The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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m tt n rv a T T V MPRP A SIT A N
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The Daily Nebraskan
Stattsa A. Umfai. Niscaska
I ka
UmW Diractiaa af taa Sraasat PWa atiaa
NWliM TmWt. Waaay, Tlioraar.
FrUy aaa jiias.y aiaas iria
Eananai uuum inmir mi
Oatcs Hsmis Allmim witk taw mr
Hm at FrMk&y ul Sua4ar
rase). Kickt. B-ua
BgtiMX omv Ual.ariity Hall ! B
Til. Py. B-eat, Na. 14a (a
rtmcm). Nicat. MUI
bMiW as t a dsn MMr at taa
ttiltir hi I larala. Mtrnn, aaaar act
a C1W Marc 9. fT, aad at ssacial
rata af pastar awxria.a far im Ssctiaa II OS.
act at uctaaar a, mhii
S3 yaar !-
SiaxW Caay, S caata
Watiaai Bartwall
Hack B. Caa
Wa. tara
Virtar HacUar
Pktlia 0Haalaa
AUea Taaasaa
Valla W. Ta
ai Uitv
1 4i tar
.Nawa Eaitar
.Nm Eaitar
Nawa Eaitar
taaaal CTrUttaraa
.Asst. Nawa Eaitar
Aaat. Nawa Eaitar
On SfcaU
Basiaaaa Maaacar
Aba. Rm Mmii T
SaaaMaa Mitaa llrxul.ti Maaacar
BajMiil S inlli.s Ca lalsti Maaacar
in Awg-wan m an advertising: me
This aolid foundation given Uni
versity publications by the Student
Publication Board through its di
rect and strict supervision is an in
valuable aid to the financial success
of those publications.
After all Awgwan's troubles, the
students are glad to learn that the
masraxine has surmounted the last
obstacle and is ready to resume pub
lication as the official humor m
paxine of the University.
Five Years Ago
Coach Schulte put every one of his
varsity candidates into the two-hour
scrimmage with the freshmen. He
had Just been in Lincoln for two
weeks and was getting acquainted
with the men rapidly.
The "Sunshine Girt." Miss Betty
Blodgett, conducted a meeting of a
Y. W. C A. committee to lay plans
for a drive for the Salvation Army.
She told of her experiences with the
American Expeditionary Forces in
Freshman convocation was sched
uled as the most important event of
the morning. The men met in the
Armory and the women in the
Awgwan, University of Nebraska
humorous publication, has at last re
gained the recognition of the Lincoln
Chamber of Commerce as an adver
tising medium. This approval
sures the success of the revival of
the publication. Before, with the
prospect of only enough advertising
for two or three issues, it was prob
lematical whether the magazine
would be able to continue even after
the final success of Sigma Delta
Cbi's struggle to secure the recogni
tion of the Student Publication
Board of the University.
The Talue of Awgwan to the Lin
coln merchants and the University as
an advertising medium can hardly be
over-estimated. One of the reasons
for its endorsement by the Advertis
injr Censorship Committee of the
Chamber of Commerce was given by
that body as the expressed desire of
several large advertisers that Aw
gwan return to the advertising field.
Many of the advertisers in the men's
wear fine, at the meeting of the com
mittee last June when Awgwan's ap
plication was refused, had said that
they considered the field fully cov
ered by The Daily Nebraskan. But
this opinion was probably biased, it
was admitted at the second gather
ing. The year 1924 would be the thir
teenth of its publication if Awgwan
had been issued last year. In the
eleven yean the magazine was pub
lished a comparatively short time
it gained a nation-wide recognition.
Awgwan was quoted by such humor
publications as "Judge" and "Life."
An aJsjonci reported that he read a
clipping from Awgwan in an Austra
lian newspaper.
This broad field which the Aw
gwan covered could not be well
reached by The Daily Nebraskan,
with its news purely of local Univer
sity interest, or by the Cornhusker,
of even greater purely local interest.
From this it is clear that the possible
field is not covered by The Daily Ne
braskan, as the Lincoln retailers at
tint held.
On its wandetifigs, Awgwan must la
inevitably carry the name of the Uni- J
Tersity of Nebraska with it, and the ,Eji
names of many of the students who
contribute to the writing and the art- EES
work it contains. This advertising.
increases the prestige of the Univer
sity as an institution which trains ac- -tive,
alert minds, and so draws to-
dents from the older colleges. This
influx of students seeking the best'rs
training must raise the intellectual 1
average of the student population at
The fact that a man is a graduate
of a certain college or university
often works for him or against him
when be is considered for si im
portant position in the business or
professional world which be serves.
If the University of Nebraska is ad
vertised by Awrwan as an institution
which deve!or keen minds, the pres
tige of the institution in these other
fields will also be increased.
And not the least of the good that
Awgwan does is to provide a defi
nite goal for art students and young
writers that of having their out
put accepted for publication in a
widely circulated magazine.
The SUM ent Publication Board
was an active advocate ox toe en
dorsement of the magazine by the
Lincoln Chamber of Commerce com-
uttee. The chairman wrote several
letters to the business men. Chan
cellar Avery, too, helped materially
in writing i the committee.
The fact that Awgwan was placed
mder the sunervision of the Stu
dent Publication Board led the Lin
eo retailers finally to give their en
dorsement to the publication on the
condition that the board secure a
trlct accounting of expenditures and
Tbe announcement by the board
that it would limit salaries paid those
who handled the magazine to reason
able amounts and require tbe re
mainder of t?e profits, if there was
any, to be vxd for such purposes as
t-hiljirrhips. alo increased tbe con
fidence cf tlie Lincoln busircs men1
Ten Years Ago
The men held a rally on the cam
pus in the evening. Freshmen took
a prominent part in the program.
Jack Best advised his "boys" to cut
out smoking, chewing and keeping
late hours.
"The boy who can dance all night
and play a great game of football
the next day is looked upon as a kind
of hero, but he isn't," Jack is quoted
by The Daily Nebraskan. "He's more
of a fool, and the chances are that
he wont be worth his railroad fare
the rest of the season.
Notice of a general election of the
four class presidents was given in
The Daily Nebraskan. Each candi
date was required to file his name
with the Registrar, and no one was
entitled to vote unless hi sname was
printed on the ballot. It was an
nounced by the Registrar that there
should be no soliciting of votes by
cards or otherwise near the polls.
Assigned seats indicated on class
buletu board (U106) and at SS107.
Creca GoUiac
The annual Green Goblin banquet
will be held tonight at 6:15 at the
Hotel Lincoln banquet halL
Kapaw Phi.
Kappa Phi invites all Methodist
women to a tea given at Ellen Smith
Hall Saturday, September 27. from
3 to 5 o'clock.
Class Officers.
Filings for the offices of the fresh-
sophomore, junior and senior
classes will be received at the Stu
dent Activities office until Friday,
October 3, at 5 o'clock.
Catholic StvdeaU.
Get-acquainted meeting at the K.
C Hall Sunday, September 28, at
2:30. All Catholic students are in
Cora cobs.
Corncob meeting tonight at 7:15
in the Temple.
Christian, Science Students.
The Christian Science Society will
hold its annual reception in Union
Hall, third floor of the Temple, Fri
day, September 26, at 8:30. AU in
terested are invited to attend.
Cosmopolitan Club.
The Cosmopolitan Club will hold
an open meeting at the Temple on
Sunday, September 28, at 3 o'clock.
Mr. Stepanek who has just recently
returned from a trio around the
world will be the main speaker.
Baptist Wonts,
All Baotist women are invited to
. .. n . . n
a tea at trie stuaent nouse, u m
Street, Saturday afternoon from 3 to
5 o'clock.
Filipiao Clab.
The Nebraska Filipinos will hold
their regular meeting at 7 o doer.
Saturday, September 27, in the Red
Room of the City Y. M. C A.
Xi Delta.
There will be a special meeting of
all Xi Deltas tonight at 7:15 in Ellen
Smith Hall.
Silver Serpents.
Silver Serpents will meet at 7
o'clock tonight in Ellen Smith Hall.
Palladia m.
Corroctioat There will be no meet
ing of the Palladian Literary society
this week, either on the 26th or the
Union will have an open meeting
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in the
Temple. Freshmen are especially invited.
Cross Country.
Cross country practice commences
at from 3 to 6 o'clock daily.
Eiu'.pment iray ba had any afternoon
from James Lewis or myself Conch
J. L)yd MtMastrir
Delta Omicroa.
Important meeting in the Art Gal
lery, Saturday at 2:30 o'clock.
Stadeats ia (he School of Jonr.
aalisaa a ad aay others who havo
had axpariaaca la aawspapar work
rh would like to report for The
Daily Nebraskaa ara requested to
call at the editorial of ficoa la Uni
versity Hall 10 aay afteraooa this
Vesper Choir Tryonts.
Tryouta for the vesper choir will
be held Thursday from a to 5 o'clock
at Ellen Smith Hall.
Coagrsfational Receptioa.
A student reception will be given
at 8 o'clock Friday at the Vine Con
gregational church, Twenty-fifth and
S Streets.
Kappa Phi.
Kappa Phi rally in the new Metho
dist parsonage, 1417 R Street, on
Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.
Lutheran Receptioa.
All-Lutheran reception University
church nijrht, Friday, September 26,
at 8 o'clock in the Y. M. C. A. rooms
of the Temple. Students are cor
dially invited to meet the pastors of
their churches.
R. O. T. C.
Measurements for uniforms for
advanced course men will be taken
until Tuesday noon, September 27,
at the west end of the third floor of
Nebraska Hall by Craddock, the Tailor.
. Methodists.
Formal reception for all Methodist
students at St Paul church Friday,
September 26, at 8 o'clock.
Ag Rally.
A student rally will be held in
the assembly room at Agriculture
Hall Thursday at 11 o'clock. All ag
rienlture students are urged to at
Xi Delta.
There will be a special meeting
of all Xi Deltas Thursday at 7:15 in
Ellen Smith HalL
There will be an important Luth-
. . - m. . o
eran (Jiuo meeting inursaay, Sep
tember 25, at 7 o'clock in SSI 13.
The young people of the Second
Baptist church will give a reception
for all students Friday, September
26, at the church, Twenty-eighth and
S Streets.
Remington Portable
tSrery Feature Common to the Big Machines
Vet it is so small that it fits in a case only four
inches high.
There are six good reasons why the Remington
Portable is the recognized leader in sales and
They are:
Ctrnfttweu mmi FmruUttf
law-Xs SumJmrJ Ktjbtcrd
Ejur if Ofrrmtttm
L'arecrW Strvia
Price, complete with case, $60. Easy payment
terms if desired.
Call in and let us show you the many advan
tages of a Remington Portable.
Jr yJ rasat
Complete Writing Equipment
Side by side in your pocket, Eversharp and Wahl
Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts.
Durability and dependability are common qualities
of these economical, practical writing companions.
The non-dogging rifled tip, quick reloading, and
complete interchangeabiliry of parts are among the
six new features which make the perfected Eversharp.
And the Wahl all-metal Pen is at par with Ever
sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in
weight, perfect in balance, resistant to wear, and
beautiful in design it is the ideal pen.
Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl Pen, 5 to $55.
Made in rheU&A. by THE W AHL COMPANY, Chicago 1
CmmmJUm f-rtwj, THE WAHL COMPANY, Lxi, Toronto I
If! S a I iaaWaVaaifiMaiiaWaWayaalaTafiaaTfiiiiai ija J
The 0ew P ERRECT E D
Tower the Qost cf Dressing
sum t i r ?
Pleasing style oound
tailoring value !
THREE migfity Lrrtarit
considerations in choosing a
new smt of clothes. Youll get
them all when you come here
the ne products of the Kirsch
baum flothing experts; style in
tune with the fall season skill
ful tailoringpriced to agree
7 vf'SJfJj wth your ideas of stisfymg value.
35 ?50
aW Baca faiaaalhaM aa
i li ii aiajp Hai
aa i I aas sW Us aWaas
af in ui ia-aasJiaSaal
Friday Evening, Sept 26
8:00 to 10:00 O'CLOCK
The faculty and students of the University of Nebraska are cor
dially invited to accept the hospitality of the Lincoln churches
and attend a general reception given by them to the University
community. Come and enjoy these church welcomes and the so
cial programs of the occasion.
Mldg 2GI 2a2Xl Co
Denomination Churches Location
Baptist First 14th and K
Second 28th and S'
Christian First , 14th and M
East Lincoln 27th and Y
Tabernacle 22nd and South
Congregational First-Plymouth 17th and A
Vine 25th and S
Episcopal, University Grand Hotel 12th and Q
Jewish Temple Bnai Jeshurum 20th and South
Lutheran-All Temple Building 12th and R
Methodist St Paul 12th and M
Trinity 16th and A
Grace 27th and R
Emmanuel 15th and U
Epworth 29th and Holdrege
Presbyterian First 13th and M
Second 26th and P
Westminster 23rd and Garfield
Presbyterian-United ' First 329 N. 16th
Reformed First 1519 Q
Unitarian Ail Souls 12th and H
United Brethren Caldwell-Memorial 18th and M
5 The Store For Men on N Si.