ymNTsruv. otrronin .io. 1020. TIIF OMI.Y MHHVSKW TllfU'Fl BRirniT staks ahi: young om:s; VF1.I.OW AM) Wl ni l, STAKS ART. AIUlIS . a..ll.ti., - Hed rs ar.-111 ' ty-lcal or yu n "Vr In lh. Hbl which lh-y T"'rr,, h-v '",hrrl"-nr h- 7M red ier .!,lB V";'! 1 lh vr'nll'n of the I . !ll tH M,, "f"',r 1 ?2 guita 'ly M ,by yaih. " "" j,m ltf . . . . ,va oUfrriifin H'l'i-W .arfudr ,h r " prof "' KteM.in and u llulirr di n urn lifratory. fnlver.lty of Wiavon- w'1 ovr Prlo1 of lar Chang Color, s, gradual rliang In coamir ' from rl to whit alar ZaW f lr Zlrt of volutlon rpl'l " ?Tkana. ipltn frofaar Zjfr Th Mf ! r hav "tl low ilrnalty. nd the male rlnl j wih they ar compos Zm tbruoit rhr wh 1l-uB-.,ra ar million or hundr1a !TbMIw of """ Th',r ,ow Jspfraturea maW them red Tb ranr In rolor of tra l ttt tba rhanire In th color of a !L of Iron. When heated Iron t Ml red than yellow, then whit te blf red tar la really cool, an oomlcally apeaklnit. with a tnv. Lratur of appronlniately 500 Zfn cenllrrad. A tar n-hl.h kM a tamperatur tinder 2.200 do ptH ln"t even vlalhlo. lun la Dwarf. (tut aa tha your. atara fet older ky contract and beroma hotter. 1 ule white tar a hot on- When you think ihops, tltinli of ORKINS ..i Ul ViTip Mxtium VmMi Vni STUART 4 itugHa Hl Mrlf t r' mi: 0'" n hiul , t ttiifMfui muiical w tr r"'-" it Ulrinivn DAWES IN MARIANNE Mr Oaldwyn Irtura with Mayar lWENC 04V t cliff towAnoa p.lINNV RUBIN Vk ON THI STAGE had & 00. !TURI8TIC MODERNISTIC fwEVA MANDELL hllpVINO TO OCT ALONO" !.'lR EDDIE CRAIG. Jr. Sir. .RAMOUNT SOUND NEWS H' ( COM! AS LATE AS t:60, 'SiSO AND SEE COMPLETE SHOW HAT. 40 EVE. (0 LOQES RHERVBO MAT. 60 EVE 76 NANCY CARROLL "JAOY OAKIE" "HELEN KANE" "SWEETIE" A SOND, DANCE. FUN IMASH HIT THAT WILL WOW YOU A PARAMOUNT ALL TALKIE ING1NQ, OANCINO PICTURE ADDED ALL TECHNICOLOR "CLIMBINO THEOOLDBN STAIRS" MOTION PICTURES OF NSB..MO. FOOT BALL QAME NOW" NOW lv ORPHEUM Now yon want a good laugh T . Thtn ttt RICHARD DIX IN "The Love Doctor" PARAMOUNT ALL TALKIE BOf.?AOUND ATTRACTIONS rivi OLIVER LAUREL and HARDY IN 'TTTP. TTAAov niMnti a-" "woa uun TAVIUS ROY COHEN-S STORY LADY FAIR" 80NQ NOVELTY - vt MY LADY LOVE" kiTll r- . ' " ' t 5UUND NEWS 14.S-7- Mat 25 Eva 50 Chll nowt 1-3-6-7-9 Ml RIAlTfl weEk R'S HOLIDAY M ouna. All Dialog ua i. & Bala J e.ti " h, '?-:m n anjoy tha 2"1' m 1 Provide for you - ? eiani an tna lava ft Mi llATi0N DAZB Film Faatuara tar Nvy Cay may have temperature of 000 , reee Then, if ihn theory of r....inn into. the hot a'ara wilt g radnally .,-,,, rttnr ,,, ,h '" h a der-ae ,.). which iheJ rwl Thea are the dwarf red a.nr ! " '" really dwarf yellow 1 r. ami n aver,; mar It I. be- ' ," I! la only annul 3.000,000 ") in plat-la in our ao. lar -rattM aiwi comparatively ill and very near to ti They are viathl boc.uae of refloried 'km irom in aun. ir they were fr out In aMt- amit other atara I rbl Theta. women com thty w.hiMh t vrn l vikivu. j menial aorority. held formal tnl What rauaea the irregularity of tlatlon at Ellen Smith hall Tuoa JiKhl corr.itK fr.m ih bi rtd atara i day Bl,ht. Two women of tha bual- iuriiiiin itiiyiH' It Ui due tn apola like a.in tiin. cauv-d by lh ! atnrina rtnrlnr which hot material ahraita out of the mta. X!ayhe, a j deraon. pitatdent. They ar Evelyn I'roirnaur lluffrr lenr to hrllrv. Ktotla and Maria Mcsjiiwlan. Only the variation ar rl'i to changea ' flrla of aerond aeineater aobo In dnaity and In curr-Ms within j mor atandlng ar ellRlbla for ho tar. j pledge. ELLES SMITH 11 ALL GIVES HOMELIKE AIR TO AFFAIRS OF 11 OMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS SC' W't '? ELLEN SMITH HALL. Ellen Smith hall, named for tha j Many Group Aatembl. first woman to hold a teaching: po- I The homelike typ of building Itlon In the University of Ne- j wnR.h lend9 ttself o wU to use In niavKa, ia me leninu ni-auquarirra fo the woik which la carried on by the university and other agen cies for the assistance of women attending the Institution. In this building, once a prominent resi dence prior to the extension of the campus, Is located the offices of the dean of women, the secretary of the university Y. V. C. A., and quarters of several campus organ izations. The dean of women maintain a list of supervised and Inspected rooms over the city where univer sity women are permitted to stay during their attendance at .be In stitution. The dean o'i women also assist women who are obliged to work their way thru school to find desirable employment, as well as attending to th general duties of her office. Art of Highest Type May Supersede Signs At Harvard' $ Dorm New York Times: Pilfered "no parking" signs, pennants, pictures of Stage slars and similar decora tions often associated with college boys' rooms may be superseded by art of the highest type at Harvard. Works of art, consisting princi pally of drawings and etchings, have been offered for loan to Har vard students for room decora tions, without charge, by the Fogg museum of art, which Is a part of Harvard univeraity. The rjunjose of the loans la to stimulate interest in art among un dergraduates. Keturn or me Bor rowed pictures is required at the end of three months. All except freshmen are entitled to the privi lege. THAT WORD 'PRACTICAL.' Indiana Dally Student: "Practi cal" is a very comforting word for many men. It Is so satisfying to the ego of those who are consclouB of having had little theoretical training. It la their disposition, therefore, to condemtf much book study and to emphasize the mighty value of common uense. They have popularized the idea that somehow theory and practice are In direct opposition. What basis have these men for this point of view? That experi ence teaches men some things and teaches them well, there can be no doubt. Bui many of them have paid dearly for their knowledge both In time and energy, for if they have depended on themselves alone they have had to' begin at the beginning. Theory presupposes a back ground of the experiences of oth ers. It takes from this man the best that he has done and adds it to the best that others have done and then has gone Into the reasons that these things are best. The re sult Is theory or a statement based on the best experiences of the best men. Thus theory holds up a torch to men showing them both what to avoid and what to do. How does it come, then, that many men despise theory as if it were opposed to practice? It is be cause men who have learned theory alone have trouble In making ap plications of their principles altho sound to their particular Job. For example, an advertising student learns that large space attracts more attention than small space; but If, acting on this theory he should advocate for his employer the taking of full page advertise ments in magazines and newspa pers might b doing something which the character of th market did not warrant: It is not that the theorist was wrong in principle, but wrong in his adaptation of it The colleKe .man must learn to translate theories come out of perlence J"1" experience once more. And it is an established fa that the college Juniort It ill Meet 7'i .iYrl Olfiivrn Univ,iy of Nebrataa jun ior will mt In room 117. So cial Selene hall, la lct minor Ctae efflcor Wednesday, it Mat announced today by Cyril Winkler, data prretdrni. I ho moating will be called to rdef at a o'clock. OMicer lo b named r,vie preaident, aoo relary and traaiuror. TAKKS TW O :OKIS . i nee a lminlmtlon collea .wer ! Initiated. a-c ordlnf to r "lorene An- I f tv- ( ttw.-; 1 ,V the work and contact between tha university and the student, is also utilized by the Y. W. C. A., which maintains a general secretary who attends to th duties of her organi zation for the welfar of th uni versity women. This organization provide a fel lowship with other women of the university. Thi fellowship finds expression In the Tuesday after noon vesper service, the weekly Bi ble study groups, the weekly World Forum. and discussion rrouos. fiamDua oreanlzatlons of th tudents utilize the building as a meeting place where tney aiscusa the needs and work of their parti cular organization. Certain of the groups have quarters In the build lng. guide him. For, after all, he has tha experience of many men cor related for his use while the man of "practical" senso, may have only his own experiences to draw upon. EDUCATING GIRL8 FOR LIFE. New York Evening Post: The modern girl Is not easily satisfied. She wants to know all there is to know and to do all there Is to do. More and more, therefore, she finds iui tko formal tvnn of college edu cation falls short of what she re quires. She desires culture, oui she desires preparation for a voca tion also. A solution of this difficult prob lem is offered at Fleldston, a new unit of the ethical culture school, In what Is termed a pre-profes-slonal course for women. This course Is In two cycles. The first cycle begins at what is usually called the second year of high school and Is meant tor gins 01 about the age of fifteen. The sec ond cycle covers a period corre sponding to that Included In the freshman and sophomore year at college. In the first cycle the girl may fit herself for college and also lay the foundation for her choice of vocation. Thus she obtains both cultural and pre-professlonal train ing She is then ready for the spe cific work of the socond cycle in Aanho t rO ininsr art. business or household activities. The entire course fights shy or an acaaemiu culture which might exclude traln- 4n Ia. manarlnr & hdTDB and It lS equally hostile to a professionalism which is devoia 01 cuuuro. The idea underlying this eduea ii,hd1 innovation Is that training should be determined by the part which a person is to piay in me 1,4 r.rtQ'nlv nnthlntr could b more practic!. The outcome of the experiment at meiasion win 00 observed with keen Interest not only by professional educators but also by thoughtful parents. WILL THEY SURVIVE? E. W. Howe's Monthly: The president of a southern college t.ii ua "the world has never known the turning loose of such an army of hard drinking clrgaret puffing, licentious Amazons as nmitr nnr afreet and invade our campuses today." He says, also, that the "uneducated girl is apt to be the safest, the sweetest and the " The colleees and the girls are lately getting some very hard joiu. Hello FolfcJ. when you get thru chewing the rag atep Into tha Owl Lunch and try aome of our excel lent meala at prices you cannot afford to paaa up. Meals 20o to 39 Homemade Pie Cuts 10o Hot Chooolat Bo Ice Cream 10o Oy tor s 'owl ltjnch n 237 No. 1th GIRL SMI US CI.) VIOLA in taking degree For mm 01.lv" can no longer be a id nf kmIc of the I'nlver t.ly of Nebranaa which formerly 1 acr.' th.mr.ht lo offer rourtea fur j n.'n onl" IjM year, for tha flral i.'uie "o She b atory of theiulver aily. h jjlrl wai graduated tr'in the ' onlcn .f cngineertiii Mlaa Mere dith Kthd 'rimma of Lincoln ao- rurtd her dejrea In June In civil nirncring. Mix 1 hom 1 deatrea to do ro tin h wrk for aome engineering company along the tinea of deaign and architecture hha I a mem ber of in Mu Kpallon. honorary malhrmauca fraternity During her echool work, Miaa Thoma ful filled her regular requiremanta for field work th aame aa a man. Knur other member of the ll29 claa graduated from college which ara ordinarily outside th field of effort for women. On graduated In law, one in medicine, and two In pharmacy. Other women have graduated In the past from theae collrc,e but never b for ha on graduated In engin eering During th past semester there were two women taking courae In law. ala In medirln. fifteen In pharmacy, and three In engineer ing. The other two girl In the col leg of engineering wer a sopho more In chemical engineering and a Junior in chemical engineering Whilu every year there ar aome girl taking work In line of atudy which are not usually considered within their acope, the majority of women each year graduating from the Univeraity of Nebraska hav taken work In home economic, the college of art and aclenc, Ktaduale college and the teachers collrj;e. Wiedemann" names in. terestino placiss vi s- ited during trip to ROME (Continued From Pag I4) quarry for the materials to erect thmr palaces. Perhaps the most unique and gruesome place visited bv Profes sor Weidem.xnti was a chapel dec orated exclusively with the bones of monks. Directly under the chapel 1 a cemetery where monk have been buried for hundred of vents. When the chapel was con st ructed the bones of about 4.000 of them were dug up and used in the adornment of the building. Skeletons, garbed In the ronea of monk and holding crosses mad of bones, are found surrounded by hundred of skulls and other bones In the four rooms of the chapel. CfTfle Francais Will Meet This Afternoon The rVrela Francais will meet In University hall 5 at 4 o'clock this actemoon ror a program ana dis cussion In French. The former will be followed by a brief business aaaalnn All ntiirienta Interested in the studv of French are invited to attend ine meeting una aueruuuu. Geologists Retnrn From Field Session Prof. E. F. Schramm and a rrmin of students from the Unl verslty of Nebraska department of geology returned early this morn ing from Weeping water, iseD., where they have been spending the past three days on a field trip. The group did practical work In general geology and topography. CHANCELLOR WILL 1 ninrco r"i?rr,TVT Chancellor E. A. Burnett will address district meeting of the Nebraska State Teachers associa tion at Alliance, Thursday, ex-. Dlalnine "The Problem of the Freshman Student in College." SOIL REPORTS PUBLISHED. Reports on soil surveys In the Nebraska counties of Adams, Platte and Butler have been pub lished and are available from the United States bureau of chemistry and soils In Washington. The work was done by the national government in co-operation with tha nnnnervntion and survev de partment of the University of Ne braska. Nebraska has more river mile age than any other state. "Ifs always fair weather . . ." IF your wardrobe includes real Fish Brand Slicker it's fair weather for you, rain or shine. However hard it storms you can go about as usual, snug and dry. Trips to the drug store, to the movies, and oh, yes to classes, can be mad in comfort. Genuine Fih Brand Slick ers, either in the long, roomy "Varsity" model, or the smart new "Topper" can be bought at good store everywhere. You don't have to pay a bit more for a Fish Brand Slicker, "Th Rainy Day Pal." A. J. Tower Company, Boston, Mas. I tlx frecedent IN mavs college t i ' 1 1 -1 -a 3 I m p. m 1 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE II 6T0 I'li-rlrir Fun limit lit' ft ipvralor ( oil An a let Irte fan may b cool ing but ena actually warmed up a refrigerator uaad In a teat at th college of agriculture. An electne tan waa et in mo tion ten feet away from tha re frigerator crea'ing a currant in the direction of lh toHa or eondanaer unit of th machine. Whan a checkup wa made. It wa found thai th fan wa hlnwing air in tha wre-ng rtir. Hon and keeping tha coil hot inttead of cooling them. Th fan current epnoeed the nor mally aet up by th condmaar unit fan. liar AMoiiiliui Journal Print IVrliin' l M Th November number i-f the American Par Aaanclatlon Journal Jiixt off the prexa. contain aa one 1 of the leading aitlrlea of the month the addreao on "Ivgal K holnmhlp and Key to Judicial lawmaking " Which waa recently delivered ty Prof. I Void before a meeting of rv. V I tot a- : m0l wi i. v . -...T.- " a - .l.. t . .. ... 1 The sign of the Horseman in that snug and warm HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OVERCOAT mures you that it emExxJies the finest fabrics . . . the most expert of tailoring . . . and style lightness that can be found anywhere. SmSMrwti&ScnS- FORMERLY A RMSTRONGS 5ima& Him? (SeswS WmMw Treat yourself to the of the school 6f7 the Ijn.iatter rouitly tar i ,a'. ;"fi .V.. fe than 61 rmt f 'tie farm of Nrhmaka ar operand I'V their ouriri Triera r 117,. ".'14 farina Serving HOT CHOCOLATE Win wiprMl T'eem aa Wa'a'C 10c RECTOR'S m a " THE OLD RELIABLE" Milwaukee Delicatessen, Inc. The Homo of Good Eats 1G19 0SI. B61D2 Open Cvenlng.nd Sunday till midnight 1 - r-. n hi pi m i Hob? AND news 25 If man with his theories , .1.- .n who has only the nawa S of hi. own axp.rinc. to; 10c