t UTDNESIUV. Al'KII. .1. AIR BOARD MEETS TO DISCUSS EARLY PLANS Committee Chairmen Give Reports on Annual Ag Event n..iMii-n and roi hail wen of the rniitmltlee Inr the liO far mri ''r recutcd eml) .ln ml reported progress a alrvad) n.i.iiy ",u yr ' m.i'inK In ill Hum Kconomlca buililiin U lll,L i .aienre lianlett. tteasurt r of ihr Jir brMtrd. presided hi Ihe ntr-eiing. and oitn-d nh mi t nlnnnn of lli I'urpon a being in ret 1 1"" n,ln I'1'" ,l" rum nilnee chalnm-n together and 10 tif ilir managera ronrrotion of ,h proem to formulation of i.iini. In presenting the budiet of thin ,Mr"e fnlr he stated: "KveiT chair man should do ihe uimol lo rut ilie rpeii' of III or her com nuite niui li aa olble mil at ihr miiic time maintain the i-ffl-.Liny and quality of the work." Cemmitte Give Report lie port of the conimltteea wete then called for and the respousea rvenii'lified flu fpirii minouKii ih fair la atlll a monili away. Ir oihy Norrli. chairman of the p-t emit committee, retorted iho work o: die Important aria already un der way and (hat the danrcra have twi working two week. KM Janlke. chairman of the pa rade executive committee, reports plans formica: and all committee chairmen waiting for algnrnent. I'lan ara to add considerable number of entertaining features to Oils year't parade. William Lancaster reported plana well under way for the horse ahow stid Inter-sorority rldlnjt contest. It mill be a biicavr attraction than vr bad hoped. Wncoln borne own 'i k are showing a great deal of in teresi in the ahow and we undoubt edly will be able to arrange an at tractive program." Itobln Spence. manager of the lv' 9 fair, dismissed the meeting nh the statement that reports In (I ii ale that things are In good shape and that '.be '29 fair will be better than ever before.. CLUB HEARS TALK BY IL KRESGE Racine Gives Dinner Hour Lecture on Management of Chain Stores ('. A. Undue, manager of the locil K fence store, whs the prin cipal speaker at the dinuer given Ib.-i niRlit bv the fnlversity Com mercial Club at the Y. M. C. A. M'. liacino sroko on the niaiiace-riii-nt of the chain stores. He alno led a discussion on the mme sub jet. Mi. IJacine especially enipha si7.l the fact that the management nl ilin chain store systema of today v very different from t Ii it t of Kev iial whis Hgo "The niaiiageniont i'i a chain tKire of loday," atnted l'. Itaclne, "is not an easy under till it's. It requires not only the ii. -e ol more lhan an average amount of Intelligence, but also several years- of intensive train ln., The dinner was the second of a rim which hai! been arranged by tl.e Commercial Club. It is planned i" have a Lincoln business man at each of the dinners. The members of the Club believe they will receive much valuable intor- iii. it Ion on business methods which will supplement thai acquired in H. e claHK room. The next of the dinners will be given later in this month. PROBE HEARINGS ARE CONTINUED BY COMMITTEE (onlinurd from I'arf. I. oulU be guaranteed by extending i he suffrage there Is no use in male iiig Rtich an extension. Ma vine Hill proposed a plan ol allowing the enlor women to noml miie a number of candidates from whicii one should be chosen by the w hole student body. This met with hoili opposition and support. Sue!, a plan would make for a represent iiive woman both of the senior women and of the whole I'niver "iiy. During this discussion Ihe -'an of the Honorary Colonel was brought up and compared with that of the May Queen. The question aiose whether a similar election would produce a similar type of CAPHfOL Donald Reed Billie Dove IN "The Night Watch" MON., TUES., and WED. A What Did They Learn? SEE LEARNED LADIES by. MOLIERE at the TEMPLE THEATER All Thi Week, 1:20 p. m. 75c Saturday Matinee, 50c A UNI PLAYERS PRODUCTION " !).. W ill. SPI'AK i;v mm . 1 ? -, t . . i . ... -I. v. j , r.'J 5 I'r. (lean A. Won .--li-r. pnili-ini of e.liu mIIoiuI p lioioi l'fk on "Iiiiitom tm-ti'.k of lluiiie Kionomirt lrri" beltire il. aoUiloi) in Om.tlia Saiuidav. Mi l lort-nce ( oil.lu. alunt piol..Ui of v.Miion..l du.-ilon of the (....Hiailon. and pifuld.-a at .rviral un-.lin nl U . in twin Ii V. II Lan.-flui. brad i.( Hie derailment of voc.ilonal fdu.n'li.n the meeting on 'TerMinaliii "" I'lltlar evening South Dakota Professor Finds Rare 1 Fossil at Base of Nebraska Bluffs, Veniiiliou. S l Mart-li. SI-I'be lecottd known foaail of a lone ex- tint l animal now imnied after the Vermilion river wliern the llml apecimen wa found, haa been dia covered b V. V. SeariKht. aaaia tant prolfooot of ireoloRy at I lie I'nlvrmlty or South Pakoia. Teni rim inn ki:o A. I., ii . . . t i . .1 Halnea profeaaor or ch. ni a ry Hi Th ,priroM no- In the poea. j the I nlveralty. w.,ll.. Indulging in;,,,,- nf .i.. niv.rliv ireolorv de. i hi hobby oi collect nig foaail. Picked up .i queer bKiklng. atnooih. round rmk at the bane or Ihe c - hiKaka blu'f.i 'the Vermilion the ertnliion river. lien. h'u;k with a hi liner. with a hai liner, the nk apllt in : two and revealed a Kmall coiled ! lioll nf an animal annat-entlv ! longing to the nauiilu family. Re .cently the apei-lmen a brought to ; Mr. Searlght for examination. The ! geologist, after much pttidy. dis covered that lie wa examining the aecond ppemlrcn of an exceedingly I old form of life. j Animal Now Extinet ! The only other known apei linen of the extinct animal Is now in the possession or federal palentolo j girl, and whether this situation would be desirable. Marlotle Siurdevant was called .ii " ------ views of the j rnlng the situ ! upon to cutli.te the M.iritr rtnni-fts ponce :Un Arcnrriin? In Miss Stut'de vanl. this body would be unwinmir lo extend the franchise to men, bUi i r-iil,l ..unelliv.i the VOtltlK of Junior women. They also think that the present election should not be thrown out. ' The second and last of 'he Probe committee hearings ended with opinion still divided. The commit tee will make a report of their find ings to the Student Council some- J time In the future, after which siilt hlA .etlnn will be taken. Member ! of the committee are: Munro Kcaor. chairmtin. Marjorie Siurde- vant, Clara Olson, Irene Davie. Pw uc'e Thomas and Joyce Aynv. 1 GolfCoMkris 1 Topic -on Radio Program Today ' "Ciddy Conditions in Lincoln ! Coir Clubs" Is the subject chosen i by Howard liowland. undergradu ate mudent. for a radio talk to be i broadcast, from hie university I studio today, April 3. The address will be based upon a report made I in Sociology 126, an undergraduate I seminar course. The report traces the growth or ! popularity ot this sport in Lincoln in the past six years, ll reauu. .. . .u..i IniAraal In ffOlf Is sate to sav mm ... c--- h-.iA increased four hundred per j cent in the last four years In Lin coln. Correspondingly the number of caddies is also on the Increase, there bplng more than three hun dred hovs employed part or lull time during the summer months of lass.-' Pav Varies to Ten Dollar "The weekly pay of the Indi vidual caddies' varies from fllty cents to ten dollars per week, de pending upon the amount of lime spent and the efficiency or the hoy. The average weekiy earnings nor buy during' iho middle of the dim mer," the report continues, "are about three dollars per 'fek' According to Mr. Rowland there fire two methods ol handling cad dies the method ol rigid mill ary discipline, and the citizenship plan. 1 t the Lincoln Country I lun a mou-1 ! Itication of Ihe military plan Is, ! used. The caddies are kept insiae a ' fenced enclosure, which they are I not permitted to leave except to go ' ih. if course. At the r.ast- ridga courses the caddies have a room in the garage. At both clubs the caddies are allowed to play goir on the club course once each week, and a caddy tournament is held during 'he summer. , The report concludes with mis estimation of the caddies' training: "Kew club members would care to have their sons go through what the caddie must experience every dav The caddv Is not a hot-house product. He. is a toughened weathered product. He has seen a cross section of life ss it really is. If he has found his place in the o-'der of thing? his caddying expe rience has been a liberal education to him.'? . BIBLE LIKES WAY FOOTBALL SQUAD IS WORKING OUT (.'milliard from Pace. I. begin a strenuous period of spring practice. Meet With Coaching Staff According to the Huaker mentor he baa started the meeting of Ma y.i. .t.rf which he will con- tlnue during all football drill. A ! . - .nmK.r nf asniranta for posi tion on his 1929 grid team turned out for Coach Bibles firat chalk talk. The same discussion will be TO HOMK IXONOMICS TKACIILHS . i ..... 1 II,.- fiiai !,. aa tound In iglaia In Waalimrion Imen of the animal 1S.S4 by K. V ll.yd.-n. KMdogi.. Ibe Noilheem t-vploHng ei -I with .edition i-otumalided by llelieiwl (. K. Warren. The flrai roU m, found aeveral uiilea north of the preaent mouth or the Vermilion I river, according to Mr. fearignt. i river, according to Mr. Searlght i .artm,.nt ,n, 0 ,,pi,y In the la-! , boP,,ar, i, nlU(., rger and more ! ',., ,,. . in Wanhlna-, ion Mr Searlaht tate. The queer' , (i . n niolfl complex . ,hHn xUft nin,i(rll chambered nnu-1 llni Tu, anrl,nl foftll represent the lielKht of complexity of the ccphalopod family, according to iho profesaor. Ii belona to the an cient tribe of animal called the ainlnlte. The complexity of ihe ' animal waa brourhl about by the , attempt to perfect a protective de- ( again! It enemlea. Thla a.df ;piotertlon and complexity an cur- rled o lar that II may have helped cauae the extinction ot tne animal Mr. Seaiighl pointed out held this afternoon from 3 until I o'clock. I'liiiiiK i ' r nm.--i-ii" roach explains playa to his men. plan of repetition of dlscusslo Imrlng these sessions the new A discussion has been outlined by Bible which will enable all of the men lo Jit tend these discussions. For the benefit or those who have aHernoon i classes or are engaged in other sports, the Nebraska roach will hold repeated discussions every other ariernoon. so that only three dirterent talks will be giveu each week. IOWA MAN TO 1 1 1. 1. VICE-CHAIKMANSHIP Amei.. Iowa Robley Winfrey Ames. low a-KoDiey nil rev TEN MILLION DOLLARS j. a O IS t 1 AAALiucoln after an investiga- Ovvvvvvv4 . ? lion, show that University students spend that much money each year. t Advei -rising in the Daily Nebraskan will help get your share of great sum. v v Ov v v v v O O Till". DMI.V NKHK. nl I lie I'nivt i -t t .-brl. iiji- HuiiK' I. ii I. n Mti; N.-biaK. Iio I), nimiuli a .. , at ill.' 1 ni. r-i-. l .iri.ji-nt .Uu I'liiUj and aiiirdav. of loa 'te college. I J I ..ire. Offi.i-l ilullctin Wadntaday, April S Studeut l oun il meeting. Dta niaiie club room. 6 o'clock. N.wll(np .r ,.nlr,e, in girla ain- . . ..., ii oViAck. ' ; Thursday April 4. i;amtua Alpha ("hi meeting at 7 oYI.M k j:i.-n Smith ball. Initiation and pledging. . . . ... . .. , 1 bl iena rni i" ,ornit, meeting of the artlve and i,.mi vi k nmm. in the room Mil lUa 1'hl o( ,. nlveralty club. I.um h.on e served and will be followed ... ,hnn iik iven bv member. 'Tin. Hirl'a Commercial club will i the I i,0d a luncheon at noon at iheil chamber or commerce building.) Mr. Wlahari. comptroller at Pudga an! id tiiinenaelM. will give a mia.j on Account Ing. ...i.i.iM itii-ix-tnr of the Iowa Kn i. rinr siaiinn and faculty ad ...... , ,i,e Iowa Knuineer. under- rrmlRte engineering publication at Iowa Mate COIieur, nan hi 11 rr pointed to fill an unexpected vice chairmanship of the tngincerlnR Cnlleire Magarines Associated. Tweniy-one undergraduate engi neering publliatlon from pome of the leadlnr engineering srhools comprise the organisation. "Lallygagging" Time and you can t really do a heal job of ''UljWlJjt without a Mogul haircut. 8o here", your chance fellowi. Mogul Barbers 127 North 12th St. lot of money. Figures froiri an inipoiiant com mercial organization in you this O v vO 4 Tirmlu Vivo Ycnr M Vllw f flcs Concerning lni live 4i at .NbraaVa had a girt. vaiaity bakeibal leam. misifi.iamll t ha r ball. .'ell" banqtieia. and oihe tbingl ThM latia were rrvealad b) a voluni of lily Nebiatkana ter the rar Ju ! 1b paper al that lime made up of l-g about half ib aue or iho uaed new. Il tartivv ff.ur colunitia. nd lour or eight Dnlv two klurlea on ih front page bad hadllnea al all no llreable. a one The other tory. If iheri a hcided In lnigulfi rani ip. on Marrh :. 10. the ou'and Ing nea eieni the li'lp Into Minne.oia nude by ibe glrla" ba ke'hall leam ranlrular mention vaa made or the faei lhal ihe girla mi.aed but on. day of whwl. No mention of the ou'.ome of game plard aa made i n' II Ibe t admitted that the Nabraika leam im I defeat. 3u ! 2. The Irani wa btndl.apped by hnea whlrh mouldn'l hold ihe floor linit hv i ha raet lhal It atvle dif fered markedly from that ued by j Hie npiunni. .irun... " i , na he.l lo play girla' rule: Minne ' aota played acrordlng to boya' , ! mle. The aton' added that the i ' inatrhe emphailred the need for a t anile rd km or rule througboul Iihe country. Plan Fer Werld1 Fair I ai me aaui" iinin. ih-ii i . ! were being made lo thip an exhibit j to the world a fall. The material I waa being placed In three cars, and Included peclmn of drawing. penmanehlp. view or the univer- any. puoiic fi nooi UUIIUIURB, riplr I logical aperlmen and pine tree LJ Irom the aandhlll. Mention la a I no r-J maae or me situation in regaro io arranging a debate between Iowa and Nebraska. A filler on the front page there appeared the aertlon that "8n deraon'a have the wellet lot of I I hthc aT THI aTUOtNTa' STORE , .. t f KPrtOr S ihtinnSLCVi - - i 13th and htrtett I 1 -ii "Ojr Star I Your Stor" z "DON'T DE SILLY" - L Old Files Reveal Life in Gay College okford a ou ewr a.'' and that Ham Cage wa lb only place In Die city bre one could gel "l.mle Uent llet Watflea" Ihe editorial comma ronte the girl" baakeiball leam by point ng out the advantage of pinmot tig aporumanahlp by u h rnn et. Aanounremeni a made of h fact ibal cadet mint provide ihemielve th white dui k Irou I m-iw ktfore the time of the flrtt i dreaa parade. , (if the dveriimenn. oul on 1 nould be oui of plai11 today. That t oqo about bic)clet. It h tog un quit log Ira ll ilie tjue.iton of r bether thrre a a f lrklng prob : m n jp i ( iriru.io.. at the , ou A M toU unit nnl rniintlnc ntetiaratlon fm teaching or the gi-ading of par!. D I r-j I fjj r-i ( rS n n n i n- n n n J m i 1 V Ik ' A -A - 1 th Collegians choose these Chiffon Hose with novel heels BYLPHINE CHIFFON HOSE wiili liili. tmnow panel hod. Shades-- hanipuKne. Sutitiin. Wliitc Jade. Marvin, Klesh Pink and (rsiin. Pair. .1 Pairs, .'i.t0 DOUBLE POINT HEEL HOSE in tliii'lun urin. Shades Modernc. Lido Sand. Kvcnplow. I'.i .'iilt Tan and Oram. Pair. J.Zi 3 Pairs, t.. CAMBRIA DOUBLE SPEAR-POINT HEEL HOSE in sheer chiffon. Shades Champagne. Lido Sand, t lytic. Vanity. Allure and Nude. Pair, J.9.5 3 Pairs, 5.60 HOSE First Floor. th th ii The DAILY NEBRASKAN is the only medium that completely covers t li i s vast potential student market. A TELEPHONE CALL to the Nebraskan office will bring a man to your place of business. aa III nnal pli'tlie In luUrea aad unirri'ie thrtiugtioui uullll) i:ituUJlid YOUR DRUO STORE ' r.ll oi " (l !(! I !' 'l " Tle OWL PHARMACY III N ! )0U Personal Prinlcd Stationery U00 lu mmI in mi ie-l-4l ? rlil4 llitrv. t iml iatiljif . I rfi 1. 1 ff m taifi Hn.l 4 MrflHv ?n Info Aur f.'r t. a -Hll I I I I lf I M ! nam ( Ire a i m t ' GRAVES PRINTING CO. fiiloil Stippl ft .nd 5f jff'i d On IJle M. ulh T'i 6 th th th