The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1921, Palladian Semi-Centennial Edition, Image 2

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Tulillnhod Snnilny, Tui'Hilny. Wi-dnoHilny,
Thurmlny hihI I-'riihiy nf ench wk hy Ihe
University of NohriiNkn.
Vnder lie direct Un of the Student I'ob-lU-ntlonn
Entered i.eeond vlnun matter nt tn
pOHtntlire in Lincoln. Nehrnitku, under Act
f CnnKrexN, March 8, 1871).
(tubncriptiiin rnie fl-OO per yenr
fsi.uo per tiemchter
Single copy 8 cents
JACK Al'STIX Kilitor-in-rhlef
OK IN It. tiAM'OX .MttiiHicliiK Keillor
FAHMAX AnKocinte F.ditor
Fldri.Iice l.owe NiK'H
Herbert Itrownell, jr .Nik-lit FilHor
Fdwitrd Buck Micht F.dltur
Katlinrlne von MinckwiU ...Society Fditor
ChnrleN Mitchell Sporld r.inor
John HolliiiKxunrth inr FriKor
Assi-mnt Kilitors: l'rnnk IfelNer. ier
trrnle riittei-Min, and Howard t rBnilall.
Axsit-lant Society Fditor: Zellu il
more. t.ertnido t.ould, and a lorn Itull
Inirer. t omen'H Athletic: Sue Stllle.
F:chmiKe Fditor: Mary Shclilon.
Dramatic Fditor: Ayrll t'oonihs.
Military Fditor: Leonard t ow Icy.
1-e.iHi re Writer: Mary Tliomns, Hud
Alice Steven Typist
ltoom ?(! "I " Hall.
Office hours: Filitor-in-chief nnd Man-
tinr Fditor Ttirce o'clock dully.
t MKs VUMKM h Itiisine Manure
Chnniieev Kiriscy sst. lnsinss Micr.
Clifford ' lilcks fir. Manaircr
Kearney Club.
Kearney clu) picnic, Antelope park.
Meeting place, 13t3h and O streets at
6:15 sharp.
. ' ;';St
Students wishing to usher at Satur
day's football game report at the
athletic field Saturday at 1 o clock.
Norfolk Club.
The Norfolk club wil hold a dance
Friday night, October 14, at the Dusli
nell guild house, 1701 L street.
Cornhusker Staff.
Students desiring to work with 1022
Cornhusker still have an opportunity
to make application at the student
activities office. The Cornhusker
management Is anxious to have a
largo number of applicants from which
Nlltht Fditor for this issue
Palladian semi-centennial celebra
tion this week-end. Everyone invited
I to our birthday party Friday evening,
Saturday, 10 to 2 open house to
alumni. Banquet In evening, 6:30.
All three in "Pal" hall.
Phi Mu Reception.
Phi Mu is holding a reception Sun
lay afternoon from 3 to 5, in honor of
Hattie Heppedly, '21. All of Miss Hep-
perly's friends are cordially invited.
Xo other invitations will bo Issued.
"Bizad" Caps.
"Hizad" caps may bo secured at
the men's department of Mil'er &
Paine's. Business administration stu
dents are requested to secure e;ips
in time lor Saturday's game, where
a special section will be reserved for
Many newspapers print columns un
der headings, "In Years Gone By" or
"A Year Ago Today" which are devot
ed to items quoted from newspapers
of earlier years. These items are al
ways interesting, and it often makes
one smile to recaX ihe incidents men
tioned. How many of us there are that,
upon reading such a column, sit down
and indulge in retrospection. Our
minds dwell fondly on the few shreds
of remembrance that we cherish.
Since we enjoy these columns so
much and find it pleasant to live over
"ye good old days," why not develop
the diary habit and keep trace of oc
currences for yourself? Begin by writ
ing just a few lines a day and the daily
entrances will soon grow until you
find yourself recording not only events
of interest, but your thoughts and re
actions. After a year you will have a
little volume that nothing could induce
you to part with. It will grow infinite
ly more precioous as the years pass
for, while it may not be much of a
work of art, it is very personal and
sure to be treasured.
There is another advantage gained
"by the habit besides the intrinsic value
of the diary itself. You may not notice
it, but it is a fact nevertheless, that it
promotes ease in expression. The prac
tice of expressing yourself in your
diary makes it easier to express your
self to others.
There is everything to gain and noth
ing to lose so develop the habit and
write your own life history.
Contributions to Awgwan must be
in the hands of the editor by Satur
day in order to catch the NovembM
issue of the comic. All contn'jiitois
to last issuo are asked to get their
material in immediately and every
one who can write a joke is lavited
to contribute. Mail to Editor, Aw
gwan, Station A, or drop in Awgwen
box in Nebmskan office.
Arthur E. Holt of New York and
Social Secretary of the Congregation
al church Is to speak at Convocation,
Tuesday, October "IS at 11 o'clock at
the Temple theater.
Friday, October .15, a special convo
catio will be held at the Temple thea
ter for Prof. Shaler Mathews.
Catholic Students.
The Catholic student club wiil hold
initiation at Robbers' cave on Sat
urday, October 15, at 6 p m.
Ag. Club.
The United Ag club meeting has
been postponed until Tuesday eve
ning, October IS, 1921.
Delian Literary Society.
Khanti Bola Rai, a, student from In
dia, will speak at a meeting of the
Uelian Literary society, Friday night.
Miss Hal will toll of her home life
in India and compare it with Ameri
can home life. She has given many
interesting talks to various organiza
tions. She is staying at the homo of
Rev. W. T. Elmore, a former Delian
and a former missionary in India,
Alpha Zeta.
A luncheon for all Alpha Zeta men
will be held at the Ag. College cafe
teria at 1 o'clock Friday, October 14.
The Exhaust
One lino, extra heavy for use on
One line, your very best for oso on
girls at the dances at the Lincoln.
Friday, October 14.
Pi Beta Phi fall party, Knights of
Columbus hall.
Block and Bridle club meeting, home
of H. J. Gramlich.
Omega Beta H dance, Elian Smith
Delian literary society, Faculty hall,
Friday evening.
Kappa Alpha Theta house dance.
Phi Mu hse dance.
T'is a kind giver that expects no re
Sat'irr'-y, October 15.
Football, V skcll Indians versus
Gamma Phi Beta house dance for
Sigma Till Epislon fall party,
Knights of Columbus hal.
Sigma Chi fall party, the Lincoln.
Komensky club Meeting, 7:30 p.
m., Factulty hall, Temple.
Kearney club picnic, Antelope paik
Putting one over on your professors
may not 'be as easy as n migiu ap
pear, une student torn nis proiessor
that he always spent an hour and ten
minutes on his lesson. Later, he very
unfortunately boasted that he spent
the hour in class and ten minutes in
preparation. All might have been well
if his professor hadn't overheard this.
Shakespeare reminds us that "The fool
doth think he is wise, hut the wise
man knows himself to be a fool."
Recent reports ' from the weather
bureau indicates disturbances not un
like earth-quakes in this vicinity. In
all probability it was only a truck
load of pledge buttons enroute to the
Sig Alph house.
Freshman Have You?
One set excuses. These will
in handy after missing your
One pair dice. For social and finan
cial use.
Sunday, October 16.
Vikings meeting, 2:30 p. ra., Delta
Tau Delta house.
Thi Mu reception for Hattie Hep
perly 3 to 5 p. m.
Competitive Examination.
The United States Civil Service
commission announces an open compe
titive examination for botanist A va
cancy in the Bureau of Plant Industry,
department of agriculture, for duty in
the field with headquarters at Madi
son, Wis., at $2,760 to 3,300 a year,
and vacancies .in positions requiring
similar ana.lificflt.iona. k or VerW
er or lower salaries, will be filled from
this examination.
All citizens of the United States
who meet the requirements, both men
and women, may enter this examina
tion. For further information in re
gard to this mater, inquire at the Ex
tension department, second floor of
the Temple building. Receipt of ap
plications will close Nov. S, 1921.
Tarty time again. "We've a lot of
new things to show you. George Bros.,
Stationers, 1213 N street.
To the students at Nebraska the
advertisements in the Daily Nebraskan
serve as a guide to the reliable shop
ping places in Lincoln It is reasonable
that the business houses that cater to
our students advertaise in this publi
cation. Therefore, these stores seeking
the patronage of Nebraskans will do
their best to keep patrons once they
begin purchasing gods.
Our advertisements support this pa
per. The subscription charge does not
pay for the printing. The Rag is es
sentially an affair of the student body.
It deserves the active support of til
undergraduates. There is no more ef
fective way in which this support may
le given, than by investigating the ad
Tertisements we publish.
Vi'e offer a safeguard to Nebraskans.
The business manager of the paper
sends its representatives to solicit
business only from reputable firms.
Preference is given stores which deal
' in articles of particular interest to
college (men. Questionable advertis
ing is not considered.
All Nebraska men and women are
urged to watch the daily announce
ments we print In the first place,
the business men of Lincoln are in
terested In securing their business,
they have made the first overture
they have advertised where they were
ure It would be read. In the second
place, effective support is given your
college paper by doing so.
The correct economic literature of
the leading banks of New York city
are being received regular by the de
partment of geography. These reports
constitute value in summaries of the
present business situation in tha
United States. Any university stu
dent interested In reading them will
find them in the geography reading
room, Nebraska hall, 201.
C. R. CO.. 1911
A Young Man s
Taste in Clothes
GOOD taste in clothes is
" no longer considered
an affectation rather it is
regarded as a proper apprc
ciation of the value of good
dress as a personality asset.
For this reason so many
of the better dressed young
men are wearing Stratford
Clothes. Be guided by Strat'
ford styles.
It pays to buy the best.
The new Fall and Winter Styles are now on display
If You Lived In Mexico
ihe stylish hat
this fall
would look something
like the above sketch
but since you're a student
at the Uni. of Nebraska
the correct hat
I ff f I TT
Quality ciucies
Tucker- She a n
Jewelers, Opticians
School Supplies. Complete require
ments for all departments of the university.
aice I ighi
At the
Rosewilde Party House
to the
Featuring the "New Chicago Walk
Time" for the first time in Lincoln.
ri. Oct.
Admission $1.10
Including Tax
Capital Auto Livery Co.
Burt A. Anderson
Rent a Ford, Drive it yourselt.
Open An Night
241 No. 11. B-26BS
116 So. 13th St.
- b