mutiny. ocTonr.R io, roim Till' DULY NKHKISKAN Cornhuskers Leave Lincoln for East-West Qame ! ; o FOOTBALL SCRIBES GIVE ORANGE EDGE In the Valley Fi TEAMS ENTER SERIES Thursday evening Coach Dana I Biblf and hit ComhutKcr loot ball I I Itirn vill ee the guests of Coach ' Unute Rockne and hn Notre Oame fOUl Irish tquad at bouth Bend. 1 he . qAhm Tiirimnf rn Squads Start Round lliukrr .Mritlur onl .Much I ilc in l"cliliiiifc Itch t Hlilhr work out 4t South ()ffrn.r ; r.rlr,. Young. Iralun. Srlu-rnnscr j-VT.c.gon """S j tlr Moan Maki I n I irt llurkl n il. r'urfl ,r,P -""" Next Thursday. Thu ' ill be the first tim, the Irnh andj WlWWrR Tft RIJ AVAARD , ,ht Cornhuskers hawt been to- - - MOVS AMI WITIK MY UK IN HIPK MM, ;MK VImVm'! m7,A"! F....r fr,,h.n football The Huekers will vor out Thurs- comprising the entire freshman day tvtnma and eontinuo the trek ' "t''1 of University of No- llil.lo Urric. IWr Will, Hi.., on Trip, j to Syracuse for ,h. ...on., iff;"'- Tram Will Work Out on Notre Damp KirM; J Iment. rarh team will play i Practice Friilav at Srarnr. The SyracuseCoT-nhiuiker (Rmc'fiinifj, and, tne winning aggrega By JACK ELLIOTT. Couch Pan BiMc ati-1 Ins iinl of t ortilmskcr ull.. wav from Lincoln inch! at ."i i. in, for tl.i- inter, rliniial httli with the- Sj'diphoi' tlrang nt SvrariiM rMt-wrtl cIsnmc on IcpW for Saturday u one of ih.' a nit i 11 tr football panic in the country this week su.i is tlio scvinih tm between the two elevens " earn team having won three ml Siticum Kutimiav la one of headliners tn the football and eastern football follower hacking Coach lew Andrea.. .. ! his Orange eleven to take the Huskers into camp ilue to the scoreless tie the ilu.'kers anl Mus- H'ltr I'Hlnr i n r i - j eleven for the other cast-west l"(m will be riven a special award. wording to Rudolph Voreler. di ytor of Intramural athletlca. ;mri w"ll he played at the At college and on Mewart field on North Tenth aireet. Teama will he known by the names of their eoarhea t'oarhes thia year ar: Knipht. H'laby. Rowland and Bro kenkmcer. All tamea will be Intramural Hare And Hound Itacc Sri for Tthlay The InWrfraUrnlty bar and bound race, which was ache duled for Thursday afternoon but was called off on account of rain will be run this after noon, it was announced today by Rudolph Vogeler, director o. Intramural athletics. An announcement of the starting point of the race will bo potted this afternoon on the blackboard of the south drees Ing room of the stadium. The race will start at 4:30. Wednee.tay. October 14. In room 303 In teachers college. Tbla an nouncement was made toy R. K. Vogeler. diroctor of Intramural athletics. C E. Miller, manager of teachers college atbletlca. and by W. K. Sealova. dean of teachers college. ac; :oij.w;k PLANS FIltST PAHTY Tho firt all university party to bo held at the college of agricul ture will bo given Friday. Oct. II. under tbe auspices of the Block and Brtdlo club, as announced by Danlelson. Janike and Adanu mltteo In charge. Only university students will b. admitted, as Identification ,ri will bo required under a new rui.- of tho ag. executive board ' OUU bVUKK la STORK" Rector's Pharmacy 1 eno C. I. BUCHHOLZ. Mgr THE STUDF.NT8 STORF: y games. Syracuse, after Its de'llve vic tory over St. Lawrence lat week, is given lbs edg by eaetern foot hall aenbes tn the "coming game this week. With two practice games tn the ha. Coach l-w An dreas la pointing his Orantemen for tbe big classic at Archibald ' etadlum thia Saturday. J Bible Works en O'feme A cold drtrile did not stop the Hunker plgakln tutor last night In j Ms flnaj praclko aesaion on the horn ood before pulling away for ' the ast. Coach Rihle fpeni the ! majority of the practice hours in j po'iishinff ip on Huaker offense. Defense was given a secondary place tn tbe program laM night and the Hunker mentor drove his charges against the frosh in an at tempt to build up that final scor ing punch that seemed lacking In the season opener against the Mu tangs IftJa week. The George Ray. (Jrand Island. Hugh Rhea. Arlington Raymond Richards. Pawnee City Joe Still. Lincoln. Vic Scherrtnper. Nelson. Clsir Sloan, Vcrdon. Wlllard Wine. Lincoln. Robert Young. Norfolk. 'game and it is up to the Hunker plaved on Thursdays ! and the Irnh to uphold the name, .xncoue. of the west In the country s foot- Oct. 17 Knight ball circles The Pitt Panthers also ; figure In on an Important tilt this , Saiuidav when Coach .lork Suther- . land and his Panthers take on J West Virginia. The Pitt eleven and ; Syracuse were the two outstand . Ing elevens In lat week's games and sport scribes throughout the , ast are doping thrse two elevens: to come out victoriously this Sat- j lurdrv ; Rowland - Oct. 24 Oct. SI Nov 7 IN INTRAMURAL DAY All Students Are For Participation in Sports Program. Tntrsmnrs! dy wss held for ths first time Wednesday, with a Starting I prt nt ucra scenrrtin ta hackfield was announced by Coach j tne number of women who caraa I sition with Frshm and Young at Reports from Ceach Bible's Cornhusker camp Wednesday were to the effect thst Harold Frshm, the bio boy from Beatrice, would ; be In the starting backfield against fthe Orsnge this week. "Dutch" Elidible I Wltt. who has been on the Injured 111 Tor 1MB ymmK r , ...wj ' - w see action against the Orangemen at the quarterback post, but the i Husker mentor is figuring on! starting Captain George Farley. Ths other backfield pot t dps will be held down by Clair Sloan or Vic Schertinger at the fullback po Nav. 14 Nov. 21 Ag field. Bushy vs. Broken kroger -Stewart field Knight vs. Broken- kroger Stewart field. Busby vs. Rowland - Ag field. Knight vs. Busbv Ag field. Knight vs. Rowland Stewart field. Busby vs. Brokenkro- ger Ag field. Knight vs. Brokenkro- ger Ag field. Busby vs. Rowland Stewart field Knight vs. Busby Ag field. Rowland vs. Broken -kroger - Stewart field. Btbla last night and tbe set of hacks hooked to start against the Orangemen Include Captain Oeorge Farley at quarterback. Red Young an dHarold Frshm at half and Vic Schenlngr or Clair Sloan at full back. Sloan Is stm carrying an In jured leg but may be in shape to go against the eastern eleven. Dutch" W'ltta, who likewise has been out of action for some time. T.ay be in service against tbe Syracuse, eleven. Bible announced ' Lewandowskl and Prucka .vould get the call for starting end positions and the lino would be the uai( as started ag-alnat Southern Methodist. Frahm will add weight :o the Hunker hackfield while 'cherrtnger will carry the greater part of tho passing burden. Scherr .r.ger leama to be the pick of the Musker backs on the starting end of tho aerial game and will prob ably be tn for plenty of action Sat urday. Carries Thirty -one Men. Coach Bible took thirty-one players with him cm the trip to Ujo eastern coast, which Included three, centers, five ends, five tackles, six guards and twelve backs. Other members of the Corn husker party to make the trip in cluded Head Line Coach "Bunny" Oakea. Athletic Director Herb Gish. Business Manager of Ath letics John K. Selleck, Team Phy sician Dr. Oliver Everett, Trainer M. J. McLean. Student Manager John R. Brown and R. W. Nelson, caretaker of equipment. Assistant Line Coach Bin Day and "Choppy" Rhodes will also make the trip east but win shift over to Pittsburgh for tbe game Saturday between the Pitt Panthers and the University of West Virginia. Before pulling away from Lincoln last night Coach Bible stated that hs expected to use Wltte In tbe battle at Syracuse arsd although the "Dutchman" had been limping around this week, his action in the Tuesday and Wednesday night ses sions Indicated that he was rapidly improving and would take part in Saturday's classic in the eastern city. Should Wltte be able to take his position with the Huskers, Bi ble stated Captain Farley will work at the halfback post with Harold Frahm and Wltte will go to quarter with Clair Sloan at the fullback station. Sloan Will Start. Sloan la not listed as a sure starter and the workout on the Notre field and the session slated for Friday morning at Sy racuse will determine whether the Verdon flash will open against the easterners. Bible stated that the second set of barks ready for the call would include Harold Peaker, at quarter, Perry and Paul at halfback with Scherzinger, the triple threater, or Packer in the latter position. Packer, the former Lincoln high ball toter, has advanced in treat strides since the opening of the practice season. At the opening of tbe season he was placed on the Nubbin team and later regulated to the varsity circle on the third eleven. He will probably see action at Syracuse Saturday. The squad roster for the Syra cuse trip Included: Marion Broadstone, Norfolk. Gaylord Burgeson. Holdrege. Morris Fisher, Lincoln. George Farley, 8ioux City. Harold Frahm, Beatrice. James Gilbert, Omaha. Elmer Green berg. Omaha. Ralph Jeffries. Omaha. Charles M. Justice, Grand Island Roscoe Kroger, Grand Island. George Xosltr. Lincoln. Adolph Lewandowski. Chicago. Clark McBiide, Lincoln. Felber Maasdam, Omaha. Clifford E. Morgan, Greely, CoL Paul J. Morrison, Havelock. Wallace Marrow, Omaha. Berne Packer, Lincoln, v Marvin Paul, Fremont. Harold Peaker, Kearney. ' Ardean Peterson, Hampton. Art Perry. Lincoln. Frank rrucha, Omaha. i out lor ppons. Aimui j.u st halves. The other two changes tn dents came out each hour. All women may come out fori Intramural day in order to ac-1 quire practice hours for a sport. I although students registered for j physical education are required to ! the Mustangs wss most outstand do' so in order to complete the ! ing In the squad of Husker ends. the Hutker lineup will be at the two wing positions which will find , "HI" Prucka at one end and! Adolph Lewandowskl at the other j terminal. Prucka's work against! third hour of gymnastic work. Nebraska ball was substituted for hockey and tennis because of the bad weather. Whenever there is rain, recreation will all be held inside. The faculty for physical educa tion Brian tn atrAM f h nifv nt nrm.r .w h.. fnr iv,. T.orti.i. : was originated lust for that pur- pation of these sports. Low i Pe for M th end Bwtnf9 Rvround heeled shoes or gym shoes are re- ! "P1" "'condw 1&ter ,the u quired, and although a gym cos- snapped and the opposing end has tume is not required, sport dresses ' the ball just enough for de- Describes Saturday Game, Outlines Situation; " Pictures Backs. The play used by S. M. L. bi whether they attended the Sat- wh ch .lhfw"ldr m T ' uJy football game or not. Ne- faclng the backfield was a clever LJ, Mum, wjU 80on be play to throw the opposing team familiar tne deUa of o.imu ju .i Wu,ru .... game, for the third football edi a few 5-yard penalties. The play or tbe regulation costume should bo worn. Each woman registered In tbe department is given a number which she is supposed to report i to the instructor of th sport. I i For the past two nijhts of prse i tice, George Farley, the Corn husker captain, has been going great guns through the frosh eleven. Farley is developing into one of the fastest ball toters on the Nebraska eleven. He makes his smashes through the line count for five yards or more every time and AS QUARTERBACK . the yearling line and was out m front. Football fans, who have been watching the Husker pilot, predict great things for him on the gridiron this season. C APT AIM FARLEY WILL START GAME Captain George Farley, leader of the Nebraska Cornhuskers. who has been playing a defensive full hack position in the Husker back field for the past two years will start against the Orangemen from Syracuse at the quarterback post. Farley has never appeared be fore Nebraska football fans in the role of a ball toten until this year. Heretofore George was the big de fensive cog in the Husker quartet and very seldom lugged the oval but cleared the path for men like Glenn Presnell, Blue Howell and Clair Sloan. In the opening game of the season lait week against Southern Methodist, the Husker leader was the most outstanding ball lugger on the field and by vir tue of his first appearance at that post. Coach Dana Bible .the Scar let mentor, has moved Farley to the quarterback position in an st tempt to strengthen his Husker backfield. Coach Bible is a firm believer In quarterbacks and believes that the Husker squad could handle a few more men at that position who can handle all three depart ments of the game. In the Or-ange-Husker classic this week. Farley, Witte ed Peaker will al ternate at barking signals. OMAHA IN PLAN ON VISIT TO AG COLLEGE Guests Will Parade; Reserves Seats Panther Game. Party for Uon of the Nebraska Alumnus is being sent out today. Readers will know more than many of those who attended the game after they read the play-byplay story of the battle with the Mustangs, and a full discussion of the various plays as executed by the different players. The editorial over to an account and discussion of tbe manner in which the game was broadcast over a national chain, the Columbia system, for the first time in Husker football history. Hopes are held high for a victory over tbe Syracuse eleven this week. Freshman football players are given their share of attention in another article. A note is made of the scores made by Nebraska op ponents during the past week end. The alumni are also told hwo they can obtain tickets for future games which are listed for them in an additional story. Pictures of a Nebraska player breaking through on an off-tackle nln v anrl ctf Pjintnin FarVv hnbl. 4 in thi. hall vrhil SlnAn rlnrkirW adorn the pages. The weekly edition of the Alumnus is especially published for those alumia who are unable to attend the football games. Those who live in towns whose j papers print no more than the I final score derive much pleasure and information from the detailed record of the various plays. Members of Both Triangle Organizations Leave For Meetings. Six persons connected with University of Nebraska Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. organlsatlona. one from Nebraska Wealeyan. and the state student Y. M. C. A. secretary will leave Lincoln Friday morning for Lawrence. Kas. They will at tend sessions of the executive com mittee of he Rocky Mountain field council or student Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. organizations. Those from this university who will attend the meeting are: Wen dell Groth. university chairman of the field council; Meredith Nelson, member of the university Y. M. C A. cabinet; C. D. Hayes, secretary of the university Y. M. C, A.; Evelyn Adler. Marian Wilkerson. and Miss Erma Appleby, secretary of the university Y. V. C. A. Dean H. C. Goasard of Nebraska Wea leyan and William E. Bralsted, Omaha, state student secretary, will complete the party. Plans are to be made at tbe meetings for the Y. M. and Y. W. C A. conferences at Estea Park. Colo.. In June. Routing of special speakers through the area and other matters also will be taken up. Some of the sessions are to be Joint meetings of the two organ izations, while the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. representsttves will meet individually In others. The meetings start Friday noon, and I will continue until Sunday. ; Teachers (Hrpe Men Afekcd lo Meet Oct. 1 i. All men of teachers college In terested in intramural athletics are requested to meet at 5 p. m. CLASSIFIED ADS. AFTER A(.L Its a Towownd PbatograpH vou wftnl column is given ok TxTT-rse yrur pvtorrph hiutk Biunio win iiictfi. from H ) ' a . 1 ' - p A FEW STEPS From The Street Almost anywhere in Lincoln you are within a moment's walk of a public telephone. You can always communicate quickly with your home, your office or anyone e.lae you wish to reach. There are approximately 250 public telephones in Lincoln, here for instance is a sketch of a public telephone in the Y. M. C. A. located on 1 3th street at P. LINCOLN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY "A Ncbraxka Company Serving It's People" iii i j 1 I REE3T A WEU CAES ' Representatives of all Omaha livestock interests will be in Lin- I coin as guests of the college of I agriculture on Saturday, Oct. 19, I f;POfrraprly Teacher for their twenty-fifth annual tra-1 ditionai visit. j Ask for Information The entire party of over 300 j guests will come to Lincoln on a j At this season of the year, the special train via tbe Burlington, department of geography receives NEBRASKA OR ADS PLAN ON SEEING SYRACUSE GAME Three loyal Nebraska grads now residing in the east have already promised to be on hand to root for the Huskers when they clash in the Orangemen's stronghold next Saturday. They are Chet Hunt, '2R, his wife., Bee Mingo Hunt. '29, and Kathro Kidwel, 27. All three are football fans and loyal supporters of the Scarlet and Cream gild aggregation. Mr. Hunt is employed by the General Electric company as as sistant manager at Bridgeport, Conn., while Miss Kidwell, who is the laughter of Col. F. E. Kid well. Is instructor of women's physical education at Mt. Holyoke college in Massachusetts. Miss Kidwell. who was a mem ber of Mortar Boards, received her master's degree at the University of Wisconsin in 1928. arriving at 9:40 a. m. From the Burlington depot the delegation will parade to Fifteenth and O streets wher buses will transport them to the college of agriculture. A program of stunts will be held at the judging pavillion for the visitors and all prize livestock of the university will be on display. Luncheon will be served in the student activities building at 11:30 a. m., with Dean Burr presiding. Prominent Omaha men and uni versity regents will be called upon for short speeches. Trom the student activities building the delegation, led by an Omaha band, will parade to the Nebraska football field where they will watch the Nebraska-Pittsburgh football game. Previous to the football game they will pa rade around the field once. Dean (Jruhb Goe to Dentistry Conference Dr. G. A. Grubb, dean of the col lege of dentistry, departed Tues day for Washington, D. C, where be will, be in attendance at the meetings of the American Dental association for two weeks. Mies Hill Will Explain Kappa Pt'i Organization Work and organization of Kappa Phi. Methodist women's soror'ty, will be explained by Miss Luvicy M. Hill, chairman of the depart ment of commercial arts, at tbe meeting to be held Thursday eve ning. All Methodist women are in vited to sttend tbe meeting, to be held at Emanuell church at fif teenth and U streets, from 7 to 8 o'clock. numerous requests from high school and junior high school teachers for material to aid in the teaching of geography, and for specific instructions regarding the local geographic features which should be emphasized u each com munity. These requests are met and available materials furnishefl free of charge in accordance with the general idea of service to the state. During the year, several hundred such requests are han dled by the department. r )w I t ) i Learn To Dance "No FaUures" ill Guarantee You to Dance III OJA rillttLC UCDSUUa. Ballroom. Clog and Tap Dancing Lee A. Thornberry Call for Appointments LS251 Private Studio 2300 Y St ) fi 1 Oriental Treasures- Are awaiting your approval. Treas ures from India, China, Japan, Per sia, here in Lincoln! Nippon Art Goods Co, 128 So. 12th St. Phone B-1711 1 3! A Complete Fleet Of New EVIodel "A" Ford Roadsters Toudors, Fordors and, Coupes, MEW Now CRATES- In Effect Make a long trip the low rate will surprise you For example: You can drive to Omaha and return allowing seven hours, for $10.91 1 2 4 1 Mile an Hour Average Mile Per Hour Average Per Mile Mile Per Hour Average Per Mile Mile Pr Hour Average Per Mile Per Mile 1 6C 1 0 Jg MUe"0" AVera8e He 15c 12; 10c " A r 1 C Mile an Hour Average Q 14C IO per MUe IO- 1Q Mile an Hour Average Q IOC IV Per Mile n. OC 12c Q Mile an Hour Average Per Mile THESE PRICE INCLUDE GAS AND OIL Additional time charge of 20c an hour after 7 p. m., up to 25 mil 1 0c per hour, up to 40 miles. No time charge above 40 miles. Call Us Early for Week-end Reservations WE TAKE YOU HOME FREE HAT! Q HAL MOTOR GAR 1918 O St. We Call for and Deliver Cars Phons3125