The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1921, Image 2

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    mill.' Ik v 1 f . V V V IV 1? A S K' A N
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I'lllillNhi-il SiiikIuv. ii-I
ThnrmliiY ami krhlav t em-li f-k i Mic
t'nlKTmiv l .Nfliriihlm
S hhIi
orridti. inukkmtv ninii n
I nilfr tlm illrntlnn iif IIik Htmlent k ub
llrutlmia llraird.
tnlt-rril hk Krriiml rln nmtt'f nl 111
p.M.nllir In l.lni'nln. N-lirlni, umlfr Act
of niir""i. Mnrrh I, llHIt.
Babmnpllon ruin 2-,M l""r ",r
Hiilc rtipjr - -
J ( K U HTI N Killtiir-lii-C'hlel
KI ! T. MiiiiikI" Killliir
ilk I.I.K MKM.4N Ah.IU fcclltor
KldrliU l.o i1" ,',"r
llri-brrt Hrownrll. Jr '"
MHr,l llu.k MKbl '
tiennule PiiHthou Sonny I .
Umrli". Mll. liell Mi.irt. hi nr
Joint llnllintsHiirih N.rt l-.ilijor
Ail-lunt hilllors: ll.-ler, linn)
J. ivifrmin nml Ilowtml riimliiM.
ANInt S..I.I.V lillfir.: ,"'
more, i.rrlriiilv l.oulil, ttl'ru lliillliiKt
ml linn- l.iiriliiiT.
V nirn-n h Allil'lli n: "
.. hilliori Murr SliHiliin
liriinmllr Kill! or: Cyril l omiib".
Miltlury hillturs l.niminl foult-y. Wrlli-r: M.mrl.e Wmltli. Hud
HmIm. .
Alio St.-ten. T.VIHsl
Itnoni HH "I II""- . ..
OITi.r l.our.: h.lln.r-h. 1 1 U f Bnil
(IllIC Tl rr ! Iill'y.
jMi; IIMIiiMK Iluslnm Mnr
(hum y Klny Vi-t. Iilnri. Mxr.
llil,.r,l llli-h '' Minaer
.rt Wblli'worih.
liirlmrd Mire.
There's still another way to mike
It more efficient that Is to make It
serve more people. If every Nebraskan
would make ft pledge to be lust ruino-i-tal
In bringing cue student, here natt
year that had not originally planned
to bo here, the operating cost per stu
di'iit would practically be cut In two.
Let 3 booyt for Nebraska!
University Notices.
Kuipii Ki-iirh-iii.
Ailiiison Sniton
Mijlil hililur for iliU l-ui'.
Mark Twain said that the two mosi
vender: ul characters of the last two
hundred years are Napoleon who tried
to eunqu-r the world through the lone
of amis, and tailed; and Helen Keller,
v. ho did conquer the world through
the lone of her dominant faith ami
wonch riul will.
miring the pau week the people of
Lincoln and the students at the Sta'e
Universly have ha 1 an opportunity if
see vind hear Miss Keller. Mind, deaf,
and dumb at the ape of nineteen
months, she has. through the training
of hrr friend and teacher, done mar
velous things. She looks and acts like
any normal, cultured woman would
look and at. 1W lace shows the
Jinenoss of her fnith.
As part of her program at the Or
pheum, where she has be -n appearing,
she answers questions asked by peo
ple in the audience and then given to
her by reading her teacher's lips or
having the message fingered off in'o
her hand. Yesterday one of the ques
tions asked of her was this: "Do you
think blindness is the worst affliction
that eay befall a person ?" Thinking
for a moment, then smiling, she an
swered. "No, for it is worse to have
eyes and not see."
How many of us could see the joy
ous side of life, if we were afflicted
as fhe is? How many of us would do
as she is doing, traveling from city
to city trying to give a wonderful
message to everyone she can reach?
many a tear was shed during Miss
Keller's act, and many people came
away holied by having been able to
have been near her. Part of her mes
sage, however, was selfish, that is, if
what she shows a blind, deaf, and
dumb, baby girl can do, through the
power of her will, ske teaches that
there is no limit to which as strong,
healthy, intelligent, and able individ
ual may do, if they have the same will
power and stictuitiveness that Miss
Keller has had.
Football "N' Men.
All men who were awarded
the official "N" for football are
requested to call immediately
at the office of the director of
athletics and state size for
sweater. If this Information is
Immediately forthcoming, it may
be possible to get the Fweaters
to, the Student Activities office
before the holidays.
F. V. Luehring,
Director of Athletics.1
Delta Garnmaf Marine Anderson
was a visitor here the past weekend
Virginia Hobertsou came down, from
Heatrlee Friday.
Gamma Phi Beta: Marvel Tmjnn
and Helen Kunimer went to Omaha
Friday. "Ilob" Henderson loft for Flor
Ida where rhe Is planning to spend
her liolldayH. Huth Peterson of Mln
den was down for the weekend. Huth
Scholes fnm Palmyra cams? down Fri
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Virginia
liOURslcr and Flora Mfli sh were Oma
ha visitors.
Kappa Alpha Theta: Helen Chick
Is a visitor from Hastings for the
weekend. Ruth AVllson, '20, and Mar.
garet Howes, '20, were ifl incoln over
the weekend. Donna MacDonald and
Orace Kcblnson went to Omaha tor
the weekend.
University Night Skits.
Any organization desirous ol put
ting on a Bkit for University nig'it,
must have the manuscript in the
hands of the committee befovo Janu
ary 15. the general chairmen should
be notified as Boon as possible.
Masonic club mopting. Sunday, De
cember IS, at 136 South 11th. 3-3 p. m.
Awgwan Art Staff.
Have all cartoons for the January
isue turned in to the Awgwan off
ice before December 20. Anyone in
school having a touch of artistic pen
manship invited to submit to this
issue. Make all drawings pertain en
tirely toward new
will be accepted.
years. No others
Art Editor.
Notice of Change of Meeting.
The talk to be given by W.
Wiiitten to the commercial club
Thursday at 11 has been postponed
until next
11 o'clock.
Prizes Offered to Agricultural Stud
ents by National Fraternity.
One hundred and fifty dollars is of
fered in two prizes for the best essay
written by an agricultural student on
"The Need and Sources of Agricult
ural Leaders." Manuscript must be
submitted before March 1, 1922. It
may not exceed 5,000 words. Details
regarding this contest may be secured
from the dean of the college of agri
culture. E. A. Burnett.
Football Team Picture.
The football team picture will be
taken at noon Monday at the Town-
send studio.
Home Economics.
The Christmas tree given by the
Home Economics faculty will be Tues
day, December 20 from 4:30 until 5:30
p. m. Ail home economics students are
invited. It will be held in the home
economics building.
Barristers Greet University Ex
ecutive With Cheers and
Songs Friday.
Chancellor Samuel Avery apoke to
the assembled laws Friday morning.
He first mentioned the importance if
law us a stabilizer of Boclely, and
t; en told uf the inception and'tiowtli
'of the Nebraska college of law The
j barristers greeted Chancellor Avery
I with cheers and the song, ' Sammy
Wants Me for a Sunbeam." He evl-
denced approval, and set a good ex
ample by smiling frequently during
his lecture.
The old Roman empire was taken as
an example cf a government upheld
bv strict end well enforced laws. The
Romans advanced in art and litera
ture, nd they Extended thir do
minion to far , countries. Thin was
done with a comparitively small
armed force. Legions were not nec
essary to govern those inside the
empire, because a high regard for the
laws sufficed. A higher regard for
law today would be a long step to
ward world stabilization, and perpet
ual peace.
The question of a law school at
considered by the regents until after
the University of Nebraska was not
si". school had been startJ Dy I
private enterprise down town. Later
this school was taken in by the uni
versity authorities, and moved to the
campus where it was installed in TJ.
hall, at the time a new building was
needed for the growing school the
question of moving the university to
the agricultural college campus was
being argued. No funds would be ap
propriated for a building which might
have to be abandoned in a sho; t time.
This argument was later overcome ov
a promise to build a building that
Civil Engineers.
American society of Civil Engineers
w ill meet Wednesday, December 21 la
M. A. 102 at 7:30 p. m.City Engineer
George Bates will speak on the de
sign of the construction of the Lin
coln Municipal swimming pool.
In business today the ideal is to cut
the overhead into so many small
pieces that it plays only a small part
in the cost of making, or selling, an
article. That is, if a clerk is paid forty
dollars a week, and sells forty articles,
the overhead as far as the clerk is
concerned, is one dollar for each arti
cle he sells, and the price of the arti
cle must be fixed accordingly.
If the same forty-dollar clerk could
be taught to sell more efficiently and
during a week would dispose of eighty
or one hundred and twenty articles,
the overhead as far as he was con
cerned would be put in half or to a
third of what it formerly was.
Manufacturing establishments have
the same objective in production. If a
machine runs eight hours a day its
production cost per article is a grei
deal more than if the same machine
could be run sixteen hours a day, or
for three eight-hour shifts, each twen
ty-four article.
Students w hen discussing the reduc
tlon to twelve days of the holidays for
next year do not take the question
ot "overhead" into consideration. The
city campus and the College of Agri
culture campus are wonderful places.
On them, buildings worth millions of
dollars have been constructed. These
buildings are utilized during a certain
portion of the year, and then for a
period are not used at all.
Tho faculty in reducing the number
of holidays is trying to cut down the
overhead. If Saturdays could be util
ized, if all superfluous vacations could
he eliminated, and certain classes
which could be scheduled for the even
ings, like the Business Administration
courses for the working people of Lin
coln, Nebraska would be more efficient
Square. And Compass Club.
The regular meeting of Group B,
Square and Compass club will be held
Wednesday evening, December 21 In
Social Science 107. Dr. Wolcott will
present a number of topics for future
study and all members should be pres
ent to express their preference. Dr.
Rankin will give a talk on the history
of Masonry which promises to be
highly interesting. All University
Masons are invited and urged to attend.
The Calendar.
Sunday, December 18.
Phi Gamma Delta sister dinner,
chapter house.
Tuesday, December 20.
Home Economics faculty tea, 4:30
p. m. Home Economics building.
Wednesday, December 21,
American Society of Civil Engineers
7:30 p. m. M. A. 102.
Group B of Square and Compass
club. 7 p. tn. Social Science 107.
Marcel 50c Shop L-9072
Shampoo 50c Home F-4679
Room 8, Liberty Theater.
could be used to house tho stulo Ju
dlclarv In tho event the cnpltol build
ing was abandoned or fell d-jwn. X
contingency, which even at that time
was expected to happen soon.
After tho money had been uppro
priatod a location on the campus was
chosen. This was objected to in its
turn, because a building on that site
would shut off tho light froii tho
new physics laboratory. Much time
was consumed in measuring the sun's
rays, and figuring if the law college
proposed building with, its place In
the sun would really bo detrimental
to 'the usefulness of the nforosnld
laboratory. Tho verdict was for the
law college, plans for the hullriin
proceeded, and the lawyers' present
home came Into exlstenco.
" The first head of thei college wan
Denn Reese, who Is looked on toda
ns Its patron Balnt, and ns tin Ideal
for students of all time to come. Rob
coe round was the second dean. Ills
career lias been brilliant, and little
need be Bald concerning, him. Ho is
nt present dean of the Harv.nd law
college and known tho worli' over.
Othor deans have come and gone, re
organization has taken place, olid the
Nebraska law college is working up
ward, striving to serve the people and
the state.
Voir Drive Wc Rrnt
I Forbes Rent a-Ford Co. jj
v. F mvTisoy. Mir, n
S('nr for nt' Rorlnl functions with
or wltlmnt il-lvpm. i
0 IMmne 1 1-1. Yin 112(1 P M. O I
Ah! That's What I Call
A Regular Gift!"
A Magee Bond
now I can1 buy what I want
just where I want to buy it!
('mail's Carliion-". Fiislilons, News pnper
:nlil M;)i::i-.iin ill'isirsil Inn, ('omini'ivlal :
r.-istol, Cniyon 1'ortriilts. Onr niinpn'l
ini iliihl Miilrlilv li vcloi'n your talent In
liin ihni'. Jty mall or local cIiihsok i
Wi-ho for ti'i'ins anil list of Kin-coxsf ill I
M mli'tit s. Course emlorsi'il hy news-
iuiier. tna'-raztnes aii'l famous a'rtlsts.
If You Like
Good Service
-Pure Foods
You will enjoy coming here to
dine or lnni h.
Your order must he rii:ht. We lo
not want your money iinless It tn
list wlint yon think It Rhouhl he.
Meet your friends here, order your
favorite dishes from our larte
tien ii.
Central Hotel Cafe
QuaOff Clothes
Peoples Grocery
Buyers Will
Our Prices
On Waists
They Make Great
Christmas Gifts
Some at 2.95
and others
up to 12.95
Your Selection is LARGE
Claimed Credit for Victory.
When the war broke out in 1914
tho premier at once becajne a great
warrior and at the conclusion of the
war claimed the credit for the vic
tory. Ho had Insisted on the unity
of command which had Drought many
good results but the speaker said that
the real reason why the Germans gave
in was because of internal dissatis
faction and unrest.
Mr. Hirst said that Lloyd Gecrgs
was capable of supporting Tresidenl
Harding In his disarmament program
if ho has the whole British empire
behind him. He was wit perscna'ilv
and skill and if he uses it in the right
way can do much to bring the Unit
ed States and Great Britain into bet
ter relations.
Invites you to inspect its complete line of
Beautiful Christmas and New Years
Greeting Cards
Alpha Chi: Alvera Loftman was a
visitor In Omaha over the weekend.
Doris Arnold of Alvo was a visitor
over the weekend.
Alpha Delta Pi: Agnes Adams
spent the weekend in Shenadoah.
Alpha Phi: Naomi Gagnoux was a
visitor in Omaha Friday and Satur
day. Dorothy Hultln left Friday for
Chi Omega: Josephine Stuben wpb
down from Omaha the past weekend.
L'lliaa Westestinof Miden spent Fri
day and Saturday In Lincoln.
Delta Delta Delta: Margaret Dowel
was a visitor from Ithica.
Christmas Seals
Christmas Tags
Fancy Package Cards
Fine Leather Goods
Desk Sets
Writing Portfolios
Game Sets
Coin and Bill Purses
Erief Cases
Diaries, Etc.
Fine Stationery and Corre
spondence Cards in Gift
Flaying Cards and Games of
all kinds.
Waterman Fountain Pens
Eversharp Pencils
Fine Pen and Pencil Sets in
Leather Cases
5Tour Inspection Solicited.
Li I
Tucker & Shean
Stationers Office Supplies
23 years at 11230 St.
Oudge wGienzel Co
A Line Party!
At the Movies?
'Down at Rudge &
GuenzeVs Cafeteria
Before, after, and in between shows, classes, and day-limp
sports at Kmlpre & (fueiiel's cafeteria you'll always fiml
a steaminpr hot luncheon ready. It won't be a luncheon al
ready made up we leave that for you because everyone
doesn't like the same things. And we have enough of a
variety that everyone will find lots of things they like.
From Soup
Salads to Ice Cream
l 'All
You'll See
Vegetables cooked as mother cooks them
Meats fried just right
Home made Pies
Fresh Fruits
Of course, too, there are all the trimmings to go with a
home cooked meal condiments, sweets, and appetizers.
Get your Chowd Together
Lead them down to the
Rudge & Guenzel Co., Cafeteria
and you'll have the best line party there ever was, with
Eats being the first and foremost part of the program-
Open From 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M.
Open Every Day Except Sunday