THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Learn to DANCE In Classy Studio Luella G. Williams SjTSdJSS- to .tudent.. 1220 D St. TIIV" FBI. 3 AT. "The Runaway Express With Jack Daugherty, Blanche llehaffey and Tom O'Brien BABES IN THE SAWDUST ALSO NEWSEVEVTS ibowsaT i. a. . t. LYME I I ALL THIS WEEK ThriUt "SILENCE" .gu nfjoBODY'S BUSINEiS" N.w l.i I1" Hamilton TKWEntertainlne Tsatures Stanley's Lyrk" Orchestra sHowTAT l. s, . . MATS. 20c NITE SOc. CHILD. 10c RIALTO THIS WEEK Douglas MacLean IN "HOLD THAT LION" A Paramount Picture With WAITER HIERS On the SU "BALL TWINS" pi.Ti-T Two Pianos HiFWWrOPICS REVIEW SHOWS AT 1. 3, 5, 7, . THIS WEEK Lillian Gish and John Gilbert "LA BOHEME" A Metro-Goldwyn Picture On the Stave "ATMOSPHERIC iPROLOCUES" Carl Shatter LhU Comber SHOWS AT 1. 3, 8, 7, 9. VA L I r. V I '- r- .HVRYB0WiOts r '(- Of 1 M ALL THIS WEEK Tha Firat Vaudeville Road Snow of tha Season "Wife Insurance" An Earthquake of Laughs with Toby Wilson . A Miniatura Musical Coanedv With a Varsatila 25-COMPANY-25 Including Smart Beauty Choral ON THE SCREEN Tha Laugh Provoking Comoer SMITH'S VACATION AUe Othar Entertaining Pictures IZiADICH3aTrflhr6RCrlESTRA" SHOWS AT 2 7, 9. All This Woak A Conedv and Romance That Swing Your Haart in Tuna I Alao Na and Comadf Plcturaa u ON THE STAGE Silks and Satins" Tha Rama BoauUful with AL CARBELLE CO. Nora Schiller Chicago', Popular Bluaa Singer BEAVER AND HIS BUNCH fUirlng tha Muaic You Like SHOWS AT 2:30, 7. 9. MIDNIGHT MATINEE AND FOOTBALL FROUC Friday Night at 11:30 ' VAUDEVILLE AND MUSIC SEATS RESERVED Me I B4258 Qrpheum One Year Ago Lincoln and vicinity and entire state of Nebraska was visited by a snow storm that reached almost bliz zard proportions. This was the first snow of the season in Lincoln and came somewhat earlier than usual. The Animal Husbandry Depart ment marketed three carloads of ex perimental cattle in Omaha and re ceived a fair profit from them. Governor George H, Dern of Utah stopped in Lincoln on his way home from Washington. Wuile here he called on many of his old friends and classmates among whom was Gover nor McMullen. Governor Dern waa at one time a student in the University of Nebraska and captain of the foot ball team in 1894. The R. 0. T. C. band, under the direction of William T. Quick, was a regular feature every week from the University of Nebraska broadcasting station. Froo Movies at K. U. After Parade The motion picture theaters of Lawrence, Kansas are open free of charge after nine' o'clock to the stu dents of K. U. after the annual night shirt parade. Capital Esgravisg Ca 319 SOUS! ST. LINCOLN. NEB. B"fJ78 LEARN TO DANCE and enjoy life and health and win the admiration of fc'our friends. Your success in social affairs is determined by one factor that is common to all leaders the ability to' know how to do a thing correctly. The cost is so reasonable that it is inexcusable by your friends not to avail yourself of the opportunity to be a leader. Telephone B4819 today for an appointment Thelma Stroh's Dance Studio 108 Nebr State Bank Bldg 15 & O ALL WEEK Across The Pacific With MONTE BLUE Ralph Scott at tha Conaole Shows 1, 3, 5. 7. 9. Mat. 10c, IS, Eva. 10c, 30c UPIKTtts) vni m ww or m w . ORPHEUM JJJfSjJt Wednesday, Nov. 12 MAIL ORDERS NOW MESSRS. SCHUBERT PRESENT GAY, GOLDEN, GLORIOUS t 4 I I II 11 M 1 8 OF AGES E.clos. Sail Addra.sed and Stamped Ir.aure Safe and 5 The University S:'i! o f Music Thirty-third Year If you are going to study MUSIC Investigate the adv.nU... M.-T .tn.or. accredited to Opposite the Phone B1392 Graves Three Door. South of Univeraity Temple SCHOOL SUPPLIES ENGRAVING PRINTING Uni. Seal. N". Fraternity, and Sorority StaUonery STANDARD RENT-A-FORD CO 1137 P Street NEW PLACE Lowest Rates NEW CARS :ORDS-BUICKS-OLE 8 . Courteous Service NO DEPOSIT Two Years Ago Profossor Paul II. Grumman, di rector of the School. of Fine Arts, conducted a course in Continental Drama for the Omaha Forum, the organization of Omaha public school teachers. The course was given under the Extension Division of the Uni versity of Nebraska. Grace Dobish and Rose Faytenger related their experiences as workers in the Chicago industrial world. These young women, members of the industrial experiment group conduc ted under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A. worked in a factory for six weeks, studying, meanwhile, the so cial conditions in that sphere. Ex-Congressman R. H. Thome of Lincoln presented the Republican ar guments of the campaign to the mem bers of the World Forum at its meet ings at the Grand Hotel. "College Cars" Students have been forbidden tho use of cars at the University of Il linois. As a consequence all of' the horses and buggies available have been put into use as a means of transportation. Automobiles have been banned oft the campus at the University of Okla homa at Norman. The University of Illinois, Purdue and Indiana State are amnog the larger Universities that have forbid den automobiles on the campus. Automobiles will be banned off the campus at the University of Kansas if the efforts of Chancellor Lindley go through. The University of Michigan author ities were unable to pass an edict on automobiles on the University campus. University of Oregon authorities have appealed to parents to prohibit their sons and daughters from bring ing cars to school on the grounds that automobiles are the cause of low scholarship and increase danger of moral delinquency. Over 10,000 Schools Publish Newspapers There are over 10,000 schools in the United States publishing news papers and journals. Scholastic journalism is rapidly as suming a position of vital importance in American national life, according to Prof. Edward Johnson 01 Wis consin University. Professor Johnson gave as the chiefvaims of school papers the pro motion of scholarship, the develop ment of able leadership, and the for warding of community spirit in the school. With tha Finoat Singing Cast tha World - Famous Franz Schuhert Operetta Has Ever Assembled. MAT. 75c to $2.00 EVE. $1.00 to 92.50 All Seats Plus Tax Envelop, with Your Mail Order to Prompt Returns offered by thi. institution The University of Nebraska campus. 11th and R St. B-1644 REQUIRED CORN HAS GREATEST ANIMAL FOOD YALDE Prof. Mussehl- Declare That More Nutriment Contained in it Than Other Grain That corn is the most important of all the cereals which can be used for animal production was the declara tion of Prof. F. E. Mussehl of the de partment of poultry husbandry of the University of Nebraska in an ad dress before the Nebraska chapter of Sigma Xi Wednesday evening on "Vitamin and Mineral Requirements of Chicks." No other cereals, he pointed out, yields for a given unit of land and labor so many units of nutrients. The competition between humans and food producing animals for the di rect use of corn probably is more remote than with any other common foodstuff, Prof. Mussehl said, point ing out that mire than 85 per cent of the corn produced in the United States is now used for animal feed ing. Corn, as a food for poultry, is not a complete nutrient, lie explained. Yellow corn is deficient in minerals, proteins, and vitamins, the lack of which may be offset by the addition of 3 per cent of yeast to the ration. Expects Large Homecoming Crowd Missouri University anticipates the greatest homecoming crowd in the history of the university. The feature of the program will be the game with Kansas University, and the formal dedication of the new Memorial Sta dium and Memorial Tower. Princeton has the smallest fresh man class this year of the "Big Three" universities. The total num ber of freshmen at Princeton is 617, at Harvard, is 932 and at Yale 836. BOYS See our new strap watches white or green gold at $12 $18 $25 good looking, guaranteed 1 timepieces. HALLETT University Jeweler Est. 1871 117-119 Sol2 What the heck is the use of doing tomorrow what you can do TODAY. ' Get the "old bean" trimmed up today. The Mogul Barbers 127 No. 12th St. ffgBBranl A HANDY PLACE to get your mag., candies, toilet articles, stationery and school supplies. Walter Johnson's Sugar Bowl B-1319 1552 "O" St. Drive-It-Yourself All New Ford & Cryalers We Deliver Real Inaience National Motor Car Co. 1918 O St. B2125 Pies Pies They are Home Made JUST LIKE MOTHER'S The Fi'at Lunch Fill , you up 321 No. 13 Curb Service Wear A Strap Watch Pay on our CLUB PLAN From Your Allowance Boyd Jewelry Co. 1042 "O" Acroae From Colds Railroad Tie Furnished For Rally Two carloads of railroad ties were furnished by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for the huge bon Witt Fine Fur Trimmings-- YOU will love the luxurious beautiful effect of these coats, with their collars, cuffs or long scarf trimmings of fluffy furs, and their rich pile of suede-like fabrics. The deep rich colors of the season, are enhanced by the contrast of the furs, and the lines are slenderizing and smart. Bloused backs, wrappy effects, or straight line styles are equally popular and suited to the slim lines of the fashionable figure. CHANNEL RED, CLARET, BORDEAU, JUNGLE GREEN, GRACKLEHEAD BLUE, GREY, BROWN, BLACK and other shades are very popular. PRICED $39 to $275 THESE COATS ARE SUITABLE FOR GENERAL WEAR, FOR SCHOOL, FOR STREET, FOR AFTERNOON AFFAIRS AND FOR THEATRE WEAR. Second Floor 1 mmmm I : 1 S : 1.F 1 r t.t i ' ' - fire at the University of Southern California, The rally was held before the game with the University of California. Beautiful Dress Coats Gloves for the gam? mufflers for the game -and the right hat YOU'LL FIND THE BEST OF THEM HERE Pigskin gloves in many shades of tan; deerskin and capes; hand stitched with raw seams; they look like football . $5 Mufflers-silks, of course, to tie over like the old ascot, or to be worn with a carefree air, in block pat terns, stripes and all-over designs. $3.50 and up Cedarwood flip brims are the hats ; in all the rich tans you find in cedar cigar boxes . $5 Henry F. Schulte, track coach at the University of Nebraska umpired the football game between Iowa State and Grinell last Saturday. & it le-