THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thn Daily Nebr&skan tU A. Lta.a. Naaraaka OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of ITERS ITT Or NEBRASKA CScr ilraatiaa wt tha taam Pabltaatiaa mri TXINT-VWTB TEAK FoMtaaa Tmlty, WWuMter, TtanOr, FTMar, ana Sa4a lurun Marine tha aaadcaaia yaar. MM to! Otf1r t'-l- Kt Hall 4. rlMH Offlea UJ- Uy Hall 4 A. OttM H. Editorial Staff. K - ' i Haaaar. Bo.inoM 8tff ! ftnoo (mri Frio - Sunday. Vaiaaaanaa Baitariali MSS1. Na. 141; " BaU, Ifa. Ill Niirat bssri. for nearly all fraternity members to take part in some intra-mural athletics. Tho athletic department has also developed competition for non-fraternity men. It Is along this line that the greatest future progress will be made. Although the present intra-mural program is far from complete, the progress made by the athletic de partment in the last two years should not be under estimated. During this time, practically the whole plan as it exists today, has been developed; offering oppor tunities for clean, vigorous, competitive exercise for a steadily increasing proportion of the student body. . m i , 4 -Mffl--4 In UflMtlY W1TW MB IVC W -!- - awaaava i - " . Nr ka. d4t act of Congr... March . IS7, an at ial rata f poataaa Drvtdd for is aactioa IMS, act Octobar . ItlT. IboriiH January -o. usi. It Tar. SUBSCRIPTION RATE 8lne1a Copy aata aaaaaatar Eaa Taaaa - Oacar Nor Ha ftuta Palmer G aid E. Griffia P Award C. Dickaoa afanra Kern NEWS EDITORS Paul r. Malaom Yeanata Andaraoa Cnnre Kaiar ary Leuiaa F aua Paal Marti Batty Thoratoa ASSISTANT NEWS BDTIORS lfaarlca Kenkd CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Kalt -fa-ChWf Maaatins Kdltor Aaat. Manacinc Editor . Aaat. MaaaKins Kditor Dorothy Nott Floraaea 8w ihart Daaa Hammond Kara Goldatoln Hanriea Spatt Joyea Ayr Dor nea Seward Otho K. DeVilbiaa Kernels Off The Old Cob Notices Meaard P. etta Mirtoa MeGrww William H. Kearna J. Man hall Pita . .. Baaiaaaa Maaarar Aaat. Baatnaaa Manacar Circa latloa Manacar . Circulation Manawor Y Rotten Rich. Scene: North of the Viaduct, Near the Gas House. Time: On the eve of the Queen's Military Ball, given for the Lords and Ladies of the Nebraskanensis Court. First Bourgeoise: What ho, Master Henry, goest thou to the Queen's Military Ball this eve? Second Bourgeoise: Alas, alack, and nay nay, Carlton. First Bourgeoise: What? Thou doth not attend the opening affair of the Queen's season of formal hobnobbing? Second B: Nay nay, and a couple of nay nays. I canst not go. First B: And why not Master Henry? Second B: Alas. Tis the emptiness of my pouch which keepeth me from going thither. I findeth three silver shekels too dear to trip the light fantastic for one eve. First B: Ah! 'Tis true. 'Tis true. I findeth mineself in the same dire plight Three shekels is indeed too gross a sum for such a hodgepodge. Second B: Then too, mine soup and fish is lacking. Mine everyday doublet and hose wouldst not suf fice the grandeur of the ballroom. First B: 'Tis indeed a grand affair for the Lords and Ladies, The aristocrats are feign to spurn the low er clawbes on such occasions. Second B: They whispereth in the court that the Queen will be. very beautiful. Seventy five shekels lath been expended in the preparation of her toilet. First B: Tish. Tish. Wouldst not any Queen be beautiful at that price? Ha. Ha. Second : Ha. Ha. 'Tis true. 'Tis true. And the Queen's guard composed of the University Ninny's will be there in full uniform. First B: Let us pray they do not stumble upon their own spurs. Second B: Wouldst that some tinker explode a pop gun and see them scatter. First B: Let us not feel downheartened because we canst not attend. Like as not we may get us some fair wenches to go and see young Bill Shakespeare's latest sex play this eve. Second B: Bravo. Let us hie us hence. Twould be a better evening anyway, than to weary oneself push ing about with the Queen's toy soldieTS. First B: Fie on the Aristocrats. Second B: Huzzah for the Bourgeoise. PICK YOUR SPORT Nebraska's extensive intra-mural athletic program, inaugurated last year, to give a larger number of stu dents a chance to participate in athletics, is operating full swing this year. Yesterday afternoon and evening some two hun dred and fifty men took part in interfratemity basket ball games. A similar number played in games Tuesday while in the neighborhood of thirty others were taking part in the first water polo tournament. From 100 to 150 men ran in each of the bare and hound races this fall Tinder the direction of Coach Schulte and fifty or sixty took part in the fall track meets. Those who have criticized present-day intercolle giate football because it limited athletic participation to a small -percentage cf the student body can now see their desire fur all-student competition approaching realization. And it is being made possible by the very sport which they condemned. Complete realization of sports for all cannot be obtained, but the facilities of the Stadium and Coliseum are being utilized to capacity this year. The extension of the number of sports has furnished opportunities E. S. H. WITH CREAM PUFFS AT TEN PACES Oh surely ESH, Kernels is doing its little bit in this portion of the cosmos if it has the power to coax the grads back to the editorial columns of the Nebras- kan. Who knows maybe next week Koscoe round or General Pershing will have something to say? K "It Matt Be A Very Old Cob Indeed, To Judje By The Example" For shame, lady, did your years at Nebraska fail to give you due respect for age? The Cob is truly ven erable and in its younger years it gave its all to the tiny kernels I parade. Maybe it will be another tradi tion I'll see Dr. Condra about that. K " Hutnoriati Are Born, Not Made . Hia (Or Her) Remarks Are Neither Original Nor Amusing, I agree humorists are born, they can't be made, but; "Judge not lest thou be judged." And didn't you know that everything has already been said? All that remains for the future is the recasting of time worn ideas putting the old cracks in new settings. Then, if I have stepped on tiny toes well, maybe your feet were in the aisle. K "And Certainly do not Inspire Either Mirth or Thought" Mirth is never inspired; that must be spontaneous, and thought heaven forbid! This colyum was never intended for a substitute for wine, women, or song. The idea! Are you trying to put a ukelele string on a concert grand? K : 'I Heartily Endorse Any Individual Effort Along Literary Lines " Hooray! I'll be right over to sell you a subscrip tion to the PRAIRIE SCHOONER. Could it be possible that you have been looking for orchids in a meat mar ket? Kernels hasn't any desire to be the day by day issue of the American Mercury (Knopf & Co. N. Y. $5). K "In Order To Criticise, One Mast Have a Background To Draw From " Y know I've never tried to buy the lions in front of the Art Institute, neither have I ever believed that a four-year course in Journalism was a broad easy path to the heart of a City Editor. K Only Once And so it goes. Seriously for once, of course I don't think that everything in kernels is funny but, then, is everything on the front page news? Of course not. News is purely relative so is humor. What might appeal to an undergraduate as something funny I can readily admit might bore a "college widow" (if she has been staying up too late for the past week). Then too, Kernels is intended for the masses in college and not the Popnli Intelligentsia who have gone the way of all flesh. Don't be ultramundane in a college paper in your laU-r years you will become mellow and learn the wisdom of tolerance. Above all remember that little maxim of Franklin: "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." Follow this simple rule, stay with you Bociety column and en joy yourself. Adieu! K True, Brother, True J Among the great in Lincoln Town Is rare ol Sidney Graham. The bull he throws It has no peer, He ever seeks to spout it. And will his fame in Lincoln die? We doubt it, kid, we doubt it K How About It? After a careful survey of the 1928 football sched ule, Kernels suggests that you go over to the Lincoln High Stadium Saturday afternoons next fall. K Statement In The Peerless Editorial Column Of This Pajw "In Concord, N. H., where statutes of John Stark, Daniel Webster, and John P. Hale speak of the past " Essence of cabbage juice! Proof Reader! Are there too many "ts' " in tittle for you to toot? K Last Line: Oh yes, Mrs. Coolidge is a Pi Phi! CYNARUS. MM.V, ftradiutaa Mid-year arraduates who arc available for teaching poaitiona in January or renronry hanuld reciater at on with tha depart ment of educational aeryiee. Room 10a. Teachers Col less. Calls are now comint in for mid year appointments. Intar-Fraremit- Baaketbatl Refers a All men wiahinc to referee inter-fraternity haftketball ram ahould report to "Jimmy Lewi a. Friday, December 2 vi Xi Delta meeting at Kllen Bmith Hall at 12 o clock todav. Lutheran Club The program of the Lutheran Club will be followed by a aorial hour, Friday night at 8 o'clock in the Temple room 04. Gamma Alpha Chi Camma Alpha Chi will hold a short im portant meeting; Friday noon in the adver tising; offioe . Saturday, December 3 Cosmopolitan Club The Cosmopolitan Club of the University will hold a banquet Saturday evening, com mencing at 8 o'clock at the Unitarian Church. A varied program is promised, and all members are asked to attend. culture and here again the men are coached for proficiency. In this our main spring sport, we are always en tered in a league composed of the several colleges in the University. This inter-college competition brings out the best in the men and at the same time gives them a number of enjoyable contests to play. "Intramural programs form a large part of the College's activities in the athletic line. The outline for this year is much more comprehensive than last year's and includes singles contests in tennis, singles and dou bles in hand-ball, inter-department basketball league, wrestling tourna ment, inter-class track meet, and an inter-departmental baseball league. Jane You should see the Ritzy wrist bouquet that Jack ordered for me! Betty How do you know you are getting a corsage for the Ball to night? Jane Well, von see last night I met Jack just coming out of Chapin Brothers. He grinned and told me about the sniffr bunch of flowers he had just ordered in there for me. Betty IH see the flowers tonight then for Bob and I will be there. Adv. Social Calendar Friday, December 2 Military Ball, Coliseum. Saturday, December S Kappa Delta Formal, Lincoln. Alpha Phi Freshmen House dance. Phi Sigma Kappa House dance. College of Agriculture To Award Sweaters (Continued from Pag 1) the city campus. Baseball Emphasized. "Baseball is the third major sport emphasized in the College of Agri- Coaches Grow Beards But Shoot Few Ducks (Continued from Pag 1) We cooked all the gmb and it cer tainly tasted good even if we had to eat without a few of the necessary table utensils. "The prize joke of the trip was coming back when everyone was tired and half asleep. I was at the wheel and a loud explosion told me that one of my rear tires had blown out Herb Gish was asleep on the floor in the back of the car and woke up with a jump and thought surely that one of his guns had accidently discharged." By this time an eager crowd cf listeners had gathered around Coach Bearg to get in on the story. Some-, one piped up, "How's come you never got any ducks, coach?" Bearg came back with, "Well you see they were ell fish ducks and they are not good to eat you know." BANCROFT SPESKS BEFORE CHBHISTS (Continued from Page 1) able importance was "drops." An interesting discussion of the mixture of drops was carried on in the lec ture. Professor Bancroft explained the mixture of mayonaisse, and the most successful method of mixing the drops. This procedure was out lined, and Professor Bancroft re lated an amusing incident of a re porter, who, in reporting Professor Bancroft's lecture, stated that a nervous woman could not make good salad dressing. The last element of this lecture on colloidal chemistry concerned "grain." This concluded Professor Bancroft's talk on three articles of very significant scientific, physical and commercial importance. Over 28 per cent of the students at the University of Idaho are self-supporting. Just that time of year when they taste awful good. Buy 'em by the Sack Hotel D'Hamburger 114 12th St. 1718 4,On Home Cooking Lunches, Dinners, Pies & Cakes FRAT LUNCH 321 No. 13th. Typewriters For Rent AH standard makes special rate to stu dents for lone term. Used machines portable typewriters monthly payments. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1232 O St. B-2157 Hotel Lincoln Headquarters for University Social Affairs Hotel Capital Sandwich Shop Tasty Sandwiches Popular Prices Open Till Midnight Operated by EPPLEY HOTELS Company DANCE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY to BECK'S ORCHESTRA at LINDELL PARTY HOUSE LINDELL HOTEL Do Your Christmas Shopping Now Hundreds of Christmas Gifts Are Included FRIDAY December 2nd SATURDAY December 3rd MONDAY December 5th HI A FRIDAY December 2nd SATURDAY December 3rd MONDAY December Sth THIRD VARSITY PARTY PLARiiED any (Continued from Page 1) insure the music being heard place on the floor. 'We hope that the student body will keep the date of the next Var sity dance, December 16, in mind. Tiie VavrbiLy party committee is do ing every thing to' make this party a real success, with plenty of pep," declared Wayne Gratigny, Varsflty party chairman after the meeting. ALL HATE GHAEGB TO DEBT DELEGATES (Continued from Page 1) noon gathering to which all u. iver Mty faculty and students as well as the aVu7ral public are to be invited. "arvin Breckinridge, of VaBsar College, acting president of the na tional council organization, will be in the receiving line as well as lie 'My . LiVwn of 'Weileslcy who ' m rbarj i ot one of ike (-ssif'S s-oups. Governor and Mrs. '' "r: Lir-Iulien, Colonel and Mrs. '. T. "vctt, Dean Amanda He-pner '2 p.KVeral prowiineEt Lincoln amu . ' a personages will also he in l n the receiving line. v ;'l be th or:!y occasion that ' f.!.d l'..e 11 11c will be given .; i. ibe d-ilcrstes. Stadents from ervery part of the country will be present. Letters have been received by the local chairmen from Penn sylvania, California, Oregon, Missis sippi, Montana, Idaho, and other points designating their intention of sending delegates to the meetings. The personnel of the receiving line and the complete list of the patrons and patronesses for the affair will be announced within the next few days. GREEK GODKCIL STARTS ACTIOH (Continued from Page 1) served by fraternities and will pre sent them at the next weekly meet ing, Thursday, December 8. Action taken by the Interfratt -ity council comes as a result of th. proposed step of the Board of He gents in prohibiting student use of cars. It is hoped by the council that action by the student body will remedy the present situation so that action by the Pegents will be unnecessary. will go for the upkeep and mainten ance of the baby clinic. Since the league took, over the baby clinic in July, nineteen hundred babies have been under the observation of the doctors and nurses at the clinic. There are now five hundred babies registered on the books. The ex-, aminations and treatments are free and are extended to those mothers who are unable to provide for the medical care of their own babies. The junior leagues of many cities are undertaking such movements. LEAGUE CARIilYAL FEATURES DA1TGIRG (Continued from Pag 1) The carnival is under the general direction of Helen HalL AH Proceeds Co to Clinic All the proceeds of the carnival CLASS B TODRHEY WILL OPEH II0I1DAY (Continued from Pag 1) will be run off at the same time as the A class games thus lengthening the time between A class games. Teams Placed ia Leaf ties The teams entered in the B class tournament were placed in leagues as follows: League 1 Theta Xi, Kappa Sigma, Delta Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Gamma Bho and Sigma Phi Epm'lon. League 2 Alpha Sigma Phi, Del ta Sigma Lambda, Delta Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Dfclta Hpsilon and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. , League 8 Theta Chi, Pi Kappa Phi, Xi Pqi Phi, Fhr Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Farm House. League 4 Tau Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Kappa Pri, Ph Sigma Kappa, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma No. SPEIER DAYS, Lincoln and vicinity, will find the best values of any sale ANYWHER. PJease consider this PERSONAL INVITATION to ATTEND SPEIER DAYS, Friday, Saturday and Monday, savings will be inca.1 calable if you buy generously and wisely all the things you need for the coming Winter and Holiday Season Hundreds of Men's and Young Men's SUITS and OVERCOATS An UnparaUel Buying Opportunity SUITS And O'COATS Values $35-$55 J. aTff PA nM YMfX l ill ( jtM g" Mfc' I mSpetialfor 1 fiW fflspeter Days Mil w if $np700 Overcoats and Suits of the finest grade materials. Fashion Park, Bradford and Breton Hall are some of the (amous lines included. If you've ever wanted one of these better quality garments at such low price, now is the time to make your selection - during Speier Days, Friday, Saturday and Monday. Clearance of 150 Men's Suits We've selected every undesirable suit we could find, undesirable to 6s on account of past season's styles and broken sizes. Every raiment is worth two and three times the price we ask. 13 75 SECOND FLOOR Men's Extra Trousers Over 500 Men's Odd Pants, accumulated from our 2 pant suits. These are pantL from suits -which sold f rom $22.50 to $40 00 These pants are worth $6.00 to $10.00. $J85 33