The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 25, 1922, Image 4

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The regular monthly meeting
the University of Nebraska chapter
of Sigma XI will be hold In the gew
ernl lecture room of Draco hall
Thursday, January 28, at 8:00 p. in
T. Townsend Snmn, rh. v., iro
feasor of experimental physics In the
university will Rive a lecture lllu
stratod by evperlmental denionsti-
tlon and by lantorn Blldes. The sub
lect of Doctor Smith's lectin e will
be "Lens Errors and Lens Calcula
The meeting of the society Is ope.i
to the public. Nonmembeis tre
Posters made by the students I
the drawing classes to be used later
In advertising yhe annual art iex
hf bit are now on display in tne an
Kallorv. This exhibition is consider
ed one of the best collection of post
ers yet made by the students. Thl
display of posters will be held for
remainder of the week.
Editor "in-Chief Ward Randol has
announced two new staff iirretnt
ments for the 1922 "Everybody's
Cornhusker." Gerald Hamilton, '2b
will replace Delos Coe on the crgan
ization section and Peulah Bi:tler, 4
will be a member of the art slff..
(Continued from page 1 )
value of from one thousand to twelve
hundred dollars, offered annually. It
is available for research in physics,
chemistry or biology. This fellowship
is open to American women holding
the degree of Doctor of Philosophy or
to those similarly equipped for further
research. It wil be awarded only to
those who give promise of distinction
in the subject to which they are de-
oting themselves.
The A. A. U. W. European Fellowship
This fellow ship of one thousand dol
lars available for study or research in
a degree in arts.
Europe, ia open to any woman having
a degree in arts, science, or litera
ture, who has completed at least two
j ars of graduate study, and ha a de
finite piece of research in preparation.
The award is based upon evidence of
character and ability of the candidate
and promise of success in her chosen
V..f of work.
The Julia C. G. Piatt Memorial Fel
lowship This memorial fellowship cf seven
hundred an 1 fifty dollars is offpred in
alternate years by the American As
sociation of Women as trus
ts? of the memorial fund given by the
Julia C. G. Piatt Association.
This Fellowship is open to any wo
man having a degree in Arts. Science
or Literature, who intends to make
teaching her profession. In general,
pr ference is given to those applicants
r.ho ha -e had successful experience in
teaching and in addition who have
computed at least two years of gradu
ate study. The award is based upon
evidence of character and ability of
the candidate and the promise of
success in teaching.
The Latin-American Fellowship
This Fellowship of one thousand
dollars is estab'ished by the Ameri
can Association of Vniversity Wo
men to further friendly relations with
women students of the Latin-American
republic, and to assist them to
rrepare for public service in their
The Gamirj Phi Beta Social Fel
lowship The Gamma Phi Deta sorority offers
a Fellowship of five hundred dollars
available for the year 1922-23 to be
awarded by the Committe on Fellow
Ehirs o! the A. A U. V.
This Fellowship shall be devoted
to preparation for the profession of j
social ?rvice, and is open to any
woman who is a graduate of a col- j
lege of recognized rank, and who
has done at least one year of gradu
ate work. Some of her courses 1
must have been in the department of
social science, j
It is understood that the Fello'v
will devote herself entirely to pre-i
paration for social service in a school
whose standing is equal to that of the
New York School of Social Work.
Boston Alemna Fellowship
The Boston Branch of the American
Association of Vniversity WTomen
aided by the RadclifTe Alumnae As
sociation, the Boston Alumnae Clubs
of Smith College, Bryn Mawr Col
lege Vassar College, Wellesley Col
lege, Boston Vniversity and Mount
Holyoke College offers a graduate
tellowship of fivte tiundred dollars,
tor the purpose of stimulating
scholarship among women.
The holder of this fellowship must
e a woman who ia a graduate, of an
approved college, is of good health
and excellent character and has
proved hor ability and initiative.
The fellowship must be used in Eu
rope or in America for one year of
constructive work, and not for tht
purpose of general culture.
Applications for the fellowship
should be made to the Chairman of
the Committee on Fellowships of the
American Association of University
Vomon, which is the Committee on
award. Inquiries may be addressed
either o the Chairman of this Com
mittee or to Mrs. Everett C. Fisk, 135
Wlnthrop Road, Brookline, Mass.
The Rose1 r wick Memorial Fel-
This fcowshlp of 111,000
has been established by Ameri
cans and the American Association of
University Women in memory of Hose
Sidgwick, a member of the British
Educational Mission which visited the
United States In 191S, and In recog
nition of her cervices to the cause
of Anglo-American friendship.
The fellowship is open to British
women of graduate standing and ia to
be held for the purpose of graduate
study In American colleges or uni
versities. The award of this Fellow
ship will bo made by a committee of
the British Federation of University
Women. Further information may be
obtained from Miss Theodore Bosan-
quet. 50 Russell Square, London, W. C
I., England.
Announcement has been made, also,
of scholarships offered to American
women .by French institutions under
the Jurisdic tion of the American Coun
cil on Education.
The American Council on Education
has received from the French Depart
ment of Education and the Office Na
tional des Universities francaises, in
appreciation of the scho'arships and
fellowships awarded to French girls
n America, an offer of scholarship.
nd fellowships fn Lycees and Ecoles
Xormales. The institutions offering
these scholarships and fellowsh'rs are
situated at Paris. Sevres, St. Germain
en Laye, ersailles, Boauvais, Tours
ami Caen.
Necessary Credentials
(1) A statement from the College
Registrar of work done by the student.
2) Birth Certificate. ((3) Photograph.
4) Health Certificate from the College
physician, giving the medical history
f the applicant for the past two
years. (5) Testimonials from two pro
fessors with whom the applicant has
tudied, one of whom shall be from
the Department of Romance Lang
uages, and a testimonial trom the
Dean of Women as to the character.
ibility and promise of the candidate.
These testimonials and the health
ertificnte should be sent directly to
the Committee and will be treated
onfidentially and not returned.
The letter of app'ication should con-
iin an acount of the applicants train-
ng ana aim in studying aoroaa, ami
hould be sent to Professor Margaivt
E. Maltby, 419 West 117th Street, New-
York City. All applications must be in
the hands of the Committee by Feb
ruary 1. Only American-born women
are eligible for these scholarships and
The scholarships and fellowships
in the Ecole Normale Superieure de
Svrcs are open to women who have
.'one graduate work and have a uni
versity career in view. These scholar
ships and fellowships are granted only
to those who speak and read French
easily and intend to study seriously.
The scholarships and fellowships in
the Ecole Normale de Saint Germain
tn Laye are open to women not over
twenty-four who hold a Bachelor's
Dgnee and have had some work in
education. These scholarships and fel
lowships will be granted only to wo
Join the 'gang' at
Friday Nite
Watson's Troutdale-in-the-Pines Orchestra
Friday, January 27 $100 Inc. Tax
and all others contemplating changes at the beginning of the
Second Semester, are cordially invited to register in our class
es Just now forming.-
Business Education will be of great value to you, no matter
what your occupation in life.
Enroll, now. Classes arranged to suit.
T. A. Blakeslee, A. B, Ph. B, President.
(Accredited by American Association of Vocational Schools.)
Comer O and 14th Sts, Lincoln, Nebraska
men who have the teaching profession
in view. They must have a knowledge
of grammatical Trench and such a
command of Bpoken and written
French as to be able to cany on their
work in that lnngu-ige.
The scholarships and fellowships in
Lycoos are open to women between
the ages of seventeen and twenty who
aro Freshmen, Sophomores or Juniors
and who can understand Bpoken
Thirty per cent rebate on passage
over and back (approximate cost of
passage, $85 one way). This rebate is
given on the French Line only.
Board, lodging and tuition fees are
given. The student has $20 per mont
for Incidental expenses.
Successful candidates will sail about
the middle of September.
(Continued from page 1.)
child. In a sense, therefore we are
all custodians of the race and have
the responsibility of determining the
character of the race for genera
tions to come. Our government
spends ten to fifteen thousand dol
lars a day for the care of defective
and degenerates. If people under
stand. the)ir sesponnsibity to the
race and the .principles of heredity
and propagation, the number of de
fectives would in a few generations
he reduced materially and eveiiUiall
(Continued from page -1.)
Alpha Xi 'Delta.
Mary Sheldon, Louise Tuckei, Ver
na Bowers.
Alpha Omicron PI.
Moreline Hendricks, Dorothy Ab
bott, Valora Hullinger.
Alpha Phi.
Madeline Stonger, Annis Robbins,
Margaret Balcer.
Kappa Alpha Theta.
Mildred Griggs, Matilda Trouble,
Betty Kennedy.
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Ruth Kadel, Fiances Mentger, Lo
rena Pliempton.
Delta Zeta.
Jessie Watson, Vera Cleland, Beu
lah Wills.
Kappa Delta.
Mary McCoy, Jeanette Cook, Mary
Peoples Grocery
Private Studio
Phone For Appointment
Mrs. T. E. Williams
B 4258 1220 D
g Dick was in last Friday,
'4 January 61 h, joy nipht. Said
he walked 4 Mocks to eat,
5; so goou he Moved 80o.
There's a Heason, good food
Clean Cooks
I Central Hotel Cafe g
Phi Mu.
Margaret Bond, Elva Krogc, Mild
red McTramel.
Alpha Chi Omega.
Vivian Hansen, Jane Holtz, Bes
sle Reeves.
Chi Omega.
Frances Forte( Bomalne Eckstein,
Florence Sherman.
Delta Delta Delta.
Katherlne Wills, Tilllns Hansen,
Quentln Hookstra.
Delta Gamma.
Margaret Wattles, Mary Thomas,
Ruth Lindsay.
PI Beta Phi.
Marie Hills, Emily Ross, Inez Per
egory. Achoth.
Kate Kreychile, Helen Coin, Ger
trude Tomsan.
Gamma Phi Beta.
Mary Hardy, Elizabeth Montgom
ery, Davlda Van Guilder.
1232 R, Ad. Dettman, Whatski
Fonts, Ltbnsca Tomes; 1228 R, Vers
Imig, Marie Schabb; 12: It, Amy
Martin, Lorene Wright Kntheryn
Warner; 423 No. 13th, Dorothy
Whelploy, Millicen Jacke, AMe Ham
mer; 410 No, 13th, Helen McMillei.
Helen Guthrie, Nancy Pefinoyer; 1345
T, Julie Street, Helen Blish
Rooming Houses.
334 No. 13th, Leona Nuernbergei,
Up to $30
Up to $40
Up to $45
Up to $55
Sale of Odd Trousers
Choice cf cur Entire Stock of Odd Trousers,
Including Serges, formerly priced from
$3 to $15 on sale at
1.95 3.95 5.95 7.95
Corduroys Excepted
Betty Gift, Helen .Shonlca; 1430 R,
Carmen Kobo, Ethel Herman; 14S3
R, Helen Wheeler, Minnie Schlicting;
331 No. 13th, Mary Hlbler, Alice
Learner; 1439 S, Zella Gllmore, .1500
S, Marcella Truex; 1420 R, Ellen
Hlnsbelwood, Nellie Dye; If SB It,
Elma Bering, Elso Goersz; t36 No.
16th, Hlldegard Swanson; 1645 R,
One Everett; 1427 R, Frances Burt;
2524 O, Ethel Woods; 545 No. 16th,
Florence McReynolds; 1501 S, Clara
Loonsteln; 1424 No. 17th, Martha
Euhler, Meda Fisher, Florence Price;
1516 S, Beulah Melrs; 1519 U, Get,
trude Gould; 1435 S, Lois Ambrose.
Campus Organizations.
Chorus, Ethel Upton; Theta Sigma
Phi, Belle Farman; art club, Char
lotte Kiser; Catholic club, Anne Her
vey; Luthern club, Frederlclca lau,
Eplscopallon club, Nancy Penneyer,
Mary Sheldon; Knppa Phi, Rita At
kinson, Goldee' Kaffenberger, Gladys
Kaffonberger; Union, Grace Staton,
Jacqueline Bost; Delian, Rita Atlcln
son, Ruby Wolfender; Palladlan, Ele
anor Lowry, Florence Price, Hcnriet
ta Stahl; Omicron Nu, Mary Her
zing; freshmau commission, Kath
erlne Wills, Kathleen Rough, Barbara
Wiggenhorn; W. A. A., Ruth Fiekes;
Y. W. C. A., Grace Stuff; Valkyrie,
Nora Livingston; Xi Delta, Alvera
Loftiman; Silver Serpent, Belle Far
man; MoTtarboardl, Margaret Hen
derson; Mystic Fish, Marie Thcmsen.
More Goods for the Same Money
The Same Goods for Less Money
Mayer Bros. Co. Great
Choice of the House
Suits and Overcoats
lou have always wanted a good suit or overcoat no luv.d
any long of going without the m. We've reduced our entire
stock to these low prices rcg iilarj goods nothjng reserved
nothing held back.
Fur Collar, Fur and Fur Lined Coats
33 1-3 Per Cent OFF
Suits and Overcoats Now $17.75
Suits and Overcoats Now $24.75
Suits and Overcoats Now $29.75
Suits and Overcoats Now $34.75
In school is your subscription to
the school paper. Subscribe now.
It is but $1 per semester. You
need it so do not delay.
8 For choice Corn FpH
jj Beef call at Braun's
8 Market
t 139 So. 11th
' L
Peppermint AV
vored chewing gum
with Peppermint
Sugar Coating.
Sugar jacket
"mclis in your
mouth," leaving
the dchciously
flavored gum
center to aid
brighten teeth
and soothe
mouth and throat.
Wm pm
f hOPAr 1
feAa III