T II E DAILY NEBRASKAN HOLD FEDERAL EXAMINATION Civil Service Commission Has Vncn cies In Coast and Geodetic Survey. The United States civil service commission announces the open com petitive examination for junior carto graphic engineer. The receipt of applications for jun ior cartographic engineer will close October 3, 1925. The date for the assembling of competitors will be stated on the admission cards sent applicants after the close of receipt of applications. The examination is to fill vacan cies in the coast and geodetic survey, Washington, D. C, and in positions requiring similar qualifications at an entrance salary of $1,800 a year From this position promotions are made in accordance with the civil service rules successively to the higher grades as vacancies occur at salaries ranging from $2,400 to $0,000 a year. The work of the cartographic engi neers in the coast and geodetic sur vey is technical in character. It con sists in the utilization of the data re sulting from the field surveys of the bureau, or obtained from a wide variety of miscellaneous sources, in the compilation and correction of the nautical charts which guide all ves sels in traversing the navigable tidal waters of the United States and its possessions, and of other professional work in related physiographic prob lems. Competitors will bo rated on prac LINCOLN THEATRE Only 2 MORE DAYS Dependable Entertainment Today and Tomorrow Then Good Bye HURRY!! HURRY!! HURRY!! HAROLD LLOYD in "The Freshman" NEWS, FABLES, REVIEW Lincoln Symphony Orchestra Wilbur Chenoweth, Orfanist Shows at 1, 3. S, 7, 9. Mat.-Eve. Adults 60c Chll. 25c. RIALTO Theatre MON TUEi WED "SUN-UP" The play- that touched the heart of Broadway WITH CONRAD NAGEL, PAULINE STARKES A Metre-Coldwyn Picture A Wild Papa A Chaser of the Blues KINOCRAMS, TOPICS, TRAVEL RIALTO SYMPHONY Jean Schaefer, Dir. Shows 1, 3, B, 7. . Mat. 25c, Nite 40c, Chll. 10c. COLONIAL JS " BIC DOUBLE BILL GEORGE O'BRIEN In a Stirring Romanes "The Fighting Heart" "The Adventure of Mazie" ALSO VISUALIZED NEWS WEEKLY SHOWS AT I, 3, B, 7, 0. LYRIC THIS WEEK A program of thrills, Romance and Laughter WILLIAM FOX Presents TOM MIX THE LUCKY. HORSESHOE "HELEN AND WARREN" A New Comedy Series ON THE STAGE LEON VAVARA The Evolution of a Pianist HARRISON'S LYRIC ORCHESTRA MRS. MAY M. MILLS. Orf.nl. t SHOWS AT 1, 8, B, 7, . r""r? i i.-v i i.i. k Jr-for rvraYBOW GOCS--. VERNA HALWORTH & CO In Sonr. Musical Dance THAT'S ALL THERE IS" AMORDS & JANET Frenchie and the American Ctrl In' "Mf NS CHAPEAU" "BEAUX & BELLES" Fun, Music and Sons with Tom Josephine BRENNON A MALCOLM CLIFTON & KRAMER In the laufhable offering "THE SWEDE AND THE CIRL" JEROME NOBLE la a Novelty Surorlse "A CHINK EPISODE" NEWS COMEDY PICTURES Babich and the Orchestra SHOWS AT I: SO. 7:00, :CO. tical questions, drawing and letter ing, and education, training, and ex perience. Full information and application blanks may be obtained from the United States Civil Service Commis sion, Washington, D. C, or the secre tary of the board of U. S. civil-service examiners at the post office or customhouse in any city. REGISTRATION IN R.O.T.C. LARGER Store Room Makes New Record For Number ot Uniform Issued In One Day. Registration in the military de partment up to noon Saturday was slightly higher than last year. The figures were 1328 basic course stu dents of whom 012 are freshmeh, 416 sophomores, and 161 advanced course men of whom 89 are juniors and 72 seniors. A new department record of store room issue was established Wednes day when 214 uniforms were checked out. The total number of uniforms issued for the week was 675, which is about one-half the total registra tion. The basic course uniforms were all sent to the cleaners during the sum mer, and are cleaned, pressed and re paired. Cadets with unsatisfactory uniforms should exchange them for better ones, store room attaches said yesterday. The contract for the advanced cuuiae uniforms uf the juniors has been let to a New York firm through a Lindoln concern, which will take measurements in a few weeks at a date to be set by the Commandant of cadets. Provide Book to Assist Freshmen A careful effort to grease the way for the freshman to slip quickly into university life at the University of Wisconsin is the "Freshman Hand book," issued this summer for the first time to Badger youths who have sent in high school credits for en trance this fall. Possessing this book, a freshman need not shrink from the ordeals of registering, securing a room, paying fees, and electing his course of study, says G. A. Chandler, assistant secre tary to the faculty. A meticulous ef fort is made in the book to explain such mysterious terminology as "gradepoints," "failures," "incom pletes," "eligibility," "conditions," "physical examination,"' "optional military drill," "advisors" and "de ficiencies." The book contains specimen elec tion cards, a map of the campus, specimen sheets from the time table of courses, rules governing under graduates, a registration manual, the university calendar, and the schedule for final examinations. Each first-year man Is also sent a copy of the catalog, a copy of the "gray book" which explains the rules regarding social life and extra-curricular activities, and a copy of the Summer Session Daily Cardinal. In addition, the University Y. M. C. A. sends to freshmen a handbook which ordinarily contains a "who's who" of the campus. For every student in the university there is a faculty ad viser who helps that student to regis ter at the beginning of each semes ter and advises him throughout the year on all matters with which the university and the student are con cerned. e preponderance of aclriceJs :- Always buy Remington Portable IT is the outstanding choice of stu dents everywhere, because it is the lightest, smallest, and most com pact of all standard keyboard por table machines. It fits in a case only four inches high. You can carry it anywhere and use it anywhere-and when not in use, you can tuck it away in a desk drawer or bookcase. You'll find it a great time-saver through out its years and years of service. Let us show you the many deci sive advantages of the New Reming ton Portable and explain our easy payment plan. College Book Store 11 SS R Street Llnciiin, N-l.tai.fc REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO, Poem 101, Bankers Life Insurance Bide., N and 14th Str. , Lincoln, cprice, complete with case, $60 l - - 3- - Present Model Mine to School A complete reproduction of the Davis-Daly mine and ita adjacent workings has been presented to the geology department of the Univer sity of Wisconsin by the Anaconda Copper Mining company, Butte, Mont. The model, which is very large, is valued by the company at Bbout $10, 000 and shows the vein structure of the central part of the Butte camp. The gift was made to Prof. C. K. Leith, of the geology department, who is planning to use it in the claBs and laboratory study of economic geology. Professor Leith has been doing extensive research in cooper ation with the mining company at Butte. Research Fund Is Still Short After a year's effort, approxi mately $70,000 nas been subscribed in the $100,000 mathematics research endowment fund campaign conducted by the Council of the American Mathematical society, Prof. Arnold Dresden, announces. Professor Dres den is in charge of the campaign in the territory from the Apalachian mountains to the Pacific coast and from Canada to the Mason and Dixie line. "One fourth of the sum has been subscribed by teachers of mathema tics, one fourth by industrial con cerns, and the remainder through ouctnin'ng and rTon memberships," Professor Dresden says. "The cam paign will be continued intensively during the fall among teachers and industrial concerns who appreciate the vast part that mathematics is to play in industrial progress," he says. Professor Dresden has conferred recently in the large middle western cities with insurance companies, pub lishers of scientific books, heads of industrial concerns, and other busi ness interests which profit most di rectly by mathematical research. List 1,000 Rooms for U. of W. Men Students A list of nearly 1,000 rooms avail able to men students coming to the University of Wisconsin at the be ginning of the fall term has been prepared by Prof. Scott H. Good night, dean of men. Rental of rooms in the 743 houses occupied by male students last year averager $4.08 for a Bingle room, $3.36 a student for a double room, $2.95 a student for a triple room, and $5 a student for a two-room suite. The lists' will be available to incoming students at the office of Dean Goodnight and in the Univer sity Y. M. C. A. Wields Gavel Made From Historic Tree Prof. Charles E. Brown, curator of the Wisconsin State Historical mu seum at the University of Wiscon sin, was the first president of the American Anthropological society to wield the wooden gavel which was made from a limb of the famous Chief Logan elm at Lewiston, Ohio. The gavel now is in the collection of the Ohio State Archeological society. Mr. Brown was elected president of the anthropological society at a recent meeting, succeeding Dr. Ber- thold Lanfer, of the Marshall Field mus2um, Chicago. Registers with the professor Four-Row Standard Keyboard neor. 'll mi' iienisu,.., I in Most durable I M & i Smallest- I GALL FOR BUSINESS AIDE Wide Knowledge of Foreign Trade Required for Executive Position. Announcement has been made by the United States civil service com mission of an open competitive ex amination for business assistant in foreign trade. Receipt of applications for busi ness assistant in foreign trade will close October 24. The date for as sembling of competitors will be stat ed on the admission cards sent appli cants after the close of receipt of applications. v" The examination is to fill a va cancy in the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce of the depart ment of commerce, Washington, D. C, and vacancies in positions requir ing similar qualifications. The entrance salary is $1,800 a year. After the probational period of six months required by the civil service act and rules, advancement in pay may be made without change in assignment up to $2,400 a year. Promotion to higher grades may be made in accordance with the civil service rules. The appointee will be in charge of the section reviewing all correspon dence between the bureau and for eign representatives and between field officers and business men, to insure reasonableness of request, compliance with bureau policy, and propriety of form. These duties re quire a wide knowledge of foreign trade activities. Competitors will be rated on prac tical questions, a thesis to be handed to the examiner on the day of the examination, and education and ex perience. mm. AFTER u. EVERY hWUI., IMC A I affords benefit as well as pleasure. Healthful exercise for the teeth nd a spur to digestion. A long. lasting; refreshment, soothing to nerves and stomach. The Great American Sweetmeat, untouched by hands, full of , flavor. I ( Mi i . 1 , i I "3 1 1 ' r'prs niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM L-J atr3 ii -tt.m. THE LINDELL PARTY ja,f tf I Illil'H ?'! II II llf lm " V4i t .umiUii nil mi ..sinus iuii 1 1 1 mil t is Miss Esther Markovoitz Art of Dancing Former Director of Dancing for United Neighborhood Houses of New York City Russian Bsllet Dancing Toe-Br work Limbering up and stretching exercises Oriental Interpretive Folk Characteristic Dancing Acrobatic Technique. CARROLL DANCE STUDIO Phone L6028 Nebr- Sut Bw,h B,d- U-u-m-m-m good to the last crumb! Crisp, sweet doughnuts, fluffy cakes, cookies with nuts, and other toothsome dainties that fairly melt in your mouth! Our Delicious Baked Goods will make your next party a "wonderful" affair. We take special orders for them, and it's a positive guar antee of a good party to have the refreshments just right. Picnics are twice the fun if you don't have to prepare the lunch! Order our in dividual PICNIC LUNCHES, for 50c and 75c, and in sure a good time. Fifth Floor i 1 1 1 1 1 1 rn i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri i 1 1 1 m ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i m 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 m i I Hot stuff for'cold days j Cold stuff for hot days Flowers for your Sweetie Sweets for your flower 1 Dainty refreshments 1 delicious candies I choice flowers. 1 B1540 1 1 1 inn u in l r i ttn i it!) ii 1 1 1 1 hi 1 1 m rn m i mi 1 1 mi iiir ir m 1 1 rt 1 1 r i r ii 1 1 1 1 1 Announcing the opening of HOUSE Friday Night, September 25th "THE NEBRASKANS" playing - 9 Pieces 9 -Larger and Better Than Ever "Ml? 1Hfftltltfrf1tffltftfftlffffttfffHfMtHfftHtf III f f iit.ni it iiiiiiiiiiii it ittit nits . itsi Jleiiiiiiiiiliiintit 14th & O r r ll ill 1 11 luir 1 11 tr ii iimi i iir 1 1 r 11 1 iif it i iir r m r r rii i mi i ism r im mi mi i in 1 1 m nr nron ir 11 mi r ci iUU.XUU, Can Shout "Eureka. 21:3 the gold band keeps the cajp fiom splitting. Just pick up a Conklin Endura the next time you are in your favorite store and then you'll know why ecphonemes were invented. Conklin Endura, at $5 and $7, in red, black, mahogany; long or short; clip or ring cap. A wide variety of other Conklin pens and pencils, in rubber and all metals priced as low as $1.00 for pencils and $230 for pens. Conklin quality in every one. THE CONKLIN PEN MFG. CO. TOLEDO, OHIO Chicago Ssa Frmndjco Boetoa ENDURA lwimdihoaallv V ftrfxtuslls Gwronta For Sale by College Book Store, C. Edison Miller Co., Co-op Book Store, Hallett'a