wafluv. JrNF- 2-1920 THE DAILY NF.BR ISKAN nmn: DOPE SHEET AWARDS FIRST 10 KAPPA SIGS - i Lewis Prepares Scores For; Greeks Sports; Decides j Winner oMJup . DELTA TAU'S SECOND j ,tiri lompned by Jrnm !.' iibultlnn the lotal win' ,n ' '"irnliy aih- ' . rpnii""!''"" lhrou!iout tha .Mr lli'1' "'' KI,p s,n" ' ,ii wm ih" allarouml athletic rh"mip:orhiP for H- third aurc.a. I,,. tear 'I'"1 ln'bollc ' ?L .h.mnlnniihlp l Ihe Jar in- trophy, laria allvar loving cup, which bromea tha panuaaant property of lha group wlimlng tack ear. Tau IaHa It clot second lo the Kappa Sigma group, and tome tournament points remain tin-rt'cor-ieil, but the Kappa Alga, with a o!q( total ol 671, are apparently safely out In front. The IvKa now hare a total of Ml. The tournaments unrecorded are wrettllng. bo ling, handball, lioreeehne, golf, and tennis. In fell of these, both fraternities will re ceive entrance polnta. Th only poaatbla differences are In addi tional polnta for placing In tourna ments. Wrestling and tennis may be counted out. since neither group placed. Award Several Points Kappa Slima will b awarded ft few points for ft third place In Jhs bowling contest. Ielta Tau Delta hat polnta coming for handball, horseshoe, golf, and mid winter I -JL O. -a, it AT ,' 'TH.lY.ltKI THRILLER All his life he had hunt- d wild beasts without fear. It took a woman cruel and fascinating, like a serpent to make him afraid. LOW KlMIEIv WiiEfiE EAST iS EAST An M-O-M Picture with LUPE VELEZ ESTELLA TAYLOR VAUDEVILLE 171 BOB MURPHY PRINCE OF JESTERS" with Eddie Green at the Plane S-7-t, "AN ART CLASSIC" INEZ & DE WYN In "SLOW MOTION" Telented Entertainers ALLBU SISTERS & CARTER IN "YOUTH, BEAUTY AND TALENT" ART AND 16 8YMPHONIANS TURNER, WONDER ORGANIST A PUBLIX THEATER SHOWS 1-3-S-7-S Matt. 10c. JSC Eve., 10e-30s R TALKING f fill SINGING 9 4 : . uMi w-w A 1 mum i -1 i MO IntKv BOY A Pathe Picture With HELEN CHANDLER A Mother's Lore A Boy's Ambition A Girl's DeroUon all set stuns In thla gay story or "u " o fame. yet 0n the eve of his success be threw all away for his mother. You'll love him. t . . - ADDED: 100 TALKING COMEDY "HIGH LOVDHOV7" FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Thcvtr I A Publix v SHOW "v"' MATS. tOe-SSe 1-1 t.j.j EVE. tOc-SOe track, Tbs highest pottlble number In each of Ibeee la II. 16. IS. and 40 retptctlvely. figured according 10 placet won. According 10 Iheaa flguret. Kap pa Sigma has ft Jad of lit points. Uelu Tau Helta, teh rloaesi rival, cannot pottlbly take up mors tbaa 11 of this lead. Tbs lead piled up by the pros pec tire winners Is due In part lo winning of two of the major events of lb Interfraternlty sports poo gram. Kappa Sigma annsisd ft ftral In clats A bssksibatl, and another In tbo mid winter track meet. In addition, tho fraternity won ft third in cross-country and ft third In spring track. Other polnta were awarded for entrance In various sports, and for progress in tourna ments. PRESENT STATE CEASES DUTIES ON PAPEE ire-Ulnae fraaa Pae I) which bis father Is editor and pub lisher. The younger Hammond la member of Tau Kappa Epllaon, tttrnt Tailta Chi and Slrma I'D- sllon. Hs waa elected this spring to membership la Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary scholastic frater nity. Konkel, who also grsduatea this spring, bss accepted ft position with tha Wyoming Stato Tribune at Cheyenne. Ho Is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi and Sigma Delta Chi. and. together with Hammond, received Sigma Pelt Chi scholar ahlp key. Tho potltloa vacated by Ham mond as editor In-chief will be oc cupied by Cliff F. Ssndshl. 'SO. Lincoln, the first semester of 1121 30. Sandahl served as ft managing editor with Joyce Ayres, 'SO. Lin coln, during tho first semester of tha present year. The latter will bo associate editor nex. fall. Sandahl New Editor Sandahl 4s affiliated with Alpha Thetft Chi, Pi Epsllon PI. Sigma Upsilon and Sigma Delta Chi. Ho was secretary of Sigma lpstlon ituHnr tha nut rear and was re cently elected secretary of Sigma Delta Chi for the coming year. He was also assoclsted with the Cornhusker. Awgwan and Prairie Schooner staffs. Ho Intends to work on The Lincoln Journal dur ing the summer months. TJie newly appointed associate editor, Joyce Ayres, is a member of Alpha Tau Omega. Sigma Delta Chi. Pi Epsllon PI. Gamma Lamb da, Kosmet Klub and waa recently tapped an 'innocent. Hs alao hat set-red on tho Cornhusker and Aw gwan staffs. Ayres will attend sum mer school In Lincoln. Business manajror for the past yesr was Milton McGrew, '29, Kan sas City, Mo. Ho served in that capacity for two semesters, the only staff member of the paper to occupy tbs same position for the entire year. Ho is a member of Delta Tau Delta and will graduate this spring from the Law college. Pitier Business Manager Marshall Pitier. '30. Nebraska City, will be the business manager next year. He waa an assistant business manager during the paat year, a member of Phi Kappa Psl, and was recently tspped a member of Innocents. Other assistant business man agers for the year juat closing hare been William Kearns. '29. Omaha, and Lyman Cass, '29. Ravenna. Newly selected assistants are Le roy Jack. '31. Tekamah, Nathan S. Lew. "SI, Hastings, and Vernon Laughlin, '31, Colorado Springs. Colo. Edgar Backus, '30, Columbus, and Gene S. Bobb, '30. Lincoln, are the new managing edltora. Both man aarreri news edllort the second semester of this year, and both are affiliated with Delta Up silon and Sigma Delta Chi. the lat ter being president of Sigma Delta Chi. News Editors Chosen Harl Anderaen, '30, Lincoln; Don Carlson. '31, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Wil liam McCleery. '31, Hastings, and Jack Elliott, '30, Newton, Kao., hare been the other news editors. Carlson and McCleery will like wise be news editors next fall while Elliott will act as sports edi tor. Bob Kelly, '31, Nebraska City, Elmont Waite, '31, Lyons, and Eu gene McKlm. '31, Windsor, Colo., will also be news editors. Contributing editors, appointed by tho editor, as assistants in edi torial writing, hare been Maurice Akin, Vernon Rearing, Kenneth Lewis, William McCleery. Gene Robb. Douglas, Tlmmerman, and Robert Lalng. - Regular reporters who hare done work on The Nebraskan during Classified Ads COU.BGB MAN WnU for ummr work. Ournaod Inromo. Old tb lthd eomotny. Boo Mr. Olboon. 101 Tormlnol B)l.. Lincoln. Export lyplt roady to copy torm paporo and roporto. ('all Vlrtlnla Downing at L.-T7I3 aftor p. m. tho second semester Include Mau rice Akin, varsity baseball; uuy Craig, varsity footbtll; Frederick Daly, varsity and tricolor trsck, ikin Carlaon. Koamet Klub and I'olverslty Tlaysrs. ftsgulsr ftaportsrt Work Eugene McKlm. Morrill ball; El mer Skov. Interfraternlty aports and Phi Beta Kappa newa: Adele Kitler. coed sports; Elmont Walls, I'nlreralty Y. M. C. A., alumni of fice, and World Korum; William McCleery, Cornhusker; Douglas Tlmmerman. Interfraternlty ban quet and Rttad day. Mary Nichols. Ellen timlth hall and T. V. C. A : Ronald McCon nell. Andrews hall: Margaret Tin ier. Teachers college: William Me Osffln, Administration building, band, rad'o programa. addrestet; William Taylor. College of Phar macy. Tharmacy Week, old muse um ; Dorothy Pugh. Betsey ball. Reporters who hare done general work are Raymond Hitchcock, Oor don Laraon. Maude 8chroeder, Ret Wagner, Lester Hall, Cleo Davla son. Georta Thomsen, Lyra Tail, i t'rancea 44olvoke. Neal tiomon, Paulino Bilon, Virgil range-urn. El sie Brodkey, Alice Connell and a host ol others. W. A. A. PRESENTS COED AWASDS C from rata It awarded to Harriet Rogers. Brig etta Koertlng, LeNetto Knox. Sus an Onley, Caroline Cooper. Eleanor Cooper. Louis Raymond. Helen Sraetana. Virginia Wool folk and Louise Kuhl. Ruth Diamond as president of W. A. A. and toaatmiatress of tho oc caalon. greeted the alumnae and gnaats. She introduced Ruth Hat field, chairman of expanalon com mittee, who deflued the purpoee of extra-curricular sports, snd out lined the possibility' in tne future derelopment of rec. .tlonsl sports mnnr unlrersltv women. The alumnae toaat waa glren by Elea nor Flattermersch. president or v. A. A. In 1924 and '26. Miss Flatter mersch commented on the remark able progress in sport made through tho Intramural organixa tlon during the past few yeara. Mahal ia director of the de partment of phyaical education for women, gave the faculty toast, briefly reviewed tho number of par ticipants in sports during tho paat year. Ideals among aportawomen waa the field of Miss Lee's toaat. In which she aaked for the cooper ation of all women intereated In NEW CARS FOR RENT Juat adding te eur tint Flytnt Cloud Coupoi Chevrolet alxoa. Ford Model A Roadatera, Coupat and Tudora. Effective Immediately te per mile discount en elder Chevrolet a, all medete. Always Opn B-6819 Motor Out Company 1120 P St. WANTED Studanta who wlah to work. Either mon or womm. Bluo Boll Tolleiriea, 7i CKuard Bldf. Come On Fellows Let's get oor dates and go on a picnic But FIRST let's get a aalr eut from Mogul Barbers 127 If orth 12th Street v The Choice of the Town Whether it is prescription to be filled by specialists or a tempt ing lunch, the "Friendly Drug Store, receives the enthusiastic acclaim of all. We invite you te make use of our new motorized delivery service. DeWitt's Formerly Pillera Preacriptlon Pharmacy 16 and O B44Z3 Paid Cash For Your Books Co-op Book Store 1229 R East of Temple sports In discouraging ths entrance of American girla and women in tho Olympic games to be held la Los Angeles In IS1. With the Idea of mass psnictpstlon la sports rather than the derelopment of specialised aklll among a few aa an objective In sports. Olympic games are la direct opposition to the highest Ideals la sportsmanship. Rsvlew Psst Progreee la reviewing the past yesr. It wss announced that alt hundred womea had been active In the In tramural sports program. Plans for future expanalon were preaented by Ruth Hatfield. Publicity and con cessions plant for ths coming year were presented by Adele Elsler snd Margaret Ward. Dorothy McGlnley. attlited by Era Spelbrlng, Gertrude Ray, Jane Towns, Crete Klngtbury, Marlon Iavla. and Martha Miller, wtt In chsrge of the luncheon. MARGARET WAR II WINS COED TENNIS TOURNEY Msrgaret Ward, playing !utie Kuhl lo the finala. won the women's singlet tennis tournsmeni of the t'nlverslly of Nebraska. Besides being chsmplon of women's singles on this rampua. aha Is present Col orado ststo champion, and partner of ths mtied double Inter-mountala champion team. 8ml final conteatanta ere Emily Watera. Verna Norton. Mar garet Ward and Lnulae Kuhl. One hundred and twenty two players participated In the Intramural ten nis singles tournament which be gan April 1. The tournament waa managed by Kathrya Allen. Vic toria Olatfelder. Mary Jane L Mere, and Mary Lou Curtis astttted with the tournament. T KOTBL cr coienrvtm Thfta Sigma VM Will Initiate? Four Mrmhrra Four new membert will be In itiated Into Theta Sigma Thl. na tional honorary profettlonal Jour nalism sorority, the first of the week. Tho girls to be tnltisted are; Margaret Tlnley, member of Gam ma Pbl Beta; Dorothy Sllvls, Kap pa Alpha Theta: Elalo Brodkey, Sigma elta Tau; and Saras rick ard, ri Beta Tbl. Student Assistant Plans Work in Summrr Course June Joyce Harper, a student as slstsnt in the department of bot any, will conduct nature atudy and handicraft at ramp Klnnlklnnik, at Valparaiso, Nebraska, during tho summer. Klnninlnnl Is a nutrl tlonaal camp under the supervision of the Red Crots. BACCALAURE ATI CRVICt TODAY Vnlvsrslty of Nebraska baccalau reate aervlce will be held at St. Paul Methodiat church thia after noon at 4 o'clock. Graduating j seniors will hesr an address by tho Rev. Harry B. Hett. paator of the Flrat Methodiat church at Kearney. FOR TeacEaeirc Agency Wtt h srsfwMlenal I await tee the Davit School Service 1M Nv 1tth B-M Ream SS (UawUlra) GOOD TASTE WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE ..AN ADDITIONAL NUMDER OF OUR COATS. DRESSES ,ND HATS AT A SPECIAL PRICE REDUCTION MONDAY BCAtrPFUL BTYLaTB AND PIN I MATERIALS IN DfttSirS AND CNSKMBLIB POf STWtrT A MO AFTERNOON WEAK. f 14 50 VP. A LIMITED NUMBER OF TAILORED BROADCLOTH AND CASUAL sfoerrs coats, oenerouslv r roue ed. HATS IN LA ROE AND SMALL BRfM EFFECTS CROCHETS. PERLE VISCAB. FELTS AND NOVELTY BRAIDS. $4.50 UPWARD. :::n:;::inm:;:;iti:m::m:n:n.-i:nft;::;::;:iTTTV! BECK and his LEO, J. fenestra Entire Summer at ANTELOPE PARK! O Wish to thank the students for their Patronage and announce they will be playing the The orchestra has now only Three open dates for Fall parties, and formals for 1930 are now being booked. For arrangements see Leo J. Beck or call Gornhusker hotel. iH:liHH:i;MHHiariiMam!lUlliM !iiiimi!!ii:imHimHiiiiiiiii!ii Gi&fs that the Nebraska Students lilies to receive i Pins - Every one looks for your pins. Jeweled or plain. Combination pins. $1 to $2$ Fountain Pens And pencils. Wshl, Farker, Car ter, Conklin, Sheaffer and "Water man. $2.75 to $10 Gtatloncry A smooth, linen or finish. Ne braska sesl or letters in red and white. College personslity. Tea. Memory Books College! the most aetrve and joy ous time of life. Keep it always. $250 ($7 and $8 Lsather) Dorines Modernistic in color and design Nebraska seal on. case if desired. A joy to any firl to possess the latest. $1.75 to $9 $1 to $5 nines An outward insignia that ties j'ou to dear old Nebraska U. Sterling or gold. Sealed. $1.50 to $13 FlUors Attractive red and white, N or seal. Just the thing to put "ol legs pep" ito the room. Diaries Valuable joys, hjLppenin, ereata now. But mors Yaluable in the fu tures. Save them 05to$itg0 SIL1LEGE BOOK OtfOOE FACING CAtJPUO