FOUR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. HUSKERS L FRESHMAN VARSITY CLASH Russell, Heavy Quarterback Is Eligible and Back To Aid Backfield INJURIES HIT SQUAD Cornhusker Line To Be One Of Best in Years As the Season Opens Spending the Tuesday afternoon practices drill with a light scrim mage the varsity football squad polished up on some pet formations to use against the yearling grid sters this coming Saturday after noon. The game is scheduled for -:5o p. m. on the Stadium sod and will be the initial game of the sea son for the Husker football men. "Reb" Russell, big quarter from Paliuska, Oklahoma, has been de dared eligible for the Huker team. His eligibility has been under a cloud for some time and the final decision on his case was greeted with joy In the Cornhusker camp. As his first team selection Tuesday afternoon Coach Bearg had Simic and Ashburn at ends; Richards and liroadstona, tackles; Holm ud Mc Mullen, guards; James, center; Mo Bride and Howell, half; Russell, quarter; and Frahm. fullback. Op posing this team quite effectively was Chaloupka and Bushee, ends, Ray and Eno, tackles; Oreenberg and Justice, guards; Maasdam, center; and a backfield1 which was scrambled to contain Young, Far ley, Peaker, Andrews, Nelson and Wostoupal. On the Injury list are "Dutch" Wltte. Clair Sloan, and Bill Calla way. W'itte is suffering from a bruised shoulder sustained In Mon day's scrimmage session, but Mc Lean believes the injury is not se rious. Sloan has several bruises from his sensational ball-lugging of the same afternoon while Gallaway has been having a little trouble with a leg injury. During the short scrimmage drill yesterday, the work of the so called first team line stood out as especially good. Richards and Broadstone were through the line fast and Holm and McMullen were opening up big holes for the plung ing "Blue." Along with Howell's stellar work Frahm, husky, fullback, showed ef ficient line bucking tactics, often getting away for a clear field. Mc Brlde was also turning in good yardage and figuring in the pass ing game which was stressed dur ing the latter part of the drill pe riod. Third and fourth team selections ended up the 'day's activities by staging a spirited scrimmage. Prob ably two more scrimmages will be held this week before the struggle with the freshmen eleven this com ing Saturday. NEW STUDENTS ARE GREETED AT VESPERS Ruth Davis, President of Y. W. C. A., Opens First Meeting of Series MISS APPLEBY SPEAKS Students! Purchase a $5.00 Meal Ticket for 14.50 at the Temple Cafeteria. Adv. !! :: :i: !:i I ili in Greetings from the Y. V. C. A. were extended to all new students in the university at the first of the regular series of vesper services which are held during the year each Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock in Ellen Smith hall. Ruth Davis, president of the as sociation, opened the meeting with a few brief woids of welcome to all newcomers. "We have come to the university for various reasons," she explalued, "but we all want to do what will bring us the most from our college life. We want to be true to the university, true to our friends, and last but not least, tho it is probably the hardest thing of all. we want to be true to our selves. There are contacts .thru various channels on the campus, which will have Intangible, but none the less very marked effects upon our future liv?s, and it is in these contacts that we will find life." Following the welcome by the president of the association. Miss Erma Appleby, secretary of the university Y. V. C. A., who will soon leave for India, explained the first phase of the threefold purpose of the woman's student Christian organization. This purpose was de vised by a group of college dele gates to a conference held in Sac ramento, Calif., last spring, but it has not yet been formally adopted. In discussing the first phase of the purpose, which reads, "We unite in a desire to realize a full and creative life by a growing knowledge of God," Miss Appleby described the Indians as a people who. more than any other in the world, want to know God. STROLLER Sets the Younger Set A Talking TOierevef ycrrmgkh chaps get together you'll see Stroller . . . st the games ... at dansants ... in the inside and outside offices ... on the campus . . . anywhere . . . everywhere. Stroller strides at the head, of the Fall clothes line-up with style-6ureness and confidence of newness. It's a top-notcher of designing by MANOR-BROOKE Admitted leaders In young men's clothes-making . . . experts in developing peak styling for men who aren't looking over the 40-year fence. There's smartness in Stroller's get up . . . the keen mgle In the shoulder points . . . the decided body lines ... the clear cut of the double breasted waist coat and the perfectly tailored pleated trousers. PROFESSOR SCHRAMM RE TURNS FROM SUMMER TRIP IN CENTRAL AMER ICA. Continued from Carr I. located on a plateau about 5000 feet above sea level." said Schramm. lie predicts that when it Is connected with the coast cities of San Jose and Puerto Barrios by a good automobile road end when the rough blocks of its streets are replaced by pavement that it will vie with Los Angeles for the win ter tourist trade of the United States. "Spanish is the predominant lan guage 6poken in Guatemala," he Students! Purchase a 13.00 Meal Ticket for $4.50 at the Temple Cafeteria. Adv. n:iHH:na:HIHaU::H::.:n.'U:nnn:!in:nn;nn:: ill . :i! I Riviera Party I I House "I ::: lit ::: jj Music by j;i LEO J. BECK I" ::: and His Orchestra i IK ! HI $ 35 "WITH TWIN TROUSERS ChxenzelCo HEAR!!' Youll HEAR the Haunting Love Son ACTUALLY SUNO FROM THE SCREEN a you SEE Janet (rayuor and Charles rell making love! You'll hear the melodious ical accompaniment arranged by "Roxy" SEE V ar- mm as you I n:riiOf.w:rnl h WITH MARVELOUS MOVIETONE SYNCHRONIZATION R I ALT O t DAYS TAH.TINO THURSDAY Showa 1J 5-7 I. Mata lie. Eva. SOc Dancing Evtry Night. H:5inn::HHiHU:UnU:HH:nH:HHHnHHi::::::i A Big ShowS "mm?- VAUDEVILLE "ODDITIES Or THB JUNOLl" taal Ltva Animal TYLER A 8T. CLAIRE In 'Xylophonle Conversation' IERTRAND aV RALSTON In "Ovtr and Back" "Art and Rythm Rajaht" New New Lincoln Is Startled! At tha true frank n of this pfeur ef modern youth! "OUR DANCING DAUGHTERS" An 1I-G-M Picture with Joan Crawford ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA Comedy News NOW NOW sisrtffi In The Great Hit EVA UNITED AJCTim PlCTUM Tha beginning of the maeter thriller "Tha TERRIBLE PEOPLr - now COLCHIAL now SHOWS 1, . i. 7. MATS. 10c-lit; NIT E, 10c.25c stated, "but theif are a great many Indiana In tho country. Cof fee Is raised on the higher alti tudes and bananas In the low lands where rain Is pleutiful. "To watch the Indians loading bananas at Puerto Uarrlos, where we landed after taking the steamer from New Orleans, was very in teresting," declared Professor Schramm. "Near the loading dock stood a table loaded with pesos, a small coin,' sixty of which are equivalent to an American dollar, After carrying each bunch of fruit to the hold of the steamer, the laborer came to this table and col lected his peso as wages before picking up another bunch." Professor Schramm spoke of the extremely courteous way In which they were treated during their en tire stay in Central America, and said that the public officials of the country had aided them wherever possible with their work. He and Mr. Scholl arrived back In Lincoln September 17. "YOUR DRUG STORE" ON THE JOB AS USUAL The Owl Pharmacy 14B No. 14th. Phone B-1068. Students! . Purchase af 5.00 Meal Ticket for $4.50 at the Temple Cafeteria. Adv. uck's rfnootcrie eautiful JJFootwear . SATISFIES THE WHIMS OF FASHION Youthful Slippers for Young 'Moderns A Smart Co-Ed Style Brown Kid, Brown Reptile Trim, All Blue Reptile IMadi Patent Silver Kid Bow on Side Spike or Cuban Heels mens9 Present An Exposition of FALL FOOTWEAR The new creations for Fall Soft Blacks, Autumn Browns, Midnight Blue in Smart Suedes, Reptile Leathers and New French Kid Materials. New Hos iery to accompany new Fall shades. 1030 O St. TWO STORES 133 So. 13th The color band inlay on the cap ident- ifies the character of the pen point, y r. 1 TSTa Seven Dollars 'Oh, Boy, What a Fountain Pen" .Hie bought his pen on the way to class (Ti-f bought a Waterman's J No. 7- He was delighted with the color band feature that enabled him to quickly and accurately select a pen point exactly suited to his style of writing. You will be as delighted as he was if you visit your dealer and try Waterman's No. 7. AH over the country men who know are employing this No. 7 scientific method for selecting accurately the pen point best suited to their style of writing. No. 7 is offered in 6ix different styles of pen point. Each is identified by a distinctive color inlay band on the cap. Individual' ized pen point fitting is thus made practical for the first time. Dependable, speedy pen perform ance 6uch as Waterman's gives saves valuable time for thought a de cided advantage during exams. They art sold where you buy our books and stationery. Yw 7r v v TV erman LATSCH BROTHERS Stationers FOUNTAIN PEN SPECIALISTS 1118 O St. ... , I,. , i E? TUCKER - SHEAN iT Fountain Pen 3Q YARS AT n23 tTTd' Merchant Pencil, LONG'S Waterman Waterman pen College tSook otores pencil. FACING CAMPUS SEE!!