Tin: nn v miuuskkn four VEATHER MAN'S : TRICKS HAMPER ; NEBRASKA DRILL Stadium Field's Soggy Sod , Slows Down Husker Outside Work. KANSAS LOOMS STfKtt'G B;b!c Faces Fifth Tough j : Battle ol Schedule I On Homecoming. i The N-h:aA weatliei nau and' 'h Ccrvhusker hnuip,'iiu!i)( plii art not iid.nniiri thrir move 'iinm this wk and a a result N'l'li football rvkm:iiii (i th animal game witli the rnfvt:- ity of Kansas Jayhawkrr rh! i.n IT way slowly I bis week oo on Memorial aladuim fir I'J la net la Just the ni.wt desirable con dltion and Coach Pana X. B:l.le I concerned over the coining battle with Kansas. When the new Cnrnhuiker men tor carre to Nebraska t h la spring and took a look at the Nebraska schedule he wan quite perplexed at to h'. his new Scarlet charges would do ,tbe first four g-aniei aj It appeared that Nr braaka'a toughest games of the season were the first lour on deck. And now the Husker mrntor finds out that be did not Include the fifth game which la on deck Una week with Kansas. Instead of having but four hard games on the card for the beginning of the sea on the Cornhusker pigskin men tor now hat five. Kanaas looms Up. After the showing made by Coach Bill Harglss' crew from the Kaw against Iowa State last Sat urdav. Big Six foes and especially tbe Cornbuskera are greatly dis turbed over the homecoming game, Kansas was reported to have powerful game after its opener with tbe Illlni and Hunker scouts continued to bring back reports of. lbs Javhawk strength but its real scoring power was not fully . revealed until Saturday when It rolled up 83 points against tbe Cy clones and beld tbe Workman eleven scoreless. So it appears that the first let down for Nebraska comes next week when tbe Hunkers take their first off Saturday during the sea son. Nov. 9 finds the Nebraska freshman team meeting the Tiger frosh at Lincoln while the var sity eleven takes a rest. And what a relief it will be to tbe Scarlet eleven. Southern Methodist, Syr acuse, Pitt and Mlczou, and what a tribe they turned out to be. and now comes the Kansas horde which sport critics are heralding as one of tbe greatest if not the greatest Jaybawit team to come out of Lawrence. . - Hold Inside Drill. Monday night Coach Dana Bible kept his charges In the class room during the majority or the time as a cold drizzle sprinkled Memorial stadium sod to turn it into a soggy sod. Tuesday the condition of the practice field in tbe stadium was a sea of mud while the sod had drained off but still remained in undesirable condition, but Coacb Bible could not be hampered by frowns of the weather man and continued to teach the Huskera the fine arts of the pigskin pastime and review errors made against Missouri which were far from be ing few. Raymond Richards, stellar Hun ker tackle, was the only casualty from the Tiger fray and he suc ceeded in stirring up an old In Jury sustained in an early season combat Team physician. Dr. Ev erett,' stated that Richards' condi tion by Saturday would permit blm to enter the annual homecom ing battle with Kansas. There is also a prospect of the returning of Vic Scherzinger and Adolph Lew andowskl to the Nebraska squad In time for the Kansas game. Schersinger has been out of the game for some time due to a back injury while Lewandowski re-j PLACE NAMES SHOW PEDIGREE OF SETTLERS AND VIEWPOINTS OF FATHERS University of Wisconsin Press Bulletin: if you are delving into the pedigree of a town or region in tho United States, study the place names and you will find out much about the character and peculiari ties -of the early settlers. Trof R. H.: Whitbeck of the University of Wisconsin geography department illustrated in a recent talk how to read a town's palm by Its name. Names often reveal tbe natlon ility of early settlers as in the case of Dutch names In the Hudson val ley, the religious affiliations as in dicated by the frequency of places named for saints wherever Catho lic explorers and missionaries went, the political snd industrial conditions as In New England .vhere village and tokn life sup ptnnted rural life. -A -study of names which New Enlanders gave their villages and towns shows also the strong intlu encs "of Old England, and thc evi dence of culture and character in ik. names. The names are nei- ihsr original nor picturesque oul ihcy have quality, explained Pro- feasor WTntbecK. jssor wnuoecK. Some holloweyed classicist in the land ornce in mc muj tojov,;i, -pom Help, Law, Life, Kest, , .. 1 . . . T 1 . -C i New Tork wantonly imposea upon unity, Vigor. But in the the map of that state dozens of 1 M countieSi whore wea,th names which go back GrecK Rnd cu,ture nourlgbed more read and Roman times. Utica, Troy, jv more appropriate Bnd difnified SS!T' Mlaarl!pia names predominate than in Aureuua, 1.", 0-t tfela collection. rNe'w Jersey has many cool and balmy names which should con vines the skeptic that th- state seek to attract commuters, sum- . . - M.lil.nt. ffpnr be strong; place names chre. record un-!ii-nr th7 names s.isgest woods, ;consciouHly written by the people 1 . . V, o . ,r V, 1 valp rS from brick wall. 1 or OtMtejtrea 1 "L.""" '" .V, .lament . " ranviin. 1 tmanz settlers of Pennsylvania is 1 1 Jahak I.iiirKinan. vis 7-c,rr. J M a -j t i'oi! Sni&v In one of Hi' who- Ito'in.oie I tiisi nr on lli lnieimty of l.hnM.i e'even who i si u'mUK ujrni .' b.-onniiii), on o; sin gi'Mti(t.t in the l-if. ron.'e.rii' e. He plays a win,; position snd weighs inn pound- fiur.nj; in " important plai a lu C'oivh 1U1 Hr Cin' aeual altaik. 'I h JaylmuM and Nebraska meet in Momoiiai sia.lium Satuiday In Nebiaskas annual homecoming mr and the thirty-sixth time the two elevens have met. - eelved two broken fingers In l Pitt game at Lincoln. Both men will send Hunker slock up several Il'ili nr Willi men iriiim " .. lineup but a yet Lcwandowskl's case is doubtful as the two broken digits will handicap him greatly at the wing pout. Bad weather also Is hindering Coach Bill Harglss down at Law rence and he has been confined to light drills outside with the most of his time devoted to clsss 'oVrrker'Toirtr room t attack "Mike" Oetto, former Pitt Panther star, is working his Jayhawk line over to stop the driving attack of Sloan. Farley and Young in the Husker backfield. Getto has seen tbe Scarlet In action several times this season and Is bolstering his line for the coming game Satur day. Husker Hill and D?le Team Romps on Tiger Squad Last Saturday. SCHULTE LIKES SHOWING The cross country team faired better than the football team at Columbia, as they literally swamped the Tiger harriers Sat urday. The point score was thirty three for Nebraska against forty five for Missouri. The object of the cross country race is the same as the object in golf, that is to score as few points or strokes as possible. Griffin was first, Sprague fourth, Ktnerton rinn, Garvey sixth, Batle eighth, and Williams ninth. Coach Schulte stated that the showing was very favorable, and the time was good for this early in the year. The same team will represent the Scarlet and Cream this Saturday against the Jay hawks at Memorial stadium. The race will start with one lap around the track, then the men will cover the Belmont course and finish with another lap around the track. The Kansans are reputed to have a fast hill and dale team this year, and with the showing of the Nebraska team Saturday, should bring about a fast race. When Sprague and Griffin open up around their home course, the rec ord is apt to be lowered. The conference cross country meet will be staged over the Nebraska course later in the season. reflected in 150 burgs or bergs, usually added to the names of some man, as Hublersburg or Stelnburg. This type of name becomes less common toward the west, which is less Influenced by European prac tice. Shows Rural Setting. Virginia has long been an agri cultural state, but a farming popu lation must have postofficcs at convenient points to which the fai-m people are naturally drawn. Consequently this state has about forty postoffices ending in "store," fifty ending in "spring" or "Bprings" about one hundred con taining the word "mill," and others ending in "station," "ferry,"' "wharf and "depot." Toor lands, as in the mountain ous parts of Kentucky and Tennes see, are likely to show restricted vocabularies or a limited know ledge upon which to draw for names and places. So hundreds of Places 111 liicc " j reany 1 Christian names of people, or var- .ou8 comxcn3n noims There are of such namGS ag Buli Did, n Gum KeTli Let. Leo, Andy, ! J n . Effj Mafre.ie, Nei- j r, - v Qnm, Ken. Let. Leo, Andy, " " ' - tj.c mountain areas. Town names in other regions record popular heroes and states men of a particular time. Or they I reflect political prejudices ano sec tional events. Every region has iwho bestowed tne name, retu- llaritie. of the people in these record thpraselve8 nol only arena it in customs. laws, and institutions. 1 UUL . .T ' ' - .... . ! WEEK'S GAMES SHOW I BALANCE FOR big six I All But One in Conference Promise Competition For 1929 Title. TIGHT TILTS SCHEDULED Bli (IX STANDINGS. i 1-1 t ,,.1.1. I l'H ' ,. , . N,.l I i : ' lit .. a i a " I. MI I hl w : I. It. a l.. . .,J' HI .r.. K. .. luLt lHirt mt HiiiI I am .!.t..;ay s jjhi if in thr Big i niff-i ii' pr'..fooii? furl n.i Ins .u Oik, iju" I lh tcamn ill !h" i.til, i'iii . i.M I'.ll '-lie ! tlii-se rU'irn I'Mit t p tent ', luiint'i Ii lh" It-'.' fli.riipn.n-.hi; elrv.-n M.sm-i.ri i"l rchia.k fought it out to a i r g-tu v. hi I l ft both t"uii I'l-'.n- .inl"iid". r.ii the ii:'- finothi- A.r? by a li-c,-.- vre win' it i:v'JnbsvK sl up (pill" a liol,-h in CdDlcTi in r ii-I I'KIr h .mn d'ivnrd lh- K-Ag.ries by a ...- p.nn: ma.gm but Mnihuttan f ' 1 1 n 1 1 follower!" .say that th- M'--AM'ir eleven has I mi its Ixst. Thin week's games m heduled In the conference will find Oklahoma meeting the Oyelnnea frim Aniea ,n thc or,lv predicted game of tho we,.k ja Missouri's game with the K-aiririea the Henry eleven will be ! pUsn ,,; lnHr mmVst , hold the KnnHH.s eleven. Nebraska and Kan sas mix nt Linorln In what Is re- , . . a . P'"' ' " ' ! Neb'ska game toughest Knnsss on tap in many veara. The Nebraska Cornhuskers have just passed throufih four of the hardest early season games in his tory and with the Kansas univer sity eleven on deck for the fifth gsme, it appears that the men of get s bream- Coach Bill Harglss will bring one of the heaviest Kansas foot ball teams to Lincoln this Satur day for the Cornhusker Homecom ing battle that has ever represent ed the Kansas school. In Jim Bausch, 200-pound fullback. Har giss has world of power. Against I own State Bausch pounded the Cyclone line to shreds and Ne grsska's line will have Its hands full In stopping this backfield ace of conference football circles. In "Frostv" Cox, 190-pound back, Harglss has another line driving ace that will be called on Satur day to do plenty against the Husker line. Cox Is a letterman in the Kansas backfield and his worx against Nebrsska at Law rence last season brought many comments from the Nebraska sec tion. And In addition to the heavy material on the Kansas squad there are only a few footballers who soar up In the air less than six feet. Sixteen men on the squad measure six feet or more. It is no secret in the camp of the Cornhuskers that Kansas is meeting Nebraska on a more even basis in tonnage than ever before. The Jayhawkers will bring not only a heavy team to Lincoln but an eleven well versed in the run ning attack coached by Bill Har glss, and a well perfected aerial game coupled with lateral passes and fleet footed wingmen. Coach Harglss and his staff will direct all their attention to the Husker attack this week in preparing the crew from the Kaw for the Corn huskers. Scoring touchdowns in the Big Six conference this season seems to be on the slump. Lee Page of K. U. with his 20 points still con tinues to lead In the conference scoring. Last week's games were doped to bring a host of big scor ers to the top of the list but noth ing was done to change the stand ing in any great way ana again this week all conference teams get Into action against each other as the football flight continues and some of the potential timber in thc conference should rise to the top. Missouri and the K-Aggies are booked for the Columbia stadium this week and this game should find the Henry crew with as tough! a foe as last Saturday. pansd& and Nebraska will be another tough one to predict and the Jay hawks and Huskers will probably battle out another game of the Husker-Tlger variety. Oklahoma gets the only breather of the con ference when the Sooners enter tain Coach Noel Workman's eleven at Norman. It was quite evident In the Hus-ker-Tiger game at Columbia last week that Clair Sloan was the groat factor in the Cornhusker team. Sloan, as a trlple-threater, carried every dopartment of tbe game in veteran fashion and seemed to be the unseen power in the Husker backfield that kept the - - , . . (V, ti,at ,. final ocancL lUJ;cU.c. - cnori. ai. a luuluuuihi. -n. spectacular, the way the Huskers cirove me num " the dying minutes of the game to drove the field for mat counter in puiu "" " ' i .flHAIIWI nut r . th. UlnmrV. RENT CARS Model "A" Fords, Chevrolet sixes and fours and Reo Wol verines and Flying Clouds. Special discount on Chevrolet 4 cylinder cars and Reo Wolver ines. Reservations held until 7 p. m. Time charge begins at 7 p. m. Plenty of cars at all times We will appreciate your business. Motor Out Company 1120 P Street Always Open Knna l ulll U. (a 4 1 rH. ) 1 ' .' V" i . . . v. . i ...1 Jim r.suiw h. 201-pound fullback of the University of Kansas Jay wrn m the scoring punch of the Hargls crew and one of the ..,11 ii,iiio.iiB' bai-ks in hik n' "K br.ll IrrleM. Bausch will be seen n ! action on Memorial stadium field ihls Satunlny when the Nebraska rrnhukers meet Kanaas In the annual homecoming game. The attne k being built up for the Jayhawkers will center around this flash v fullback and Nebraska football followers will have an other opportunity to see what one of tbe heat backs In the conference ran do with his passes, kicks and lugging the pellet. With the pigskin season swing ing around the halfway mark, very few football elevens remain unbeaten. Pittsburgh Panthers, conquerors of Nebraska, still con tinue their flight for a national championship. The remainder of the Pitt scnedule, however, is aomewli.it difficult with the Pitt eleven meeting Ohio State, Car negie Tech and Penn State. Geor gia Tech, winners of last year, were reported to be In the front again this season but something hit the Golden Tornado snd stopped the Alexander crew flat in Its path. The first turnback was Issued by North Carolina and last Saturday Tulane issued a 20 to 14 defeat to Coach Alex's team. Tbe Tech eleven nad most of Its material back from last year snd at the beginning of the season looked as if It would repeat last year's performance. Purdue I romping down the home stretch In the Big Ten and looks to be the cream of that conference with Il linois still possessing a clean slate, marred only by s 7 to 7 tie with Iowa. Ohio State and Minnesota look strong with one scoreless tie on the Ohio State season and only one conference game played by tbe Minnesota eleven. If you have drop around, LINEUP OE Injury Jinx Follows Iowa State Team Through Hard Season. AMF-S. la Startmt with the shift nf Uvd Nagel. sophomore ' m ... 1 ..l 9m.A MAiiinn I oarh enci. in iw.i"-"i 1 Noel Workman of tbe Slat roliige football learn rter.lay promised reorganiMth of th ivrlnnri in preparation for the game lth the I'ntverslty of Ohla homa at Norman alrov. Mirnav. h,.,;h..h" The Injury Jin w fnllnwlng 'the team all year tr- j further toll ur-w the state souad , in Sat unlay' cru-hlng homeeom- in satunyiy mienm n... ing defeat at the hand- of Kanaas Dick W llco. who had been hearinf the bn.nt of the signal calling and Kail lupcine since the Orinnell 1 I game, received a broken nose, ann Boh Smith, tackle, was forced t I . -L- - , ....... m A tA leave ine samr u j injury In shoulder uamajreq in the Missouri jreme. Wilcox will he lost to the squad for the Oklahoma ! came, at least. Scrimmage was on the program for both today and tomorrow. In order that Workman might develop a new backfield combination. The status of Paul Trauger and Rudy Tegland. both veterans, is uncer tain because of recent injuries Neither saw much service against the Javhawkere. O. Nagel and Uiunnberry. linemen, received minor Injuries In the game with Kansas but are expected to he In shape for the Sooner game. After the Show Stop at Cummins' News Fountain Service Oppoiltt Orpheum Thtatr en's Hats Cleaned and Blocked $00 LET US PROVE THE DIFFERENCE Try onservice on Frenrh Coats and Corduroy Trousers. We have compliments ecvry day. It costs you no more. 'Dollar Cleaners" Varsity Cleaners B 3367 Roy Wythers, '21 John Nash, Folks, here's a treat. A swell place to eat. That's a poem, but we aren't bragging about that. What we want to let you in on is some very choice, the best p.o curable, absolutely unsurpassed HOME COOIOMG never tried our pie, stagger in get there somehow and give it a fit. Actually, people, home was never like this. Mother's cooking at its best isn't in it with ours. STAND BY For further announfempnt before ho very much longer, -when all the paint is on the walls, we will be offering you something new Everybody is going there. The booths are new, the counter clean, the seats soft, the service unexcelled, and the food well. OUESTIONS. ANSw l-K i i -.ni !. I I 1 . m w . t rr. & 1 noon ktaff eiKh erv on s-me rrs-. -. , as the pef finance " Zl In lh.nSb.....roff..e.t.'f "Vf, weB ,hey mav "- ,'. of sophomore. th'V "..V nvire comnM.uo.-n. an-l it w . hMwmi memls-ra I AmisI I" AnsencseUs"" 1 If they see uppen lawmen 1 they im.v -Hh h Amen. ! tK.n work, and help twV" the Banrron nigm " Ameman language am vuo. or ibev may become leaders in Reserve groups in some un- S working w.th the I. an- - - , fT'" ''j,, olm rve aeoretan . w"" m d mhj aen ice . ' ,, 'fl(n the wlustnal re- " '' ,M,-h stu.ltea the l'",n" " MEN'S HOSIERY -in new PHOENIX SILK AND WOOL HOSE. Tinuiit quality. Misplnviup il.c Mih ,uel color comliinntions fsvorcl for "Winter, 1930" tnott lcl nn.l panel ctTpcts. clocks. Iionvy riliR. nml figures. Pree.1 pr- othrr 100 n,W mttnn misrd hnr. tarictii ff pattern, prunl pr., ." tw a Men Prop. Our sandwiches, everyone agrees, are the best on the vest. Red hot, enormous hamburgers, hot ham, weiner, cheese, egg and what would you like. And coffee the kind you dream about, but never see 'til you call on us. 0)W aa raual gr,HiP huh m, ro''rn sT the girts 14 1 n m mvn si ni tHraaka has Mt cxASstni:n ads. tsia aawT - Ecnt Cars! We hate cart f all njk- and description for ttrx la Mudcnta. We rent rr at reasonable prices $, u at once. Arcade Garage 1011 N St. rbon Blftt: versions 1 t Fiimlabbi rirst Floor