T T." BEST COVV MAlU MtlllW. VOMMIUK 1. Till. nVll.V X Ell II SK N i The Only Ncbra&kan TWENTY-NINTH YtAS) j mfiual rxiLiicMlua at tba Uaieity"uCNe ,uka aa4 under the direction r tha Btutal ' ibiuatloa Itoanl t ' ubliehel every morning during the ataJemtc er with the eicerUon ! flat unlay a. Moadaye, duHng tha venoua veeatloa periods of the aunt. rviitonal Ofrtca-falverelty Hall 4? aTtalioa A. Hiameea Lnnce-I'rdvareUy Hail 4A, Static A. ( -Offica Houra canon!- Stun: to p m. ,'!y aaeajH trtray tad luaday; bualaaes aiaf; 1 j p, iu. daily except Friday a ad Suaday. Telephone ritorial; HMfl UJislvtTalty nature' ao-1 aak (or "Dally Nebraaaaa" tadicating BK h department dealrad. Aftar 1p.m. rail BSSIJ t UJJli (Uncola Journal) and ass for Nebraskan l!Ur. f Entered as aacond claaa matter at the poatofflce i Lincoln. Nab., uoder ait of couf rtu. March I. )b79. and at apaolaJ rata of potafa provided for la aun 1103, act of Oct. 3, 1917. authorised Jan. 3, JNZ4. Subscription ratal par yar; 1113 par aa r; singla rvpy 6 cents. JCLIFr r. IANOAHI IOITO-IN-CHItr J-t.JlTI"J lUIINIM MANAQ1K Editorial taff Aaaoclats editor: Joyca Ayraa. Managing aditora: Edgar Backus. Gene Robb. Kiwi editors! Doaald Carlson, rtobart Kelly, William McOaery,' Eugane McKim, Elmont WHti. I Hporta odltor; Jack Eiuou. Contributing editors: Donald Carlson. Luetle .'pranan, Donald rack a. David reunaan. William iicCleery, Kimir eaor, Aiaa wiuwuna. Wise Action For the benefit of students and citisens who reside. In or near sorority honaes, the Lincoln police department ha poaet a rule barring fraternity serimdes after midnight. The pc laxtment also requests that can be left at lionis on fotnre ralllea. Today a atudent opinion is printed which rondemns thia mle In certain term. That It makea the Unlyeraity of Nebraska a slssj school la the main point of the letter. Its author failed to take Into confederation the fact that late serenades defeat their own pur ine. AYhen fraternities serenade tbey hire an orchestra, or ita nur equivalent, to pour out nyncop&ted tune from the rear end of a back firlrjj truck. A handful of active gather be neath the windows of the sorority houe and croon melodies, centering around the dream girl of so-and-so. " After each nmaical number the girls shout ray!" from the upstairs windows. Hrother Kuchandsuch, who alwaya has been the life of the party, throws a beam of light from his riftshlight Into the windows, spotting the color fnl robes in which the girls are drewed. They scream, the crowd moves on and the girls go back to bed. Mr. Bmlth In the next block swears ! at the University of eurana ana in io f the baby back to sleep. , J It is quite apparent that this alone is almost I too simple and innocent to demand any univer sity legislation. The objectionable issuea afme Mr3-r&fr-fcH:HHis BfI-tf followers-which '. makes a practice of tagging along behind every . serenade. -They speed through the streets, snoui ug. honking and In general conducting themselves like a pack of extras in a college movie. KncU car tries to get a berth behind the orchestra track. In this contest fenders are dimples snd bumpers torn off. Puch mob scenes can ncsrcely be tolerated by the university or the 1 'dff-of Lincoln. jrhoseln.fi'vor erenades, and likewise car rrll prtsenJUhe excuse that these two ex pressions of college life create spirit. If it is iii-esary for ordinarily intelligent univei-slty men and women to act like a bunch of hoodlums to get the "Cornhusker spirit," that spirit is nonessential. We congratulate the authorities for taking . action on this matter before some student Is seriously Injured and the university decked out with a splurge of black publicity. Keeping Above Ground Tomorrow evening tbe second of a proposed Keriea of six all university parties w ill be held in the university coliseum. Undergraduate Htu dents, and students of yesteryears, both barb and Greek, are invited to atttend the closing event of the activities of homecoming day. A diversified program designed to have nomc thing of interest to each one attending, has been planned. Having found that two years' management ' y the varsity partv committee had brought about a debt of $1,000, university officials fbifted the executive duties to the barb council. Although but comparatively newly formed, the latter group was able to make of the first party a distinct financial success. Nearly 800 stu dents enjoyed a well planned and carefully ex ecuted program, put on at a price below that previously charged. . . .In commenting on the financial position of iii group at the beginning of the year, one v member of the council said, "Tbe barb council is not attemptfng to make up this deficit, but ' belfevts that it can run its parties without going into debt." The nonfraternity organization proced by its successful Initial party that it can offer an at tractive and complete entertainment without falling into a financial rut. The council surely Jrt"rves the support of barb and Greek alike. -s. - When to Eat "Apple apples, who will buy my apples?' h's old song, revived with an encore of "po ; -.la-cbips, peanuts, and candy," and heard con ,usly from a small army of student vend ers ho lodi every corner of the stadium during tb football gsuiea, does not add greatly in thv enjornjent 'f hat f)lnS u ,be gridiron. At long IntervaU, lu on Is ut bi.y : That U. when on is not parsing wanu up to M.mw.i.e in the twenty fifth row and remem bering imneaty Ik the brt pl,,7" h" Ing the money dou; when una la nut dodging apple rorrs and candy rapKrs or ht ii one Is not sitting Juat behind the eulhnalaMlc salni man; then one ran catch's fleeing gllnip' at the bappenlnga on the field. The attraction of tbe game turns into dlstraMion, and mho Is to blame? Why cannot the pun-baaing of ibeae di-lwa-cles I confined to the time bte-n halvr? Without any doubt they will continue to I sold Just aa 'long as the ectatoin In the tand act as enthulaatle customepi. There is plenty r.f time for refreshments dnrinif the hig brrttk in the game, hrn one l not in ennMant dun gtr f swalloa Ing an apple core or peanut rll during a tenae moment. The sltusilou l lc coming worse from sheer habit, and the time has come to adopt a new slogan "Control the Appetite." The slogan. 'Mar that Jaybawk." identical with the one used last year, swms to lack something in the way of originality. Headline: "Hell Calls Meeting or H..pho more cUm." That'a not news; bells csll classes together every day. Pledges have bsen added to the sorority chapter relli. Just another atep in the direc tion of home ownership. From the looka of the social calendar, the fellow who wants a date this week end is out of luek. Konmct Klub is to receive the proceeds from the lsst interfraternity ball Every little bit helps. Echoes of the Campus. rOITLAK HANDS MIINC. OIT LTK HITS mtlXOHHS iitadutf tb it or ip"'r hlla rlal ttila by tor pjla W amomb, tuna playad by Coon-Uauadaia orthaatra callad not a lirrat Hig lal wiih a Una Puia Oirl." It i nwiMy rltvar and ee.tionally wall plavod. . , . ia ina rTi iu - i katta ajid hla oixbaaira aora with j a awet arranmtit of ona of tha pawar Naopoliiao tunaa -An Old Italian Imt Hour " Vom H Ilka this i one. Tha Victor l'o wi-owt-cornea through with a rathrr food lmperaoi.atlo of Paul Wbltaman'a Coneart or-hlra aa thay ply "Slaepy Vallay" and -Vsgatamd ISun van nli-a tunfi plavad In a alra way. I I homaa Wallar. tha lat Victor . find actiraa with two piano aum-' hra "Alnt MUbrhavin-." snd "8wrat Kavannah ua." If you want to hear aome nice rlan0 work, hear thla record. "Kaacmai. in Vn.i Yiuir li-asrlnallna' Ma", a - vocal number by Don Howard snd tha Thelpe Twina la very food, lota , of harmony and a alee tuna, j Heading the Columbia releaaea ara two of the new popular pleiea ; playad In a brand new way by Will , Oabora aad hla orcheatra. 'Tha I c.m. rM Mivm" and "rerhapa" ara the two plecea played by this band. Turn On the Heat" by the Charleston Chueera la a nice tune : with lots or pep and an abundance of rythm. Other food offerlnea .-. .. t... .k. are -vampua tarr vy Charleston Chasera, and "Colleja Dayt" played by Ted Wallaea and bis Campus Boys. Y0UNO orrER3 I SOCIALISM FOR LABOR DOCTRINE (Continued From Pae 1.) nil effort to afreet aa agreement amont tha several naval powers ol : the world, iucludlna; tha United States and Rug-land for naval limitations. Such an af reament, accordlni; to Mr. Young, will cause ( a ahaiinr of responsibility among the various powers Instead of throwing tha entlra load upon rgland. as has beea the caa fr lb past century. . Worurn va definitely gamed admilon into the Irgiaiativa hramhea cf government '""S" land. Mr. Youi.g id 1 La" party. lhroub Ibe vole of l laboring populate, aiuteeded in placing -tiiiteal women in office on several .--aiio. and thereby forced nppoaition pirlie , wmea fna h"Mera. Trarlirrs' IJrmip Hooka onlcr tt bur Dr. Char.ea Fordyce. of the de partment of educational psychol ogy and matirmenls, 1ll apea to the Nebraska Mate Tea.heia aaiciatlon. district No. I. m Omaha Nov. I. on I be aubje.i of "Measuring Mathematical Ability." rfv Second Yenr ' Men h.Un in ir Art Wolf waa unanimously elected vice president of tha aopho more rlaea at an election meeting held yesterday afternoon. About CLASSIMKI) ADS. . "1"".7-,.. UMs t ft , FOR r t M II etww wwf-m - A M ' u riiKtrn Bo. I ana P a 1JF1T ll.nd i.H-M rwri. UStral r t4 '! I. 'S" u.t . !. w,;r r.m li. .'.Ham " an S LOtt S..a honnd rimmwl ! it:'4!M t.ro "T" cmeut Kmr. ' a iHT r4 Ori ATK. t U tea a Tna rhourf OK COf'Sir " our ' eho(nrh Mtick't MiudIA ll ! fifty sophomores atteiJd tha alec- H,e other fo officers real-o elected a unanimous voie They jare refhen Kee. aecrrtary. and j Harriet Nealadeh. Urasurer. i j rir:,:::""! ;;::rv-4,.4"'u...- - i New aod Hanilaiy Stuiul Building BARBER BH0P t,,iie 1 1 Mif N III lIllliH FH'i" Buildei Coiiryi Shoes RAY KILLIAN THOMAS W. AUSTIN Kit o A Regular Convent To the Editor of The Nebraskan : Hans are now under way to convert the present university Into two sepsrate organisa tions, one a convent ond the other a monastery to supplement the convent. The Lincoln police department will take the piece of the board of regents. The new board of regents will see to it that all the embryo monks and nuns are in bed by 7 o'clock There will be a tower built onto the Thi Psl houxe to hang the curfew in. Rallies are frowned upon, but.wja may drop their scarlet bordered handkerchiefs to the plavers as they go ff? fbe field for the half. No more serenaAs will be held after 12 o'cloc becatj;r.ViU8turb the peace in the surround .in: cemeteries. . It is suggested, however, that fraternities that are musically incl'ned may accompany the milkman on hla rcute, provided they do not make anv noise and also provided they have all their library readings for the day to guard against any thwarted scholastic at tainments. Well, more power to you. reformers, and mar you incur no obstacles. nARRY BARNELL. Good Food At KLENE KITCHEN LUNCH 217 North ln THE matchleti flavor of Kellogg' Corn Flakea ha made it the world'a moat popu Icr ready-to-eat cereal. It is enjoyed every morninf on hundred of campuaea from coast to coast. Try it for breakfast tomor row. Crisp. Golden. Delicioua with milk or cream. Particularly tempting with fruit or honey added. litt ul the "Y" Comfortable Convenient Inexpensive Ask tha man at. b .fev.v Siioi " 13th & P ,1 Its quits tha thing to stop at tha -friendly drug store" after tha theater or an aft ernoon of shopping the food Is ao delirious and ast isfylng. and our fountain ex pefte hava many new pe claities to tempt a laded appetite. TWa st aaaular earela rr4 In ifce dilS-rt f Aanarleaa collaiai. eating clubs aad f' tarnilies ara made Wy Kallagf ia Battle Creek.. Tbey ! ALL-BSAN, Pea Braa Flake. Ulce Kriipie. Wheat KrawkUa. aaa1 KelleiS Skradded Whale Wheat Bi.cail. Alt Kaffaa Hag CefTea tha ceffea tkat lets ya slea. w a CORN FLAKES DcWitt'c Formerly Filler's Prescription pharmacy M. W. OeWItt Prop. 11 and O B23 Sound Investment To the Editor of The Nebraakan: A lengthy article, evidently written by some member of the 1030 Cornhusker staff, appeared in Thursdav's Nebraskan. pleading with the atudents to 'hurry to the studios and get their pictnre taken for the year book. It appears that thia staff is having ita annual trouble with the students, and the editors are having fits of nervous frenty and cold sweats by spells. No one likes to be told that be junt simply ban to do something at a certain time. We all like to lead our easy, carefree college lives with out having some other student tell us what to do and when to do it. Nevertheless, there seems to be some big reasons that we should heed the warning Ismied by the Cornhusker, and betake ourselves to these vsrions studios at once. There have been criticisms offered in the psst that Nebrsska's year book was a book for a fcwtbat the majority of the students were not represented therein. Many have naid that the Cornhusker did not mean a rap to the stu dent who was not a member of a (Ireek letter societv, a football player, or an Innocent. The Cornhusker has been indicted as a playground for R. M. and R. W. O. C.'a, those select few of the several thousands students who are "into everything." Perhaps this indictment is true, but where is the fsult? If the majority of us, those who are not big activity men or women, would take a little interest in tbe book, it would be vastly changed. Nebrsska's annual can be made the annual of Nebraska, literally as well as figura tivelv, if we will all co-operate and do our little bit. The class sections have never been restricted to B. M. O. C.'s. If every student who ia eligi ble to appear in one of these would show a lit tle Interest, take a few minutes of time, and have a picture made, thia part of the book can be made truly representative. We all go to the football games and the rallies and feel that we are contributing something to the making ol a bigger and better university. Is it not Just aa much our duty to try and make our annual one of the best advert iaementu the achol has, a truly and actually reprexentii tive picture of the university and of Its stu dents? L. F. S. AW ROSEWILDE To Night "Leo Beck's7' "Seventy Five For You and Her' usiness Training ull I PAV VOII WELL. 'onimernlal and secretarial positions In tlie busiii.a world sra lauant and congenial. Tha work In dignlftd and permanent. he aaitnea are (ooa ana aavinceme.ni is censm. THIS TIME NEXT YEA If you come with us now you ran hn holding a (food position. Make aura your training le high grade and thorough ASK FOR OUM CATALOG Second Quarter Opening Datei Nov. 25 and Dec. 2 P a. 14th Street. LINCOLN. NEBR. Lincoln School of Commerce LINCOLN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Al I r 1 tfMsAm I : Krl.oi... Wheat KratU... . I r I wrn m Coffee tha tkat late laOj - " " ' I s CI cSj. I JSW- Sf -rC. aV?WK Ji ..?' Cc 1 v i SBBESLTS New Lincoln Delicatessen Our Address 1439 VO" St. Open Till Midnight and Sundays Everything for the picnic, Dutch lunch and wiener roait We make up all kinds of tondwichei and lunches. Where All Students Meet B5535 We Deliver IHIIE' 1PILTNM LEE MORSE has-a tricky-way of stepping right off the face of a record andbeingperfectlycharmingtoyou it's somethingmore than singing. You'll find all the familiar Morse magnetism charging both tbe song bits on her newest Columbia record. One is a lively number in dance tempo the other a crooning intimate ballad crammed with Jots of "come-along." Before your dealer wraps this one tip for you, have him plsy these steppers, too . . . Record No. 1972-D, 10-inrn, 75c i V Lova Mr. SvEKTHEAirs Holiday 1 1 'oca Is . Lee Morse and Her Dlue Grass Boys Record No. 1970-D, 10-irrcfc, 75c hicurn and BrrrtB Than Kvr. (from "George While's Scandals") Bottoms Up (frorn,CeorgeTllile,sScandsl,) Fox Trots . . Ted Wallace sod Hit Campus Boys Piccolo Pete Collegiate Record No. 1973-D, 10-inrh, 75c rE f gAM I I'oxTrott ... Hsrry Re.sers Syncopators AILILKDAMDIIDl T huvt cars of all makes C ascription J-r renting Icats. "We rent cars - -'.ocabls prices See . ccct. l 2 rage THE BIGGEST LITTLE SHOP Llndell Hotel DAHDEn CHOP ill laeaett, raa- 231 S. 13th The Davit School Servlee For 13 Years Nebraska's Lcdinjp Teachers' Ageuev KatskiieaeS ma SSA- Stuart aidg . Lincoln. S SM i formerly IS No. 12th i I ' Alligator u Oil enappy outcrgar nent and you can slosh around in it ell day and never Ret wet: Turna rain, -ind, dust Models for Men and Women 7.M to S2S THE ALLIGATOR CO. St.Uvte WA.THSM0 OOMV- SRIMJAttT. COLORS F ;-i. t 3 ' ' ' .1 f'n 1n i i I ft. " a a mi. TftvVet OkinitlAe. ..".few.-" -NEW PROCESS" Ill:C02tlS 'Uagic Mf. L. S. F.u OS. Viva-tonal Recording 77ie Records without Scratch BUY A PORTABLE ON CASY TERMS AND CHARCE THE RECORDS" Sdtmetkr&.ffjqef1er Pfono Co 1220 "O" St. AW' ALLIGATOR STEPPERS Protect trouser legs all colore to match all coals. $2 and $3..iO a pair 4nk to are- them K V. V. P l R FROM II I. K i T O I O O T NEW RECORDS FOR OLD Bring in your old records any gtandard brand for exchange on new Electric Process records. MORSE RECORD CLUB Our profit sharing club plan saves 10c( ou your record purehues. FREE APPROVAL SERVICE MORSE MUSIC and RADIO CO. 1211 N .:, PWiS