he Daily Nebra SKAN XXI. N. UNCOIA, NKISKASKA, WKDNKSDA Y, NOVK.M UK It l-'. I'.'lil. I'WICK KIVK CUNTS VOL MEET AT ARMORY 3:45 P. M. TODAY AND JOIN PARADE TO DEPOT T m fob Pin Co.uh Dawson's Men Will Have Have Another Workout in Chicago Friday. IINEUP MAY BE CHANGED Stonewall Defense and Smashing Of fense Sought For Satuid.i, Ciid Battle. IV C.Tiiiili.. kor sipmd v Ucr.cl: Dawson and Oiccior I.ouh. it.;; i.. .; a:-t. w ill' l re thi i altemo.m ovc, tl',e Inn Huston l'Msburgh wii.-re t;:e liuskers wili mix will' P.- I'ilt. j .11 : "f the 1 1 I" ":" ;int ini.T-s-riiv.iial eoiiests . :i o tur ,iar:i eainuler. Coach P.t..o.i vili post tin li-it of men who an; to make t!;( .rip this morning i the .rr..: r.'. . Tin- va.siiy battled .he P:i :l..nm ; cww last i veiling uniil .'.ark ,:.iinl the proceedings. Th Ilusk ,,n are hitting their mid-.M-a.-on ii!, ami r.o in the host eon l.ti-m ,;f year Id hit til.; I'll tsbuiv,.! i.hl jt.t, s. Ar:ivin: in I'hieaso Thu. .-day morning, the lluskors will take a light workout "a St.agg t"il-1 an 1 wi'.l ill n journey to Pittsburg'', a.'.iving in i ho "Smoky City" somelimc Pi I lll'H ning. In mooting Pittsburgh. Xekru. ka I.:!s lii'i'a fortunate enough i.i -ti.'.g a banc to l'ay or.o of the fii e:.te it t; .mis in tin' oast. The Pitl.dmrgh t-ihe has made biff preparations for tho Xebra: ka contest ami the report in Lincoln is that in the neighborhood cf ".O.Oaii tickets have already been sold. The set lie of action will be Forbes field, the home of the l'it's lmvLh Nati.iiial league has.-:) ill team. Headquarters for the Nob; :..sha nc.v will he at the William PV:;n koto". Pr. pa-aliens for a biar ndoff by the ttu-hut body for the team have en made and a big crowd i.i expect i ! to turn out at. the depot (his after n. en. Many of tbn organizations about s. liool have already s;arled plan-- for iho Saturday following tnis mi" i-i preparation Tor Homecoming ."id the Kansas came. The Jaykawk :. !i;.ve i.a.l a successful season thus t r an I han lost only one Mirsouri Va'iey ( . nil st. Ci.i', Dawson lias been shifting t' e in- n about somewhat t ! i .- week in an i -ifort to fi'id a combination tint will b.. able to put up a stonewall '' :'cn.-" ami rm."di the Paiuier i f-f-iis-. Captain Swan son and Schcrer a... almost surt to .-tart : t 'he who.'. f Ti.-s with Puce'ik iin l I.nian fiKitit :i at the taekle ho'e.-.. UVI'v ii'id !! i -I'juist will prcibably be. tie' ('.:i- of ma". is with P t rsmi. T I ii.. ,. id AVer.ke be:n' available at t'i" i-.:t position. Weiike U bc-in i :.'! ;. (hance nt fojiter :ml en an '!! of his w.Miiht an ! vpeii r-e w:" p-i.b.d.ly be Riven a rhanee irsst I'.i" Pitt. 0S2Tfa'ith'l. P'tt. s ( f havinrr one of th ' creates! "irors in tiie United States. r n nc is! HOLD TRYQUTS Second Year Olympic Contestants Make Good Showing At Armory. Soph' more tryout.s for Olymp. t-'.m; wc-e hehl Til' sday al'terr,o-':i l!i. arm-iry. A fine repr .-ei.tal v" P. "Up ii w 1 hiiii.'il'e sit.hhi''H tri'.l (n: . Peiinite anuouiKcineiii of the event.-i v liich will be allowed in the Olympie s net yet h?nn made by the Inn:) ' t.ts. Until this is :uade no I 'fini Mans can bo followed by i hr of the r.vo combating classes. The seeoniLyear men have cn'ervl t i work of preparing for ihe c-on-''s's with vipor and some people ir" iaeliiied to ba skeptical of the ham es which the freshmen have to win the 'yinpio. The Olympics will bo bebl Home- 'oming day, November 12. HUSKERS AUIS cnnunMnn EN ournu U Dancing at 8:00 Sat. 11-5-21,7:30 p.m. CO-ED CORNHUSKER LUNCHEON SATURDAY The tiikets for the annua! irl.i' Col niuiskor luneheon 1 lomeconiin,' day, aro noinR fast. Only '.r.n plaUsi id l:e i sc. veil, so it i., up to (h,. Girls to net their ticket at once. Mem bers of tho V. S. CJ. A. council :a we.l uh the studdit activi.h.s (ffic have tickets for sale. Tills year's lunch. 'on proiei.-i.-. t.i bo the best ever held. A special s.'eM ai will bo reserved for the jrirl.i ;! !h" came iind i;:e will leave the Pin-, el. 1 In ti 1 in a paiade and snako dam-i ) the field. ! The toisi Psl for the day will p,ob- ih'j '). withhi ld in:-! the ,l..j a.4 a! :'' tint ..urp: ise. T;.( univcity piris ri l.esti a w i'l liii nish the music. 600D 0L0 DAYS OF '49 10 BE MED Miti.ary Carnival at Armory Next Saturday to be Big Event for Nebraska. The .:ood old wild we.-t ('ays of "lit v ill b. reived at the arijio.y t! is i online Saturday when the '.liv 'rsiiy v. ; 1 be tre .t d to its first eimuai alt run ersi.y miiii.iry cr.i niva.l. Tie' far. hiVvir. will be a cent ;f a'tra t'ou v.hiidi wlil be ivpialle 1 only by f'.' fv iiiette win el an l .he ?hp e-e.ird :n ,te. It is expect 'd that the bar v:i!' aiso do a rwshin;,' business ('.ur in:; ti e ev nins. Tl.eie wi'.l be prompt, se vice at the bar by many ! autit'it bar-maids wlh se ve:y iii-ec n: e v ih be enoiiph to make the eai niv.ii iroers thi: sty. The committee.; for the carnival held tie ir lina.l ineetinu: last evening i d th.e poi footed plan.; for the en tire event weie uiven their final re ii':;i. Siveial bal s of paper ha have boi n oAlered ;.nd no nii '.is (liianiitjes of confetti have Ion lai 1 in to add to the niei rini'Mit (f tin (.(cr.sion. The head bartender, kr.ov.n o it. iib' of business hours a.s Joe X h. the pharmacist, ropoiis that he s c t;r d a larpe ;is: ;irtment misi ei laiHous beverases a.i l a real bar to ('.; ijien.'o tiie ov er, rsothimi wili be i;icki;". to make the affair ri s nibh' t'-- ;.i.i ! iit.l days except the head- h- that us (! to come on 'he moi n iim after. The tiekit sale has iroue forward v an irieypected spe -d and it looks as if the entire male population (Continued on Tape Four) LEAGUE ORGANIZED Twelve Fraternities Organize I.idc pendent League And Announce Schedule. At a mecing la- evening ;f r. - e,v - m iitatiM-s from twelve fraternities ar. : i. ,..!! 1. 11. l-"l -1 1 I' 1 i. ' .'.'.-1 - - ..... formed under the name of the -'Pide p' :.di nt l.eaMiie" with P.-u Web-r a- .:-esideiit, and Xoel Smith as s.-cre-; ry an 1 I reasurer. 'l ie- I -ague has planned, to bowl every Thursday evening during th" wiii'ir and will st: art tho season to orr.;w night with the following iche da'c: P.-.mbd.i Chi Alpha vs. Silver Lyi.x. Sigma Xu vs. Sigma Alpha Kpsilon. Acacias vs. Phi Kappa Psi. pelt. 1 Chi vs. Kappa Sigma. Delta. Th eta. vs. Phi Gamma Delta. Pi Kappa Phi vs. Dye. These games will be played at the Lincoln Howling Alleys, the first six teams s'aiting at 0:::u p. m. and 'he remainder at S : -J". There si ill remains a place for cue more team, and ar.y fraternity desir ii g to enter the league may apply to Pen Weber. The Limerick Contest. You have a chance! The last two laps of the Coinhtisk Pimeikk contest have been com bined, there will be two prize:; INTER FRAT BOWLING MILITARY innffrmTTTTr' Discussion of Disarmament Problems Artio'e No. 2. The Pressure of Population and the Danger of War. P.y Dean .1. K.Lo UossiKiiol. Aiiioiik the mosl striking phcuomi n;i of recent times is the enormous Kiowth in 'the population or the "Western Woi'hl" itha.1 has taken place duriii:;' the past. 1 r0 years, attributable in part to the (ipciiiiiR' of new lands, in part to the productivity of modern machinery, in part tocompar ativo freedom fiom war rnd famine, in pait to tho reduction in the death rate brought about by medical science. Aecordiiij!; t; Mulhall and other s'atr. ,'. icians. the population of the lli'inaii empire al the time of Augustus was about ."1,000,01111, and the popu lation of Kuro.e in the year 177S was lf.o.uoo.eoo. One hundred years la. or (ISTS) the population of Kurope had ir.. reased to tioo.OOii.iioo, and at 'he e;anins' of the world war in PJ1 1, it was about l.-,0,00O,O(io. The popula tion of the Pniled Kingdom in 17S0 w; s alnul lLih. 0,000 ; in PHI it was 10, tn. ii.iiiiu, mid other Kit ropoan countrii! s iia. e had an eoila 1 or pre.-rter growth in popuhition. In the same time the population of No; th and South Amer ica has increased from a few mi'.Mi-ns :o more than lOO.uaO.onil. Souip Asirtic countries, also, as India and .Japan have increased corsidernhly in iitiinbe.-s, although they have been densely prpu'.r.ted far many centunea. In recent times the population of rbe le;.d'n "; caiu.tries, ec: ptins 3hvr.ee, has coatinue.l t.) increase al a very ra.dd rate. I'r.'.ai 1-S7t tj about Pill, the population of the Pni'ed Ki:i;:dom increased from trj.mio,- .li.uo to 1."., 000,000: that of Prance from niio.ii-.i) to :t;),ono,(,0.): the Cerman empire lrem thi.tMio.nua to (iS.nuO.oOa: the Russian empire, from 7,ri,o0l,000 to lSu.0'."i,0au; the Pn'tcd States from ::s.. "oe. iiuo to about. !i.",0ini.o0o; Japan from ".tl, ' ou.in o to a l.ouo.iioo. The growth of population is very clo.-eiy connected with material wealth, military power, foreign co'iinicrce. ( ln'giv tion, and the disposi tion cf growing peoples to encroach upon their less populous and powerful iieii-biiers. Prominent anions: the cau-:es of th.e late war was the enormous growth in population of Germany and Russia. Tlu.ir interests clashed in the Paikans. where the great, war began. Knul-nd. on the other hand, with her gre..t empire and vast foreign commeue, was on the defensive: while the Pnited Sta'es, less densely inhabited and with vast undeveloped re sinnces, was at first relatively indifferent to the great issues involved. Xmv that Kuropoan affairs have been more or less unsatisfactorily settled, pi-ople are beginning to notice that .he Pnited States and Japan, who have suffered comparatively little by the war. remain as the rival powers of the Pacific, looking at each Cher r.cro.v, the ocean with a measure of suspicion and fear; whi!" Canada, Australia, Xew Zealand, the Dutch Colonies and the Pacific States of South America an- looking 'm with intense interest, not unmixed with tn-pidition. (Continued en pane Pent-.) l!l Iowa Aggies Working Hard to Carry Off the Championship Here on November 12. a.:;: Coai varsity v . .. Oc .i '" i. is grooming l.i -his in. n i Art Smith is s'piad of c;'--s count ry se p; a ! e I'rc in t lie n ruiiiiers this week ami a ration for the Mb sou. ; in M-.aip 401 ner. in prep i Va'l.-v ( ham- pio:-.. iii.n :un at Pine. ;n, X ivi inber 12. Arsi. talit Coacli S. S tlraham. who was capta'n of the cress-country team whiih took western conf ors last year, has been charge cf the remainder men for the fall. el-.ce ,1011 p'aced in Smith's With an idea cf what tl; team reuid secured by the duel no- t with 1 I." in.:.; 1111 1 vim sii' v. October ( C!- I I tail Pr vet and his ur n ar ex- 1 i,.,,.;r.l lii cb..-.v Pie v: li v a Cool 1 ;1 at Lincoln. Kothbun live,; r.p to the '"" !- ,:"':,P : h' ni ,Vt,',i ron of Kansi.s. be: ti::g him by nearly half a lap of the track. Kansas and James, the captain di 1 not do a.s well Ma.-sey of Jryhawk ; a- they are expected to do at Lincol 1. vine- C -p-tain Preveit is showing up be. is in ti:-' pradico runs this week. Ore e'.rii"'- lies bei :: !e i: tl e t'-.ni since tie dual meet, t'lanie-e ,i-i!.-r n-pUice-1 by Urown. vho wa a ' mi'.-r 0:1 the track te; m 'art sprint. Pert V.'. t'b, ci.-uk half niiler, and Pi'ibaum have t'th been runnin-' .'-tron.'r ill praopi , w hile lloilewell i-; expected to imp-ow- lat .- in the S'.'S'-n. ;: ( o. (liiiT t" C la' h Si'.li';!. Ahhmigh the Cvo'-no' ;un'ier-: Vave he'd tlm vali- y re- (ud f -r Mr oe cen-t...rte.T- vi-:iiB. Pie-.- are bei:ig as sure.', that there will be ronr- strors !-ten in tie dist:i:i-e run this vta-. M ss'iuri. Kanras. Xi b. l:a. Ka.'.sas Au-uicr. an-1 Oklahoma are i-aid to atl have some outstanding men. wi.i:e Grinni 11 end Drake, although they have not sent out much information. Pave the matcia.l in school, it is known here. The Cyclones also hae enteied Pi the Western confer' nee run ct the University of Indi :11a, at Ploomingtor.. Tl is wili be an evi :i strong(r lace. HIS PREPARING FOR CROSS-GOUHTRY MET DON'T MISS THE "SOMETHING t'M.oiio.Oon to ttti.il'io.atio; Italy. 27.- FRESHMAN ENGINEER mi 1 1 1 1 Wiil CONVOCfillQN HELD'ir. Prcf. M. I. Evinger Spe3cs On "M uni cipal Engineering" Monday. . . .. ., ... wint ering d.'pa'-tmeat s poke before t regular fn-Mimau t-n': im-eriiig lecture (dass Monday evening on ".Municipal Pnuineering ti-ted h. ;ween difVrert 1 1 1- d.-ff. kinds of engineering and brieflv d--liked some cf 1 li .-: branches. Hydraulic engim ei ing g-.-neraliy coti sis's 0! the study of irrigation eiigii. ( ,-rii:-- end tin- ci ntrol of w..iorvav to p. event future floods ami ut'llr the wastewaK r. A clos.-r t ) heir.-- 11-" ject is the irrigation work under cor. sideratioll for th" PlaM" vath-y ii west- rn Xi braska. Professor Kvimier read and dis-j ussed a paper entitled lir--!i.-("'i:ig," given before Mtmicipal the Arnold-. c a S j' i.ty : Pn-'iieers by .Mr. ei-K-r. . resi.'.eiit of the soeli :v. Tl'" a.p- T deal1 with all tile probl. :.i : ti h: met by a muni' ':1:'; engiie-i r i : ' ,',ei' nii.a of a mod -ra city. The j.rob lems an- many and in a large size city : :.- ie.:t" :ii;;'o. Same of tie- : I.e. :!.; :': lures are; Sire !, Je-ji:!!. s .:.-.- an ! lr.i!nii:g- systems, tr'.n P:t..iio;i. strict cro-o ings. and rcve 111 1-11 jjjiks. idaygrounds, water !;;- phes, some .( tii)n of galbaue. ih-sign of bridges and in .ml pert :"'-: nr-s ge ( ity. -r is. or laciiit '' s. On - .f the nio-L i up . ;: ' is the water supply for a la I'-ac'icallv a'l of the "al s iouid 1 o purified by some pro -os.-., probably filtraP 111. Tiie process o" f:l tratiou for purification of wa'er to be used for drinking purposes has long been used in Huron and is used m most of tin- cities and larger towns in this country now. except in places, as in tin- mountains, where the vvitcr supply has small chance for coutim mition. i.jtherans. Notice. Pie social in Art ball Friday night: Every girl is apked to bring a pi The auction price will be reasonable limited. CARNIVAL rTT?T?T?Tl 1?TT TV DIFFERENT MUSICAL CONVOCATION IS TOMORROW MORNING A symphony pro;,:ai.i wiil be given ;t cu;ivoci.lio:i Thursday a, 1 i o ' ',.. !; ,n Al'-nioi i. 1 !- li. Tic p. .. : am v. ri be ;:.ivn Ly a Si.l.iig (pia: ,, p;.-i;.. and organ. This .s the fir-u musKa! cotiviK ati .n of the yeai-. Tiie luinibeis by list;, two s;e imr ,ie-, "Orpheus" and "Pes Prelu 'e.' wiii make ..) the a'. ... -re : i. "l" i -.; h . will take pr.it a c: K.i. .1. Walt, li s violin; M ust Lr.nge, so. ,ei i violin, Win. T. Quick, xhda; l.iili.-n lil. iio, C"i '.; i'hliih I'll, iingim Pes-- plan , -ud Mis. Carrie- P. Paym n '., oira.r The musical progiams which will !) given from lime to time 1iin;igl otit the year, aie om'.e,- the .ii; ti .; of Mrs. Caw "m 15. Kaynrni '.. mi iiiiiiiHL l-VA 9 i 1IZES it a -t 4 Eighty Ch.'Diip'on Aniniala To Be Ex--ihited at Ag.-ic-J'.ural Collcje Saturday. The Pahy In'ern.stienal. wliieli will he. held Saturday exenir-r, Xovemh :r at the c:;lle:,e of ag: icu'.tuie und-r the auspices cf ih.i Ihock and P.ridle ehib, is prr.gn sst.ig nic-iy acco'-'lin."' reports from tiie committees ir. ::harge. l-iigh.y prizo-winr.i'in animals owned by the Pniversity wi'.l be on exiiibi- :iou :t this shaw. In a.i. there will t ' two c'a.-::-es each of swine, rheep and h.oises, and five of cattle. 1-Vday and Satu: day will find the young her.'.s-nii-ii busy cUaiiini; and i'fer.ari'i:: their animals for the gram! dress par ade. Tiie parade will undoubtedly he featured by many animals showing it' the height cf showring perfection as then- are some yaang experts at work who are very efficient in this ait. The official judge will place tiie ! awards, not i;pon the. merits of the animals ;.s is the case in showrh; ; ompi tition, but upon the stud-'Ui -v1--.! - Ir t l t .skill in the prei ar..t .1'"-; - , xhtn of his animal. o, Mari'n I'rnei-er, chatrman "f ti enter:a:.nmeii; coanniitee, has arranc.i ii ... s, i . . .;.. n .... ' .111 ...... t:i 'has 1; en engaged to render mt:.-it-early in the '.-veiling and music at I': nrv.ils during the shov. ing of the l'v stock. A male (piaitet and other ma-i- ;cal numbers will furnish aililltiom-.l Cramntic Ciparlinsnt Will Stait :.-s Of Plays P'-r Youngsters This Week. Th- .l!.;ii-.a:ie d : . :tm--:ii wiil ... a i h. 'dress .ie-. t-'r Xo. . -m1 .". at .-I.", i'i ti. '!' -ai-io jii.-at r. The ami'. .so this 1 1. -.; t . - is ! j 1 til" 1 ' e the il.-sir-- for the .-puken or; .i aiiioni: g:o.ii;:;-. as v. as ch 1 I:--ii. 'I lie first. h.y !- produced i- ti t fairy ta! - "."now White an I th ' Dwarfs." The Cbihhvns ibi'.it'-r eo;:ists of lie- s riiaiits tik-'i'g werk in -lram. ttv in the Pniversi:y of .Nebraska. Tie piayirs have a s.rea desire to einor ta'n ei.iidr.-ii and briuf to iie:n 'J,.. best cia-iles in lite-ature in d-a: ot t:c form. They are ph-iming on 1 r'u--ing t) their pa'rons this year Mich 'tories as Cinderella. Pollyana. -iaci. rnd the II -an-S:; Ik. Three pills in a Pottle, and many ethers of especal iirerest. There are v(.--y few other tle-.-teii of this kind in th" country. The Child- I reus theater pi i.vers of the University expect to develop a ehiidr.-iiH deiart inriit of educational recreation to keep 'Lincoln abreast cf the work b.-inc done tlsewhero for the little peop.e of the country. The play "Snow-White an I the Dwarfs" will be given at t!m Temple theater Xov. 5 at 2:1.". WILL AVID Pi ertainmcnt. 1 : I CHILDREN'S THEATER I TO OPEN SATURDAY 1 1 Adm. 35c. Includes Drinks and Carnival Cap. E AS SEHD-OFF TODAY St'.iricn'.i Meet This Afternoon at Armory and March to D Isl ington Depot. SLOGAN IS "BEAT PITT" 'I. v.l :. Ccoin P'ayinj at 3:45 Ne '.jraska Ltrocci to Shew Hip; Tru Spirit. ,'!!; a : Py : J t'e- P't; "1 :i i. .-.'a-.! t .'1 ;. ' o I :ra :' '-a ti:e - v el :': P. p. 1:1 , X- h fill- f.t v i'.l !!.: the t'o.idm : t.ri.1 :m:i l i-: . .0 I'ilt bit ' itl' a pirl! g . ' tint 1 1 C.lt'K'i'tKia .:.: !.: il.ci liial of Xotr'- D. mere1- he. by the 'iithn.-iasin the., is be. :.t: . hown' by :' sta ie ,t ! "Wo 1 arro' u .' .-i t .0 1" aicly to j ia in t ' 1 a a 'e t . I : , : s:,i I a faculty in. ml e . "X. br - k- has spi it. if ie .- cl.-'i's v i'i 011'y let it le.'-bio . It ; :! (-.'!5?S : e,i- t 'c 1 uh'.i'l'r- p- hp. but r.unel.cw ' !o eii'-rv. see.' The uri( r.-ily ba.,1 will ra'l every .-.i-.dent in M-ba.i! to. '.ay in fr"tt ef the rrn: y at :t:i." p. m. Th.e pelade will strrt frem this point at 4:01 .! -ek, .- 1 t'.a'. i! wiil r-ach the Tturiingtoii 'p-t in lime for a farewell 1 a -ly be-fe,i-.. the ; rain pulls out carrying the mo'eskin he o,-s to their fi '.iit with We iier's I'ilt. Pa'.thcrs 'I he c-.-c's el Xe'e esha n . special ';. 11. eel to jo: : in tli'1 line if march. Ti, y were c nspicurtis by tln ir nb , .,,(.,, dcp.d. rally before th.e team l it for Smith P' ti l. Students :i-p also ke 1 not t ' walk e n the ri.'ewalks abreast of the 'r.arc'mrs hi ing the parade, but to j in ia the 'h: - ef march. Pecrii.o i: w...s eii'i te'. that trol'-'y ires "jeiktd" or the eo.-a-ien ef the Xot. e Dame para ie, stmhnts a.e r !so asked t. refrain from, 'hi- 'sport" I today. -This is XOT a f h.:-'-t..il par !'"le. but a farewi 11 ral'y to t'-.o '.earn,-' ; el y -..- e , ; ' The cheerleaders wiil La i ihe j marchers in the chant, s- ncs and I yells while the .jUrate -wends lis way j to the depot. A shoit rally will be h:eh' in fruit of the eeich that wiil j ca-r the team to Pittsburgh. "X-ebrasl;a can have il.OiiO students marohing in today's parade, if she only will," is the comment made by several students. "Her spirit is iherc; it is only hidden by indifference cn the part of a few students." EPISCOPALIAN CLUB FALL PARTY FRIDAY Th- Pniversity lipVco'prli.iri (dub wi:l kohl it- fall party a. .Mrs. A. 11. i Pdiei-um's. PmO South 4ntli street j ( - Jl roe ! 10 nei.K, .... ' jioi 1. .4-1 Inr irbe' s and i'ri- mis of the lab '.re j ur-.-d to be present, as thi-i i- the 1 first 1-1 r party it tie fall s-::-iii for , the club. -. 1 f v- . . 11 CflKHIITEES FOR PRESS CLUB OUT 1 1 j Roy Custafssii Announces Names Of Members Who Will Lead I Activit.es. Ti.-- pr. P ir iaa',. t. e Press Club, ai.:i',ii:ieo.l the 1; ! vnn.lt'e- s so far aypoa-.-.-d in the i -s ieli. Other eouniott- os w -;i bo jfiir:.:e,i as the ne.-d aris.-s and the ,i:--w m. mbi rs are urbanized, j The membership committee will t.-ke ea'e of all a !: jdica tions to the ! Press club, pass on ihem and recom- end them to ihe club. The dub then votes 0:1 the applicants. Th1 prer-ram committee will arrange the monthly program for the club. This committee will have a great deal to do with the Nebraska Press asso ciation convention, which will be held le-re next wint-T. The publicity committer will handle (Continued on pajre 3.) Doors open at 7:30