christmas Cards Seals, Wrappings Cords and Tags AM) MAW OTHERS 1123 "O" St. L Smartly Flared Coats That Gracefully Achieve -The New Silhouette "It's All in The Hare." so say the Ooutourion of Pris wlieii referring to the new coats. And as only Ihe acknowledged suceesnes rc shown at Kiidgc's, you may be sure that a eoat chosen here will be en tirely in accord with fashion's latest decree. Rich fabrics .luxuriously furred on collars cuffs and in applied designs. An exceedingly smart collection at $59 Costs Rudgs'e FOR DRAKE ATTACK Iowa Pigskin Chasers Will Defend Horwr at Home On Dad's Day - AMK8. la. Tti twenty-ninth 1 fnotbnll game between Iowa Htat! ami inak. on Mat field nt Sat-jaity drilling on defena agalnat , uifly aa a part of th (Vl.f i'lHiki playa occupied th Iowa' larenta day celebration, will ae loacn ,oel Uorkman'a eleven I - I I l.iintv Fountain & Luncheonette SERVICE " Tin' Miiilonta' Store" Special l.unchei Home Baked Tie A NEW EFdbsDti LFrraiinlt Mime i for your next party yHS PUNCH IS MADE OF .PURE ORANGE JUICE, LEMON JUICE, AND GRAPE JUICE. IT CONTAINS NO 1 r vs.! 3 ARTIFICIAL FLAVORING I 60r. 15c A A i Ask Th.- ROBERTS MILKMAN Or t'sll B-6747 1 I 1 RdDlbeErtts Danny C I ; I p 50 Floor Two never having been tlrfcatod by tha Hulltr oo Cardinal and Uul , (urf. Tha team havo met twenty ! right lifi, tha Cyclorvea winning I twnty , loatna; lis and lltmg one. PrtvlAiil tA I t vur'i It. A tX..L.. .... woo in annual oaui lour yeara cc-ion by of 7 0. s t. i-n. ana iu-u in ipii. iv9 ani 12. rpctlvely. All but two of th htatnnc battlea hav been atagd In Dea Molnea. th Build anirinr on Htat field In mil! P2. Dummy arnmmag with th var Rtat rolleg football team lat nlvht Vrh N'oel W orkman Irttll ( is . X llivut illw Fieeh Htrawberry Sundae a 13TH AND P 8TS. 0. E. Buchhoii. Mr. Otir Stora la Your ?lore 1 i i I COLORING OR GALLON QUART 3 13 4 Tl i 4 i would atrtvo to perfect a defenaa aiainat tha HulMoga' aerial at tack, which wa highly renponitl bio for tha IS O lfat handed the t'yclonea lat year. !' ' r4 ur m from lulkar I). ga Hiae r-l ill SSfl .AEGAHN BASEMEN'S Practical items or coeds! Anklet Sports Hose 39c Plain colored lisle mixturet licsthcr cuft's nf colors. Ho fortablr arnl infr on winirv UNDER-HOSE 39 Bilk and wooJ mixtures that pive warmth without liing l.ulky. Slightly irregular. Come in flesh color, outdoor activities. ( Jet a pair W II UVI 1 Bona Fide $29.50, $35 Styles $ liroadchtths Suede Fabrics Imported Tweeds Needlepoint tL Fabrics and styles like those of tli foremost Pari fashions. Reaulifulh silk lined, emff's of Trimmed with collars and Badger, Wolf. Fox, Mendoza Beaver, Lamb. All the wanted shades of tan, brown, grey, and black. Sixes up to 62. Hundreds of New Wool and Silk VelveU. Knitted Suits, Silk Moire Silk, Crepe, Satins, Tweed. 3) All the colors and fabrics i.t values sold up to Taffeta Party Frocks. Charmene and Poiret TwilU. Scores of beauti ful colors. Sizes 14 to 52. - Second Floor. Eat at the 8udden Service 8ndwich 8hop A Club Ireakfait fee 230 South 1th ah B78t 1 90 rayon and with fancy A variety hoi Ii mi vni.irt -look .lavs' Fabric gaJoihes pray ;inl Mak Rubber galoshes iiiMiiclnl. Snap 1 oo All wool. Ideal sports wesr. All white, colleyiste" stripes anl a variety of color, tlauntlet. cuffs, am knitted wiist styles. Vcrv warm. for our navy r ' am... m m , , . Sturm t Shaffer DARDEnS US 8u. 13th 8t. GALOSHES 2 25 andl .mc m lrn. heather, inc.nni cuff style. com. in brown, tsn and fasfiur GLOVES fut Aim 1 . 1 t m t " II : i Jli'i I ' I 1 K til 'II ? f fit' IfJ f K SIM lit ft Ii IV t i" lf- in f 1 I IN 1 4j?aV .11, w t 9 ' a ;a - raw- -ii- W, if J A t f I 1 "W al . n iS I I f-r Ik' T: b 1 f 1 K"'ir ' I I M-!.!! NVIr IADMlSlOni 10C-3&C