THE DAILY NEBRASKAN OLYMPIAN STUFF Life around the campus at seen from the Mountain of the Gods. OUR NAME. We wish to corect a general (and quite erroneous) impression -which we frequently encounter on the campus as to the pronunciation of our came. We have heard ourselves spoken of and even addressed as "Hon-toss-rye." This is not correct. Some of the more radical members of our family pronounce it almost as it is spelled, some of them rendering it "Mon tree" and some dittoing it "Montee." But all the older members (and we hold with their ways, believing that they know best) pronounce it as "Mopps. We hope you will take notice of this and pronounce it accord ingly. We give warning now that we will pay no attention to anyone who hails us with a "Hello, Montry or any such barbaric pronunciation. Having fired the first gun in that matter, we feel more at ease. THE ROCKY ROAD TO CULTURE. The other day we got some peas in a cafeteria in Kansas City, and the uncouth barbarian behind the counter supplied us with a fork on which the two center tines were bent up. We found it impossible to eat the peas in the proper manner. They rolled off. But we were determined to be cultured. We had to be correct. So we speared the peas with the fork one at a time. There were two hundred and thirty-seven. Not very long ago at a jolly little tavern near the school we invented a new salad while at lunch, and had it made to order. Jolly old Hoy (the cook-chappie) desired to know what we called it. So on the spur of the nonent, as it were, we named it for our old home at Bentholmthy Hafl, Bentholmthy Manor, Bentholmthy HiQ. Bentholmthy, England. And even onto this day the careful observer, in glancing over the not at this quaint eating house (we are not giving its location, as we de sire it to remain exclusive; we cannot eat with plebiaa at the "hamburger joints,") as we were saying, the careful observer will find Bentholmthy salad listed. house, 644 South 17 Street, will be held tonight at 7:15. Plans will be mads for the football rally to be held Friday night Ckrutiaa ScWaca Society. The Christian Science Society meets Thursday at 7:30 in Faculty Hall, Temple. Dallam. The Delian will hold an open meeting Friday at 8:15 in the Tem ple. Miss Grace Schermerhorn of the American Child Health Association Jwill speak in the Social Science Au ditorium Friday at 1 o clock. Hobo Economics Clmb. Initiation of the Home Economics club will be held at 5 o'clock Thurs day. Eagiaaera Media-. There will be a meeting of all elec trical engineers Wednesday at 7 in Chemistry Hall 105. Ardutoctaral Eagiaeers. Architectural engineers will meet at the Acacia house at 7:15 Thurs day. AQ-Uiverairy Party Cotaauttaa. The AO-University Party Commit tee will meet in Ellen Smith Hall Thursday at 5 o'clock. Chairmen only should be present. Really, we thirk it quite "feat half nasty." a tasty dish. As one would say back home, it However, we will admit that we didn't know such a phrase was in use in dear Id England unta we read a little book on grammar by Prof. Sher win Cody, in whkh he quotes that remark. THIS WEEK'S TRAGEDY. Miss Susan Hoag5aand, in a speech before the Young People's Society for C""'-" Endeavor last Friday at the Vine Congregational Church, was teXling of her visit to the Art Gallery in Glasgow. "We were delighted with the collections of pictures," she said, "but they had ao copies for sale." Tragedy, friends, simply tragedy. Jast to enforce the prouaDciation of the word "khaki," which once we japed yoa about, we qwate the first two lines of a poem we have started: "Atop a precipitoMi cliff so rocky. A soldier lay in dingy Keep t- rhyme ia asiad aad yoa cast possibly go wrong. the athletic board. It was decided to take the band to Omaha for the football game with Creighton. The Varsity went through a stiff scrimmage. Several men. who had been injured were back In uniform. Varsity gains were long and consis tent. The scrubs made only one gain. The University of Iowa was wrought up over a trick played by the coach at Cornell, la. He sent his second team to Iowa City and it was defeated 88 to 0. The Iowans had looked for a good practice game, but the Cornell coach did not think it worth it to send his first' team into a game which they were certain to lose. LIBERTY MON. TUES. WED. A Daaciaa ud Musical Rra "BUS of 1924" Six IMnttM with THE KEENA GIRLS I Twenty Years Ago The faculty circus was announced. The notice claimed that the menag erie would contain many wild beasts "of great ferocity, captured at an enormous sacrifice of human life in the wilds of Africa." Professor Lucky was to handle them "as a mother would her baby." The hip podrome and horse show was to be in charge of Professor Taylor and CcL C J. Bills. The show was also to include a faculty football game, a slow-walking: race, a tag-of-war, each number accompanied by music from a 110-piece faculty band. The Pershing EiCe corps met and.; elected officers. Plans were made ! for early drills. j John Bender was elected captain of the baseball team at a meeting of Aad remeatber bow to proBoaace oar name. -CXAEBE MOXTESEEY. Send it to VARSITY Cleaners & Dyer ROY WYTHERS, Mgr. B33C7. Notices xi si. raws Eetmra copy (classroom writing. October S) is ia boxes UlftS)- Saas anary f results is a bnHefia hoard. Those anembers directed to see tiie instractor aheaU do a Henday or Tuesday. 3L 5L FOGG. I lama Fatty. A aecaal aneeCing of the Lat&eraa dab will he feeli at 8 o'clock Friday evesaagsa the socHrvest room cf the Uiirersiity Y- M- G. A. Officers wiD 1 &dUd at a shsrt baBaeas rotating. TheLattheraa Bible eJass will aoeet with Eev. Erck, Wednesday at 1 'clock ia Family HaJL Tn ij fJi aHa Oah Piasar. The Secondary E&acataea CSah will bold a dinner at 6 a'deck Tbnra dsy eweuxc ia Faculty Hall. The tackelt sale wall atsrt Taeeasy. Tick ets win be fifty casta. Isnanesit eoauaittees are expected to attend. Ira. Satnx. AH aoea baviag barbecae tickets or aaoaey exst check ia today frrai 1 to 3 o'clock at The Daily Nebras- ,kaa office. f T Oak. The Eoanemsky Qub will bold a meeting ia Facalty Hall Sstarday at 8 a'cJtocfc. The facalty cf the Home Ecooa anics department iaviie all fresh oea aad ether new stadestts ia Hoar departeaDt to a tea ia the reception rosea at tin; How Eooacanacs Eul4- mg from 4 to S24 'dee. Tfcars- day. Iraa Sfaa-a. A speosl aaeetimg f the Iroa Sphiax at the Fid Delia Theta W. A. A- beard anfTig today at noes ia 391. SU Yam. A regular aneetaag f the Ecsa Taa wSI be bell ia the Teanple l&C, Tharsday at 7s a'dock, I Y. W. C A. Staff Nataf. The -4ff f the Y. W. C A. will bold a fTma-r ftDd ty a woeet ixif it e'dsck Timniday ia EZLsi Sjffila HaJL Members of all per- 17ENUS VFEKOLS M fTQRMiisnlmrori f.rtu 'aaaon VI3 13 eaaii.ala 1 far pedempeaea war. lIUadkdepf i tmjm Vm Bnrawwiwiiaa How many people know bow to buy Diamonds? For particulars on "How to Judge Them Consult a Diamond Specialist Fenton B. Fleming Jewreler 1143 "O" 1143 "CT saxis- I Hallowe'en when Ghosts Walk and Pumpkins Grin When Glary-eyed Cats Hold Meetings and t Funny Old Witches Ride Hallowe'en Is Coming and If You Are Giving a Party or Are on A Deco ration Committee See the Favors and Funny Things For a Spooky-ooky Time At RUDGE & GUENZEL'S DAVE BENDER & HARRY ARMSTRONG -A CmU f Gaad tUm Cmmm Wrf" CHARLIE ROGERS & Co. ai tfc liafcibh satt THE ICE-MAN" Tka Ralltcfciaf Fnmstm BROSIUS & BROWN Tka BnaUbu WhJiw HARRY BERRY & MISS Tha CWk HiiMaiit ia "A VODVH. ENCYCLOPEDIA" -KIDEK OF THE PURPLE COW" -CURRENT NEWS a VIEWS" SHOWS J JO. TrOO. RIALTO ALL THIS WEEK REX CiCRAMTS u Scaramouche 17 ? nil's brt pUlahr with AUCE TERRY RAMON NOVARRO. ftlMnfcnii Pi ! aa4 BrOUaat Mc hr RIALTO SYMPHOXY PLAYERS SHOWS AT 1. 3. S. 7. S. LYRIC THIS WEEK ai 1 n.lj nrift ia "Revelation" VIOLA DANA. HOOTE BLUE HEWS TOPICS FABLE OS THE STAGE PRINCESS LAN I & CO. -HAWAIIAN PASTIMES SHOWS AT I. S. S. 7. . Fashion says- "THE SCARF" is a necessary accessory. ALWAYS appealing to the college girl, this season's scarfs offer sufficient variety of ma terial and style to afford real distinction in one's selection. There are Bright Crepes Imported WooU Cashmeres Imported Fibres All colors, plain, plaid, stripes. Prices range from 2.50 to 10.00 A Time Saver in Study Hours Those question about words, people, places, that arite so fre quentlT in your reading, writing, study, and speech, are answered instantly in the score of ready information in WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE The "Best Kbndgal TXaonorj Boial L'foa VEBSTtt-S KEV INTERNATIONAL X soca Law. Va Mm AmmsW. Oct KXJXB 1 ' WQrdnlTOaomoongUStpiigMedopBAit I rmir"Smrtmt Tmm- pnTi gnhmiglHI I ft1 irmmLm " 'V" " "" " I &fcCLMERJUAMCOL.Str-rc-" " Colonial week BIG DOUBLE BILL Jackie Coogan aABofFTMdersw Fnt Star tW Scries -THE GO-GETTERy Gem ww CTiUrm A Airtral, Vajfca SHOWS AT a. S. S. T. . The University School of Music Thirty-first Tear If yoa axe going to stady MUSIC DRAMATIC ART Investigate the advantages offered by this institution. Many instructors accredited to The Unhersity cf Nebraska. Phone B1392 Opposite the campus. 11th and R Streets. Bill f S" Nebraska School of Business Day and Night Classes tarter mmm ana t- tmsmmd Sa a Crw mamOut ta luM a swoi ifia at kSMnl far. DrJbr ara THOMAS A. W AriM FT. Pk. K, A. M, Cumcr O A I ta Sua. ra No Hour Charge Vfhj walk wIm row caa rent a brand f 5crpe or edan at 16c per a-He? There is KO HOUR CHARGE except Friday and Satarelay migbU and Sunday. Strppose yoa take a car Monday aaorniiig and retara it Friday before 6 P- M- and yoa have traveled one oule year total bd would be 16c only. No Deposit Required B-1007 223 21 ortk Devedh B-1007 We Elake Delheriea You can go to the Nebraska-Notre Dame Game Railroad Fare Free Many University Students have already earned their ticket. You can do the same. Its Simple-Easy-No Lottery Every University Student eligi ble man or woman. Come in and lei us explain IppzrtlFarllzrL Vszzn & Children i II triad Dmltjmnt h I malMStiMUmtiamOt ever ktlpi tit I Isiutrj. J III As a football player he's a good poet a IETS admit thai all men are not bom for J 'gridiron honors, just as all men are not born poets. Yoa can admire msn'i grit for plugging away at the thing that comes hardest to hint. He does derive benefit in developing himself where be is weakest. But to achieve real success it is onl common wisdom to pick out the line for whkh yon bare a natural aptitude and go to it. Particularly if yoa are a freshman it may be tzsefol to remind yoa of this principle, because it can help yoa start ofT on the right foot in both your campus activities and your college courses. If your fingers lore the feel of a penciL why not obey that impulse and come out for the publications? Yoa can serve Alma J later and yourself better as afirst-class editor than a third class halfback. Similarly, when it comes to electing your col lege courses, you will be happier and more effi cient if yoa choose in accordance with your natural aptitude. ' The world needs many types of men. Find your line, and your college course will be a prep aration fbr a greater success. Vestem Electric Company Sua lS9 maiat mmd tSniMn ilectrLel jiemact