The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1923, Image 4

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(Continued from Tage 1)
when she had taken the ball in the
middle of the field and forward
passed her way to a touchdown. Only
once before had she threatened the
Husker goal. In the second quarter
she was on the Husker eight yard line
and the varsity line held and took
the ball on downs. Lewellen's kick
placed the ball almost out of sight of
the goal and when the half endeu the
Huskers were in possession of the ball
on the 40 yard line. .
The playing of Captain Lewellen
and Dave Noble were the outstanding
features of the game. Lew's general
shin And the manner in which he
handled the team were largely re
sponsible for the victory. His toe
made many yards for the team in ex
change of punts, his kicks averaging
over fifty yards.
Big Dave's line plowing and end
running never faltered through tn
It it's something new to wear
Or a place to go, or thing to eat
We bring these items to your home
And lay our service at your feet.
Good Luck for Everyone.
Do you know Happy Joss? He is
the god of all good thing for he
brings wealth, prosperity, long life
and great joys. The Orientals be
lieve troubles and sorrows burn away
in incense offered to him. He is par
ticularly fond of the new orange
blossom incense which has imprisoned
all the delightful odor of the orange
blossom itself. You can make his
acquaintance and find this new in
cense at Rector's Pharmacy.
New Frocka for U.
As long as women remain women
they will want pretty clothes. The
manufacturers realize this when they
make the things we now wear. Gold
Co. show what the manufacturers
have done for us in their selection of
new dresses of Charmeen, velvet,
satin canton, crepe satin, and roshan
ara at 29.50. These dresses have
just been brought back from New
York by their buyer. The frocks
have tiers, panels, and belts and their
are many of the popular coat dresses
as well.
Preparedness for Christinas.
When you have a little time that
you don't know how to use, just do
what I did this week. Drop in at
George Bros and do some early
Christmas shopping. I didn't have
a list but made one out there. There
was the best looking humidor for
tobacco and cigars that I am getting,
for my dad. There are lovely ivory
plaques which make fine gifts to any
one who appreciates something artis
tic. The Mah Jong sets are a joy
forever. They have a great range
of prices and you are sure to find
one to suit your purse. There are all
forts of accessories as well. If any
one is looking for something for me,
a feather pen is just the thing. A
rose one in a little jar of Steuben
glass would be perfect. Of course, I
want one of the enameled dorines.
They are positively the lovliest ones
I have ever seen. Another thing !
would like, and you will too, when
you see them, are the ear rings, and
beads to match which are the latest
in costume jewelry. The colors and
designs are wonderful. Now you see
why you should go into George's.
Novelty Footwear Is Featured.
If anvone tells you there is noth
ing new unde.' the sun, please con
tradict them. I want you to tell
them of the new shoe department for
women on the first floor of Ben
Simon and Sons. This department
carriers oxfords in the new fall styles
and a complete line of extreme nov
elty footwear. There is no reason
now why you cannot have any kind
of shoes that you want, for their
smart styles are many and range in
price from $4.85 to $7.85.
You Ideal for a New Car.
Everyone has an ideal automobile
in mind. Each one wants a good en
gine first of all, one that they can
depend upon to hit on all cylinders
under every sort of conditions. Then
too the car'must have a beautiful ap
pearance, for you know that you
want a certain symetry of line that
is not found in every ordinary car.
Another thing of utmost importance
is the comfort and riding qualities
No one likes to be jounced and
bumped about so this matter of
springs is worthy of your serious con
sideration. As you take the wheel
you want that feel of trustworthiness,
that the brakes and clutch are re
sponsive to the slightest preseu.-e. It
is rare that one can find such an
ideal but you can do just that if you
buy a 1924 Buick. That is the car
that embodies speed, power, beauty
and fine workmanship. That is the
car you want.
When We Write.
Fine stationery is one of my hob
bies. I just delight in the fine qual
ities and kinds I find at Tucker
Sheans. They have every kind one
could ask. They carry Hurds, Whit
ings" and Crane's fine correspond
ence stationery both in gift boxes
and in general stock. If you want
writing paper of any sort they can
supply you in the very kind you desire.
game and it was he who smashed
through the Notre Dame line In the
second quarter for the first counter
of the game. On an off tackle play
he hit the line and went twenty yards,
leaving a string of attempting tack
lers lying on the ground . It was also
Noble who jumped up in the air and
speared Rufus Dewitz' pass and
planted it safely behind the Notre
Dame goal for another six points.
II. Dewitz kicked goal for another
The Dewitz brothers acted as if
they were celebrating some kind of
an event. Herb had no considera
tion whatsoever for the visiting line
and his driving power completely
shattered it on almost every play.
Rufut made some nice end runs by
simply outstepping the wizards from
Notre Dame. His defensive work
was remarkable.
Robertson, who was inserted into
the Husker lineup at the start of
the contest, played his initial game
and his work was that of a veteran.
Meyers, whose place he was holding,
was suffering from injuries received
in practice. Rhodes, Robertson s run
ning mate at the other wing, broke
through and downed the opposing
backs for several losses. Recovering
a fumble Rhodes ran seventy yards,
putting the ball within three yards
of a touchdown. He fumbled, how
ever, when tackled, and Notre Dame
recovered for a touchback.
Berquist and McGlasson at the
guarding stations were putting up a
stone wall defense As did Bassett and
Weir at tackles. Each of these men
broke through the opposing interfer
ence and threw ball luggers for
losses on several occasions. Hutchi
son, facing Notre Dame for the first
s. in career, relayed a splendid
game .making every pass accurate.
His deferse was good.
Coach Schulte in a statement after
the game said, "This is more evidence
.ternit.v sDirit football spirit
plus University of Nebraska spirit."
The first quarter was a punting
f fair between Captain Lewellen and
Fullback Layden, with Lew holding
the punting honors. The second quar
ter featured some real football
thrills. Noble's and H. Dewitz line
smashing was a demonstration of real
football. The forwards made the
holes and the interference cleared
the remaining obstacles. The tkyrd
ouarter revealed the same play that
was the deciding factor in the Notre
Dame-Nebraska game last year
Noble spearing a pass and running to
a touchdown. Last year he took it
from Cantain Chick Hartley who was
playing fullback and this year from
Fullback Rufus Dewitz. With but
three men in the lineup that started
Nebraska the visitors
mo K , ,
passed themselves to their only
New York University announced
this week that with the approval of
.v...... secretary 0(
War Weeks, and Secretary 0f th
Navy Denby, it had installed the first
course in aeronautical engineer
nd aviation to find place in th
curriculum of an American Colleg
Try McDowell's Own Make Candies
Chocolates made in our own factory at 136
No. 12th St., packed in boxes or bulk. Fresh
today and every day. '
JNO. W. McDowell
136 No. 12th St.
It's the Cut of Your Clothes That Counts
Society Braed Clothes
The City's Greatest Line of
Being abreast of fashion for the season ; being in
accord with what the best dressed men have
adopted as Overcoat Correctness for now, involves
your discarding the old for the new and replac
ing it with Lincoln's Big Popular Overcoat, the
Some A f, f I
Cl! PI Uv
All Set .
For the Ball
Otff store and
our advice .
is at your service
in order that you may be
attired correctly.
It's a big
Warmth fO
too. ly !
Other from $25 to $85
Involving upwards of $200,000 worth
of winter goods from surplus stocks of
Eastern Manufacturers and Jobbers
offer wonderful savings and under
pricings of unequal value.
Y -xL s 'sf1 v
W. a"
Jk&t:" - .$& I
till M
4 lit -v
sit - T' "
375 Suits
245 O'coats
Th. Collars ar Worth nor. tkaa
w. ar. making for th. Coat.
The Surplus Stock of a well known manufacturer
"anxious for cash" Suits and Overcoats for men
and young men in all the newest models and col
ors. Price for this 10 Day Sale
195 Fur Collar Overcoats
Mostly Hudson Seal and Beaver Collars, we are
positive that values such as these cannot last long.
The very finest collars that can be used on Coats,
SOCIET YBRAND COATS, coats worth up to $85
Eli Shire, Pres.