THE DAILY NEBRASKA N S3 FOURTH ANNUAL DE MOLAY VARIETY SHOW JAN. 16-17 ORPHEUM Don't mis, this chance to ee the cream of Lincoln talent in a first class performance. SEATS NOW ON SALE y ALL DE MOLAYS $1.00 RESERVATIONS START 10 P. M. TODAY AT ORPHEUM BOX OFFICE LIBERTY MON.-TUES.-WbU. A Bif Bouquet of Melody, Fun and A " Vaudeville Novelties. The Famous Funsters Val & Ernie Stanton The EngHh Boy From America VERSATILE OCTETTE Seven Clever Girls and Chap COMEDY SONGS AND DANCES Amaranth Sisters And Two Amazing Youths In -A VAUDEVILLE FANTASY" BENNY WALLIE Burt and Lehmann In a Singing Comedy Concoction "NOTHING ELSE BUT The Amazing Entertainer! Bacardi Trio Three Crazy Sailor "Ten Scars Make a Man" A Red-Blooded Western Story "Current Views Minuta Newt" "BAB1CH AND THE ORCHESTRA Show. Start at 2:30, 7:O0, 9:00 Hotel De Hamburger 5 c Buy 'em by the sack 1141 Q St. OLYMPIAN STUFF Life around the campus as seen from the Mountain of the Gods. Send It to VARSITY CLEANERS and DYERS ROY WITHERS, Manager Phone B-3367 RIALTO A Screen Maeterpiece, hailed by all Critics as one ol the really Groat Photoplays ol the year MARION DAVIES in 'Janice Meredith' You'll Laugh. YouH Weep, You'll Shout and Cheer. "An Old-Fashioned Garden" Atmospheric Prologue. SYMPHONY PLAYERS SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p. m. It's not so much a question of how much it costs, but a question of how much sat isfaction you get, that counts. LIBERTY BARBER SHOP 131 No. 13 ELMER A. WARD New Dancing Class Starts LYRIC THIS WEEK Corinne Griffith and Milton Sills la a New Society Drama "Single Wives" ON THE STAGE At 3:25. 7:25, 9:2S p. m. The Marvelous Mysterious EVA FAY The Psychic Marvel of the 20th Century In Her Weirdly Wonderful Offering THALIMATURGY Answers All Questions ASK HER SHE KNOWS SHOWS AT i, 3, S, 7, 9 p. m. Tuesday -f Eve 8 p. m. Enroll Now Phone L602S Private Lessons Day or Evening & TjT . r 1 - a. Carroll's Nebraska State Bank Bldg, 15th and O. Stags Dancing All Types Taught. POISE AND PERFECTION. This morning, our dearly beloved 'earers, we shall dissertate upon "Poise." It is one of our favorite subjects, and we are continually des canting upon it to our friends. It often bores them, but that is what friends are for. The best poise is that state of balance obtained through perfect knowl j t i -j f ir. r,o' evirrnundinfirs. strange though they cu&e ui uiieat:il uiu pcucvw -... - - v. ! u: v.,,ti; .nuntrv where the average person usually II1UV LIC. UUt 111 bUI3 "-"-""Jl - " lacks that sameness of environment and continuity of breeding found back home, true poise is a rare quality; it must be cultivated to be had. We have long maintained a theory that if one assumes the outward ap pearance of a quality, eventually he will come to have it. What a man ap- k i , tv v. mnro Knpcific. the thine to do is to assume an absolute ease of manner under all circumstances. This will serve for or dinary purposes, but it is by no means the pinnacle oi success, me o. of poise is assurance, and in order to ODtain n, speuai essary. Tir tk-f ,mn nttonH what is euDhemistically called a Chris tian Endeavor meeting at one of our many churches and try to convince those present that there is no such thing as a uoa, wnavever uc own convictions. Or you might tell a minister that you believe the Golden Rule to be only an inverted form of selfishness. (A little study of Nietz sche's "Thus Spake Zarathustra" will give you material.) If we some day realize our ambition to teach this course, the text will be P. G. Wodehouse's "Leave it to Fsmitn. xou snouiu u a Vn. tainable at the City Library) in order to find out what poise is. we rec ommend, too, careful study of Ralshoven's picture, "Donna Tosca, now on view n the art gallery of the University library. . j in nnise. wp Kuce-est wearing a monocle. AS B IIMUI, giauuaic w I F ... ml. j. it. .,:!. .nl1n;viiti vnn rp comrjietely educated, wnen wnen you can uo mi mm j . . , ,, n j you think you have achieved that Absolute Aplomb of the Perfectly Poised J " ....... . tTl V. 1 A 4a fnof XT nil ft TIT. Personality, drop around to the oince ana we snau uo Bm v rm.. oil thU rhnttr is that we really mean it. But ine queer ia i c auuut - now that we are through being serious for today, here's for some flippant versification by our friend Celia. ... - - SATIRIC THRUSTS AT SATYRANUS. Who is Satyranus? What is he? Why is he? What has been done in the matter, and why? Sad is he, mad is he, wholly awry is he, Stupidly clever, laboriously sly is he, Smugly satiric, but most of all, dry is he, Conscious of genius and not at all shy. Egoist, satirist merely an attitude, Epigrams shallow he makes out of hand ("Epigram" means an original platitude) J Personal satires received with small gratitude, Poor narrow intellect, bounded in latitude, Ridicules all that it can't understand. He is so dumb that he laughs at Claire's wittiness, We have Claire's word for it; yes, and God wot! He jests without feeling for time, place, or fittingness, His humor has little of art or of prettiness. His stuff lacks the slight mitigation of flittingness. What has been done about him, and why not? . . .... CELIA. - She t And now, Goorjre, what did you leant to do ut collcguf Georfro i Blow smoko rings and wear 1- inchlcy Clothes. TOWNSEND Portraits. "Pre serve the present for the future." Adv. WANT The Hauck Studio "Our Pictures Speak for r"l F 7 J i nemseiues Hauck and Skoglund, Photog rapkars 1216 O St. B2991 MODERN sleeping room in modern home. One or two gentlemen. Phone B-2537, 609 South 11th St. I Colonial week In Spain They PUy tho Cams af Leva for Keeps. Ses "The BANDOLERO" With a Thrilling Bun Fight. "MYSTERIOUS MYSTERY" Aa Avalanche of Laughs With "OUR GANG" JACK DEMPSEY In a New Story "BRING HIM IN" K1NOGRAM3 OF INTEREST SHOWS AT 1, 3, fc 7, 9 p. as. sa Almost on the campus Just three doors south of the temple ! Yon can get that popular personalized stationery with your narrfe and address on it at $1 for 200 sheets and 100 envelopes. New Guard PINS Plain and Pearl Set $1.00 to $10.00 H ALLETT I UniYertity Jeweler I Fatal. 1871 117-119 S. 12 Millinery has reached the heights of altitude, in crowns like Tyrolean mountain peaks, and of popularity, in these stun ning models so generally becoming. Fancy felts often sport pompoms or a gaby bow on top. Suede also, is a favorite, and the colors are nearly always bright. While peaked pinched-in crowns are all the rage, you should reg ister your fashion light ness by choosing one at once from Rudge & Guen-zel's. , , , , j; ..Yi ohmif tViin nopm that we don't like r ranKiy, mere is fu" w""" r . . Tt f thf. va are at all bothered about the somewhat slighting reference , .... v :4.:i ..JJ. -nritli a n nnr h nlanr. cesture and a to our wit; we Drusn sucn mwism - -- cynical smile. The point is, we think our contributors should not bandy words with each other in this fashion. And our friend Satyranus is at a disadvantage. He is not a woman, and so Celia will eventually have the last word. ... , i .,, oo Rotwmnjs make a i?oble effort to bring we snouia ime, uuweve , m his good ship Satire home to port in spite of the high-dashing metrical waves of Celia If he cared to paraphrase our friend Miss Pressky, whose work appeared in "Nebraska Verse, 1923-1924," he might reply in this fashion: What is Celia, If anything, That she should leave me Quivering? We are not prepared to say whether, as a gentleman, he could well do this Of course there is the possibility that he isn't quivering from the darts of her sardonicism, to change the metaphor. And, too, that he does not care to be a gentleman. But one can hardly, in good taste, suggest that. . . . A NOTE ON TECHNIC. As soon as I grew out of my youth I observed the error of my early ..:5o. Mv Barents lectured me, wnicn am no Kouu. have been administered from time to time; . U , would hav e b een cious. It was not given me, for my guardians solely a matter of intelligence. SATYRANUS. There is a pleasing humility about this note which contradicts most of what Celia said about the man. And he is a philosopher as well as a sat.r Zt for when we asked him how he felt about Celia's attack on him, he replied "I expect to be friends with men all of my life; with women, only a part." ther he understood her motives, he Ana wnen we wuuuvitu, - !. n declared, simply. "To understand women is to win . Pyrrhic i victory. Get out in the openl After noons or evenings rent a new car to drive at your own, Costs less than the theatre. You can go anywhere, any time, in open or closed cars, Saunders System 239 Nortn 11th St. B1007 forivoitVotirgclf; COLLEGE COATS SNAPPY.SERVICEAEII WATERPROOFS tll the go with College men Varsib'Sllckers ybu.5w om ouvi Sport Coats .Kfk te" -- m .s BOSTON B-2559. The Charlotte Beaute Shop MISS NEWER, Mgr. Specializes in the care of The Hair and Scalp. MYRTLE HAYTER. CORA NUCER. IRENE NEPTUNE fc.Xrfc.Kl iwArw.E.i--&w 1240 M St. Lindell Hotel There Are Reasons Why Greenedge History Paper is the best selling paper in Lincoln. REMEMBER IT'S BOXED! Originated and sold Exclusively by Latsci Brother 1118 O St. (Lincoln's Biggest School Supply Store.) I 1 MANHATTAN On Display Tuesday Only twice a year can Manhattan Shirts be purchased at reduced prices. Twice a year, on date set by the manufacturer, we can offer you unrestricted choice of Lincoln's largest as sortment of these justly celebrated Shirts, at 20 per cent discount from the regular prices. Manhattan Shirts come in neckband, collar attached and collar to match Styles in exclu sive Manhattan patterns, in printed Madras, woven Madras, white Madras, fiber stripe Madras, high grade Silks, White Oxfords and Silk Mixtures. Shirts Will Be Displayed Tuesday One Day Previous to Semi-Annual Sale You will be privileged to inspect these Shirts on our counters Tuesday it will give you an idea of the magnitude of our assortments, the desirability of the patterns and fabrics and the savings to be effected by purchase on Wednesday, at Per Cent Discount Manhattan Pajamas Reduced 20 Per Cent 20 Afpard for ken. L&Ecn & Children