The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1924, Image 2

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By the Way-
I 5
The Daily Nebraskan
Succor I
rublUhea Sunday, Tuaaaay, WWnMto,
Tauradajr and Friday toraini at MU
You should try a meal at the
Lindell Coffee Shop.
A Place Where You really and truly
feel at home can
Beta TheU Pi spring pav:y,
coin hotel.
mk by tba unmrsit? nnu, s
.' f
Accepted for wailing at a pacta) rata at
Mint aravidad for in Sactloa 1103. Act
at Octabar 3, 18IT, authorial January tO,
Trof: When 'id Caesar defeat
the greatest number?
Stude: I Think on examination
Kansas Wesleyan.
Here's another.
Luis refused to tackle Horatius
Mus. Evidently he smelled a rat.
International University Night,
Uadar (So Dtrectiaa of tae Studaat PubU
callM Board
Tick: Did you go home for spring
Thi Omega Pi spring party, Scot
i 1 1
Tock: You bet.
Tick: Where do you live?
Tock: At 15th and R.
tish Rite Temple.
Thi Mu spring party, Lincoln hotel
Delta Sigma Delta house dance.
Sigma Chi house dance. ,
Somebody snuck into the Rag
office when the Rag Doll wasn't
looking and left us, the following.
The RagDoll is slowly recovering.
We hear that the International
Uni night is to be a colorful Affair.
Mkl f
Mac txy TVt Nabraaaa rraea Aaaoetatiaa.
Enrd at acond-claa aaattar a tae
reatottice la Lincoln, neoraaaa. uaow
- m . iM -
at teniTVH, marvn -
Subscripts " S1.00 jror
tlJI a Mlf
ita.u co n ct
Addraaa all coaaaaunicatioaa to
Editorial and Buaineaa Oflicea, Uaivarslty
Dar ....I41 UalweraJty EscKanr
Evrr aftornooa vita tbo estaatloa ef
Friday and Sunday.
Paul C. Rkhardon -. F-dit
William &rtw9. .. Maaaiat Editer
Marritt Bensaa
Waa. Card
Hock Cox a
Ci W. Hyltoa .
Ahco Tiuma.nH. Aaaiataat Newa Editor
Newa Editor
Newa Editor
Newa Editor
'Nm Editor
Daris Trott Assistant Neva Editor
Clifford M. Hkks Business MUK
Clarence Ekkhoff .
Otto Skold -
..Asst. Business Manager
Ctrculatioa Manacor
The Associated Press report of the j
mass mooting hold last Sunday at
Northwestern University, when an
vArnc'i atten-.y was r.vade to show the
world that the school was not a paci
fist institution, contains one cryptic
sentence which is of more importance
than are the accounts of the speeches
made by President Walter Dill Scott
and the other gentlemen present. The
sentence reads: "David Williams, a
leader in the extremist group at the
institution, was dismissed from the J
University yesterday." )
Why was the student dismissed?
The implication is ;uite obvious. He
was dismissed because he was an ex
treme pacifist and because he and
thirty-seven other students had signed
a pledge never to take up arms. Presi
dent Scott would probably tell us that
he was dismissed so that the good :
name of the school might rot be ,
tainted by association with the idea j
of pacifism. !
It would seem that University I
presidents would sometime learn that !
this sort of thing is dangerous. North-!
westernUniversity has done more than j
dismiss a student who was a pacifist, j
it has deliberately branded itself
as an institution where free thought
is not tolerated. It has made it plain
that any thought which is not agree
able to the president, the board of
trustees and those gentlemen who may
contribute or who have contributed
generously to the endowment fund,
is pernicious and should be rooted out
Pacifism may or may not be a
crime, depending upon your point of
view. The question is not whether or
not the student and the group of
students an question were right or
wrong. No one is going to ask Presi
dent Scott, or the University for that
matter, to endorse pacifism. But
there will be a number of gentlemen
who will want to know just why it is
that a University should dismiss a
student because the student thinks for
President Scott is going to find
that he has not protected the good
name of the school as much as it
would seem. What he has done is to
open the armour of the whole
American University system at a
very vulnerable spot. i
Those people who have read Up-
ton Sinclair's "Goose Step" will be
gin ta wonder if there may not be
some truth in that vivid, but one-i
sided and prejudiced work. The
liberal and radical press will be quick
to see the real significance in the ac
tion of the University and we may'
expect that for some time to come
these publications will be taking fre-i
qttent and gleeful pot-shots at Mr.
Scott and his colleagues.
There was a time when President
Scott might have been a bero, and
perhaps rightfully so. But that time
is passed. There are no German
guns thundering in France now and
"Over There" has ceased to be a
popular song, even with the Demo
cratic party. This is 1924; not 1917.
President Scott is seven years behind
the times.
EL B. C.
Isn't that good?
Famous Saying of Infamous Persons.
Now you'll have a lot of time on
your hands for the next few days so
I'll assign a few extra chapters.
good shape will do well to keep them
that way.
The home stretch is the hardest.
Methodist Student Mixer.
An all-M-ethodist student mixer
will be hold Friday, April 4, in the
Armory. Bring 15 cents for refresh
Commercial Club
Ticket sales committee must check
in to John Sheperd by 12 o'clock today.
Chemistry Examination
A makeup and condition examina
tion in Chemistry 3 will be given at
10 o'clock Saturday, April 5, in
Chemistry hall 315. Students are
requested to bring a receipt from
the bursar as permission to take this
Methodist Students
All-Methodist student party in the
Armory Friday night at S o'clock.
Everyone bring 15c for refreshments.
Admission free.
Freshman Baseball
All freshman baseball candidates
report for practice Monday, 3 o'clock
at the Armory.
Union club hike Friday niht,
April 5th. Meet at Union hall at
o'clock. Everybody invited.
The last copy for the Cornhusker
must be in by April 15th for sections
not already printed." The editors of
every department must report to the
editor today from 2 to 5 o'clock.
University Night
There will be a meeting of the In
ternational University Night com
mittee Friday at 5 o'clock in Social
Science 107.
Nebraskan Filipino Club
The regular meeting of the Ne
braskan Filipino Club will be held
at the Temple next Sunday at 3:30
P. M., April 7th.
p. m., April 7th.
Student Council
Special meeting of the Student
Council, Monday at 5 o'clock.
Peru Club.
The Peru club will have their pic
ture taken at the Campus studio at
I noon today.
Dr. Vance
Dr. Albrecht
Dr. Capek
Dr. Spencer
714 Security Mutual Bldg.
Phone B2643
Eight more weeks of scbooL
Spring vacation has come and
gone and the University must settle
down to the wind-up of the year's
Those who got off to a poor start
the first half of the semester will do
well to buckle down and make up the
lost ground, for vacation will soon
be upon us. "
Those who have their affair in
Don't Experiment
If you want profitable summer employment put your
effort back of a tried and proven plan.
For years the "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Company has
given profitable summer employment to many college
men. Last year 129S men from schools averaged $11.40
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Some records made last summer by University of Ne
braska Men.
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Terry Dietrich 69 $4433.80 $1773.52
E. R. Attebery 53 3478.60 1391.44
I. R. Ross 61 2633.50 1053.40
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W. C. Tatham 62 2397.00 958.80
For further information write
The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Akt yourself
v- a W9
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First-Plymouth Congregational Church
10:30 at 17th and A Sts.
will preach the first of a series of
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'Religion Natural to Men
at 7 :30 at 13th and L Sts.
You are invited to this evening motion picture service
as well as all the meetings and other activities wrr'ch ap
pear in the church column. A popular church for
Sir Walter
Oh --Henry!
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taste even better .....
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Tuba JSc Jr 75c
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