The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 19, 1928, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Nebraska Places Five Men
On Tiger's Stellar
The lettermn of the football
squad of the University of Missouri
have selected an all-opponent team,
consisting of the best players they
have played against this year.
Naturally the teams which defeated
Missouri placed the greater number
of men, with Nebraska and New
York netting the lion's share. Ne
braska placed five. New York U
three: Drake, two, and Kansas, one,
Oklahoma is not on the list, but
Its team was an evenly balanced
one and no outstanding stars cam
to light In the Missourl-Sooner
McMullen Named Guard.
The selections for the guard and
end positions were the hardest to
place with the final results showing
Barrabee of New York on one end
and Delmedge of Drake on the
other end. One guard position went
to McMullen of Nebraska by an
unanimous vote while Shannon of
Kansas was close pressed by Holm
of Nebraska for the other guard.
-Lassman of New lork gets a
tackle berth by a wide margin. He
was the main cog In the New York
defense against Missouri and easily
deserves the place. Broadstone of
Nebraska was selected over Holll
day of Drake by a narrow margin
for the other tackle Job. Jame3,
another Nebraska man, was chosen
for the pivot Job; Pearson of the
Kansas Aggies being a close sec
While the whole season's play
might not Justify the placing of
some of the men, they were chosen
on this team because of the way
they played against -Missouri.
Blue Howell Absent.
Tn the backfleld one man Is con
spicuous by his absence. Blue
Howell was omitted from the selec
tion because the Missourians were
more impressed with the line plung
ing of Eussel and the educated toe
of Sloan than they were with How
ell's running attack. In the game
against Missouri, Sloan missed a 60
yard drop kick by only a few feet
and later made one from the 5-yard
line, either one being a notable
For the fullback position, Ken
Strong was the unanimous choice.
Strong also made most of the ail
American selections.
At quarter. King of Drake was
placed first. Against Missouri, he
repeatedly ran back punts for long
gains after he would seem to be
surrounded. He bandied the team
well and deserves his position.
The all-opponent team:
Flayer Position Schcol.
Delmedge le Drake
Lassman It.....
Shannon Ig
James c.,.
McMullen rg
Broadstona ...rt
Barrabee re
King ....qb.....
Russell rh.. ...
Sloan Ih
Strong; fb. ....
. N. Y. n.
. Kansas
N. Y. U.
. . Drake
N. Y. U.
Montana Kalmln That the wo
men students were better able than
the men to ward off sickness was
proved by the November report of
the health service of the Univer
sity, which shows that 397 more
men than women were ill during
that period.
Rocky Mountain Collegian By
defeating Denver university 7-0, the
University of Colorado took unde
feated right to the state champion
ship this year.
Thursday night,' Nebraska's win
ter sport King basketball wil
open the season on ti e Coliseum
floor with the Nebraska basketeera
pitted against the South Dakota
five. Coach Black Is rounding out
his court squad this week in an
attempt to find a scoring aggrega
tion to send against the Rabbits.
Seven lettermen from last yea
comprise the material with which
Black is working but the crop of
sophomores out for a pos'tlon on
the Scarlet quint this season, are
giving the 1928 team members
plenty of competition. Jensen and
Maclay, both centers, look prom.
ising for the pivot position which
was held by Glenn Munn last sea
son. Munn could be developed into
an exceptional pivot ace by virtue
of his enormous height but the
thoughts of his performance
against the Oklahoma Sooners last
year, are anything but encourag
ing. We hark back to the days
of Ted Page, Vic Holt, Peterson
and other Missouri Valley centers
and then wish we could see the
day when the big boy on the Hue-'
ker team could come through with
such basket slinging and floor
Kansas university has released
its monthly, weekly or some sta
tistics in regard to the rating of
the Big Six schools. Nebraska ap
pears at the top of the list by
winning 73 games and scoring the
highest total of points. The tabu
lations 'seem to be quite compli
cated but after figuring it all on.,
it proves quite interesting to know
that the Cornhusker school is
showing the way for its sisters In
the Big Six conference. According
to the report, Nebraska has won
73 games from Its rivals In the
Big Six since the teams began
playing each other back in the old
Missouri Valley.
The Golden Tornado of Georgia
Tech is hard at it as the practice
days draw short for the coming
Tournament of Roses in the Rose
Bowl on New Year's day at Pasa
dena. The Georgia Tech eleven
closed their season In the south,
meeting Georgia university. It
seems that the football fans of
Georgia are anxiously awaiting this
game on the western coast. Two
special trains will carry the follow
ers of Georgia Tech to Pasadena
and many busses and cars will
make the trip from the south for
the New Year's day classic. The
Bears from California are antici
pating a hard afternoon with the
Golden Tornado eleven and Coach
Price is having a hard time con
vincing his California Bears that
the west is not supreme in the
football kingdom. After the great
triumph of Stanford over the Army
and Southern California over
Notre Dame, the lads of California
are under the impression that they
will duplicate the feat of their sis
ter teams in California.
And now we have a new one In
the line of all-star games with the
post season game at Dallas be
tween an all-star eleven from the
Big Six and another team of picked
stars from the southern confer
ence. Coach Ernest E. Bearg, who
coached the winning Big Six ele
ven, will coach, the all-star football
team from this conference. Coach
Bearg will take several Nebraska
footballers to the south for the
New Year's battle. Blue Howell
and Dan McMullen will find theli
gridiron workout in the far west
on the All Star eleven from the
The Minnesota Daily A library
of 700 volumes. Including official
documents and council proceed
ings, has been left to the Univer
sity by the will of the late V. H.
Both Teams Have Gone
. Finals in Past Two
Beta Theta PI and Lambda Chi
Alpha will meet tonight in the "Y
pool to decide the inter-fraterni.y
water polo championship. Phi Gam
me Delta and Pi Kappa Alpha will
battle to decide third and fourth
places. The meet will begin at 8
Bleachers have been Installed at
the pool, and between one hundred
and fifty and two hundred specta
tors may be accommodated. Twenty-five
cents admission will be
charged, with the proceeds going to
pay the expenses of the swimming
Final Is One Week Late.
The Beta-Lam Chi battle was
originally planned for last Wednes
day night, but was postponed on
account of the influenza.
Under the direction of Rudolf
Vogeler, Instructor in physical edu
cation, the tournament has been
run off on the elimination plan
The teams that will meet tonight
were winners in the semi-finals.
Tonight will be the second time
that the Betas and the Lambda
Chis have fought for first place,
since they comprised the finalists
In last year's water polo tourna
Points to apply toward the all-
year trophy will also be at stake
tonight. Forty-five points will go to
the winner, with the three follow
ing places receiving thirty, twenty
and ten points respectively.
Cyclones Will Meet Simpson
College in First Game
Of New Season
A return game with Simpson
college and a pre-season tilt with
Iowa State Teachers college were
added to the Iowa State college
cage schedule yesterday. The Cy
clones will engage the Simpson
cagers on New Year's night, and
wiil clash with the Tutors on Sat
urday, January 5.
Coach Louis Menze is putting
his Cyclones through some fast
paces In preparation for Thursday
night's battle, when the Simpson
college quintet invades Iowa State
to pry the lid off the 1929 season.
Captain Lester Lande, star for
ward, who has been ill since last
Friday is back In the lineup. If
sickness does not cripple the squad
in the next two days the prospects
are good for Iowa State to put her
full strength on the local nara
boards. So far the squad has not
suffered much from the "flu" epi
demic . rather prevalent on the
Iowa State campus.
Glenn Woods, who has been get
ting the call at the pivot position
in scrimmages so far, is being
shifted to a forward berth, and
Fred Ludwlg, Is replacing him at
center. Both are good shots and
have fair height. Just which com
bination will prove the better will
be determined Thursday when the
Cyclones see action, according to
Coach Menze.
Ann Arbor, Mich. The Coliseum
which was practically destroyed by
fire throe years ago is now being
rebuilt. One of the new features
will be the ice plant which will
provide a skating rink for the stu
dents. The Coliseum will be ready
for occupation by the end of the
Dally Texan The course In Es
peranto which has been added to
the curriculum of the University of
Texas is meeting with great suc
cess and has now been extended
to a correspondence course. Ac
cording to Professor A. Kenngottj
esperanto Is not a mere project or
even an experiment, it is an es
tab'lLshed fact.
. Three quarters nr ..
en argument against pruder,
esty In clothing leads ultimkti
cUrrr r
mouesiy in doming leads ultimktl
ly andlnevitably to wearlne
clothes at all." G. K. Chesterton.
Sunday, Picnics, -Anytime
Lincoln Box Lunch
B-4102 1945 "Q
A Visit to Our Store Will Convince You.
1217 0 STREET
ou can't
isolate a
YOU can take the
biology expert's
word for that. And
you can believe the
physiology prof when
he says they are
essential to health.
You will get a good
start on your daily
quota of vitamins A
and D in a breakfast of
' Wheat
yo-ho! ye faire nebraska co-eds!
if your mind is all awhirl as to
what to give him
a -
consult this Simon tree of gift suggestions
is noth
ing that
1 1
r e r b i t y man
would appreciate
more than a gift
selected from a store
I where he himself selects
his wardrobe in fact,
he knows that gifts from
Simon's are Fashion Right
If in doubt, give gloves, is an
age old adage these smart
gloves of pigskin will certainly
please him, $5 Neckwear, some
times called cravats, doesn't make a
bad gift, no, ma'm, and the wide selection
in color and design as well as a suitable '
price range, $1 to $5, will make it a pleasure
Smart shirts always are acceptable, $2 to $10
University men appreciate the smartness and
comfort of one of these beautiful silk brocade
lounging robes, $15 up the chap who smokes
would enjoy a Dunhil Clarke or Golden Wheel lighter,
$5 up a silk scarf of modernistic design, $3.50
Gifts of leather are appropriate for the well groomed
man who takes pride in his correct accessories cigaret
cases of pigskin traveling cases $10 up bill foods $1
up pass cases $1 up leather collar boxes hand
embroidered handkerchiefs of imported Irish linen make beauti
ful gifts, $1.50 up A perfect gift is that of a suit of the new
modernistic pattern silk pajamas of smart print madras, $3.50
And what's more, we've just begun to be
gin to tell
you of the
many smart gift you will find awaiting
you hers Come in today