THE nATT.V NEBRASKAN SPECIAL SECRETARY TO WORK ON DIRECTORY Mist Williams to Have Charge of Copy Work on 1923 Book Progress on the student directory, published annually by the "i. M. C. A., has been speeded up by the ad dition of a secretary who will have charge of all copy work. Miss Dorothy Williams, '23, has offered to assume this responsibility and will spend most of her time in the office, according to Paul McCatTree, general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. The addition of Miss Williams to the staff of the directory will enable the editors of the book to put it on sale much earlier than was originaHy expected. A complete and accurate job is insured in addition to the sav ing in time. Frank Frye and Edith Olds head the editorial staff of the directory. On Monday, students will fill out cards in their morning classes. From these cards the lists for the directory will be assembled. When the lists are complete they are to be placed in the hands of the 'Y" committee for final arrangement and typing. Student volunteers, of whom Helen Kummer of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet is in charge have been asked to type these lists and the copy for the book. The original goal of the committee to have the book in the hands of the 1 printer by October 10 may be changed to a much earlier date. In this case, books will be ready for distribution before November. A record-breaking saving of nearly three weeks over other years will be effected in this way, the committee believes. As in tne past, this year's book will contain the name, telephone, home and Lincoln address, year, col lege and affiliations of all University students. The office and residence telephone and addresses of the mem bers of the faculty are included. Sep arate lists of the students coming from the different towns of he state and of the students from other states are given in the back of the book. ADD HERTZLER TO SOCIOLOGY STAFF New Professor Will Teach Two Courses Recently Instituted. IRISH PREPARE FOR BATTLE WITH ARMY Rockne Puts Men Through Hard Workouts in Prepara tion for First Game. Professor J. C. Hertzler ha3 been added to the faculty of the sociology department for the coming year. Professor Hartzler has taken some of his work at Harvard and has his doctor's degre from the University of Wisconsin, where he has been teachiner for the rast five years. His book, "The History of Utopian Thought" was published in Febru ary and has been widely reviewed. At the University of Nebraska Professor will take over Pr. How ard's course in Social Psychology and will offer two new courses, the History of Sociological Thought anJ Social Economics. Dr. Howard, who has until this year, given a course in social psy cholocrv. will drop all his undergrad uate courses and confine his work to j the graduate college. Coach K. K. Rockne of the Notre Dame eleven put his men through stiff workouts last week bearing down heavily on his squad. All light scrimmage has ceased in the Notre Dame camp and heavy workouts are in line for the business there, so that they may be in prime shape for the Army game October 13. The Armv-Xotre Dame game will be one of the first big games of the season and will give an accurate check on the ability of the Irish, who meet the Huskers here Nov. 10. There is some doubt at present as t where the Army-Notre Dame game will be played. Ebberts field is th nronertv of the Brooklyn isation al league team and has been rented for the game but this site is opposed hv Unseball Commissioner Landis as the date of the game, Oct. 13, is also the date of the World Series in New York. Landis is afraid that the Hrawinc attraction of such a big game would seriously injure the at tondance at the Series. For this rea son and for the reason of being near u.- v ! nnnif nlumni wish to ui'iiic have the game played at Chicago. The ultimate site for the game .... . J 1... Cnvntnl-l. tv ho riptprmineu uj himho WppIcs of the War Department, who has charge of West Point's football journeys. SIIIIIIIIIIIH Alway First With Things That Are New ! -Ml ft P- ' -4 w Here They Are Fellows! OO Knick Tweeds, Herringbones, Scotch Plaids beautifully tailored Knickers fine all wool fabrics. 50 May we suggest early shopping Monday for best selec tion. Knickers are going to be very popular for general purpose wear, and you will want the smartest pair obtainable. All Wool Heather Sox To be worn with Knickers. $1.25 and $2.50 Good looking Sport Coats in brushed wool; stripes, checks and combination color effects, to be worn with the Knickers. SmSimm r&ScnS FORMERLY ARMSTRONGS Apparel For Men. Women 6. Children To Read Tentative Constitution ot Journalism Club All students interested in journal ism are asked to meet at 5:30 Wed nesday afternoon in University hall 111 for a readinir of the tentative constitution of the projected jour nalism club. This organization was started at the close of the last school year, and is intended to unify the students in the newly-organized School of Jouralism. once to Marie Wentworth or to Miss Erma Appleby in the office at Ellen Smith hall. Thia work consists in advertising all social functions of the organization throughout the year. Freshmen girls who have had any experience should hand in their names. Girls Wanted for Y. W. Poster Work ah iri interested in noster work Dr. E. M. Cramb, Osteopath, U. of for the Y. W. C. A. should report at N. '99. Burlington Blk, 13th & 0 Sta. Eat in our Downstairs Cafeteria Feminine Apparel for the School, College and University Girl STORE NEWS New Arrivals Make it a point to see the new ar rivals in fine Ready-to-wear apparel, Furs and Dress Accessories. A St & rif:-Tlff'i -M 'A. if WAff S . WWr -WAV. -"-4 I mi "J ' Ah, A BIG rm to see you through four years Tliis is a great pen for college men and women! It is made by the makers of Eversharp pencil. It has a huge ink capacity! And the Wahl filling device fills it plumb full every time. It's a big pen. But it is so iJeely balanced and pro portioned that it fits into the fist most comfortably. The Wahl Signature Pen writes the instant the point touches paper. The ink begins to flow evenly always enough, never too much. The pat ented comb feed makes shaking unnecessary. V ji i :n SIZE MB t A m $ V' n of The everlasting nib U a wonder. Experts say it is the ultimate in nib-making. It suits itself to any hand to any style. It is extra hea vy . The 1 4-k arat gold is tipped with the hardest and finest grade iridium that money can buy. The patented construction of the cap makes it impossible for the pen to leak in the pocket. The cap cannot split, for it is strengthened by the plain gold band. There are two sizes of the Wahl Signature Pen one at $5 for women, and one at $7 for men ! Other Wahl Pens, $2.50 up! Made in the U. S. A. by THE WAHL CO., Chicago WAHL A, 0lwmSiAjt PEN Cprrit 1923. The big pen for biff business li!ill!ilIlll!!!ili!!l!III!i!U