THREE THE DAILY NEBRASKA. AMES GIVES LIST OF GRID GAME OFFICIALS Grover, Washington, Will Referee Husker-lowa State Tussle AMOS, ' SpPl- 29- A ""t nf fficials for the Iowa State football 'men wan announced today by T. 5; Mptcalf. director fo athletic. ThP croup includes men from all a of life. All are former foot tall Slavs and all have, a Rood iuiowledRe of the game, Director Metcalf says. The names are as follows for tho hree home Ramea played at Ames: October 6 when NebraHka plays ' state. Grover, Washington, "feree- i.umma. West Point, urn-'ire- Klllott, Cornell university, Lad' linesman: and Corrlthers, Il linois, ftf Id Judge. November 3 when Oklahoma nlavs Iowa State, Johnson, Iioane, referee- Pennle, Brown, umpire; Houston. Chicago, head linesman; and'McBride, Missouri Valley col lege, field judge. November 17 when Kansas Ag gies play Iowa State, Eagan, Grln- nell, referee; Numma, West Point umpire; Sproul, Kansas, head lines man; and Corrlthers, Illinois, field Judge. varsity" squad downs frosh Continued I'rnm 1'itge I. broke loose for a 48-yard Jaunt to the Husker goal. Swanson. tullbiirlt, kicked off for the yearling eleven to Farley, who returned to his KO-yard line. On an off-tackle rim, "lilue" Howell carried the ball to the freshman Ji-yaru line una runililrd hut recovered.- Farley reeled off seven yards and on the next play, Howell made It first and goal and carried the ball to the C yard line. Howell tlyn crashed thru the center of the yearlings forward wall for the first tour.iidswn this season on the sta dium field. Howell placekluke.J point for goal. After an exchange of punts fol lowing the next klckoff, the Var sity gained possession of the ball on the freshman '10-yard Hue. "Blue" Howell made It a first and ten and Clair Sloan added three yards on the next play. Howell made another first and ten on thu next play and was stopped from making a second touchdown by Hubka, playing right half on the freshman lineup. "Reb" Russell, Husker quarter, was stopped on the freshman 14 yard line, but after an-advancement of three yards by Sloan and a BEAU BRUMMELL HIMSELF Th Bovs and fJlrls at Nsw York are whoopln It up In this up-to-the-minute picture of Brlfht I.tjtit dolns! LEW CODY AILEEN PR1NGLE IN "Beau Broadway" An M-fM Picture WITH SUE CAROL VAUDEVILLE " 3:00 7:00 :00 LA BELLE POLA 1 The Slmlsn Dancer end JUNGLE BAND CCOOK & O ATM AN 'jtC DELINEATORS FROM 0" rvurtl 1 Kin" CERVO & tMORO IN . . MTVT-kf AM "NOTES ANU TMiJNUO '4 . " 3 ART AND RHYTHM RAJAN9 p1CTL'R6S OF U. OF N. FRESHMAN CONVOCATION NOW S'-IOWS 1.?. 5-7-9 . I i Mr nir- .1 NOW long run antl cut back by Howell, SJoan plunged over far the sec ond counter. Howell's placeklck war. low and the score remained ill to (I. I Ted .lames kicked off f0 yards to Boulter, yearling quarter, who re lurneil to the Ireshnian 22 yard line. Ho elected to punt on the first down but UlchanU broke through, blocked the kick and re covered on ilie yearling 13 yard line, on the first play, Howell car ried Uie ball ofr tackle and cut hack to the 1 yard line. Russell went over on I lie next play and "Danny" Mc.Mullen placekicked goal to bring the scoie 2U to 0. About, this time, It. looked like the freshman team which held the Varsity to a 7 to 0 score earlier In the week was In for a shut-out. However, they recovered the ball on the Varsity I1) yard line due to ; Husker back's fumhln and started a march down th field. Their first, two efforts at the line stopped with scant yardage, the yearling football men look to the air, Boulter shooting a sjiort pass to Folger, lert end anil lornier Lin coln high star, for a 0 yard gain. Perhaps the biggest thrill of the game occurred on the next. piny. Paul, playing bight halfback, took the ball, dodged through tackle, reversed his field and was hauled down by two frantic Husker lines men on their one yard line. Three attempts at the line Tailed and the quarter ended with the ball a scant two feet from the final marker. On Urn first play of the second quiir Uv, Paul went over the middle of ilin line for the two feet and a touchdown. Houllcr failed, to kick goal. On an exchange of punts. Wltte got the ball on the freshman 45 yard limv, by signalling for a fair catch. Taking the ball on the first play on a long end run. he twisted awi'iy from three taiklirs and was stopped by Swanson on the 8 yard line. Sloan contributed 4 more, fum bled, but recovered and Wltte scored stnndlug tip on the follow ing play. Sloan placekicked the. try for point and the score stood 27 to fi, very much In favor of the Var sity prldsters. Working their passing game over time, the Varsity eleven made fast time down the field during the dy ing momenta of the second, quarter. Wltte. passed to Peaker 1 on the freshman 47 yard line and on tho next play, sent a pretty spiral to Peaker who was downed on the yearling 8 yard line. After "Hud" Mclirlde had hit center for 3 yards Wltte went over on an end run. .,,.. 1. 1.. ..1 l,l.,1.n.l ..r.,1 ll,rt .VlCDIIlie putt r-i n.ur.u fivai n' ,-.., I...L ...1,1. ....nt-n V In nail no i ir mi int- muir u and the Varsity In possession ot the ball on their own 5 yard line. Soon after the klckoff starting the second half. Ray, husky tackle wearing the number "13" on his Jersey, recovered a freshman fum ble on the 11 yard line. Wltte took the ball to the 1 yard marker on his first try but Howell failed to score on the following play through center when Kapp tackled him. After a 5 yard penalty for offside, Wltte scored through tackle. Dan McMullen placekicked the try for point and made the score 40 to 6. Vic Scherzlnger accounted for the final touchdown when he turned in a thirty yard dazzling run for the final six points. "Seller." made the run sans lnte-ferenee and used bis straight arm to good advantage, .lust as the nun went, off, the Varsity pulled off an aerial attack which accounted for a touchdown which was not allowed by tho of ficials. Scherzlnger shot a long pass to Prban who caught the ball over the goal line jtist after the finJl gun had been fired. Plans are being made for a big rally to send Ihe football men to Iowa State next Thursday. Corn Cobs and Tassels will aid in gener ating pep for a suitable send-off. The lineup: for MrMullen. Frihm for Farley, T'eaker for HiixuHI, McHrlcle for Klimn, Knwlpy for M- Hl lrle. YnlltiR for Willi!. Jeffries for Orei-libers. I'nii Im for Klslier. Mor gan for Prui'ha. I.uchs for Jeffries. Kno for Hay, riinluunka for MnrtHii. i rimii for I'hnloiipka. liulorHon for nroniiMtnn bolls; for Peaker, Wostoupal for llnwley, HrlieriOnKrr for Youna Nelenn for Hrliersltigcr, Amlrews for Woatuupal. Kreahnien - Admits, Kowter, litltiert, Fdc ker. Mullen. Ulnrk, Mnnley, Met lana han. SVhliontz. Horry, farter, I.iowiipv, Yoet, Hoispy, Martin, .1 urokovor, l'anpk. KroHgrr, .Ipnklim. Witt, Scharfrliia. I luinh. rhPte.ii, Hunt. K. Tlmlall. Alc lona.lfl, Killer, Hrown, KarlakoiVa, riampaey, Hoaa, VTInm, Whitllr. jirkln. Hlnklo, Vogt. Nelaon, Nralngnr. lirlr tlanaon, l.ynih. Hly, Nenly, NuenflnM, Hoffmann, Hnarn, Wflllfr, Morrison, Kllar. I,animo. !' kwood, Tohln, Bonrah, Orruii. Chief Riley., Ks telle Tommy Dougherty. . . Reporter Durke. Pauline (lellatly Alfred Poska Joy Storm Richard Page Harry Wolf Officers, stage hands. CANDIDATES FOR OFFICES TO FILE (nnliiiiinl From I'hrp I. preceding semestn'. and must have at least twenty-seven hours to his credit. Candidates are asked to file ap plications bearing their names as registered, because of the difficulty in checking eligibility. Although this is not ihe time for the regular election of the senior woman at large for The student council. Miss Mary Hall, present holder of this office, has resigned, necessitating senior woman to be elected. The polls will be In charge of "vicil, and no student will be allowed to vote unless lie presents ms Identification card. As each card presented to the work ers at the polls for approval, it will be punched, allowing only on voie to a registered siudent. Ne vote ran be solicited by card, or otherwise at the polls or In the oiiihnun in which The election U being held during election day. Ac cording to present regulations, no money shall be spent, on behalf of any candidate. Any candidate i oaltini; this riile either in person or throtiL'h his supporters shall thereby become ineligible The election will ' K- held on Ttie-iiTv. October U. in the Temple, according to Kid red Larson, presi d( nt oi the student council. Vh i sll y - - l-'rshin i n AKhliurn 1 . . . . KnlRor Munii I H. .lonklnH Mi-.MiiIIimi Ir (iiirin.T Ihiihvi Kapp Jri'tMil'Pii? rr MePliHr.on Ul.linnls r liliaa ;tnW,vM;l ...t'1 Mokuf Kussrll c i Tlonltpi- SIdrii Ii lluhlia IIowpII 11 Paul Karlry f, Swanson Srnrn ly pHflndJ!: Varally In 13 13 4 1'rcshmen 0 6 0 a SiiliMI itioii.1: 'arsll- - W'ltle for Howoll. Ilushpp for Ashliutn. ?Mshrr for I .(-wiiii'low ski. .liver for .laniPa. Hroa'l Mlonn for Munii. Hay for Kl-harila, Prath eieMAMiajl One of the Publix Thratrff MAT" 10c-3Sc EVE 10c -50c NEXT WEEK GEORGE BANCROFT IN "DOCKS OF NEW YORK" j The Talk f of Lincoln o In all Lincoln's history there has never been an attraction to draw such crowds! And still they keep coming, by the thousands to SEE and HEAR M OVIETONE ST THE NEWEST, BIGGEST, GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT THAT HAS EVER COME TO LINCOLN! In three days more people have both heard and seen "STREET ANGEL" than have attended the Rialto in any 3 days since it was built. REET ANGEL' A FOX M0T1ET0XV PICTCRK with Charles Farrell and Janet Gaynor 4 . " 3 Jy -M V i v rtr Wi v -Wis- ii neii-ir ' " . . . and now . The PERFECT Motion Picture EMIL JANNINGS IN ii THE Patriot A Paramount Picture WITH FLORENCE VIDOR LEWIS STONE CZA.1 Paul of the great, ungainly body, th hifty eye. In no part a man. His mind warped. Yet a madman who con trols the destinies of the largest nation In the world and the lives and hopes and ambitions of lis mil lion Inhabitants. That Is ihe complex character that Jannlngs lives In the great est portrayal ever captured for the screen. 59 ORPHEUM CONCERT ORCHESTRA A. U BONN EH Conducting PIJITINQ SPECIAL 80ORB NOW PATHE NEWS Show., 1, t, 7. 9. Met.. 10c. 35c; Eve. 10c. Me Izlllilyif I now PLAYERS OPEN SEASON WITH 'THE SPIDER' Cntitlnn,! Krotn Tuff I. secret, from publication because a hint would reveal the solution to the mystery, and Kanisay claims the play will surprise any audience. Playing the part of Beverley Lane, Miss Gretchen Meier has tlui feminine lead gf "The Spider." Hay Ramsay as Ohalrang holds the ma cullne lead. Both have had expel nece In University Players produc tions previously. In casting this play. Miss Alice Howell, director, was oblified to iarch for some character players throuRhout the city, as some of the roles could not be filled prop erly by university students. Utile consideration for artinjr ability and experience was shown by the cast ing director, but Miss Howell be lieves she has found some unusual actors In her search for persons to fit the character roles. Several of the members of the cast expressed their opinions that they had received a "wallop" out of the show because of Its novel i difference w ith any other produe-, tions, and are anxious to see how the audience will receive "The Spider." In this play there is a; collection of Individual personal)- ties which add to the mystery and j help to form the plot. The plot 'as: been so modified as to assume an entirely different aspect than Hie original. Several of the characters whose j staee names appear In the cast are ' withhf Id for certain reasons which will be disclosed hi the opening' performance Mondav night. "I hi lieve that 'The Spider" will be the most talked of plav that, will be given hv anv organization in Lin coln this winter," declared Ram say. "However, nothing concerning the plot of the show will be dis closed until Monday nieht" Ticket, sales have been carried on throughout the eiU ami ar now under the supervision of Ross T Curtice music company for "The Pplder." Although the last week'.-J sales have been up to expectations, there are still good ceats left for any of the seven performances. Monday night to Saturdnv night with a Saturday matinee. Night sin gle admissions are seventv-fivf cents while tickets for the Satiir dav matinee are selling for fifty cents. The scenery for "The Snider" has been designed by Pwight Kitsch. The cast is as follow?: Hialrang Ray fiamsay Alexander El wood Ramay John Corrington Ted Larson rteverlev l,nne Cretchen Meier Dr. Whiteni Mrs. Wimblcton.Kvada Rawllngstnn Hob Reed Himself Mr. Young Sergeant Schmidt ... Harlan Kiston BUI Coral Puhi v Dick ...Harold Wood:- Unt'olns liusy Store " Cor. 1 1 lit X' ) Sf . "Th licst for Loss" . - - " - - Ll 1 I i 1 1 Ki I 1! 1 Iff 1 w-. 1 i . , Mil 'Win of or THE PLBUX THEATRES NEXT 'FOUR SONS' WEEK AS BIG AS THE HEART OF HUMANITY The Tender ,nrer of "1th Heaven" Fm HEAR Musical Accompaniment by Roiy' 110 Piece Orchestra THE HAUNTING LOVE THEME SEE and HEAR FOX MOVIETONE NEWS "At Real At Lift Ittelf" COMING Sound Pictures "WINGS" The Kpic of the Air RICHARD DIX In "WARMING UP" "THE LION AND THE MOUSE" "LIGHTS OF NEW YORK" "THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK" "SUNRISE" "TERROR" "JAZZ SINGER" Jh Only 6 69ay Afford BHOWS 1.8,5, ''RIALTO MATS. 35o EVE. 50o Boms 0 toe Xev, and Perfected VITAPHOSE ant M071ET0SE next "TENDERLOIN" WEEK Linco'it't ftrtt Jnaloo Ptr'.ure A. r FoUow I! r v r m The Adventure 'I rail , fv. imfylf I V5i iuV MUMP VI II j mm Mon. Tues. Wed. Lewis Stcne Maria Corda -IIM "The Private Life of Helen of Troy" Her beauty roclcod tmtion her lovers shocked the world. - Thurs. Fri. SM. Charlie Chaplin IN The Circus The greete-st show of mirth the IMctHre you've, been waiting to see. ; haplln the King of Oomeily re turnsat his bet. 1 Pi So Cric So Flattering Style 530 Gotham Gold Stripe is Silk from top to toe! 81.95 1 1 i 1 1 i K"-; i PS "FLASH" . THE WONDER DOG IN v "SSiaclows oS the Night" AN W-G-M "PICTURE with Lawrence Gray AND The Sensational Thriller "THE TERRIBLE PEOPLE" A filmy chiffon is Style 530, a stocking that provokes admiration and follows the dictates of fashion and good taste. Style 530 has fine fit, flaw less texture and lovely silken feet. It also has free dom from garter runs and the ever dependable ruota of wear found in all Gotham Gold Stripe Silk Stockings. In Ou Smomh'i favor iU Shade One of the Publix Thesters NOW COLONIAL NOW SHOWS 8. 5, 7. Mallneiis It)", !'. N.te lflrt, 18" CKsenzelCo LET OUR SHINING SPECIALIST KEEP YOUR FOOTWEAR SPIC AND SPAN I Ik mm Immmm m rap mm : av sr ' . i 1. . . V V' 5 T .. 5 ivo 1 I Li J As the season advances the smartest coats place a greater emphasis on the use of fur as trimming. Hugh collars that sometimes extend to the bottom of the skirt, and in some cases, encircle it, are seen. There are cuffs of fur that are unusual in design. Scarf-like effects, in sets, flares, all are utilized to create an impression of extreme richness and beauty. Broadcloths, Cashmeres, Pile Fabrics, and soft, velvetv fabrics, trlmmsd with Caracul, Man- (ehurian Wolf, Fox Paw, Opossum, Baby Seal, f Wallaby and others deep, rich furs. Great Groups Offering Remarkable Values at GOLD'S Third Floor. J Free! Rich, tev Novelty Cretonne Papa Covered. Six-Compartment osk?v Boxes Fop your Dresser U ith Each Box of Beautiful Bobolink Silk Hose! You need no introduction to the sheer beauty and richness of famous Boblinks! Pure silk! Mercerized Welt and ravel stop I Silk well over knee! Narrowed ankle! Three-seam back! And with all of these best-of-all features, BOBOLINKS ARE FULLY GUARAN TEED to Klvn vou the service you m lfct or NEW ONES FRKK without R question. )! are tni sole juaip) ss t f, Wlirwier lur, vi in.- . every new f n II nnd winter shfu!; Tea Time Rose Taupe Pearl Blush Rose Moon Silver -and many others Riviera Flesh Peach Bamboo Blonde And thty'rs ftatured t the Stone Dove Gray Evenglow Pastel Parchment umi ii mm " w 07 r Box of Three Pairs m Lm J3ibolin dmnose And a rich 6-compartment Hosiery Box for your dresser or dressing table drawer FREE with every box beginning Monday. Single pairs 98c. (SEE WINDOW) GOLD'S Street Floor. IT -msmsss.- fas unu & (Mm 3 Down a Week Pick out any Chest yoli want from our great stock pay a little down, then a little every weekl By Christmas time you .11 have it all paid for the rich, good-for-life Chest of your dreams. And it will be DELIVERED WHERE YOU INDICATE ON CHRISTMAS!! Select your Chest now for yourself or for a gift these low prices are mrde possible through special purchases and through special price concession to our CHRISTMAS CEDAR CHEST PATRONS. BEAUTIFUL WALNUT FINISH CHESTS. GENUINE WALNUT CHESTS, Cedar lined, 17.50 special locked corner construction. 18.50 Cedar lined. 40 Inch, is low ss. A SPLENDID ARRAr OF NEW FINISHES AND NEW STYLES In theft PJI- n CO cedar and redar lined chests, many suitable for window seats, others lnl T U JlivU console helshts. Prices ran from as low as f SEE WINDOW) " GOLD'S Fifth Floor. : ' Cr .!P--flrs3i- i ir.v.5icvst'