Daily Nebraska! 11? I 1 VOL. XXVIII NO. 128 RAIN SLOWS UP TRACKSTERS AT KANSAS RELAYS . C, .. I. TLi. Runners succeed in raking Third, Three Fourths At Lawrence HASTINGS GRABS EVENT Team Tops Half-Mile Relay In Fast Time; Peru Also 1 Places in Discus 1 A rain soaked finder path dm pened all hopea of a record aniash-j lllf lVHailS ml IfiC inrna suuuvi Inlverslty of Kansas relaya at l.aw. renc Saturday. Competition bo can on a field mad eoggy bjr th iim.t ralna and finished In at .ionpour which ent spectators to i loo for ahelter under th aiadlam snd left tha track coverej with ! tr. Nebraska thlnrlada garnered hree fourth and a third In the meet. Coburn Toroaon was fourth In the broad jump with 2S feel. St in ronmfii of Northwestern took the event wttn a leap of 3.1 et ? II Inches, mil Fleming am In fourth In the 12W yard blrn Nurdlea. von by Sentman of Illi nois. The Scarlet and Black relay quaj came In third In the four mile relay and fourth In the quar ier ill relay. Only two meet rec ord ere broken during the entire afternoon Other Nebraska Place. father Nebraaka school than the Iniversity were In the running In h relays. Hastings college won h half mile college relay In 1 minute. 31 1 conds aud placed cond In the one mile college re 's. Herts of IVru normal took a tourtn place neaving i.ie ai&cus. Tom Warn or Nort h western, i ho hold, Ihe w ork I a indoor rec ; id for the pol--vault off a flirt i tWr tid ilh ttrne of Minn-1 (.U for a new m( xault mark of i i.t i ri inchlt betterine the I mjirk held bj rUrt McKown of the r-i.pona Kansl. State Teacher .ollcre mnce lj:3 Kan Beatlle ot'eonteata. the May Day ceremonlea. ; he Colorado Ague hurled the dia- ; the crovnfng of the May Queen.i u lt feet. Si; inches to break the planting of the Ivy. the after- record established last jear by Hoell of OkUhoma. Gir tonrer on of the half-lib :- ivrv iiitmpic team memoerw atercl. mon a apeclal mile race, mm John Falkner of Oklahoma A. r-HMi. in the slow time of 4 minute , ::. 1 second. The Nebraska squad was made CMhwl mm face t. El WRITE FOR ALUMNUS E evening will be the Cornhuaker i ball for students and alumni. Spe C off Iccnoc Anril Nnmhpr clal class reunions will be the sp- uloM rK... .....w. Containing Campus Nevs'S Events .-pial article by former Xe tvatka students and plans for bet ter oncanira;ion for round up week and ifce Alumni association fe-ture t;e April iu of the Nebrsska j Mumnus which was released this j we. Aa article on the new glris' dor miiory at the Nebraska School of Arncultare at Curtis appears tn iii Attn! cn-be-T. C. K. Morse. s- jrimeodent ol the achooL w blch is tubfjdiary to the University of v .!. -tLL is ihe author ot tae sr- Off'tecn Nominated. Plctare od bsographical sietcties of the iwMnineea for offV TT. 7- .. iMLiji'i ! . Tbe tiomiBees for the pre-, dtney of the association are New- ion E. BctJy. . .-oi ad Jsoo B. 1I tiumse-h. ) CfaaaceUor Bameit diH-s I lam of ! UBierssty 'om twavtifj-icg the mpB. Ke e I-eoally advocates tte rrooaJ of wrane of the old "ejeaoresr iaco-1 ifig Univerrity h3l aa4 Nraaa , halL Rayroood I Wolfe, 1A. gi jj evatimaoatlT lobbied against -Some Iaalde Isforaaatsow "jt Bseasore. Alatka." pointlas; oat the advisability of Plans for Ro-aiMl c eek ara . aor coj;exf. be said there were iluiBd .. by tfce editor of tho lta B existence at th suataixsaa.. Kotien i r rg--. li. beta ppoiBtd thajrmaa) ot ij itfc 12 re-aiom. TSe ecae-oi a5s day of the Romad up appears Dii ih txrae. !i New s event on th tumpo. ib- il- ..r (Mrt article ad aJcm-l , are also Jo be fowwl la the April EBffiber. P.E.O. Group Etcrtim Slembcrs in Unirersity Ctapler K of P. E. O. tealBed ne ainiverstty P- E. O.'a ax tacga neirt of peibers at aa tsforas-l tea SAJmSay. . Aira TJ. ttvm 3 to 5 ociocX at the AJpha CkJ Oaseg Mxrority fcense. No peraoe-l taivt-nailo-s were &ssae4. bwt aa tovttar rjut was siest to each sorortiy hocso ad cVm ttory. Sorority Ball Nine Orynlrr for Game wOl j S-rarrjv kaveksJi pncZM ki thia weh- Th toarmaaveat ia bea ptmpot aatil AarO Tt. A -r-t'.Vt sjiniavatloa trftaa9CSl g-en-usary -wwe4 a. o-7 T't rracrJM anav he fcejd Us hack I Socaj Scsecces aTJer 4 cJoch- I MISS POl'M) ;ets ADVISORY PLACE Onffcnhcim foundation IUi Position for Teacher Oa Board List Mui lxuiss found of th depart ment of English ef lb University ef Nshraska haa received notles of hr appointment member of I "" o'sory dosto or in jonq m mon uuggnhim Memorial rou j th advisory board of th John 81- datloa of New York City Thla foundation aa established by felted State Senator Simon 1 Guggenheim and hla wife In HIS.! and named after their ann It pro- j lde a number of fellowship for advanced atudy or re e arch abroad or la the failed fttatea In varloua Beld of knowledge. Tha duttaa of member of the advisory board hare to do with the candidate for fellowship coming within the rang of their apeclal field of In ter!. FERGUSON CECfffi Dobson Appoints Local Man To Oversee Festivities Of Reunion Days 'ALUMNUS' HAS ACCOUNT R. L. Ferguaoa. IS or Lincoln, haa been appointed general chair man of the 1: Roundl'n week by Arthur !obon, prealdent of the aaaoctatlon. Announcement of hi appointment a chairman la mad in the April number of the Ne braka Alumnua which ha Just been released. iweive ciaaae win reunion ini year arcoruiDa; 10 m IKt Reunion plan which i being followed. The claea of X. . 'VS. T5 "W. t7 and "0. 1. "IS, -jj ,0j till bare reunion thia TMir ' Mn B , Apr w . Round L'p ek actlvttlee begin on Thursday. April W wfcrch la Ivy Vy and also Decoration Day. Fea- turea of that day will be th Inter - fraternity and Interaorority ainging , on oriltlon by the Ivy Day orator. ! mastjuelng of new members of Mortarboard and the tapping of the Innocents. Clasa and college actiritie will till Friday'a program In the aBoray Ing the annual Alumni Council meeting win oe nera. inuw airer- aoon win oe tne annuaj it. w. i. u. "compel." during which the beat company and the beat platoon will be selected and other military hon or will be conferred Some time during the dsy. either, in the morning or afternoon, the , . .r.it. K...K.II iMn anil Miran'ScHool or journalism a "Big Six opponent IB a confer- i ence baseball game. There will be another game Saturday. Friday , ,.. A.. t .,rvt. - i , JUNIOR COLLEGE BILL ' " Russell Sponsors S. F. 102R.O.T.C In a Gallant Fight to Pass Committee la the face of atifT or position. s. r. im. prw.iuuiB M la McCook Norfolk and one "or tso other cities, was killed la tbe boose committee of the whole Friday afternooa. It w-as beheaded br a round about method of strlk- ng ot the exacting clans by votc of to 41. Repreae&tatlv Russell of Red WLlow made a gallant fight to .... ,v. U1 hot was kawdicacoed bT poor attecdance in tie bonae. Declaring that Chancellor Burnett (xrort4 wa. he claimed that tt., priDdpal oppoaitioa waa fma CMrc -JooU and the four metoolt. He charred that T at hat reprw- (r lb. far Eoral schools sreeat Unse. He added taat soos faBjrersitie have aboiisbed the hm two Tear a ad left that traiav a l0 o4ie. p li XTrit on t'sj cnoioga!- " nirs u Laboralory PhrKrnnon In the April a amber of tie "AjerJcaa Journal of Psychology." the appewjs a nsiaor study from the rwrcaoior!cal laboratary of th Uaiversitr Netoraak entitled. -A Variant of the Chewsboard Dla stoa." by Mrs. Winifred Hyde Dodd fo-ser professor of parcboJocr Thia Is tho seco d of a aerte of smiles whVk will be eoeUaoed ca der th direcxioa of Prof. J- P. GJ ford. m Unireraity Gradual- Draw Slap of Sute I rva-rtSBat of geography or Uarversity reweaUy received a eocy of a heae dtagra- or ie "'- Nebraaka, preyared by WTlfred Wefcner. rraisa'e of the Vprt- la UI. Mr. s- " wr- - , wiecou His IZZ mf ,e r.t d .he vart- uracwr - . ' ---z ' FINAL PLAYERS' PRODUCTION IS READY TO OPEN Mid-Summer Night's Dream With Cast of Fifty Ends Work of Season COSTUMES SHOW COLOR Elaborateness of Production Marks It as Outstanding 1928-29 Showing "MldSummer Mghta Oream."l rattiMif lrma by William Nhai 1 apeare. will be preaented thla veek ', beginning Monday evening at the ! Tempi theater. With a caat of 1 fifty and the moil elaboiate roe tumea of any production thla ear It la the outatanding play of the It aeaaon. Thla 8hakepearian comedy cloaea Iba fourteenth aeaaon of the I'nlveralty Playera. Every year the I'nlveralty Playera preaent one of 8bakeapare-a playa. The play will be preaented every night dur - in the ek or April :i :: Ther will also be a matinee J-aturday afternoon. April ST. The caat for the play wa an nounced Saturday by Zolley Ler aer. bualnea manager for the playera. Pauline Gellatly haa the lead, playing the part of "Puck" Harold G hatton. whose work In prevtoua production haa been out- ataodlng. will play the part of Rot- torn the Wearer. Ignorant and con celted but lovable. The cast for "Mid Sumer Night j Dream- Include many ho have ! mm rwc t. SIGMA DELTA CHI GETS BANQUET PLAN READY ' ajaii,- DiiKlltKoe Uoorle i Bee NCWS rUDIISner HeaOS Journalistic Program Wednesday Night Pete Hamilton, publisher of the Omaha Bee-News, will be the apecker at th annual Founder's j d&j haaquel of Sigma Delta Chi.! national profeMlooal journalistic , fraternity, at th Lincoln hotel Wednesday evening. I FtiU Daly, president of the In noceota society, will act as toast master and abort taika will be made by Munro Kexer, past presi- dent of tbe rganiiailon. and Gayle Walker, acting director of tbe Gene Robb. president oi me cn". troduce the toastmaaier. Initiation Precede Banquet Th Founder's day banquet. which a score o' alumni 1 ill at IniUa- itend. will be preceded ty tlon ceremonies la Unlverslty hll Taa 1nitii?irn DrotTlDl 1 ID Cema. area greater than that foltow.ng lni''' of the United States. Bratll blda j -aui itv ASMaa. stance aud. " - Edear Backus. Phil Blake. Donald . Carlson. Seal v ..i trnr Rnhiirt - Gomon, Robert ; I Kelly, William McCleery, mond Murray. Elmer Skov. i . 1 II IIIOUAI ! Cadets Arc Scheduled Appear for Review in Burnett's Honor tv la honor of Chancellor E. A. Bvr- ett, a retreat parade will bellls beau lie and Industries, nr-j, jence counts 30 percent, formed by the cadet regiment ofniDe4 interesting part of hejb(iarjn 15 percent, leadership 40 R. O. T. C. at 4:59 o'clock Thura- program. alo with those of Bra- percent, and scholarship 15 per- . JS AT b h A ? 1 Wp4Tl FA M ' - . 4 .AS-iMi day evemnK. ine m.i -- " blown at 4:59 o'clock and assem bly at OCIOCK. tne rgiujeni form oa tho aorth aid of tha drill 5 field facing south aa osoal. Mem bera of Pershing Rifles will drill with their respective companies. Threw other parade hav been scheduled. Tuesday. April 30. fH serve offlcer will Inspect the regi ment and Wednesday. Way S. tbe cadets will ease la review nerore Goveraor Arthur J. Weaver. The third parade Is arranged for Thurs day. May 1. In ease of rain, an Booacement of postponement will be Bade oa the bulletin board at Nebraska halt . Par Ling Representative Will Interview Senior Howard Ho. brook of Austin. Mian, will be on the campus all day Monday inlerrlewicg gradnat lag aeaiora who may be Interested In the meat packing Industry. Hoi brook lepreaeau tha Hornet oonv pny. It la possibS that BL H. "Tim" Corey, former osptain of the Ne braska football team, will accom pany Hoi brook. Corey haa beea with the Hot i el company for a a amber of rear. Interviews wlsa tho Hon el re prva taK ves win t beld la Prof. T. T. Bollock's office. S. S. 26. JL.-rangmenta for the Interviews may be made tn the same room. AihUsic Office Sets Drake Trytmtt Time Tryowts for the Drake football reisys will be held at tbe S(a dlam at t o'clock Monday after noon. accor4!ag to aa aana-ace-Kwwt eonis from the athletic office today. The reg-clar Tri Ceior track meet will also take place Monday af-.ernooa. LINCOLN. NKHKASKA. University I'rofraaora Win Prtmioliona apt. a wpssam"cagnat eaa-sma ggtgg I ;'; " ' I : 1 V L J . . ..if riot. J. I. rieuntng k it. and new departmental heada appointed by th I nlveralty Hoard of Re. ..... .. n. mMiin Mainrriae. Profeaaor Sennlng become head of k. ..,.Hni or nolltlcal aclenc formed drpartraent of geography. LAW SENIORS HANDLE IE . ( l , . . ri i'BuII, School Scandal Sneet, Is to Appear at Annual Entertainment Plana for th Iw barbecue. 10 be held during Round up Week, are kin mad hv a committee of five :,, t, ,.,H.nt Mn in eharre1'1 'hlrty five yeare. 'n,or Uw ttd'nu M' "V ehr "I bel.eve this I. a fine recogni r arrangement are. tdwin t-a8 ;1)on - ,,,1 m. Newen In an aem. Lincoln. Norris Chadderton or tntervlew." It means that we win Uncoln Jamea P. Cody. "Sim" have to Intensify slightly our Morton." Lincoln, and Milton Mo- coureea lo meet the standards " Grew. Marshall. Missouri. Music credit, transferred from The Law barbecue, which haa be- one member school to another, are come a tradition on the campus. I accepted and adjusted to the new held during Round up Week so that i school's curriculum, he eiplalned. Iw college alumni, who return for adding that It allowa the student to th occaalon. may attend. The pro- continue bia tudy without Inter gram will Include a baseball game, rapt Ion. and a feed, probably at the Auto Purport te Stjndardit club. Casaem said yesieraay. At in barbecue, the Ijiw Bull, a acandai sheet makea Ita annual appearance Th publication of this paper thta year ia in charge of a group headed by Edwin Cassem. James Tells of Potentialities in ta V a SOUthern SatlOn Prophesying that Brasll will: rar.k aa on of th foremost coun - nf ,hs world within the netjonc ch yr lv rears. Dean H G Jamee J,m spoke to seventy-five mem th American Association of lbi- verslty Women Saturday afternoon at FJlen Smith ball. In hi lec ture. Illustrated by stereopticoo views, he renewed the history of Braail and touched upon the pre- ent and future social, economjc and political condition In th - . . h imiwirtant " . ' " ' .1. -. powera Ot me worm. ""'t ... .-!. jrif-ty of climate make It suited forjerican Leg I IMI1 juuri. w I l.i.ri.n A Imninl fnilla jwe.l aa for grating of cattle and 1IFUUVIIVH " " " " - country, said Dean James. its people are Portugpese with the lanuas and costoma of that mum ImlkM country Imbedded In their lives. and tbey resent being classed with the Spanish people. Brazil tne Nebraska R. O. T .C. regiment. Latin-American country, but not a Bau of tbe award will be know Snutih American country." he I 14a mflHarv Halltra kwtriiiBr mnd. Views of RJo de Janerio, , majn mountains ana iiiu. f nnrcinrvT nCTTC PRESIDENT iSIlS FRATERNITY HERE Delu Sizma, Lambda Chief I. . Officer Spends Day at UniTersity EL J. HeekeL architectural engi neer and prealdent of the Delta Sig ma Lambda fraternity, visited the local chapter Saturday. April 2. lt. wbllo on a tour of tbe west ern chapters. Mr. Heckel will next stop at Beta chanter of Delta Sigma Lambda at I the University of Kansas. A ban ouet was held at the Nebraska Delta Sigma Lambda bouse In hla honor. Kosmet Klub, Back From Road Trip, Prepares for Local Spring Showing Tickete for "Don't Be Siuy. Koamet Klub spring show wOl go ma sale Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, according to aa announce ment made yesterday by the jkiuo. iicaeu win ssmm i ,!.-.- K. -l,l fmalfn muiiui-uv R Blfll M w i . the Liberty theater box office and c;i- i McCook. nosslhly from box ofScea on Nj. ma nee aa well aa evening per orsska central and Aar college : formance waa given and people campusce. "Doat Be Silly" will be were ta attendance from aU aur-t- .iriif. B I.incoln Fri- rounding Points in Nebraska as I day and Saturday. April 27 aad 23. j The "Don't Be Silly" company composed of Kostaet Klub mem- brs and other university atadenta arrived tn town yesterday mora- 'ing Irom a five day tour of Ne- 'btaska. The ahow waa presented ia rremont, Cotumhus. Holdrega. I McCook aad Hastiags and. accord-' SUNDAY. AI'RII. 21. U2 Or. Net A. Ilengtaon. rtgnt. ho are and loctor Ilengtaon of the newly School of Music (Jains National liUUy fvfUfUf IXC feet Augut 31. Coming to the I'nitemty in Itli i nlvemlty School of Mulc wa , and affiltating hlnuelf with the de admltied to membership in the i partment of iolltlcal science. Doc National Aooclatlon of Muaicala. i tor Penning recehed hi prenent I tha meeting In Chicago, last aeek. according to Adrian Neaen ho returned from the tesilon Friday. To b admitted to th orcanlxation It la neceary to 'meet certain requirement as to history, curriculum, faculty and the output of the acnool during oblect of the association Is to itandardiie music courses, grade . tMrnn. nomination; and .tandrdlie course for Barh ... iMter 0f Art degree. A retular meeting la beld annually at Chicago. Thirty nine or the leading mu , ic schools of the United State comprise th national group. Among th most prominent are: C glia, ISMIVi .vscr s'i J " New En eland conservatory at or nn cuse: Oberlln conservatory, at Oberlln: American Institute, New; York, and Northwestern at Iowa, j - " .immil ll VII linU litl I r 1 Ml A UA IAKT II fci-Mivi i . .w... " ' 1 ni 1111)11 1111 llIIUlf ' B-T ajrur ff I I Mill! HM I I ft W i IVI II MIVIJ V.U.I.U. IIU Vl,tn con"- .ul.?...r- "I1" - I - t i n :,.: rrtin..ae Plan . ui ytumauvii whihiuw Of Giving $25 Present to Best Basic Man ' . ' Announcement ia made today or. t the offer of a $25 awsrd by the Am- . .. .. v .w- I zm PUTS DEADLINE student com course In military science this Inn Th award -was first given; last year. Captalna H. T. Lyon. R- 'HOUSE SHOWERS G. Lehman and T. A Baumeister! FAVOR UPON BILL! will make rcommndatlons for th ( aaard. according to Lieutenant Col- , one, p p Jewett. commander of ,,,r.hi tx-holarahiD. Mili- cent. Knowledge of scouting and pa trolling, tbe automatic rifle, mus- ketry and grd duty are included . i- - , i At. t.. while appearance, coordination of movements and military confidence .,a. i Krirr , mnu method eeneral illii.r- .hitlir arwjlh MMirmneiz lent at the bill. Ills ,iA.ri ...ntil in Mr.hls r-, a ' riflV Isirla Arrange i To Plaw Deek Tennis A numJ .r Ininmnnil deck tennU will be played Tuesday from 4 to o'clock on tbe courts in back of Social Scleocea. In case of rain tbe tournament will be postponed one day. About fifty girl are to compete in this game. tof to rtyons, waa In au or uese) town. The Hastings audience of 1.600 was the largest on the trip. BUI MoCleery. atKhor of the play. wnose torn town is nasungs. -a Swell aa Colorado and Kanaaa. "There were full bosses In prae tieally aU the towna except Hold rege." declared "Doe" Twlnm. president of Kwtte!, when inter viewed yesrerday. "iJy S54 were ; present there kat the guarantors ; made expenses aa thy charged a dollar a seat." REGENTS CREATE SENNING HEAD OF POLITICAL GROUP D..l.,r. Arpumie Dncilinn ;riUICJWi rwuiiin '"" I Resigned by Dean James On September 1 BOARD MAKES CHANGES Bodv Oraanizes Department . . ui ucograpny; aengison Becomes Chairman t At the regular mating or lua; Hoard of Rcgtnia Saturday after, i noon. It J IV Sennmg. profeor of polltlral aclenre. aa named a chairman of the department of po-! Ittlcal .'Clcnre. effective September 1. He replace Dr. II. G. Jamea. mhose re.imatioo to lake the poai- soh:oV.d'nn"V.rr;:,.0c,! ed at Ihia time and alll take ef- ; rank aa proreor in js.a ana nu aenea in tnai capacity uuui mi preaent lime. He took his Th. D. at aoclat!on foundation for a udent lb University of Illinois. economics at the Lnlrer.Uy iwcior Jamea. .horn ltocior Sen- announced Saturday br Dean nlng aucceed. as the head position E. LeRoa.lgnol of the College of in the department of political acl- Duaines. Admlnl.trat on. Low. ence ha. also acted a. dean of mad only to de.err n .Jraduate college and dean of th I atudeot whose m ajorcwrao in the Collea of Art. and Sciences. Hit j tniverlly la in banking eco successor. to tne.e l.o pot have 7,"d not as yet ben named The creation of a new depart ment in the University was also ef- ('aliased m race t. rlllWlAWS 1 (-Mnrt Than-I DO Persons I school, educational standards. g eior ' n . 1 "i"- V3.. Vr.-!i ' ographlcal dl.tribuUon. and their UO 10 special ri uyi dlll I On Farm CamOUS vii i aim vqiiihuj j More than 1.500 persons attend-1 ed the seventeenth annual Feeders; day program which as held at tne college or Agncunure mm day and Friday. The crowd yas'the rmcomnfauoa of tha atudent twic .. large a any which had ever attenaea a previous mreung. Outatat visitors who have at- tended Feeders day programs in , many siaies - m ""1 i crowd tney naa ever seen at '- lar Catherines . ine ten pound roast, which was ,n prlw of1fT l?,.fh w,DD'r ine stockmen- Intelligence """"'available In tbe fall. was taken home by Parr Young, 1 Nehawka. Mr. V Young stood third In r- .-.-a ,, nfl A M .viurr or oriinw, bolb of whom had hi igher scores, ,c,', ,ne, were not on hand to aard. The Importance of fitting tbe cat tle business Into the general fann ing operations rather than making cattle feeding a gamble on bor- rowed capital. ' n-.in-u uw n.j n-d'ord of Nhawka. Mr. . j, .v... i. Radford stated that people ate but , I . . . I 1 time. Members Vote for Proposal Of Municipal UniTersity Within Omaha Members of the lower house of tbe legislature Thursday approved by a Urge majority S. F. ilt. pro - vidlng for a municipal university in Omara. The measure con t em- plat taking over the present Omaha university, a private Insti-; iiiiimi imni nr trn are willing to transfer to tbe city all of It land, buildings snd equipment. Izi.Utor Wvnne. football coach A il i posiuon to th measure and moved Lotion was dfated M to 15. Among the matters op before tbe nate was tne confirmation of Governor Weaver's appointees to the state normal board. Ill nom "- " - j. w.c. u-'"-.. IllUm H Ilt2T. .Nebraska Llr. normal board has control of tb( aiat ichoA f at Peru. Hirst. Cbadron aid Kearney. Extension Office Gel Reports on Graduates Graduates' reports are being re ceived from high scbols of the state at the University extension offices, according to E. E. Reed, di rector of the extension division. These reports serve aa a basis for certificates of graduation from accredited schools. Council Seek Varsity Party L'nder-Chairmen Varsity party sub-cbairrr ;en as pirants may present their appli cations at the Students' Activi ties office. Coliseum, nntll i o'clock Tuesday evening, ac cording to Eld red Larson, presi dent of the Student Council. Ther are places open for seven mn and five girls on th con i-mlite-s. Applicant are asked to bring tbeir identification cards with tbm. Any persons filing for more than one poeitioo should indicate tbeir preference. FRESHMEN PICK MINOR OFFICERS Howard Garnder Secures Vice-President Place; Barbs' Tail Howard Gardner, "Zi. Omaha, aa elected vice president of the fresh uiau tlaa, IJujJ Jaftiira, Omaha, secretary; and Imvld Wal kr. "JI. Mullen, trraiurer at a frhBtaa claaa ma., meeting held In Social Science auditorium Fri day evening. Gardner la a member of higma Nu fraternity and ha been active j I mrmbeoTi-er.Mng rl'ie'jffrietiHOUSE REFUSES CHANGE la affiliated with Alpha Sigma Phi i and walker I a lita Mima rni. ; I1 n "brb' u" r'pr-1 ! aented and organlird but failed to' place any of their candidate. T , LeRossignol Announces Loan For Economics Students Of Junior Rank GROUP GIVES ANNUALLY Two student loan award of 1250 each from the American Banker I On scholarship will be In agricul tural economtca. i According to Dean LeRossignol. the American Bank era association in commemoration of ita fiftieth anniversary In 1925 created the faundation. the fund or nearly 1500.000 being accumulated from I voluntary individual subscriptions and donation by member bank. The various schools named for these loana were selected on a bail determined by the type of desire to co-operate with th foundaUon. One or wore loan cholarshtps are awarded annually In each state in which the quota to the foundation has been covered, Loan Committee Rcommnd The .-..rf. iU k, m.da uooa ,, niu ot tne L-mralty. ..,.rwl h lh. .HHItfnn of r.mnrrm W. Holmes, president of the First ,TruM compVny and the First a- uonal bank of Lincoln. Mr. Holmes nUy gave a $500 scholarship to . .-.i i. ..... . k.,.i. ,,n it i. -nt (!hat the loan scholarships will be 'The purpose of the foundation," accora,n w r,n LeRossignol. "U : based on the fact that industrial; mnnT 5ecomlne moTm complex, j It is necessary that all the people; have available information as to these processes; otherwise the United States can not hope to hat that continuity of progress, tha high standard of liring, and tbe op portunity to develop tbe arts, so necessary for prosperity." ON BALL LEAGUE TILTS j TOUmey System Engages Each Team in Contests With All of Group All preliminary league games in the Interfraternity baseball tourna- mem musi oe piayeo oe:orw - it mey are io no coumea iu iam sianaings. i nis amaouDcemeni. waa maae yesieraay oy james k,. i. l director of th tournament. Be- ; "use of uncertain weather it was deemed most practical to allow the , teams to schedule games at their . own convenience I According lo the plan of tourna- ! ment Play. league is to play one game with "ry other tesro In Its own league. I Th league e.slgnments are aa follows: '" i-pki kis sim i. infw f Beta Ttixa r. Tbcta l. Pbl aisna Mia. Ilrm pil r.wtla. TK.' . iiilI p k . phi P.rm M i iwvi pbi L-um. Tht ri;a i.-bi. ""--- Leans t-tb.r. XI r ila VtmUm. M'cma lmttm. Alfrha Tas Onm. Iwi firms Kb I fKvmm. l-Mis t lm r.da. Kirma vrL XI fmi PbL La-s 5 fm.im Taa Delta. Pbl Kmvv r. PI Wapfra AlDfta. Situ A'.ft-m Rp1!oa. I Mm S Alpha S:sma Plil. lambda O-.l A.pba. Pbl tamma XMlta. aiapoa PM. A ipsa Qtnmi Has. COEDS GATHER AT INTRAMURAL TEA U-ivertity Club Is Scene Of Brent at Which Sixty Attend. Intramural tea Friday afternoon tn the balcony room of the Cnivar sfty club was attended by two rep resentatives aad a chaperon from each sorority and dormitory. Misa Mabel Lee and Miss Mary Oiesen of tbe department of physi- 1 cat education were hostesses. Dor othy McGinley. Betty Wablqulst. and Msrgaret Ward served. The j decorations wer carried out la a i color scheme of pink and green, to ! convey the Idea o. spring, Aeout sixty people a'tended. PRICE 5 CENTS NATE WOULD ADD$100,OOOTO APPROPRIATION Upper Chamber Votes to Give $4,830,000 Total To University. ... . Lack of Agreement Forces . Measure to Undergo Joint Session Th nous refused t concur n th aanat -nr.dmnts t III ?? xMl.liwO Lilt. Til action of th house mu tikan at th raqusst of Harry Esaam, chslrman ef th finance com mitt. Tn bill o t a con fsrenc committ from th heuaa and nat whsr tha diffsrence will b Ironed out University appropriation wr raUed to the extent of llOo.OOO by th action or the senate in com mittee of the whole Friday after noon, bringing tha total to 14.130. 000. Several minor change wer mad In th allotment of fund to the Unlverilty for the next bleu nlum. Th bl!l as amended by th hous appropriated f4.50.0O0 for general maintenance and 1100,000 for th purchase of lands for campus ex tension, making a total of $1,750. O'mi. The senate added another $100,000 to be uaed for the con struction of dormitories. Amendments Bring Incraaaa In making the appropriation for lands and buildinga the aenat specified the $200,000 should be used for the purchase of landa and partial construction of dormitories. Thia give the University permis sion to Uke advantage of the power given It by the legislature thla aes sion to borrow money for the con struction of dormitories, the debt to be paid off on the amortisation plan. Under the plan the; dormi tories would eventually become, the property of the University. Chancellor Burnett waa very well pleased with changes effected by the aenate Friday. The additional $100,000 makea the construction of dormitories almost a certainty with the possibility that the Board of Regents could spend an additional $300,000 to he paid off on tbe amortisation plan. Thar is the plan Chancellor Burnett auggested Sal- nrdsy that the Board of Regent might follow. THIS WEEK'S VESPERS Society Arranges Program r. cPaorl kfnniAIHnP Concerning Body Vespers will be sponsored by th Big Slater board on Tuesday. April 23, la order to present to girls who may be interested In beconrinr big sisters next year, th work aad in fluence of th organisation. Mra. Mabel Lundy Roaenmilst will pre sent one phase of the valoe aad dividend which Big Sister work yields, and Ethel Barton, a former president of the board, will preaent the student's attitude toward th Big Sister work. Malinda Keller, vice-president of the present board, will lead. The Big Sister hoard has re cently become an Independent ina Jor board. Instead of remaining nn- nf tha a W R. board aa haa previously been the case. The hoard U self sustaining, with a membership of fourteen girls, half of whom sre n on -sorority, and half of whom are sorority member. Girls elected to the board are usually among those who have aerved a big slstert pre viously. Help Freshman Girls Big sisters play an important part in Introducing freshman girls, and also new students who may be upperclassmen, to tbe life and in terests of the University. As each new girl registers she is asked if she would like to bare a big sister, and for those who wish one, an up perclass friend who knows how to help her start. Is provided. . Many new girls have big sisters before tbey reach the University and these Jrts help them register, and help them find the building oa the campua from tbe first. Tbe friendships which are established between tbe older and younger girls are always fine, but bis; -!'-tera do even more, for tbey help the younger girls to find 'friends among their own classmates. Tne board sponsors a number cf parties each year for all big and little siJters. Ag School Graduate Make Riley Prt-ideet At th annual reception oi ktbo- uates of the School of Agriculture Thursday evening Hubert Riley, now connected with the university extension service, was elected pres ident of the school's ajsi asso ciation. Mrs. Eli Hunter was cho secretary to succeed Mirtarn cot Una. FYed V. Orau. wno acs1 s toast master at th pro gram folic--, tag a benc.3t ia the Student A--tivities biuiding. is the rett" president. Alvrrnl reprwer,' every elaxs g -!-.tir-g since 1 atteaded ti-f f'wa.