"he Daily Nebraskan VOL XXVHi o. m toIrIrecieo, '! ENGINEERS OPEN WEEK'S PROGRAM Convocation, Field Hay rnd Banquet Are Planned For Students DISPLAY WORK FINISHED Committee Anticipates Huge Crowd for Exhibition Thursday Night Fciineer' eek "a oflulally ..,n-d llondij afternoon alth tha rrectlng of the campua atiurlur In nont of Administration building i i in the torm of a miniature aiilte loaer nd beara the letter. Itiglneera Week, April 19 to ir J i .it been cuiomary each ',r ti. construct some lorm a monu ment in front of Administration nplMng the annual engineering imii. A laige )nchnnout motor at used last year and a mtnlatura fin iKiblv th. year before that. Convocation Open. Program The week', program Include a ,oowcion in the Temple toeater elreda morning at 11 o'clock ollowed by Kleld da. Engineer, .lit leave the Temple a: noon and c to Antelope park where lunch will be sened. The afternon will be levoted to athletlca. Engineers' night will be held Tbur.dy eve ninic and all of the varloua engi neering building on the c.mpu alll hold open hou from 7:30 to 1:50 o'clock. The purpose r the night la to aiqnlnt the public with the work being done by engineering atudenta in the University. Equipment of all klnda will be on display by the .lu cent and the public will be at I'hertT to ask any queationa they may wtah to about the vartoua mi rhlnes and equipment. Banquet la Friday The week'a program continue! with the annual Engineers' ban quet at the Annex cafe Friday eve ning at :15 o'clock. Prof. C J. Krankforter, chairman of the de partment of chemical engineering, will act a toasttnaater. rrof- J Brownlee Davidson of Iowa Stat college, Ajnea, Iowa, will be the main apeaker ot the evening. Fire prize, and awarda will be presented m ,h banquet, the Blue Print .taff for 1929-30 will be announced, and the College of Engineering official scandal aheet, "The Sledge," will be distributed. ' Ticket a for the Field day lunch, the banquet, and the official "E" ribbona went on aale yewerd.y. Ijunch ticket, are tbiriy-nve cents, banquet tickets one dollar, and rib botv fifteen cent. GET TEACHING POSTS Schools in Which Graduates Will Instruct Next Year Are Given Placement of student in the University made by the department of education service f Teacher' College were announced yesterday. One of theae waa la Boise, Idaho., where Xouir-e Wohlenberg will ieca tn tie kindergarten of SU Mtrgaret'a school. Florence Brandt will teach Eng lifh dramaUcs and music at Crof ion.' At Nelson. Clarence BariJett will teach agricullune. Evelyn Rom berg will be an aasistant in the commercial deparuneni of Midland college at rretnont. Lucille Mares has signed a contract to teach the seventh and eighth grade at Bel grade. Opal Wrih1 will ?-ach public speaking and English a.t Maplelon, Iowa. Wilma Wordea will be a tnathematicB lnatructor at Cedar Rapida. At Spencer, Harriett Har greaves will teach second grade. INVESTMENT MAN WILL VISIT BIZADS Senior, who are conaidering en lering tbe lavesinjent business are being informed that Halsey, Stuart and company, one of the leading jnv.tment firms, Is wending .rep resentative t Lincoln this week. R. W. VaJentine of the Chicago of fice wrifl be tn Lincoln Tuesday and Wodnesday. He win consult wlii wenicr. Interested 1. the In vestment business in Mr. Bullock's office, Social Sciences 206. Inter view, may be scheduled. At 11 o'clock Tuesday tn Social Science, ml Mr. Valentine will speak on "Bond Buyln and Sell ing" All .tndenu r iavitd t this talk. DELTA TAU DELTA WINS LN LEAGUE 6 First rvnad of the larterfrateraJty baaehaH tournament ia searing completion. The date et as a 4ed l.ne far the playing of these gmmea. ia Hay . according to an announce ment by Jtamea C L-ewla. la charge of the toaraament. One league, tbe sixth, km. been competed, with Ielta Tarn IVlta emerplnx a. wln iir with three vlctortea. The TVlta won from tbe Pi Ksppa Alpha tiine. 10-f. from Sigma Alpha KrHoa, -K and froas Phi Kappa Pel, , rorfelV). mahtin aitends iu mnkss mi:i;t Profenor Goes to St. Leuii At RepreientatiT of Bitftd Colic ja. Irol. it. K. Martin, thaiiauaa u( the depart nient of bualneaa organ itltn and management, attended the Mlllp Valley Manufactur er and N hoi-salera" rouferenre at the Jefferson hotel In ft. liOuls. April IT. aent aa representative of the College of luln AdmtnUtra Hon by Dean J. K. I.eRolgnol. Among lhe apeakera were A. K F.mkme. preaulent of the 8tuJe bakfr rornorallnn: Marahatl F- Sampiell. prnldent of tho lltlnolaj Public pervlrc company; Jamea I. j Madi'en. tire preildent of the Met ropolitan IJfe Insurance com pan) : j ana wmiam t. piowi, piniarni the Ford. Motor Stout Airplane dl- llon. j HIGH SCHOOL WEEK BEGINM FRIDAY Nebraska Music Contest and State Cinder Meet Are On Calendar UNIVERSITY ENTERTAINS High achool week will begin Fri day. May S. with the atate music contest and end May 10 with the finali of the atate track meet at the Memorial Stadium. The academic pentathalon conteet baa been aban doned, teeordlrg 'o a Reed di rector of the eitenalon divilon and director of former academic meeta. The lnlvereity will not have academic eonteete for high achool atudenta thla year. Xaet year ap proiiroatety 7S0 atudenta competed In the academic meet Including the newlr created penthathlon. The meet laat year tru the atxth annual affair or that nature. No Academic Conteet Becauae or Inadequate houring . .111.1.. W . Inlv.rllT llbatltUted the plan of haTlcg atudenta take eamlnallona In their own achool. The eiamlnatlona were to be mailed In to the L'nlreralty to be graded and the awarda made. The plan contemplated alao the pentathlon contcata being held the aame a laat year. Iack of Intereat among the high achool of the atate waa the, cauae for the abandonment of both plan. STUDENTS MAY fill t . ! All Candidates Head Toward j ' Activities Office to Get on Ballot SLATE CLOSES FRIDAY! I Filings for .prlng elections! 'opened yesterday and will cloae Friday evening. May S. at 5 o clock. Candidates for the Student Council and publication board muat file at the Student Actlvitiea office before Friday, according to Eldred Laraon, president of the Student Council. Election ill be held Tuesday. April 7, at the Temple building. Twenty student, will be elected to the various positions on the student government organization.. Nomina tions are open for Student Council member, and three publication board member.. Eligibility Requirement. To be eligible for the Student Council, a .indent must have made tweoty-eeven boar the previous year hi achool and twelve hour, the preceding semester. He mut have an average f 76 per cent for all the previous years in school and can have do standing delinquencies. Tbe publication board require ment is the same aa tae regdlar ac tivity specification, that la twenty seven hour successfully completed (be preceding year and twelve hours tbe preceding semester. Seventeen Council Vacancl.a Of the seventeen nominations for Student Council, eight are to be Junior men, one each from tbe col leges of Agriculture. Arts and Sci ences. Engineering. Law. Phar macy. Deatirrtry. Businesa Adminis tration, and the School of Journal ism; fo'jr are to be Junior women, one each from the collegea of Agri culture. Art. and Science.. School of Fine Art and Teacher, college, and one la to be a ma. or woman from tbe Graduate college. These candidate, for the JMUoent Council will be sophomore as the Junior requirement aneans that they will be Junior. In tbe following ae mestej' wnen tbey are holding of fice. Likewise the eanoioaie. ior senior at large win be Juniors. Barbs Get Coliaenm For Second Progirsni The aeoond oa-fratercitj party will he held Friday evening May S .t eight o'clock ia the Cohseum. Everything ia the Bn of entertain ment ia offered. There- will be a twelve piece orchestra and danc ing Rerresbaoents will be erve4. Among the special fea'area la of fered a. advance autiactloa from ibe Farmer. Fair, mm vaoderflJe from tbe local theateTB a. well a. some Taome taJect acta. Something ew ia tbe Use of decoration 1 being rlanrjed wi:k a touch of Chl caro la t- Machine guna and pl lola will be ia atyle. FOR SPRING EIEC1N GREEK BANQUET I'ltl FEATURE Haincr Prize Goes to Group Securing Top Ranking In Scholarship OFFER FIFTEEN PLAQUES r:.. C,. Uf.oixp i WUIHllllllt;c ottuic itsoisi As Speaker and Daly m I I al.. I As Toastrraster Featuring the award of the Malner cup to the national aoclal fraternity making ... J IIIMC ,mpr.n- ,, .ni .. - terfraternlty banquet will be held , .... AWARD OF CUP at the coilaeum. May . at o cioca. i,ina. wno ia nw -In addition to the cup. f.neei '. N- York, traveled with clrculta In i that iiimmar plaquea are available to the Greea; ... .- .v ii... r .i.n.....B. k,.r , The achoiarahlp cup. which waa, donated bv K J. H.lner In 112. ! iln run which waa ed annually to tba! .h- Ki.h... ! k.. i-- . .h.'?.",,nMr.. w.w .w.. ;-.r' ti p - r- la on-anliallon bavlna the hiaheat rankln. Thla trophy waa first pre sented U rhl Kappa Pal In 11. Hlatory of those fraternltlea win nine the award Include: Tbl Kappa rl. 114. IMS. 191C; Kappa Slama. 1917: Sigma Nu. 11S; Sig ma Alpha Fpsllon. 11: I Vita Tau tvita 1.0- rhl C.amma IVIta, 1SI1: Alpha Tau Omega. 1I2: Alpha Sigma Phi. 1S-3. 19J4. Beta IH!U.r,-. l.1!!;. lata, - . K CMf1ffj4 mm rc I CHAIRMAN SETS DATE OF BIZAD TICKET SALE ! Mender," working out or Beatrice. . . , , Li ! At the cloae of the aeaon be will Convocation Is Impossible feioni work .t M.di In Absence of Dean I 52. m .emor. wm LeROSSignOl ARRANGE SPORTS FEST Although It la Impoaalhle to se cure a convocation for all Blsad atudenta Friday morning becauae of the absence of Dean J. E. LeRoa signol, ticket aalea for Bizad day will begin in the claaarooma of the college at 8 o'clock. May S. accord Ing to Walter Lehmkuhl. '30. chair man or B.iaa aay. Beginning tne morning or uiaaa day. Friday. Mav 10, with a golf tournament for all College of Bual- nes Administration students, the day'a festivltiea will end with a mamrootb dance at the I.lndell ho- tel in tbe evening. An "S" blanket ... . . will be iTesen'ea during iniermis - aion to the winner of the morn- . mi v. Ing. compel, inia diuki win w available through Long's College Book .tore. A baseball rame between mem- ber. of Phi Chi Theta. glrla' com- - . -' merciai club and a team composed of f.culty member, of the co lege will be a feature of the morning. The rame will be Dlared on the Antelope park diamond and the noon barbecue luncn win oe served near the Antelope paTillion. Book Horseshoe Contest During the afternoon, a horse shoe contest between member, of the variou. Bind organisations will be staged. Softball games and other means of entertainment are being planned for the remainder of the day. For those who care to attend, ticket for tbe Haskell Indian-Nebraska baseball contest at Landia field ate being obtained by the Bind day committee. Tranaporta tion to and from the contest is be ing arranged, according to the chairman. One dollar ticketa give the buyer a complete round of sport ana piay Iir.. to th. committee, and yij, ir.,a J. h -verv stu- laouiu ire v w i -.. - . desi of the Bitad college. Those w i.hing to serve on tbe ticket .ale committee are urged to communi cate with Glen Rieebenb.cn or Robert Evans in the Commercial club room.. EDUCATION GROUP ELECTS OFFICERS New officers, of PI Lambda Theta. national education society for women, were elected at a reg ular ftiMiinf Thursday evening at Teach' r. college. The new cabinet. to be Installed May 1. mciuae.: Helen Day Lincoln, presldenl; Genevieve Morltx 11. Lincoln, vice president: Rarel Davis, graduate teacher, treasurer: Vivian John. JO. recording secretary; Gertrude Goerlng. graduate from Waloolt. la corre ponding aecretary, ana Minnie Schlictemrier 11. Nehawic, keeper of record . t LeRosbignol Leavet for Convention at New York Deaa J. E. LeRossignol of the College of Business Administration will attend the eleventh annual meeting of tbe America a Associa tion of Collegiate Schools of Busl mm in New York city. May J, t. and 4. He expect to retwrat to Uncola Tuesday May 7. Tbe aaaoclatloa Is composed tfl about thirty-eight of tbe Jnading tmivemitie. In tbe Cnited States. Including tbe 1'niverelty of Ne bratk. IVati LeRonsignol wa jireeldenl of the aseociatioB ia I1CS-2S. l.lftCOLN'. MKBKASKA. TL'KMHV. AI'HII. 30. W Many Univer&Uy Players Anticipate Summer Vacations With Chautauquas i Misa Cornelia Ayrei Will i Play Oppoaite Lerncr in Whi Collar ; 8eTraJ Arranft to Make Tourt Chautauqua career lor the aura ner aill claim a number of the I ulrenlty Flayera. bo will Join cirrulta to gala dramatic eipertenc aa an aid in aecurtng profeMlonal entagementa after graduation. 1 hit ill alao fumlab lunda for addi tional university work. Included in the lUt of thoa who have al'eady made deflnlte plana for aurh work are: Cornelia Ayrea. liirlia : laton. Maurlne lray- ion, Zolly Irner. Oertrude lralher. .-,,. Rid.iv. Alta Keade. Bob w. j a o . Keade Joy Storm and Harold Woods Of these, tome are aenlora. I ho will go Into professional ca-j reera In the fall. Lamar Called te Tepaka Hart Jeoks. a former member of rtrriM.VfJr. go.'n, on hf j,,, ,jeD,r m shikeioearean nroductiona. Ja k I . bi...H--t ,b Ik! i-rner will work otit of '-"'V VrrB" "TT. . .hrih the we.tern and ' tt ' JBf- bul mV. I,U?. 'M1",.,?" " aouthern aectlooa. Me raauaie id , ."n b. na. L MM. year! .i- - .rur-iiA. will be El- wood Ramey and Cornelia Ayrea. j ,OB ef NeIton A. Crawford, editor neac-ay morning at 10 ocl. both of whom are .enlor. ,n the of Household marine- Ty'JJy School of Kite Art. Mlsa Ayree," ' expressed at the lunch- Tb . "J,,..J .h. J, w, play oppo.lt. of .bV-k. Writer. r.iW Ramay a. the character ma. of the , MoB(Uy Booa of cornhu.ker. : horHaT by f company. Chautauqua look. Alia r.tr - through the middle , IweaC It wlll'be ber nr., aummer 1 In ch.ut.uu.. Joy Storm will do 1 character parta In "The Paiay." re I turnlnc In the fall a. at.ge man I .... nt the Plavera. Harlan B. Eaaton will do charao t.r work thi aummer In "Sun l'p" with the Atlantic circuit out of To-, peka and will return In the fall tnr h'l third vear with the Players Harold Wooda will play In "The act aa advance agent for the Inter- niUODII vuHu Drayton will again be in Chautau qua work, aa aupertntendent with the Rocky Mountain circuit. Whitney Beffins Sew Work With Unique Machine Dr. D. D. Whitney of the depart - v.. lul, be run ex ' perimenutlon with rotifera by the use of a unique machine, for the purchase of which $250 waa re- cenUy granted him by the Amert- can Aaaoclatlon for the Advance- ment of Science. I . .v.... Ar Ka Avur.mMl I 1 i n uuj-vi - j to determine whether the rate of I.,.k.iiim la mutar in male - mmvu. . , producing or ta fTOaJeroducing rotifer.. The "J a large cylinder which la nilea with water kept at an even xemper- kw j1f romlatln- Bulbs A ujT by Crte w lr in j tlrrto- k'DS ,M gentle motion Complex Arrangement A mleroresplrometer is placed in the water. Including two small bot tles by a scaled tube above. Ten female rotifers, producing either entirely males or females, are placed in a bottle. The consump tion of oiygen by these "sisters." a. Dr. Whitney call, them, eausea a vacuum, ahown by the moving of a drop of oil along the acale on the tube. This Indicate, tbe rate of metabolism. In one experiment with mala producing crsatures, the drop of oil moved ten sfraces in two hour, and fifteen minute. It did not move at all In an equal amount of time for female-producing ".istera." Thi one case doe. not prove any thing, bowser, according to Dr. vtiKim. wno Intend, to make ' , . . i.w twenty or tnirty expense. each kind or remaie. SIGJIA DELTA-aUS POSTPONE IEETLNG Due to conflicting meetinga. tbe biboinea session of Sigma Delta Chi. national professional Journal t.rie fratemitv. aet for Tuesday evening, ha. been indefinitely post- posed. Name of Ernestine Figures Prominently in Music mriaj. nomica erhibita and other home : Famont Contralto Hundred! of Audiencei Since 1875 With Simple Song- and Opera, AriM iifn me j iuai vi history are written the name of . p.v.MnN.TlaiiV anil V jruetuBe ocu" " r pear onaptciousy. j be attached to that same a record eXia?DUUia - ti.tlc achievement.. jcc- i..kln knra nra:t and meuu awwe - cert, la which voice, tnterpretauve mm-nrM and hnmll IOAdlUt have Joined ia contributing to the happlnesa and enlightenment of In numerable persona. ft win be a career to contem plate tbe consciousness of a er nce performed for tbwe for from tbe beginning Mme. Schu mann Heink naa considered the weKare of others, perbap. evea be fore (be thought of herself. That I etprrt Arrange for Son-Fralrrnity Talk What Are ine Problem of a Non Ftalrmlty 8iudeui?" lll be the topic of a disruption a' vepera at I o'clork Ihla atter noon In Ltlen Hmlih hall Ilnh fraternity and won fraternity stu dent are Invited o attend The meeting will be led by Ruth Hat field. Mary Evelyn lgan UI alng several number. The change In prtvgraru was made lo accommodate persona who will go to the Pan hellenlr banquet thla evening. 'Fl IN MACHINE AGE ERA Household MaOaZine EdltOP " - 111..;!--- SDeaKS 10 WrllCrS Speaks ..... Guild Monday nRni!P Wfl n SFSS ONS ,h' ' T'Z ' 1 -Wrh e live I. equally capable of Th.i ihn axe or marnmciy id Interpretation a. have been oiher ereat era of the past la the opln- interpretation a have been other Th. guild held a one a.y aeion In IJncoln that Included rouna t- luncheon, a reception at the g luncheon, a reception at the gov ernor' mansion, and a banquet at the Cntverelty club. Pal. Van Horn conducted the round table diaculon on the fea ture article. Mra. Mlgnon Good Eb erhart, author of the recent book "The Patient in Room 18.' led in talking over the problema in writ ing myatery atorlea. and Mia Helen Margaret or omana. noi poem have appeared In Harper'a poem nave pprwru - magailne. had charge of the group Interested in poetry. a), p. Crawford Preaide. Mr. Crawford, who .poke on BELIEVES -Literature and the Mechanical Age" at the luncheon waa for aev-; erml year, he.d of the department MOVING CUPS OFFERED of Journaliam at the Kansas AgrV cultural college 1. the "' , Twentyone national .ororltie. ZFJfiZiP'Zt n"orpTut; w, be in one hundred percent at 11,1,. tendance at tbe annual Pan-IIel R. P. Crawford, profeasor ot agn- i cultural journaiiam ana P'"'-"' .i. . i j...Miiam Btit nreaident Of the guiia. aerrea a. zsErSl . cultural Journaliat wa nost at ' n miatiii in Ani- ' cultural Journalim claetea. Proml-. , nent Nebraska writer i'mrUl "' . . . i. ttrlnl St t be meeting were c.nea nake a few remarks regarding make a few remarks regaroing their work. ! pre5ide. Governor Recaive Writ.rs rollowing the dinner, a pageant Governor and Mra. Weaver and written by Mr. Roy Withan. chair Mr. Pmuel R. McKelvie of Lin-: man of the program committee, and coin chairman of the committee, j Pauline Gellatly of tthe oepartment .i. ih -H.itlnr writer, at 4 of dramatic, will be presented. , ; o'clock . IJndia in the afternoon. acuei Lindaay noted American poet, ap- peared In a chanted recital of hi own Doeros si idv ujuuh evening. i ..!.,. a Chorman -aa Dre- sented Willi Honorary mrmi-i ' fn the ild for hi. out.tandlng "ihfo while chairman of the sented with honorary memberahip leadership while chairman of the . . . . v-na-iiah ar The 1'ni- DfDinDJrUi VI rj i,w r v.nraaka. Approximately one hundred writ- ... . iV a4ia-rtl . era and friends met for the discus- - . knnilra slons ana luncnewu, wuc and fiftv attended the reception nnAM ent at the banquet- TO A TF.R 1 Tl ES OPEN SERENADE SE4SON I When apringUme come young j men', fancy turn, to thought, or; love, picnics and serenades. At present numerous fraternities, seised by the desire to become R meos in tbe eyes of the fair sorority , maidens, have begun their annual ! serenade season ! Manv nights and well into he wee morning hour- many group 1 of young men tour "sorority row" and outlying bouses to chant soul ful melodies 'neath tbe windows of ; the .lumbering m.iden.. History hs It tb.t In tbe pa.t ...r were not alwav peace ful, that neighboring rival frateml- tie employed rresn ana oouc enaali veretab e TO cairn lot " . . .t u.. tH er. Ply their trade unmolested. . ' . Schumann - Heink Plea.eaiw demon.trated as far ba-k aa C laa.-C U IVa V.a.n VMlTlT aiBtTCr 1 D t if, " ' - - ang for the director of lhe lenna Opera ia the hope of securing an her father and mother the wisdom engagement which might prove to f k.r of a. U'e work. But iLnere wa.s do uwit tuivu. . trfm tjii, director thaa from within a - Vh.w luUu ffn or oti mmic .'t'.1 - oontraito pajrjia, m t-vi ' jBty fimjiy came In the form of a QCPUl -W l'"wa vt., During the nest tnree ywr . v m ,M 1 m ekat aviuin- uTr ruui - . - mftli of the artist.. Her voice and ner nnoersTaooina; vi i'a quiremeBt. developed.. Then the singer married: and la time came the first baby. Tj care for ber motherly aa well aa for her oper atic duties Imposed poa tbe youthful contral' a bordea not easy te sustain. ' ThoM were dark days, during which tbe struggling artlsia knew PHARMACY WEEK E Druggists Gather Tomorrow j Morning to Discuss i Final Plans , EXHIBITIONS ARE READY ! Student Activity Centers On Open House Display Thursday Eve Nmih annual pharmai.v lelebia lion, to be held from Wednesday to Satuida) of thin wet-k. . rapidly nerint definl'e form aa the em- boo pharmadfi conreni ra'e on lat minute prepara'ton Phar-I mary hall I bing bed.vked wlthj gala colora for the Pharmacy night ; eihlhlt. and all comnntleea are co- in an effort to mae the public display a mark of intere.tin "t. m-hThl prom wlth .11 ' ''",., d" poMlbli - . BppU ,neoca.l. for 11 mary atudenta will be called . .x invocation for all phar- rmacy , meeting be fol-1 lowed bv short talk by faculty member includlug Dean R. A. l.rman. Prof. J. D. Burt. Pror F. 8. uuney and Fror. C. 1.. Wibl. Representativea from each of the rlaase will alo give ahort pep TO BANQUET TONIGHT Twenty-0ne GrOUPS tXpeCt M. nj Drinrm I U MllCIIU I vy tun At Coliseum . )e K.nauet. to be held at 6 . o'clock tonight at the University T-.,ln. h.ve been .unBru.u. mat tn arwtfnmndaie over eleven - BCtive and alumni mem- bera of these organitation. Mra. j h w ,,, cf,y president Hellenic council, will Hellenic council, will one gin iroui mn take p.rt. dressed in costume of the year of her sorority's national ivuuuiu. i - - -' music by tbe Alpha Xi Delta trio and Ian dancing. lean Amanaa . Heppner will conclude ith a short nt-iiiu-i m iuu ,nd the pr-nt-tion of ailver ' loving cup to the organization. 1 loving cup to the organization. raitno hi?het in scholarship. - r. - I Mrs. F. E. Beaumont, alumna of j Alpha Omioron Pi. I jt a Via cant 5 general chairman of the .-vent. Committee ini.l.i4. tra t?r' XVIlhsn ub.ihu-u iix-i --. ! program: Mr. Howard Gramlick. I . J . , ft I Cmlth ifl charge of chart and prire. Tables w ill be closed at all sorority bouse to insure complete attendance. Agriculture Students Meet Tonight to Discuss Arrangements I'l-epsmilon for tbe Farmer Fair tbi yer reaches I'a climai this week. The .tudeni body of the College of Agriculture will meet at m fair convocation tonight at 7:15 in Agricultural ball auditorium. Iro- A"' "nouncement. concerning trie wora tnat is to oe oout 1 committee and announcement, a .. , ( 1 i to limiiauoii ana riiwuunuiTTi j srS Z SSIS. i economics committees w in oe sn special attention. AH students .re urged to attend. Newton W. Gaines will give a short talk concerning Farmer. Fair enthusiasm. DIER HEADS HI-Y AT TEACHERS HIGH Teacher, college Hi-Y club ha. elected ila officers for next year. They are: Milo Dier. president; Melvin Beckman. vice president: Willi. Hoy. secretary: and FloyO Smith, treaaurer. Plan, are being made for tbe club to spend ewe week-end In May, probe bly that of May II. at Camp Streder. Crete. Paring the winter motion picture, lantern lecture and discussion, which were led by F3mer Curti.. made up the pro grams. Fifteen of the forty boy la Teachers' college high school are members of the Hi V. PROGRAM B GINS EDNESDAY WOMEN REACH GRAND CLIMAX Inatrurtor Succumha prnjMit of mtlttary iv1nr. ho . . . A . 4 K a I law. i k ...... I fAlAWIMg af) tOlQ ll'llri I ItVF('Ul iimw- !' w i a... -.Jl.lila oprMoo for nppnllf IfU 1 BILL VETO Weaver Believes University Holds Distinct Place in State Field mini ilTIAtlC UrrUoto UUriiUH i Reason for vetoing the bill pro viding that normal schools might add two years of university work , to their curricula were given by Governor Weaver In a recent In terview a hen he declared that the rnlverslly of Nebraska occuple. a distinct rield in education and that the four tate normal schools exit I for an entlrelv different purpose. The bill. H. R. ra k. . v. a i..ialatnra In it recent es- .'on. Another bill. S. F. 271. Infer ring the same Idea a aet forth in H. R. 454, a also vetoed by the J governor. Would Mean More Taxee i "The legislation contained In ii r 1:1 .iflH he the first Step toward Betting up five unlversltiea to be supported by the state In stead of one." declared Governor Weaver. "This would greatly In crease the cost of higher education to the people or eorana ana there ia no legitimate need or mib ' lie demand for It." The governor quoted tbe staie I constitution In defining the status ' of tbe state normal school, etat 'tng that the proper field of work ! for such schools was the training j of teachers for public schools. Thr. Fields of Education The educational aygtem of Ne braska la founded in three separate and diatlnct rields. according to ine accepted policy of the state. These are the common school for citl- tens from five to twentyone year. : of age, the state normal schools. and the university. "In my opinion, our system of ' education i so splendidly coor dinated and ha been so uniformly successful In answering our eouca- i tlonai neeos inn a r" I Icy aa contemplated by H. R. 44 ! would not onl pe unwise out im jDileal to the higheet intere.t. or lhe normal schools, the I'niverslty and to tbe state a a whole." de clared Governor Weaver. staffs Await 'Rag' Banquet Thursday Eve Ijougia Timmerraan, chairman of the entertainment committee for the annual -Rag" banquet, to be held Thursday evening at 6:1S o'clock in the Lincoln hotel, baa announced the list of speakera for tbe program. Bill McCleery la to act a mailer of ceremonie. Dean Hammond, aa editor of tbe lily Nebraskan, will talk on "My Threat upon Major Pegrave- Spfed Record." Maurice Konkel,, is scheduled to speak on tbe subject, "Difficulties. Encount ered as an Aaaociaie Editor." Munro Kezer. former editor or the Nebraskan. will make aorae start ling revelatioca in his discourse, "My Three Months in the City Jail." Book Ayrea and Sandahl Joyce Ayre. one of tbe manag iug editors of the Nebraskan. will disclose some of tbe secret, of bis success a ben be talks on "My Rea sons lor Believing That a Manag ing Editor Should Never Ieave tbe Desk When on Duiy." C!iff San dahl ia scheduled for an address, but his subject baa not yet been announced. Catherine Elizabeth reporters, also appears on the pro gram. Preceding tbe talks. Florence Seward is to make a presentation speech, and deliver a gift to tbe women reporter. It is planned by Tlmmerman that the general theme of the program shal be In the na ture of confession storie.. -Raoqer" Will Appear. "The Ragger," School of Jour nalism scandal sheet, is to make tta appearance at the banquet. It Is being prepared by Bill McCleery. acting as editor la cbi?f, aaaisted by N! Gotncn Poa Carlson, and byra Tate. KirtTaarra Invits ' ion to tbe af fair bave b"u mail"d. ard more. lhaa forty of tboee receiving invi tations have signified their inten tioa to attend. GOVERNOR EXPLAINS pim:r. : uvrs CAPTAIN PARKER 0 FOLLOWING ION HERE Nebraska R.O.T.C. Officer Passes Away After Short Illness PARADE IS POSTPONED Appendicitis Causes Death Of University Teacher; Funeral Today a . i tt n lHfkr f i Ka A a- iirimi of millury clnr of tht i JttA f..aM g.MnH4lllak 1. . . .. Mvee.ln. l 11 It AlfVk . a-piari Mm? iuumiium Hi v w - W - I I..aI I'MAral KM (Nil ak I at the Unroln oenerel noapttai. lie became III after hla Thnnaday rlai acd waa opera'ed on Sunday morning Captain !arker' bom waa in Halloa. Kansaa. Coming to Nebrak from Kort Tlennlng. Ceorgla. Infantry achool In lr;. Captain Tarker began hla erice In the R. O. T. C. unit here, where be remained until hla death. Owing to the death or Captaia W. W. Parker yeaterday mora- i-- .k- D II T - rTl acneouieu ior laim liiriuuv" 1 S o'clock will be poetponed. A parade may be held Thnraday. Definite announcement of this will be made later. Captain Parker wa commlsaioned during the World War. and served In the Philippine Islands with th Thirty Bnt ls'a-'ry and n Japa with the American relief expedi tion during the Japanes. earth quake. Captain Parker served In tha Kansas National Guard from Jun !, 19H. to November II. 19M. H wa. made first lieutenant In the Second Officers' Reserve Corp May 1. J917. and began active duty irti the army May 14. He accepted a permanent commvpaton aa second lleyrensnt In the infantry Novem ber IS. 1517 He accepted a com mission as first lieutenant April . IMS. and wa. made captain July I. IS?". Funeral Hld Today Captain Parker la aurvived by his ! wife, Florence: three amall chil I dren. Wallace W.. Jr., nine; Robert J Davis, eigh-.; and Allen, two; bl. ! mother. Mrs B. F. Parker, of Sa I Una. Kansas: two sisters. Mr. I Mann ftf St .tcsenh. Mo., and Ml Mary Parker, of Salina; and on brother, Bruce Tarter, of Salina. Captain Parker was born at Sa lina November 12, 1894. The body wa taken to the Cat:a. Roper and Matthews' roortuan where brief services were held at 7:15 this morning. A military fu- i 1 1 UaiA at Fatt leaven ( worth, where he la to be burled TRII copy mm, w May Awgwan Carries Out Theme of Graduation Through Jokes MANY DRAW CARTOONS All copy for the May or "Bye. Bve" number of the Awgwan haa been received and the lsu will be ready for distribution on Friday, May 10. according to the editor. Copy carrying out the graduation theme will receive special atten tion. An unusually large number o cartoons has been handed In, ac cording to Douglas Tlmmerman, editor. A full page drawing of pro minent seniors la Florence Se ward's contribution while LoiSelle Gilman and Roger Robinson bave turned in cartoon.. Archie Powell, who drew the cover for the January number of the Awgwan. again make, bis ap pearance with a colorful "Bye. cover. Plate, for the cover have al ready been completed and ataff member, prophesy a clever cover. Contributors Work Bill McCleery. LaSelle Oilman and Roger Robinson have submit ted several clever stories and skits for the Awgw-an readers. Robinson Is the chief contributor of short quips and jokes while hi art work Is rapidly Improving. Rarmoucd Murray and Deaa H oka n son, assistant editor, of tbe humorous magazine, have prepared entertaining blta for the May issue Murray has several poem, tn print and Hokanson presents an intimate diary of tbe Kosmet Klub "Don't Be Silly" trip. Phil Blake, Warren ChiJe. Wil liam Dsrrab. Paul GaUup, Neal Gomon. Bob Kelley, Cordon Larson Wendell Mellor. Elmont Walte and Mercedes Wochner are additional contributor, of copy for ihe final Issue of tbe comic monthly. Worker, for tbe business staff are still desirable, according to Stanley Day. basinee manager. Ap plication, for a ataff posiuon can be mad in the Awgwan offic, I'Bfversity ball basement, any af-ternoon. OPERAT Dean Sf slock Addreew i Educational Meeting Peun W. K Sealock f Tej.ch. college adJrfed a ccmn. meeting at Endlcott and at f City Friday, t-'-luca'ion iav ; f-ant were given t hron I i . frn counts. Tean ?tr l : was "Scbon'a .f.f Ve'e.'Oi-; day." v