The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1923, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
l'nlillhlK'd Sunday, Tiu'hiIii.v, Weiliu-ailny,
Ttnimilnv ami Krltliiy itinrnintr of eucii
wiM'k hy'llie I'nlviM'Nll.v nt Nt'lirimku.
Acci'iilod for iiiiiIIIiik nt Hpi-rlul mte of
poHlimi- irovliliil fur In Section 110S, Art
of October a, Hio", autliorlzod January 20,
llndrr t lie IHri'i'tliin or the NIUMvnt I'lIU
llt'iitlon llouril.
l.'.nti'i-.'d ii h KociiiHl rliiHH matter at the
pOBtoffli'i- in Lincoln, Ni'hrunUii, under the
Act or lonureHH, auirrii .1, isiu. rat a year
H.'iS u enic'Htfr
Blnzl cony - Five tnt
AddreHH all roinniunent Ioum to
StuMon A, Lincoln, Neb.
TKI.KrilONKS I'lilverHlty 142.
KvrntiiK" IUMX2
Kdllorlnl and business offices In south
west corner of basement of the Adminis
tration Hall.
Herbert lliow nell, ,lr Kdltor
Mtirjorie Wynmii Miuumliiu Kilitoi
Helm Kuionier
Clinrles A. Mitchell
Howard lluff'tt
K'niniett V. Miuin
.AsHOelnte Kdltor
Ms-lit Kdltor
Mailt Kdltor
Mitbt Kdltor
C'tmuneey klnxey Himlness Mimnirer
Clifford M. IliekN
riareiice Klikboff
At. Iliislnrss Mgr.
... t'irculntlon Miinuarr
Kdltor. 4 ." dally.
JIiiiiiihIiii.' Killtor. 3 fl dally.
MiinIiioks Manai;er, 4-0 dally.
1K Till
Knimelt V. Maun
John Allison
Mglit Editor
Ass't Night Kdltor
University students have to stop
for a moment at the outset of their
final eight-week stretch until com
mencement to realize all that has
happened since the beginning of
spring vacation.
The baseball season has opened;
the track team is in California after
winning from New Mexico and taking
second place at the Missouri Valley
indoor meet at Kansas City; bids for
the stadium contract have been called
for; a campaign to keep students off
the grass on the city campus has
started; the legislature is busy with
consideration of University appropria
tions. Probably no other eight-week period
in the school year sees as many im
portant extra-curricular activities as
the next one. The spring recess fur
nished a welcome opportunity to rest
preparatory to windup of the school
year 1922-23.
Of major importance to all con
nected with the University is the con
sideration of University appropria
tions by the state legislature. The
special University investigation com
mittee reported its findings during
vacation. Its report will be seen in
its true light in the following state
ment by Frank W. Judson, acting
chairman of the Board of Regents.
The report should be read by every
student :
Relative to the report submitted to
the house of representatives by the
special committee appointed by the
legislature to investigate into the af
fairs of the University of Nebraska. ;
I believe this committee has worked
hard and conscientiously in their in
vestigation, and based on the infor
mation they have obtained is a fair
report. Our state university or any
other state institution should be open
to such investigations at all times and
I am sure the regents of the state uni
versity welcome a fair and impartial
investigation into the affairs of that
institution at all times. I believe the
members of this committee have Ven
shown every courtesy and have re
ceived much assistance in connection
with their investigations from the
heads of the different departments,
various members of the faculty and
others employed by the university.
As is true of every large state in
stitution of this sort, there always
exists some feeling that changes
should be made in the methods of op
eration, of instruction and in the
personnel of those in charge of its
operations. Naturally the moment
this committee was appointed thoss
who had criticism to offer became ac
tive in furnishing information to the
committee, while those who felt that
the university was operating along
satisfactory lines made no effort to
express their feelings or commend
the institution or those actively in
charge of same.
The committee's investigation and
report relative to the growth of the
university and the handling of its in
creased appropriations I hope will be
read and carefully considered by all
of the members of the legislature. I
don't believe those in charge of the
university have been guilty of ex
travagance in the operation of the va
rious departments, as well as the uni
versity as a whole. As a matter of
fact, 1 have figures showing the per
capita cost per student of the leading
state universities of this country and
our university is the lowest as com
pared with ten or fifteen others oper
ating in the state nearest to us. Some
of the well-known state universities
show an expense of nearly double the
amount per student that is expended
in our institution. The salaries being
paid the officials of the university,
.cujty and teachers are below the
average. Certainly the compensation
of the employees of the university is
not such as to encourage our young
men and women to enter that field of
labor, which I believe most unfor
tunate. In the report of the special com
mittee they suggest or recommend
the re-organization of the adminis
tration department, which possibly
includes the regents as well as others
at the head of that institution. There
is nothing in the report suggesting or
requesting the resignation of Chan
cellor Avery, who has served that in
stitution about twenty-six years and
twelve years as chancellor. During
that period the student attendance
has grown rapidly and today our
number places us as one of the five
state universities with the largest at
tendance. Our educational standing
has greatly improved and in the edu
cational world we stand as one of the
leading state educational centers of
this country. Chancellor Avery is a
scholar, a high minded, conscientious
gentleman and .certainly loyal to the
interests of the university at all
times. The head of any institution
of this sort has a most difficult duty
to perform, including co-operation of
the regents as to the general policy,
co-operation with all departments that
they may work harmoniously together
and constant touch with the public
or taxpayers that the institution ma
operate along lines that meet the ap
proval of the majority of the people
of this state.
Thursday night, seven o'clock.
Hall. Everybody out.
(Notices of general Interest will be
rimed In this column for two oonsecu
live days. Copy should be In the Ne.
brnskan office by flv oclock.l
All organizations and fraterni
ties please hand in keys to your
groups pictures in the Cornhusker
this week. Also all organizations
desiring to have any write-up be
low their picture or any other
make-up please hand it in to the
editor of the Cornhusker before
Saturday, April 7.
Alpha Chi Sigma
Dr. G. D. Swezey, chairman of the
Department of Astronomy, will speak
on "Astronomy as Related to Chem
istry," in the general-lecture room in
Chemistry hall, Thursday at five
o'clock. The public is invited.
Komensky Club
Special guest meeting of Komensky
Club, Art hall, Library, Friday at 8:00
Lutheran Club
Lutheran Club business meeting
218 No. 12th St.
Roy Wythers Fred Thomsen
Uni Jewelery
Moves May 1st to
117-119 So. 12th St.
"Just Around the
Discount Sale
Now On.
EST. 1871
Green Goblin Meeting;
Green Goblin meeting at the Silver
Lynx house, Wednesday, April 4, 7:15.
Write ups for the "Sledge" may be
dropped into any one of the three
boxes in the M. E., E. E., or M. A
Buildings. Here is your chance to
give that choice morsel of scandal the
publicity it deserves. Engineers get
Alpha Kappa Psl
Alpha Kappa Psi business meeting,
Thursday, April 5, 4:30 p. m. in S. S,
Silver Serpents
Silver Serpent meeting at Etfen
Smith Hall, Friday, April G. All mem
bers please be present
All Bandmen be out at five o'clock
Wednesday in uniform for parade
Freshman baseball practice will be
gin today. All candidates must ro
port at the Armory at 3:30.
Friday, April 6
Xi Delta tea for Freshman girls
from 4 to 6 o'clock. Ellen Smith
Bushnell Guild house dance.
Delta Upsilon dance, Lincoln Hotel.
Saturday, April 7 '
Sigma Phi Epsilon Spring Party,
Lincoln Hotel.
Iron Sphinx Formal, Chamber of
Chi Omega Banquet, Lincoln Hotel.
Delta Tau Delta Dance, K. of C:
Lambda Chi Alpha Spring Party,
Minister from All Soul's Uni
tarian Church in New York
to Lecture Here.
Dr. William L. Sullivan of New
York City will preach a special ser
.,! t tha All Souls' Unitarian
Church at Twelfth and II streets,
an i If-
Sunday evening, April s, ai i mr.
Wellington Smith of Boston, a bari
fno Eninist. will sing two numbers
at the service. In 1912 Dr. Sullivan
became minister of the All Souls'
Church of New York, and a year ago
he resigned to conduct, under the
the Unitarian Layman's
League, a preaching tour in the
United States and Canada.
work. Varsity Cleaners. 218 No.
12th St.
RENT A NEW FORD High class
cars tor particular people. Lowest
ratcB and always open. Motor-Out
Company, B4718, 1120 P St.
ELECTRIC Light Vanity Boxes. See
them at Thoto Specialty Hou-.
238 No. 13th. e'
RAIN OR SHINE, snow or sleet, you'n
see Munson's Rent-a-Forua on the
streets. B1550 B1517. 1125 P st
WANTED A Driver for morning
Barber Shop
131 No. 13th St.
After Every Meal
F)R 70 years "Style and
Quality Assured" ha
expressed the character of
Sold at tl better stars
end shops
D. B. FISK & CO.
Creator of Correct Millinery
Qiicafto New York Puis
Cbew your food
well, then use
aid digestion.
It also keeps
the teeth clean,
breath sweet,
appetite keen.
The Great American
Bring your brief cases
and other leather
goods in and have
your initials or name
stamped on in gold.
We specialize An re
binding law books.
Woodruff Printing Company
Thone B3300 1000-08 Q Street
R the student or prof., the
superb VENUS out-rivals
I for perfect pencil work.
7 black degrees 3 copying.
Pencil Co.
220 Fifth Ata.
Mew Tort
-VfWv?' Writ, far
-T V Vehu Enwonra
Arrows h i rt
LWade of a better oxford, in a fine, tailor-like way.
The collar is the work of the expert Arrow Collar
makers. The cuffs have buttons r nn
or are the French link model Jj.UU
For Sale in Lincoln by
Don't Be an Ostrich!
If you think your body
is protected from the rain
because your head
is hidden in an umbrella
you're as bad as an ostrich!
A Gabardine from Magee's
will keep you dry
from neck to ankle!
$25 upward.
man n
How will you spend
your vacation ?
Fritter it away at a summer resort with unex
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Or go to Europe on a basis of actual economy
perhaps for less than the summer resort
outlay and have something real and worth
while to remember?
You can do this if you book via one of our
cabin steamers. There are 14 of them steady
sailers all including some of the finest ships
in the North Atlantic.
Accommodations as low as $115. You have the
best the ship affords in fod and service full
run of spacious decks, attractive public rooms,
all the pleasures of a summer sea voyage itself
the best of vacations. Some of the most pleas
ant friendships of your life may be formed on
Write us today for our booklet " Your Trip
to Europe" and detailed information.
xtVHiTE Star Mmisf
Amtpjcan Line v jDxK 7 Rid Star Line
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or Local Agents.
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nc vm Fax. mcx
Makes the Hair Stay Combe
Makes Hair
Stay Combed
Stacomb keeps hair in place
all day No more trouble
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Ideal also after washing your
hair tupplies natural, bene
ficial oils which add life and
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Ask your barber for a Sta
comb Rub.
At all druggists.
Jim: e xxut.ti xtti