Friday. April 14. Ife. NEBRASKAN DR. WOLOCOTT TELLS OF MIGRATION OF BIRDS (Conlimioil from rase One) "It must be Miiile evident to every one that 11 birds suffer enormously in their initiations. The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor has 11 record of one huiuln d and fifty birds killing themselves on that Greet ion in one niKht by ll.vins imalnst its sides. Telephone and teleuraph wires and tall buildinus of all kinds are the cause of the death of untold thous ands of birds on every day in the riiKratiuK season. Storms are also heavy coiitributinsr factors in migra tion mortality. Thirty years ago the eutire bluebird population of the Un ited States was almost entiiey wiped out by a severe storm oeeurrins in the Tennessee region just t.s the ini prr.tory wave was passing. Observ ers rcpoi'led findiliK thousands of birds in a single grove of trees. For ten years after that storm bluebirds wore rare in this country arid even today they are net up t their nor mal strength. A similar occurrence happened on the Gulf of Mexico when a lars wave of birds was caught a number of miles off shore by a severe port Ik r. Head birds were washed ashore in countless numbers. "Hirds cannot predict weather con ditions," declaied lb. Woleott. The fabulous speed with v.hic'u birds have been credited to fly din ing their mirratioi! fights is exab gerated to a laree ! ?ree. according to Hr. Woleott. Hirds rarely f'y over fifty miles ten hour and the nverace rnte of small birds is btit twenty-two. Nor do they keep this up for a long time. The micartion through this re- ( pion goes on at rate of but thirty or forty mile s a day. All bi: :1s do not migrate at night as might b. the impression if one were to watch or listen for tlim. The birds heard : t nicht are those? whie h are flyiuc lew to escape the rlouds when they would ordinarily have flown far beyond hearing. Few mi prating birds are seen in the day time because of them fly so high that they v.n- beyond human vision. The ones that fly at nigh! may be generally said to be those who are so conspicuous or so werk that they must fly then to escape tln-ir enemies. There are many nun migratn. birds, especially in Europe and Asia. Most of tl-.ese will spend their whole life in cue- or two farms, or in the brush on ne li-tV creek. Quail and cardinals are well known examples of this tpe. Migration rentes or breed ;ne range are not pe rmane nt tilings but may THE DAILY be easily changed by physical condl tions. Professor Woleott called to mind an instance of this with which ho was personally acquainted. Near Ann Arbor there was once a strip of Voods famed for the warblers which were in the habit of congre gating there during their migrations so that the place was a great resort for bird lovers. One spring the war biers failed to arrive and it was found on investigation that extensive clearings to the south of this one strip and destroyed the continuity of the woodland so that the warblers, which are birds that like to fly low and make but little distance at a time, had changed their route to a more favorable district. This is pos sible over wider areas, also, as is the ease with the golden plover which has a different route Tor spring and fall. It is supposed that the fall route was derived from some earlier period when the birds had a different nesting ground from the present. INTERCOLLEGE MEET COMES TOMORROW (Continued from Page One) 440 yard Dash 3:00 fiO yard High Hurdles 3:1.". 220 yard Dash 3:30 Two Mile Run 3:4.' 110 yard Low Hurdles 4:Hl SO yard Run 4:1.". Half Mile Relay 4:.-10 Shot Put 2:30 Discus After Shot Javelin After Discus High Jump 2::to Hroad Jump After High Jump Pole Vault After Broad Jump COMPET DRILL NOT OF ALUMNNI WEEK (Continued from Page One.) most a week. When this was done it was believeel that the students would take it upon themselves to remain over for the Homecoming. No at tempt has been made anywhere to fierce students to remain. Put some thing must be done to show the stu dents the folly of their way. Fraternities should see to it that every member remains in Lincoln un til after fhe celebration conn s to an end. Many of their own alumni will return to celebrate with the active men in a final program of fun and pooel times. Reunions cef all classes will be hold and every visitor will be royally entertained providing of course that the students remain. Un less they remain the Alumni Week celebration will be run off in only a half-hearted fashion, for the old students will feel that the present students do not welcome their return visit. SOiCe'liee'iif of (lie Ownership, Muiiiiirfinrnt, ( etc., Hi'iilr'l by tlet Act of (iiiiercss of Acinus! '.'I. ml'J of The D.iilv Nc-lirnskiin. published dully jil l.liiei.ln, Nel.niskii, Seitiuu A, t'e.r April I. lli.'J. SIMM' nt' .V'lU'Mskn, c'cnilil.v (f l.HIII'HSte'l' ss. llefeere" a Notary Public In anel for Slate iiinl iiiiielv iil' pc-rsoniilly :le.i'IIIVel ,1,-lllle-S Till. link. Will., IlllVllIlT leeell lllllv NWnl'll .lee'e.relillg t e) law, llo poNi'N mid H'l v n I hat lei' In Hie" Kuslni'ss Maiiau'iT of the Peiily Ni'liric-knti anil that the following Is, to i lie host of his knowl edge ami l.eliil'. 11 true' slnti'ine'iit of the ownership, iiiiiiiiitfi'inonl (ami II u dally mmi.ii- tier lii'riilal ion i'li'., of the said pnl.lii'.'ltlon fe.r the- elate sheewll 1 I,., .,!, vi- ...mi.I inn. I Illri'el I.V the- Act VII..1.VI "I I'.il'. I'lnlinil ied ill si'i'llon -II i'oslal Laws anil Iteg nlat ions, printed ceil (ho r-'Ve'l-se- of tills fe.rni. to wit: 1 'iiin 1I1.. 1. alius ami iielilre'sse's of the i.iililishi'r. 11 lor. inanairini: editor, aim business iiianagii's are': Piibllshir. The- Student rub Ileal Ion ltoaril. I.i In. Nebraska. Itelitor, orvin II. ciaston, Lincoln, -Nebraska. .. , . Managing Keillor, Hello Kaniiaii, Lin coln Nebraska. Hiinsiness Managers, .lames ! lileloek, Chanme'V Klnsey, Lincoln, Nebraska. 2. That (he owners are: The- I nlvcrslly of Ni'braska. :l. Thai the" known boiielholilcrs, inert -irnge'cs. ami olhe-r security holde'is owning or holding t per cent or more of total amoniil of bonels. inert gages, or other se eiirllii'S lire-: Nunc I Thill the a vera ire number of copies of cie-h Issue of this publication or distributed, through the mails or other wise to paid subscribers during the six hs prec-eilinit the elate- shown above? 1S 1S" .1 AM ItS K1..IMM-K, Itnslne-ss Malinger. Sworn to ami subsi'rlbeil me this :.'iilli day of March. I'.'-"-'- ,,..,.. MAX YV KSTKUM ANN, 1 Seal 1 Notary IMibln'. (Mv commission expires August 4. V.rji) 1 Tonight I JL II ! at I X 8 oocooeocooccoscosoocccoscc The ;n'i Frielay Work. "Slal.. -it Mater' by Dvorak, will lu presented l.y the ci' 4") voices under lh.' of Mrs. Carrie 15. Mayiiii.n.l ;it the Kiist Con jrei;at ie.nal Church. L and Mtli Sis. The public is wol- Cullll'. The same' choir Tin (Jre-tit .Miracle' at 11 o'e-leee-k K.ister lnoiniiie. 8 will sinir ; coooccosoocoecocoooceoo5 8 X - 1 l 11 in x nveryooay win :i. N o Have something FOR EASTER b b Wouldn't you like k 8 One of our New X I h ! PUMPKIN or 8 S Gotham Sport b ; b Suits to gladden your heart on that day $13.75-$19.75 -i " ' .11.1 " Ihere is aosoiuteiy NO ARGUMENT Against this Winning Combination DANCE: Famous TEN PIECE COLLEGf INN ORCHESTRA all sooZ augmented with a SAXOPHONE QUARTET featuring HOWARD GRANTHAM (Sousa's Band RAY LINDERMAN, (Ambassai or Orchestra), RALPH THEIS0N end ED BUSH. Also that Oriental Oboe, played by the only Oboe player in Nebraska., ONE DOLLAR and WE PAY THE WAR TAX. This is less than any other subscription dance in Lincoln. LET'S GO COLLEGE INN DANCE TONIGHT 8:30 Lincoln Hotel PRICE: woo IB from9 climes Wlfff . Ya B poured into a m I single lass I Delicious and M j iMSsi . S The Coca-CCo!" ii" 2 FRANCO-AMERICAN S BEAUTY SHOPS S Room 8. Liberty Theatre Big Marcel 50c, Shampoo 50c Hair Eob 35c S L9072 143 No. 13th St. I 55 "TRIUMPH THROUGH SACRIFICE" Siihjee i f Kiivter sciiik'H l.y .Tiitnes W. Mac-l)nn;ilil ;it ALL SOUL'S UNITARIAN CHURCH l"Jlh ;mil 11 S;rei t Suiiehiy ;it 11 ;i. in. The' v.. u))' jii-iij.l.' will nil-el ill the chini-h .;nhirs Siunl;iy i'veiiii;r at 7:" . "cluck fur the regular f"it nightly supper an.) elieu inn. S ii.jeet : "The Wi.rtli cf Life."" All are Welei'lllC. I . Unusual Position 1 or VACATION WORK 77 vr JTfyT' 1T7 1JT 77T 7TT TTT TJT TTZZTZZTZ-ltVL TFZ. UJ. TTZ 531 7t f 55 "JJJ JP. ' The Store or OUAurr.swviaE r I VW ANDSAnSFVCnOH . v x v v 1 vis1 . :l r 1: 1- II. VI r;i!i:el fere ref 11 !! nil ,.ii.i,f tti:irmiil -alary fer the iiiiitnr v. e'1 :i ilriwini; :i' riiunt on llUOI." 14' li wi'i'l.. 1 ' -j. 'fl 111:- ; -.-j.. reel -rem V i.VI.'- r I.l.i.v. h Always first-a step ahead with New Fashions in Footwear FOR EASTER IS &CCCOOOOCr-3COCCeCO&OCOCCO S S b c.iiv v.notnocc i lint, Nhft complete without g S one of our new at- S i S s 8 1 ? S tractive s . SPRING HATS k a neat hat adds in- IS dividuality to that i new Spring Suit s : 8 tf. 1 .i 1 ' . "I , a 3 ia! e ' ,ta: "TheStore that sells the SesCforjust a little less -ili!tci.-arTiiiTTT'LlJLJ 11 J029-J033 O Street LINCOLN, NEBRs. The Molly'O A combination of style, quality and value . S at 7.50 A clever one strap pump all black patent leather or with grey kid trim as pictured above-one inch heel, wide strap with buckle at side. viS A Glorious A rrctyHigh' Grade Spring Coats, Wraps, Capes Featured Today & Saturday You'd hardly believe it-we couldn't until we'd seen them-that such wraps of quality could be riiYied at this VERY low price! Capes and Coats of rich shawsheens, velours, tweeds, tri ( holivics-and both plain and two-tone Coat Capes! Shown in all the leading si ring colors-tan, brown, gray, taupe, navy, Copenhagen, pekin, yellowstone, henna, etc., etc. All beautifully lined-many with rich silk crepes. All brand new-just stocked-and featured today and Saturday .ilk 5 :ii.-;:.--r;e f i mmm t;i.:-nj:::tt i Here's Billy on the Job i'3: cj)J.OU IU s?J.JJ 1 SHAPIRO'S I 8 MEN'S SHOP k 1234 O St Hatters Haberdash :w IB, it'' tii Ib )!b it 1 ICC 'b eW t? The Flapper at 6.00 A "tie strap "f eharmin? simplicity of patent leather. Tli l)laeinjr the strap, the smoke-pearl button, the inch heel are emphasized style features. Sizes double A to 1). :?3 : 53 i I a 1 1 N--i 1 Nai 3! Billy's Lunch Supreme 1st and Van Dorn Special For Today Barbecued Chicken Home Made Pies Hamburger 5c Drive out after the Dance Special attention given to auto parties When driving out State Hospital Boule vard stop and look us over. Wm. Westberry, Prop. L9033 1