TUB DAILY N1B1A8KAM HUSKERSi START INTENSIVE DRILL Bearg Puts Squad Through Practice Intended to Im prove Offensive ARE TAUGHT NEW PLAYS With all the men in good physical condition Coach Bearg started inten sive drill for the Thanksgiving Day clash with Notre Dame yesterday hy concentrating his attention on new plays designed to strengthen the Hus kers offensive. A change of major importance was made in the line shifting Hutch ison from center to guard on the of fense and putting Wostopal in as of fensive center. Hutchison will con tinue to play defensive center where he has been so effective in checking the attacks of the opposing teams. With all games out of the road except the important intersectional clash with the Irish, Bearg started to teaching the team a number of new plays. The Huskers have outclassed any team they have faced this yesr in the quality of their defensive work and Coach Bearg hopes that the new plays added to the old will enable Ne braska to go on the field Thanks giving with a vastly Improved offen" sive. Drills on fumbles which have played havoc with Nebraska scoring this year also is being carried on. Fumbles in critical moments cost touchdowns against Oklahoma and Kansas and were instrumental in leading to the defeat of the Corn huskers at the hands of Drake and Missouri. This weakness has been gradually overcome and serious ef forts are being made to stop the fum bling before the Notre Dame game. Last night the team scrimmaged with the second team developing the new plays added since the Kansas Ag gie clash and was then Bent against the freshmen. The rest of the week long hours of scrimmage are planned on both offensive and defensive with the freshmen trying out the Notre Dame plays against the Varsity to night. The squad has gradually dwindled until last night there were less than three full teams in -the field in the early part of the practice session but Coach Bearg hopes to have three full teams ready to go on the field on Thanksgiving Day against the Notre Dame team. Exchanges As a "'t of physical examina tions at Northwestern university, the men were found to be less physically fit than the women. The student council at the Uni versity of Kansas has decreed that the freshmen suffering from cold wear red ear muffs. JDHIORS WIN THIRD GAME OF TODRNEY Helen Hansen Makes the Created Number of Coals in Women's Hockey Contest In the third game of the Woman's Athletic Association hockey tourna ment Tuesday the juniors won from the freshmen 9 to 6. During the first half of the game the juniors threatened the freshman goal most of the time. The defensive work of the backs, both freshman and junior, was splendid. Helen Hansen, the junior right inner forward, made the, greatest number of goals, four in number. The freshmen put up excellent opposition for a new team, the juniors having played two years. Lineup for the game as played: Freshman pos. Junior Kendall hw Chapman Eastabrooks ri West Clapton c Schrader Petersen U Hansen Kunkler lw McDonald Frahra rh Kidwell Olnhauser ch Zorbaugh Hoag lh Schuebel Gran rb Safford Halgren lb Follmer Bergtraesser g Whelpley Substitutions: Freshmen, Lehman for Koag; Richtig for Halgren. Scorekeeper: Miss Simpson. Timekeeper: Alice Pfeiffer. Referees: Miss Wagner, Miss Wheeler. "True Refinement" IN YOUR STATIONERY A complete line of Eaton Crane ann Pik Stationery Lleier Drug Co. "Ahnr tlM Bt" B C141 We Dallvar r - vk tf Mallf, ym hmk ti- b- . ntJ K4 irv thm bitm Cbvto suit 4 rvcrcwrt r 1 The tower of the beautiful mem orial chapel on the campus of Carleton college, Northfield, Minn., is highly lighted with colored spot lights. Three hundred and sixty dollars has been paid out from the agron omy department for cotton picking this fall, at the Oklahoma A. and M. college. Polo has been added to the list of athletic activities at the University of Utah this year, with the addition of of thirty thoroughbred horses and the construction of one of the best sta bles in the west. There are fourteen University of Kansas graduates enrolled in the Harvard graduate school of business administration. The University of Kansas ranks fifth in the number of students attending the business school. Students and alumni at Wisconsin have pledged in all but $300,00 of the amount necessary to erect the monstrous new Wisconsin union which will cost over $1,500,000. Red Grange's jersey worn in the Pennsylvania game will be framed and hung up at the University of Illi nois. His number 77 will never be given to anyone else. After going for eighty hours with out sleep, students at George Wash ington university were subjected to tests which proved that the loss in no way affected their mental powers. New students at the University of Texas this year are to be given an opportunity to do their part toward completnig the Memorial Stadium, according to officials of the Stadium Association. The system of having afternoon classes has been revived at Princeton University. No classes have been held in the afternoon at Princeton for twenty years. 'The Mustachio Club" which ad mits to membership only men who can maintain one-half Inch of genu ine mustache, 800 to the square Inch, has been formed at Pomona college, Claremont, Cal. Fall enrollment figures from col leges indicate that agricultural at tendance is on an increase after many years of gradual decline, ac cording to J. R. Sage, registrar of Iowa State College. There are twenty-eight students are, candidates for the Rhodes schol arship from Indiana this year. This is an increase of eight over last year. Qualifications for selection are liter ary and scholastic attainments, quali ties of manhood, force of character and leadership, and physical vigor, as shown by interest ni outdoor sports or in other ways. iiiiMiMiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiini: Of the 167 University of Wiscon- sinsin students who borrowed from the student loan fund established in 1923 by Kemper K. Knapp, Chi cago attorney, eigthy-five have al ready made return payments. The college man of today is read ing three times as many books as did his father when he attended college twenty-five years ago, says Asa Don Dickinson, librarian of the University of Pennsylvania libraryr. The Ohio State University plans to build three dormitories for womn, naming each for the president of the University, William Oxley Thomp son. So far Oxley hall is the only one completed. Serious trouble was barely avert ed by tho action of several students of the Colorado School of Mines who stole a banner from the stands of University of Denver recently. The Mines student body sent a letter of apology and promised an early re turn of the banner. Evidence of college spirit in the far west is shown by the fact that reservations for places on an eleven car special train from Denver to Salt Lake City have all been taken. The occasion is the traditional game between Utah University and the University of Colorado. At the University of Oregon every one speaks to everyone else. One of the walks is called "Hello Walk," and here specially everyon e is ex pected to say "hello." Among other traditions of the Oregon campus are, that all freshmen must wear green caps and sit in the balcony at all as semblies. No smoking is allowed on the campus. The University of Missouri has or ganized a polo team. A game has been scheduled with the University of Oklahoma which is probably the only other school in the valley that can boast of a polo team. Buck Lectures at Duchesne Prof. P. M. Buck of the depart ment of comparative literature re cently lectured at Duchesne college in Omaha on "The Elizabethan Stage and Shakespearean Drama." Total blindness does not deprive six Ohio State students of a college education. Five men and one wo man blind since birth, attend Uni versity classes, take interest in cam pus activities, and have desires, as pirations, and ideals as high as those of their fellow students despite their handicap. ' LOST. Phi Omega Pi pin. cU B 6047. Reward. WANT ADS LOST: A red pocketbook In or near the Social Science building. Please return to Administration Hall 104. Reward. ) Experienced two payment maga zine men to open office covering en tire district , Full co-operation and protection. Send $1.00 for supplies and complete information. Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincin nati, Ohio. LOST: A brown leather purse with painted decorations on front. Call F 2003. Tutoring University graduate wishes to tutor in French and Spanish. Close to campus. Call L 4196. mum iiiiiiiin nun ilium linn i iiiii urn nuiiiii u inn nmmii urn mi miiiiiiimnimi I For Your Next Date ! i i See THE STUDENT DIRECTORY I imiiiiiiiiimiimimiiiiiimmmmiiiiim iiiimiiiiiii mil i iimiimmiitmi 11 iiiiiiiiimmmimmmiiiiiim niimiii i Salesmen Wante4 Magazine men, crew managers, dis trict managers, organizers, experl. enced on two pay plan, also special offers, write or wire today for rel proposition. State fully experience. Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Pl Cincinnati, Ohio. ' w-m.r unve ic loarseiii Drive There ! "Getting on" in school or in life is snapping into things. Get there "classy, like" for that date, game or any engagement in a new Saunders car. For parties, out-of-town games, etc., it's cheaper than rail. Come and go on your own schedule. New cars! Choose your model! AUNDER SYSTEM . 238 No. 11 st. B 1007 I'miim mini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiitiiiin We Again Remind you that we are headquarters for authentic styles in COLLEGE MEN'S CLOTHES Buy here and save money ON THE CORNER "MS miiiMiiiMiimiiiHimmiiiMimiiimiiMiHMiiMimiimiiiiMHiiHiMmHH W hen the wintry winds are blowing Hot Chocolate or Coffee with a delicious sandwich taste mighty good at When you're sitting by the fireside on Sunday night with the "Only Girl" a bcx of chocolates taste mighty good especially if they came from MM -V A Tina Caver la Ctudy Hears Those question about words, people, places, tnat aijse so frequently in your reading, writing, study, and speech, are answered instantly in the store of ready information in LILEGHAITE The Beat Abridged Dictionary Baaed upon WEBSTER'S NEW IN 1ERNAT10NAL Hundreds of new words like dactylogram, electro bus, Sechette; names such as Cabell, Hoover, tomtits; new uazetteer entries such as nanria, vimy, Monte Adtmello. uver 105,000 words; 1,700 illus- uuoua; i,xjo pages; printed on r t V Bible Paper. See It mi Yottr Colltf Bookmtor Budget Buying of Clothing is a Boon To All Men Of Moderate Income CLERKS SALESMEN MACHINISTS TRADESMEN POLICEMEN BOOKKEEPERS RAILROAD MEN FIREMEN MECHANICS MINISTERS TEACHERS UNION MEN STOREKEEPERS PROFESSIONAL MEN and every type of thrifty wage earner this TEN PAYMENT PLAN is for YOUR accomodation i OF COURSE you've always aimed to dress well even if you sometimes had to wait a week or two to get together the amount you wanted to put into a suit or overcoat. at one time But those elf of our And usually you paid a pretty good price to get the best quality even if something else had to wait awhile. And it wasn't always that you felt you could afford to outfit yourself al out of one or two or three week's wages or savings days have gone forever the minute you avail you new CHARGE SERVICE ; TEN PAYMENT PLAN Get what you want, all you want, when you want it without emptying the pay envelope a dent in the Savings Accounts. Just come here and pay 25 per cent. 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