THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Alice Leslie was an out of town guest from Omaha. ' ' i i n II I' I --" .-M.n.-ra-. ALL THIS WEEK ' UK llnuliln HI" Tliat Hlioultl j,r, lu ha Womlwful Knlf rtuln- Somas meighan & agnes ayres "CAPPY JtlCKS" ......I l imn I'rtir II. Knyne 1cIIkIi(- 1 1 iri Hi Nntur.liiy Kvonlnir l't HAROLD LLOYD "NOW OR NEVER" AKClMi: '',;IMIKKN M( KI.I.KU VOI'llllBt IIIKl tVlllHt ,. .,m t ' "orlil flew Rl"LyHo Concert Orchestra . V " ... . ! AT 1. S. . 7 uilflll M I . ..... ,.(UKH-MAT n. 7. o NK1MT row ihikn i V M0N.-TUES.-WEU. "A LITTLE CAFE" PETITE DOROTHY OLIVE Allen's Cheyenne Minstrels Presenting i. A Cowboy's Life at Twilight" HARRY ELLIS " . untie vs i-AMors TKNOK ROBERT & DE MOT N,,. K...1K imnw OijlHIlM JESS AND DELL f In a I'nlim Novolty . i in max rri'i-K.i s" 'free AND EASY" ConllnuoiiK Lnnirlt WINNERS of the WEST' r.i.Timllniil Nwn Weekly BXjlch and His Prize Orchestra MIOUS STAItT AT :.W. 7:00. :00 Mats 20c. Night 40c. Gal. 15c R MON. TUES. WED. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE DOUGLAS MACLEAN In His Newest Paramount Picture "PASSING THRU" "A RURAL CINDERELL" Pathe News & Travel Topics of the Day V Kniminrr Trlniiiil with rlmekle Rialto Symphony Players It-tin I.. Srluu-ffrr, Conductor Wllhiir K. rhenowetli iiml Hor l.i.rt MmAliun. Organists. Jill, I. U. KAN 1A I.I. SIiirIiiic InittriiMentttllxlH Mats, 20c. Night, 35c. Chit. 10c MON. TUES. WEC "THE MAN FROM LOST RIVER" ' wm HOUSE PETERS Kril. llrrunrtt .nl Allan Forroht Other Kntcrtiilniiiu IMrtureH SHOWS STAKT AT' 1, S. ft. 7. 0 MATS NltSHT 2V. t'llll.. 10" Delta Tau Delta. Delta Tau Dolta 1'rutornlty hold a party ut the K. of C. hall Saturday evening. Decorations wore In keeping .vuii mo nrmttnaa Boiisnn. Out or town guosts wero Stanley Hall, Dart mouth college: Raymond Wfit hi in. Valt Hill; llryan Stromer.' Hi (Sehroedor, Uohort Wolfo, Ernost Ilav- urly, Hustings; Uoy IiiKor. Cctnor: uid Mr. i.iul Mrs. Melvin Hoklna, Oma .m. Tho party was chuperoned by Dr. and Mrs. K. U. Flnnoy, Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Gardner and Prcl". and Mrs. H. II. Barbour. Phi Gamma Delta, Forty couples were , entertained by the Phi Gamma Dolta fruternlty Sat urday evening at a house dance. Tbo house was decoratd In Christmas stylo. Mr. and, Mrs. Don Bell noted as chaperons. Gamma Phi Beta. . A Christinas party was held by Gamma Phi Beta sorority at Ellen Smith hall Friday evening. About sixty couples were present. Hutii Scholes, Onowaia, and Ruth Peterson, Minden, were guests from out en' town. Dr. and Mrs. F. F. Teal, Prof. and Mrs. Wilcox and Mrs. R. E. Montgomery acted as chaperons. Phi Mu. Phi Mu entertained eighty couples at a very attractive Christmas pt.rty at the chamber of commerce, Fiiday prnnlnir. A lareo brilliantly lislited Christmas tree occupied tin cento nf fhA room, and nine bouuiis and wreaths helped convey the Clirlstmi spirit. Santa Claus distributed tavor during the evening, and miniature ice crfiinn Santa Clauses were sered for efreshments. Professor nnd Mrs Barbour, Dr. and Mrs. George II. W, Walker, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Carpeiv ter and Dr and Mrs. Roscoe L. Smith, were chaperons. Miss Johanna Ogden of Blair, Frances Bilby of Fairbury Marlon Scholl of Otoe City, Dr. Bur tmaa nf n.nndolnh. L. G. Britton of Meiningt'oid, and E. Rumsey of Walt ill were out of town guests. J::tO, Wed.. Tlir., Frl., ut., 8:i0 PEARL REGAY WARD DE WOLF And the Rialto Versatile Five JACK CLIFFORD With "FID". JOHNSTON "INDOR DOOR" A Comedy BOB HALL Extemporaneous Chap Claude Leona ANDERSON & YVEL "TRAING TO PLEASE" 0LLIE YOUNG & - APRIL "BUBBLELAND" SERVIAS LE ROY Presents B S The Positive Sensation of the R Century R "SAWING A WOMAN K IN HALF" p HORACE GOLDIN'S H MASTERPIECE g The Most Baffling, Bewilaerlng $ and Unexplainable Nove'ty on the American Stage. In. full f, View of the Audience a Beauti- '4 ful Girl is Sawed In Half & PATHE NEWS jS TOPICS OF DAY . 3 AESOP'S FABLES SIGMA TAU INITIATORY FALL BANQUET IS HELD Sigma Tau fraternity held its Tall initiatory banquet at the Lincoln hotel Friday evening. Quite a, number oi faculty and alamni members were Present With Prof. J. W. Haney as toastmaster, responses were made bj H. . Holtz. D. J. Toune. Dean O. D. 'urgeson. and A. W Lindgren. newly initiated members are: J. E. A . . (. "Pi'iegate, j. a. Brooks, D. R. Drown, spim i . . fpom B- Elsworth. H. E. Fox, C E. Hirsch. the evening was a H a tr . . :j, .rr one received a noise mas u n .. I t-.i.i. tiW macroons bjiu . R- P. Shildneck, H. A. Upton, candy cane were Resented --. v. r. ouuuueca., n. a. P. Weller, and D. J. Young. Sigma Chi. Forty-five couples attended the Sig ma Chi dinner dance at the Lincoln .all room Saturday evening. The quests were seated at tables for four u booths around the room. There was , Christmas tree in front of each table. The ceiling was latticed with green nd red streamers!. Dr. aud Mrs. T. Condra nnd Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Coats were the chaperons. Henry Har old, William Schmidtmann and Wal lace Hunter of Plattsmouth were the out of town guests. E. Phi Kappa Psi. A large Christmas tree with a pres ent for each lady was a special feat ure of the Phi Kappa Psi Christmas party given at the chapter house Fri day; evening. Mrs. Cora Roberts, Mrs. Hiram Van De Car and Mrs. Mary b. Hayward chaperoned the sixty couples. Delian. Delian literary society had a Christ mas party at Faculty hall Friday even ing. Tho hall was decorated in red and green. Wreaths and red candles were used. The program and the grad- bag comprised the entertainment for ;he evening. Christmas readings were given by Mary Ellen Inghs, Geneva Wheeler and Mtrriam Williamson. The play "The Doll Shop," was given. The cast was Milo Sherman, Elton Lux, Rita Atkinson, Vera Rigdon, Ruby Wolsenden, Carrol Williams, Gladys Lux.Cecil House and Robert Inglis. The Eifts from the grab bag were giv en to tho community Toy Shop. Alpha Phi. . Alpha Phi gave a Christmas party at the chapter house Tiuay mguu Tha moms were decorated in fest oons of Christmas colors, holly and Christmas trees, and the same colors -o carried out in the refreshments. Forty couples attended the party and the chaperones were Mrs Phillips, and Mr. and Mrs. Becker. Alpha XI Delta. A party for the freshman of Alpha Xi Delta was given tho chapter house Saturday even- 11 A V a ing. Decorations iohuwbu v Christmas spirit with holly, Christ mas trees and colored lights. About forty couples were present, chaperoned by Mrs. Blakely. Kappa Delta. m, k-nnnn Delta sorority held a for about forty couples at the Tb chapter house. A huge Christmas tree. holly and misletoe lent a mmu. wAsion. rne leaiure PI Kappa Phi. PI Kappa Phi held a chapter danoe lor thirty-five couples at Ellen Smith hall Saturday evening. The rooms were decorated with fraternity and holiday colors. Refreshments were nerved during tho evening. Chaperons were Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. J. Adams, I'rof. and Mrs. J. P. Sonning, and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ferguson. Big and Little Sister Party. Tho Big Sisters entertained the Lit- tlo Sisters, at a party Saturday aft ernoon in Ellen Smith hall. Santa Claus was there to distribute pop corn balls from the huge Christmas treo which stood in front of the fire place. After the stunt "Tho Christmas Toy Shop," the rest of the afternoon was spent in dancing. Twins Club. Tho Twins Club Christmas party was held out at the Kaffenberger home. The rooms were attractively decorated In Christmas stylo, a tree aud well filled stockings were also'to bo seen. Games suitable for the oc casion, were played until eleven )'clock when Santa Claus appeared with a we-fT filled pack. He made each recite a verso or sing before he would s;ivo them a present. After this re freshments were served. KiniiiiiBiniiHiiiiniiiiniiiiHiiiiniiiiM u 1m Get that wool cut at Security Mutual Barber Shop 12th & O St. &XX ; !!...): : H it ti K,,U ! ;j! ; " if P I M P L E X Won't Sink a Battleship fire a Cannon or run a Ford.' But it will Remove your pimples. "Hasn't Failed Yet" All good Drug Stores sell it. WANT ADS. GARAGE FOR RENT 800 A ST. LOST A B. G. PIN. FINDER WILL receive liberal reward. Return to student Act. office. LOST RING WITH AMETHYST setting, surrounded by pearls. Re turn to student activities office. LOST IRON SPHINX PIN.- CALL B-4621. LOST JEWELED KAPPA ALPHA Theta pin and guard. Call B-35S0. Reward. V 1 OST CELLULOID RlMED S1JEC- turn to student activities office LOST SHELL RIMMED GLASSEb in long leather case. Ret.-rn to student activities office, tacles, in front of the Temr:r D A N C E X MAS A few lesson3 now will prepare jou to p.ttend the holiday fiances. Just Phone L-6028. CARROLL'S Large Staff of Instructors 15th & O, Neb. State Bank Bldg. Dancing and Evening Gowns ror Holiday rarties 1 -4 oi"f TAFFETAS in flower shades; draped or wired hip lines and tight hodices Prevail. VELVETS in soft deep piled fabrics; flame, black, rose, gold and Jade shades SEQUIN Gowns in stunning new models; combined with tulle in the newest modes for formal wear. Your choice of our entire stock including the most recent arrivals at 1-4 Off COATS AT JANUARY SALE PRICES LUXURIOUS fur trimmed models made from Janette, Mardine, Orlando, Marvello and Normandy cloth in the wrappy modes that are correct this season. Some are all fabric coats with silk stitching or embroidery as an exquisite finish for their fine tailoring. These prices are those you usually get later in the season, and 'represent a great saving. 75.00 89.50 99.50 A COAT Special SUITS including many of our better coats, reduced to close out tho bitken sizes, very spo :.l at 49.50 Second Floor. A special assortmen of wonderful fabric suits, most ly fur trimmed. 1-2 Price Second Floor. JliBIIKMKH t:!Hn;w: limn:;! LEARN TO DANCE We guarantee to teach you to Dance in six private lessons. Phone For Appointment. WILLIAMS Private Studio Mrs. T. E. Williams in charge 1220 D. B-4258 mmmmmmmmmmMmmmwmmmm Get that wool cut at Security Mutual Barber Shop 12th & 0 st Have You Tried the Lindell Party House? guests in a clever little stocking. BID nwmzwmQ i:ib:s:ii 1 m.:m Before Leaving for Christmas Holidays- GIVE YOUR WARDROBE A COMPLETE OVERHAULING B-3677 Varsity Cleaners Sporting Goods Gift Sale Every Item Suitable for Gifts at 20 to 50 Discount SPECIAL SUGGESTIONS Tom Wye Coats $6-00 Sweaters and Jerseys 1-2 OFF Thermal-Ware Jars, 1 gallon size ...$10.88 Bicvcles for boys and girls, Guns, Golf Supplies, Basketball Equipment 20 OFF LAWLOR'S "THE SPORTING GOODS STORE" 117-119 South 14th Street Special Attention Given all Mail Orders ::i:Esn::K::;:arKi::K:''Ki!W 1135 R Street liaiKisEKi: 1135 R Street Now is the Time to have Towns end make your Christmas Photograph Sit Today v 'Preserve the Present for the Future" Studio 226 South 11th Street R M 1