ii'invv. ocTonr.K ft. ipso. TIIK IHHY NKUHVSK V to i1 1 On The nv many Nirnoi.s, After Many Work End Affair Come a Few Ten iniU.il r"ll'.ill rl.isli if Sut iiiIm uppM-. iil I. Hi.- VV f'T tl' ,ilH' l' ll- M. i V...ISOII J, III' I'lUMIt.lt i.f Willi ll .Ml llilM rsily it pMU, Iwi'lilj. OliO luulk' P" I.''ll.il',i. I I.I , tliolltf'i I it jl .11 , t irili lllilil rcni-htil It k I'm- htihlihU. jin Will ),. ,.1,1,,, i ,,ni.li n' "! n I n i w li i tui u. .1 tor tin K';. S... ,.l I, ml. .oenl a Vuav time of It, hut the,i - .,iel .lavs 'f thi week will fcive b..r".e IK 1 1 me .f '( n Vor. ,m mole oppoilunity to re-, v; ' M a.rb Council ponaor8 i 'm Ur.iver.lty Party M . , Modernistic liKhtin tfftlca ,ve a festive appearance ,rt ,r n'" v-,,!',inS .;!". hd-',,-um on Kami-day evening frd 'f raili "uy ml W1H4..I .hen the Hrb council aponaored , i ev.i.1 . 1 vr. t li Th. fir All Vnlveraily party of Mu.l.nu ' ' V f-i vhvc ,h" year Vaudeville from the r M.-.s.-m.. Vis I'em i ,art theater comprised a port i-m I'.1' ' I h,' ' If 1 hi, ntfnlnmnt of the eve- . M..I.M.-.1 w..h . ',i .A.t.-.n Tnc Herb Smith ! hi. onW.-,lvl; '' ' lnUe. tr furnmhed miimc for the 1nr- PI Kpp F'hi Give r Th fiiHy ponnor of the ril I ry p,rh miinrll. Pr. n1 Mr. t H. h.in.lir.l ron)l.. mirnite l OMfo'her, were riient, nd Mr. !ih foil pnitv (fiwn l v memlier nd Mm. U T. Stone wned mi or pt Kkpih I hi at the Lincoln chprr,,,r- j h'.lel FhIiii'iiav evi'nn(f. l(nv Tea for All Unlveraity Women Thursday . ar tt n a aa.411 t niveraiiy i. . v. . ; mmir ana entertainment .luring trtain at a tea for all women al intormiaaion. 1h i haperonei F!!rn Smith hall Thum.lay after- were Mr. an I Mr R P. Wilcox. n.on between the hour of four pr. anl Mrs. f. r, Wei.lrmann. and Mx. Kail flowera will lie tmed j,lr hnii Mrll M Kla. k. to decorate the reception and din-, -.,ril.lw r.. n reorate the reception and din-, rooma. in uia 7--vi"a- "0 . B Cn,0Ccl0I. will be Mlsa Amanda Heppner. 7 Vri F. I a. Hlnman. MIm Krma ' n tl.or and M.a. K. A. Aonlehv Mm F. V. Coleman. Rue Bnm onui u.no.l at a re.eplion Ha l Julia RMer. Helen Day and l VUv "; " 'v;-h "r lie Pedwllh. Mmbor. of tha J r My exvr,i.. at Kih-n .vm.ili ..Nnet will RMilat with tha aerv- " .lance wilh the ..!, nr and memhem of the a1vl,ory ' h-me rwk.-ia of VHi,dr an.l Wrd will preaide at the tahlea. flov,a a.lome.1 .he re. cp- t..in rooms. Pefore a bank of Enoaoementt of Unlveraity Rn(1 , , -han.-ell..!- and St.irtcnta Announced ,U.K Mlint.)t anl Miss Florence Tti membem of rt Beta Phi ji.-C.ih.v :t ct pi.wi.t.d to the who are now attending university -iir-ma vho had lieen met al the unrnnnced their eni; augment a to ,l(,,,r hv -, An,. m,s f. h. Old two prominent Nebraska men ' father ' and IV and Mrs K. IV iorwia Pelvfr of Fremont wi".l ; Keim. TVana and tl;eir wivea who vad Jamea A. Kllloll. Imbdn t Til Alpha, of Ncwt.-.n. K&naa. au.I Joan Pisa, p-esident of the l.m- coln chapter of PI Beta Phi. wi,l STUARTnow Hit FIRST ALL TALKING PICTUKK THOMAS MEIGHAN IN 'The Argyle Case" Wit. M. B. Warner Llls L' On tha Stag DON PEDRO AND BAND Assisted By AL BUTTS And His CALIFORNIA PEACHES LEE MASON & SUNNY BRUNO WEiSE & CO. Paramount Bound Newt Bound Fables Shows 1-8-7-11 P. M. Mat. 40 Eva. 60 Chll. 15 Coma as Lata at 1 :2S and 8:25 and Be a Complete Show A tarda. titat al aa - tanlat aaMaas with aalaia rai- MUUtU New Vork Reception of RAM8AY Mac DONALD Premier of Great Britain COMEDY FOX MOVIE TONE NEWS Bhowt 1-3-6-7-9 Mat 35 Eve 50 Chll 1M OHPilEQr.1 now A Pultatlna Talklnq Drama of Life. Love nd Patelon JANET dTS" BfATafV BanA.aT-l picture -kDDED ALL TALKING ALL AMERICANS PATHE BOUND NEWB Bhowt 1-8-B-7-B P. M. Mtt. 85 Eve 50 Chll -10 NOW jllj NOW FaU si I "' " .""'' ; m WW Gimpus cam Pi's i:piiou munini nn.i o-n-ii-iown khowi n ni ton. I... I th ilnni-inK purly. Sim.m a Mi'liviy IV y of Omhn fumifchfil F,eulty R(.c(.p,jon Glvt.n n.,(i:ri!rd were l'r..l. ftnl Mis. V. K. Mxmnker. Ir. anl Mia. K. ". Cla; j. Prof. nn1 Mrs O. V. F. l;- arn. Pr-.f. ml Mrs- O. II. We:-ner. Mr 'and Mrs. L. F. S-aton and ! Trof. and Mil t J. Frank fortcr. I M the cft.t din r.K room door i were Mrs. l-t. K. hrn.iior.l and Mrs. D. R. Leland. while Mrs. Charles Kobins. Mrs. C. W. Poynter. Mrs. K. .1 Pool nnc: Or Ixmi.4c Tound presided at 'he tsllo. Mrx. J. K. 'Hicks and Mrs M J Bl "h invited the pnests into the w. il d:ninR room where Mrs. V. A. Stuff. Mips Amanda Heppner. Mrs. Howard Kirkpatrick. and Miss A lie How ell were presiding at the table. TALKINC; the MOVIES Stuart 'The Argyle Case' Thomas Meiehm, atarrinff in "The Arpy Case" at the Stuart this week! adds a pood bit to an extremely absorbing murder mys tery story with a very clear and pleasinir voice. The whole cast is remarkable in this respect. One can follow the dialogue without guessing or swearing. Ably supported by L!1a "Lee, Meighan presents a colorful dem onstration of the deductive reason ing supposedly used by all good detectives. He exposes many of the mechanical processes used in real life by the average police de tective, but manages nevertheless to work the action up to a high tensity before the climax is reach ed and the puzzle solved. Wilbur Mack and Bert Roach add bits of humor. H. B. Warner makes a very good master crim inal, and Alona Marlowe draws a tear from one or two as the lone some mother of the heroine. All ! in all, "The .Argyle Case" is one of the best stories of its kind I have seen in years. By all means see It. K'tmont Waitr Lincoln 'Evidence' In "Evidence," showing st the Lincoln all this week. Pauline Frederick, a favorite of the theater-goers in the days before movies mede themselves heard, greets her old friendii once again. It's a safe bet that she will retain them and add many new ones to the list. Miss Frederick's finished acting ability is enhanced by a smooth, pleasing voice admirably capable of carrylufT both the deeper and less emotional parts. Dialogue throughout is lively and clever satirical repartee does much to en liven the drama. With the exception of a few scenes laid in India, the setting is wholly English. Drama runs high in places but it is founded on con flict between human natures and is not the product of exciting ex ternal situations. "Evidence" will appeal highly to those who like a' well-depicted story of mother love and sacrifice. t Harl -V. j4 tirf erwn Orpheum 'Four Devils' "The Four Devils" is a most en joyable show. Janet Gaynor makes her first appearance in the talkie business, and her work is very good; In fact the dramatic work throughout the picture is good with the exception of one or two sob scenes where the crowd seem ed to have a tendency to laugh in stead of to cry. The story Is of four orphans who are reared by an old clown. They develop into famous acrobats and win fame and fortune for them selves and the clown. Then a three cornerer' love affair center ing about Ma, ion (,T"t Gaynor). Charles (Charles Morton) and .the duchess I Mary Duncan) nearly disrupts the troupe. However Cha.les comes to his senses In the nick of time and saves the show. The climax Is reached when Mar ion falls from the top of the hipro dome. and one does not know whether or not she will live. To tell you would be to spoil the show. The e-rinl trapeze work Is very good and it kept me sitting on the edge of the seat most of the time r.'i i, r i t a imhtp to ona of th ' I .iul UmII ' U. Kim i.i uuhans make KNOWN I'LANS 10H i iiiirvr ci tcV .l Ull.tl l T'l.-i.-Wi! I The l.uthian tlub hel.t Ita In .t.rtl mi. 1 11. I 1 i.'y mhtii at th nil. pi. n.ii.in n intallel i:'.ii I'lv.ii.t-iiv Kn.iu'ih K.ii ie hi niiioiim'f.l ih Kiieinl policy f:" .In" i iuii k yi-r. A la' i.v Hnino tTiPk,r on liPk,r Mv t oi.i.n ot li'hrran -.,.V...M num.,. by , .v.-u1 b a fh..il pcii.Hl of tcirea- lion vompi.-t.-l Iho proktam. The ; n w in i ..vn.-ni ni fony-tive ami . . hlHIHL' l'1-tlllla ll.M-l 'I.Ti-U On are i th fi-t i.i thii-0 .lays .nth m.-nli at Tcnple 20ft. WEEllNGGTsOCiAL ot II f.3-5 II Ul Extension IVcws Announces Con'ercrrcc: Crcighton Mnn Will Lead. The univeiiuy Kxtension Newa an'Miinces Ihe twenty-ninth an nual meet iii( of the Nebraska con li'ivnce for s.v ml work to ba held in Lincoln Nov. S-.Y 1 he puiiose of thla association is to at'tord opportunities for dia viiMMon and i .sideration of ques tions pcrtainn.ff to the mental, 'physical. Uhual and aocial wel laiV of the people of thia state. The meetings are open to all pe sons inte"eMd In any kind of o- is) work. Iir. H. von W. Rchulte of Crelch t..n univemty. maha, la president r.f the first ilistnct in which Lin e..:n is located. IV C. A. Kilmer h ti-easurer and O. E Prevey. Dr Matlie Plurn Williams and Prof A. A. Kee.1 of Lincoln are mom-be- at Isrte Professor Keed is alsc executive aecrelary of this or jraniHi ion. WOMKVS HOCKEY rilACIKK l 1 START MONDAY All girls who have played or who are i-terested in playing hockey are adced to come out to practices which began Monday. The practice hours are daily at 5 o'clock ai-d every hour on Wednes day excepl at 1 o'clock. Practices are to be held in the hockey field bni k of the Social Sciences build ing. Kach girl is asked to try to get in at lea; t two practices a week Hockey is to h the sport played during October and it will be played only during this month. D.ii-ing the first and second weeks, there will be general practices so i hut evei-v bodv can eel onto the technique of the game. During the third week, teams "will be ohopen and will practice together. In the fourth week of the month, the big tournament will be held with much competition between all the teams. W. A. A. points will be given to those girls who come out faithfully to play hockey. Fifty points will be given for each team entering, 15 points for each game won in the preliminary round robin tourna ment. One hundred points go to the winners of the tournament and 50 points to the runners up. Five points will be given to each girl for each game of an intergroup tournament that she participates in. inu P-iri who is taking physical erincBi ion. and who needs a third hour credit on Wednesday may come out any hour hockey is of fered on Wednesday with the addi tion of one hour some other day. Upperdassmen not enrolled in phyHical eaucauon ior treun play any of the above hours. BOTANY FACULTY 1HS CHANGES IN STAFF PERSONNEL Two changes have been made In the department of botany staff this year. Dr. T. L. Steiger takes the place of Mr. Carl Rosenquist who Is completing work for his riw.nratA ut the llniversitv of Illi nois, and Prof. A. E. Holch from j Teru State Teachers college will j replace Dr, W. E. Brunerwho has become the head of the depart- , ment of botany at Baker univer- j slty. Dr. Steiger received his de gree last June. He will assist Dr. R. J. Pool in general botany i courses on the college of agricul ture campus. Professor Holch has charge of certain courses in plant physiology and assists in general botany on the city cam pus. Dr. Emma N. Anderson, assist ant professor of botany, has Just received copies of a bulletin con taining the report of certain re searches that have taken her at tention for several years involving a uMiriv nf the life historv of cer tain unusual types of liverworts.' Dr. Anderson s worn nas auraciea much attention among the leaders of plant morphology in America. The report is published by the Botanical Gazette at the Univer sity of Chicago. ERS IS B aTTlA. v hk fa. a2 Cocf.s Reduce While Scllina Candu To Husker Football Fans in Stadium I aiona atailrd with ban" thla year At least IS ow.la paced u ftn)l ,(,mn Ihe aitlea tinv lo iom the o;:lvlvfi In the nn.Ui of Ihe'.r hiw ! tity their eet tooth A irnnle of poumt Ml h tip tip nl down the utile went tUh every het vheckeJ out. Uarorfl Ward la h. a.l of C- ". .... r ..i ...,.i. ... . . . . , .lk.n 1 .i.ir.i liretchen ' 'Vhe thTre ilw minK ' alanila In aai n ai.ia lin iwo nra.i ' . . . ..... . .i fkffkf anJ two aaaiatanta In f h , y , , - ..... I ... w . , -.. . o.. Un..lK.xlr ! inv mumif itiw ...... - are alao han.lle.1 bv four gir a in'h ih, though nar.i on the ms-- each action. Kveiy inlramorar tatora. Mrniahea the plavera with repiTBeniatix-e la reaponalhle for : amuaament. The track aleo aerxea limit to Oie numlr of (trli that 1 hard on pe.1etrtana. ao applet at may turn out. Kach jtrl aellinft la 1 preaent ran only be pur. haeeit in ailmitted fi-ee to all the gamea I ante. Neither la there any pop aoM which la certainly one blf argM-1 IVttato vhlpa an.l ean.iy are ihe ment In favor of i-onceaalona rpevlalltea. Soccer Lcagticn MW i. m Th Pi. Tha Oil. lrh 't I'M Thl aima Kappa. t Karl I pailnn. Uapa Na. t. 'nil Alpha Vpail". Paia fi-if. aim Nu. kiimi Thl I panne, haepa kima. liM" Alexia ninmi nh pa'' f'rw jin..a. aiT. "M. nl Thn l.ia Pifwa Phi. Iiai Ma.' . rami llw. ra:. Tan Dflia. PI "arpa Alplt. lll '"hi, Thl XI. Ab fence of Panning tn Saturday" Came Arouse l)icuxion There seemed to be some disap- pointment after Saturday'a game with the Southern Methodists that Nebraska d.d not use more passing tactica. Much comment was heard from fans about how they exneeo tha Wnskar ba.ks to fling the old rmskin all over the field Saturday I n . . . T-) 1. 1 ....... afternoon, t-ven uwin diu- - aurpvlaed that the Scarlet backs did not use the aerial fc-ame any more than they did and he attrib- utes it to the fact that the Husker backa were afraid of making a mintake. . Coach Bible stated one last sea- son before he took over affairs in the camp of the Comhuskers that if h could have two good quarter- backs he would be satisfied. The Cornhusker mentor sent all his quarterbacks into the game Satur- day in the hopes that the Nebraska crew would take up the passing game but. typ1(,ftl of Rl1 Corn" busker football teams, the Scarlet eleven stuck to straight football and pounded away at the Mustang line to roll up a total of more than two hundred yards. Dame Rumor now has It around v. Un.irtr stronrhold that Capt. George Farley will get a fling at the quarterback position in the in i...himiii classic on deck this Saturday with the Orange of Syra- cuse. Coach Bible was counting on "Dutch" Witte to take the helm of the Husker machine in the sea-son opener last week but with the vet- eran back playing me nursing an injured limb. Bible was forced to start Harold Peaker. DIRECTOR GISH CIA ES SYRACUSE ITINERARY The Itinerary of the Syracuse trip was announced by Director Gish as follows: Leave f Lincoln Wednesday 5 p. m. over Rock Island. Arrive Chicago 7:80 a. m. Leave Chicago over New York Central at 10:30 a. m., arriving South Bend, 12:21 p. m. Luncheon Special NOON LUNCHES Rector's Pharmacy 13th and P Sta "The Students' Store" Sodas and Lunches have improved our equipment. You will find our sand wiches clean and tasty. We deliver free all lunch orders of 50c or more. Uni Drug Co. 14th & S B3771 i t 5 if f I A banket with four il.iUaia w.n'h of ramly an.l an ann nh 1 han( in the pw aet la i hioWr, out to tha aellrr at the Ukiiiiiiiik of her rampaiKn Tha I'nlveieity of NehraaVa la the only unlveraity In Ihf rto.lvt whlrh allowa ala.'limn rumniioni ti the girl. The money eame-l ,-oea Into the V. A A treaanry 1 A A lnlMHlitr.il U 1 1 It i. . r . v.v.ni..-'i .ii.ihii thla miny ant alao bai ka i hr- ala financially .... .1 ..... . arnn am nm m inn in m aian.la becaiiee eonie people aen , f , ,nry hrr ,n ,h), ,Bl, ... i -.5 i, ik. e.ih.n f,..i.i Tt,..- nlu a liltl i.im .! Tr'anhil ' -. at Oliver hotel as fruesla of Knute lto.kne and Notre Pame learn. Workout S n m "aiter field lave South lend 7.12 p. m. Arrive Syracuse 10 SS a m. f1 day. Workout al Arrbbold s'a d.um In aftemivin. Spend night at Shore Acres hotel, I'asonovia, lave Ryraeuse ' :M p m Satur day. Arrlx-e Niagara Falls 11 2S S'litiBmimmmiiimiMHini'tiim r-:i i in i i in iiiniiii iiHiii iniiiiiiiiiiiiii.il. la g g s zz r , r: s g S - m 1 1 , j ( t j g ; ( , SL j s E- j ; j g i I e rill p in Knt mtl. I at fall for rga lii mil the 11. hi ilhimmaltitt w Nlnyaia 10 Si l in h.iii-lay 111 iiu m t hi. ko I p m Xl.n .ly N. ll..ml H. l.llrr flrl.l In all-i-in.n lave t hi. k M.milay M S.l p in.artlin in l.imoin liir Uv ihxi nirl V ') Ma ll.xli IsUll.l M.nuf. lurtrif company at loa 1)1.1 KM! tOMIMI.S Anfrlra ll,f I Ml I. iw in llflll. The Klllrfer eompany manufae l.tll.ll IX. II. I lllll..- UW1 llllor tu,,,,h, an4 larmlnf r.pi pm.nl Pr f T. C. Prwrketl A.I hi i.innl Irx.-ut" for the Ho,.. lnf hraj of the entlaeerini -. lion ol ih wi.n . na .t l will .irpartmrnt here, ilunng I rt. J Iv h. l.l in room 721 of M .rnll hall, jrrn a abene. Tueaitav finno.m. vi k f.om S --- '.. A i.!.k. mow lii. I.i lunmn I.KMI Ir.ll All. 1 lhil -homon. junior an. I n- iir Hl.nirn HIT !-l,l.ir I"r '"-,,, ktrt lhll il Ihr mtrl Wl'.t l.'lfl a ui.te rane of iiiiimi In. lu.lirm . . " J . , " ,,f '-'" j P""""". j Good Haircuts Mali A COMMON LOOKING PERSON HANDSOME Thla theory has been proven time alter time. Ma.x;ea .lean the akin an.l add attrac tion. We aie epert In all lines of tarhering The Mogul 127 N. 12 B7S30 iriniii iii.iii.i:ii.ii,ii,i....i.i.iiiiiiiiiiiin.i i.h.ui... i.i.m enne'tt S Flugstad's Clothing and Furnishings World ebscribe TOW! for the y 4 D JNebrasKa Get the News of Your Campus First $2.00 Per Year $1.25 Per Semester At the Office in U Hall Sjikcrm TaUrc l'oltlon Willi Ua Aittlra Finn I r. f ( V. Hinwen. bad nf tha acmultural englneerlnf depart incut if the Nrbiaaka eollff t I akili ultitr hi-ie. ht left ira lain f iliunrl rh 1. la i ii. .w In the emily of tha KUItfer ,MlftK fur ol imi Mt yu' r"'!. Ittu. k 1ll IA 1ll . lT ri'o a V liaM T 4 V . . . k tatt -Mi 1 " a . m a niltf rail Mlti ne .a raa in) Learn I To Dance ( "No Fftilum" Will Oiarantee Yo t PaJiea IB 8i ITIvata Laoft. Uallroom. ll.r d Tap rvanctnf Le A. Thombrry I A Student of Hua Ad. OL) Call for Arpotntmenta LSIil PrisaU Itudi 1100 V tt i.i..il..l.. i-ip.lilMeenrnni I I r'HT"7 ' Tr"!r -m Fi z I 1 J Series! If