. y TU1 DAILY NEBRASKAN ,.wn Portrait. "Tf- WEEK Unnl iri TIM IK rnLUlU , W The Greatest i 1 Fntartainment The W"IMI Inspirational Entertainment Jf? Hu Ever Seen. Cecil B.DeMilu's Mighty Spectacle DLUi i-J wn1"" - r - -ATARAMOVAT PRODUCTION" (Timoui Fityers-juo.y urp.i. ORCHESTRA of TWENTY ..t-.tktit trrrrTftTirorcT jjOM GEO-M-COHAJf THEATRE.1TY Seals Now Sslllnf lor all perform- NIGHTS BOc, 78c, t.00, 1JM. MATS.--WC. TSc. $1.00 tlu. Tea. Will not bo shown olMwhoro In Lin W crln within ono rear. Orpheum FRI. and SAT. MAT. SATURDAY VIM liy F J eftl !" NITE $110, Sc. BOc. MAT 25c, BOc, 8 Sc. LIBERTY MON.-TUES.-WED. Tho Foremoet Terpelchoreaji Artist La Bernicia Assisted by OLGA MORSELLI Violin Virtuoso And a Brilliant Company Tho Younf American Baritono WADE BOOTH Mildred Davio at tho Piano JOHN R. GORDON & Co. In a laufhabla comedy "BROKE" A Good Littlo Bad Boy SIDNEY LANDFIELD In Fun, Sonf and Music THE LIME TRIO Featuring EMIL SOIXINO In Thoir Latest Novelty "THE COLLYWOG" "INTO THE NET" An Amazing Story Election Returns by Special Wire Tuesday Nifht. The Nine O'clock Show Will Bo Continued Till Midnight. SHOWS at 2:30, 7:00, 9:00 RIALTO ALL THIS WEEK Wonderful and Fascinating NORMA TALMADGE la her latest success "SECRETS" "IN THE MOONLIGHT Atmospheric Prologue Other Entertaining Features EXTRA Wed. Night and Sat. Mat. DONNA GUST1N Presents twenty girls m "A RAGTIME REVEL" Tuesday SHOWS AT 1, S, S, 7, . r Oa the Stage MARINO REVUE A Pot-Pavrrl ol SONG AND DANCE JLSS'F. MILLAR The Modern Corysnee" -irianTTi 1 1 in muM n I Colonial The Amaatag TWtUer "King of WUd Horses" Uatamed, Uaceaaaarca, UarhraUd THE REEL VIRGINIAN" A Scream with OLYMPIAN STUFF Life around the campus as seen from the Mountain of the Gods. LYRIC wis Big Comedy Program "In Hollywood" Wittr Potash & Perlmutter A Daaxliag Cease ay Drama COURT PLASTER A Rlrcani mt Fan Also New and Taaacal Picture by Sp. Taesaajr Night The Niae OVWck Show Win Be Coa tmaed TU1 Midnight SHOWS AT I, S. S. 7, . TIHS Hobnob with the Gods Come up with us on Mount Olympus. Meet Jove; shake hands with Apollo. Come up in this rarified atmosphere and look down on the campus activities. Cultivate a superior attitude. You, too, can be intellectually snobbish. Be one of the intelligentzia, of the cognoscenti, of the sophistocates I WHY NOT Develop Your Wit? Undoubtedly there are people in this University who would walk mile to read one of your skits. Eventually you are going to get up enough nerve to hand in a contribution to this column; why not nowT Get a good pseudonym and start being brilliant. We can't guarantee to print everything you write, but we will do our best Remember, keeping everlastingly at it brings success. Please write illegibly and on both sides of the paper. Mail or hand in your stuff at the Nebraskan office, addressed to Claire Montesrey. Claire Montesrey Dancing School Lear to dance lor $8.00 Free lessons II you fail. Franzmathes Academy 101S N St. Phone BOOM. MORE OF THE PEUDESAVANTS RECORDS. Note: This is the second of a series of articles written exclusively for this department from the official records of the lost University of Peudes- avants. These articles are extracts from the records printed here for the educational value found in a contrast with universities of our own acquain tance. "During the period of general unrest which extended for a number of years after the unfortunate interruption just discussed, one of the hardest problems of the administration was that of the growing tendency toward the formation of a student opinion. Although the administration was fairly successful in getting most of the students, whose individuality might other wise have evidenced itself, into the organizations held as honors by the stu dents, but directed in accord with the best ideals of the University, yet the Weekly caused no . little trouble because of some bad tendencies. In the first place it happened that a number of students who were placed in con trolling positions on the Weekly had come under the influence of the ene mies of much that the University held dear. As a result, it was found nec essary to censure these students for their indiscretions in the handling of their writings. 1 "The wisdom of permitting the paper to allow contributions from the student body was brought into question by some of the incidents of this time. It was found necessary to exact a strict censorswp over me nature of these contributions, especially when the actions of the student body reached rather doubtful stages, causing some others to feel that open pub licity was necessary. The discussion of events of such a nature had to be suppressed in a number of cases because it so happened that a legislature was about to convene or a tax levy to be voted upon. In such cases, the best reDutation of the institution was maintained and investigating com mittees found none but the most satisfactory conditions among the student body and in the administration." DR. SWIFT. IN REMEMBRANCE. This is farewell: oh sing no more songs now! The autumn wind comes sadly whispering, The withered leaf must sever from the bough; For us there will not be another spring. When later loves have come in humble guise, And schooled my hands in lowly service' ways, Perhaps about me visions will arise, And fragrant memories enrich my days. I shall remember dreamy afternoons, And summer twilights, pierced with one pale star, And dreams that flew athwart autumnal moons, And wisps of song that came to me afar. I shall reglimpse, through sacrifice and love, The selfish, glamorous pageantry we wove. CELIA. UNIVERSITY OF X. Courses in yelling and cheering as well as in handshaking have been proposed for embodying into a newer and greater University. As yet we nrnnosed institution and for that reason have liaV5 IW VIIUU n s..w.. w w- I M. not named it, for we must follow the tradition that "he who giveth shall his name endure forever." Meanwhile, we shall content ourselves with our j . anH shall pall the Droduct of our dreams the Univer sity oi X. This will serve to distinguish the proposed institution from those of the past and of the present wnicn claim space in mis commit, ncmcu. ber, then, that the opportunities to be offered in the way of education in these fundamentals of successful living will come from the University of X, and none other. . We deem it unwise to make too great haste in offering suggestions lor nrnnnsed institution. Such things must be care- couraes i ovuuj r--r ... . i . fully planned with a view toward proper balance of the curricula. The study of ancient life is a proDiem. i nere n uwn oui.ic ancient world to modern society. The evident inability of the Oriental, Greek, and Reman civilizations to contribute anything of practical value to us of a more advanced age makes i talmost worthless to waste time in studying the past What, after a!!, has any age to tell to America? It is only because of a demand on the part of some of the persisting element in our educational system that we feel that courses in ancient lang uages and ancient history should be offered. We shall not apologize to our students f.r this action, but we shall offer the course in the most at tractive possible fashion. The following course, with a detailed explana tion of the methods that ought to be employed, will be suggestive of what the policy of the University will be in dealing with the more remote past These courses, it is expected, will be filled to capacity. DEAD LANGUAGES MADE ALIVE. r--,v i -tin anil Sanskrit. Introductory course. The 1. r-iemenwirj . . . . . , 3 Greek alphabet as used in modern life. Latin phrases every student should know. Study of simple woras wnicn nave enr.uci from the Greek, Latin and Sanskrit Credit 3 hours. Sa. Greek and Latin authors. The great names in science, art, and . T...J :- -:iz..f translations. Credit 2 hours. .(Classes are literature, iveau i oimK-" . . ., . . t i opened by the class' standing to sing the opening ode, There is No Greek opci .. . . l J K k Inarnwrnr nt "Ht'i a man! Like Old Plato." followed ny a """-""'" , ".-.J":,, WWa a man? He's an Athenian man, r.uniuca4 . Wh.,n"nI " if.v-: t .11 riirhtl Whoze all risrht? Cicero! iTI "Ciceror With the das, in a studious frame of mind Irom me -"--. . Ltructor will play on the Victrola several selections t . ! classical jnus.c "I've got a new kinda man, with a new kind. line, an' that . Liry eif -, "I've got those Aeschylating osculating blues, and I don t mean maybe," "KathasariUagara, my boy, Oh! Dharmacastra. my boy " and other, of ap-k- nd. A lecture hour such a this should serve to supplement Plato's "Apology" for such a course.) ,u" . . . .... thna riesirinr well-trained minds, disci- 101. (Senior aivwvu.f a - - - ... ,, nlined by . study of the classics in the original in order to become College E m S. TTrl States senators from Massachusetts, ambassador, to Sea. ' AdSn by examination d consent of Instructor. Credit 6 DENTIST Dr. M. 0. Johnson 70S See. Mut. Bldg. Office Phone B202S Res. F2027. Send it to VARSITY Cleaners & Dyers ROY WYTHERS, Mgr. BS367. fTf7ENUS"ti mm mm Mt PENCILS ajSSa&a 170B thatafo rv orpcot, the A tmuab outoiwls all fcr peoMt poaca work, i? lMtdlcf?ee-3 copying taierfseti Lead fewest Get -""jr ftaj-ithA. -r I av e i : n y... kviala mm -Nebraska men: Ten first-class barbers are her t your service. The OgU Barbers (10 chairs) 127 No. 12th St. M raisasvs AJltr every meal A plcaataat tl S: l-a.st-t-l-a-tl alll mm fa Makea ia 1 a. i t m it, sANF0RDS FOUNTAIN PEN INK Will Improve the Action of Any Fountain Pen .llet 1 ALL ALL COLORS The Ink That Made VThe Fountain Pen Possible' Famous m s i9m a a Scotch Highball? Stemember tiiat aamr laAs sf gesi mV Sestcb r Tbat Weavd te fna. Sot sxr a aaoOaarl BHrh ener enaas die fa ear) eara sner roMea ta ertaa aata. tba enete erttk etrt allk saiaekne. The s ssasthln. t e ertta etaaat AFieeCaaJy I Oc Earn a ere Crushed! And yet could any thing be more gay and chipper than a wide suede belt of cherry red? But crushed it must be when worn low on the hips about a slim costume. For in the world of belts, to be crushed is the ultra something-or-other in smartness! At Rudge's you can get all colors of suede belts priced at $1 to $3.50. Spare Time Money Christmas Greeting Cards offer an un usual opportunity to earn $8(.00 to 50.0 weekly extra. Wsakly payment. Samples free. SeUing experience unneces sary. Get details. Write today. Dept. SiO. John A. Uertel Co, 31S W. Wash ington. Chicago. A3e raflasjs Jersey Silk Underwear in dainty shades. Jersey Silk Vests, with ribbon straps, in pink, peach, -i gr orchid and black. Spe- I cial values, each, Jersey Silk Knickers, in shades to match the vests, elastic ft Ar knee, cut full and long. AjT Specially priced, pair, Second Floor. &a RefUl With FORDS II SA mm mrni "The INK That Made At Fountain Pen POSSIBLE" LAST SATURDAY 200 FATHERS AND SONS voted unanimously that BRUCE' S boxed lunches are all that one could desire to satisfy the most ravenous appetite. A pleasing variety of delicious lunches and the quickest service are at YOUR disposal day and night and at our usual law prices, too. , Just give us a ring. We'll deliver one lunch or fifty and at the same speed ! B1540 14 & O Established I87T jSjiMaK sumtiMcbosh Ava Chicago, ILL. Nebraskan Want Ads Bring Results s V, Published in tht interest of Elec trical Development by en Institution that will be helped by what ever helps tht Industry. Worth looking into TT'S the most interesting study in the world. X What is? Why you, yourself. Put yourself under the microscope. Examine yourself most searchingly to find out just what kind of work you have a natural aptitude for. Don't leave your career to chance. Don't be satisfied with any nonchalant observation of what may seem to be your best field. Upperclassmen who have applied this careful self-study will tell you it helped them pick out the "major" which fell in most closely with their natural fitness. The result greater in terest and greater profit through their whole college course. Graduates will tell you that the man who turns the microscope on himself is happiest in his choice of a life-work. It comes down to tins some patient analysis now may be the means of putting you on the right track for the rest of your life. Western Electric Company Sim 1869 mahtn mnd dittnhutm tf electrual tqtapmtmt BEN TUKPIN JACK DEMPSEY la a new tae-y TIGHT i.M WIN SHOWS AT 1. S. S, 7, . hours. v. VAN V. iVtustW 12 rfm ttritt I CLAIRE MONTESREY.