THE DAILY NEBRASKAN SPORT BRIEFS From all indications Lincoln will acquire a franchise In the State base ball league to be formed next spring. The capital city seems unable to re gain her former berth in the Western loop and must accept the State league berth to satisfy the followers of th? pastime in the city. Better that than none at all. Kreshmeu and novice members of the Cornhusker tracn su I have al ready started work toward obtaining track numerals this fail. The cinder athletes are graded on the records awarded to the men who obtain a sufficient number of points. year, was a visitor at the unfver slty yesterday. He announced his pur chase of the leading store at Gothen burg from Victor Johnson, a graduate of the college of pharmacy. Mr. John son has gone to Long Beach, Calif., whore he has purchased one of the leading stores of that city. Wesley Colson, who graduated from the college of pharmacy two years aso, has purchased a store fit Stromsburg. Nebraska. Mr. Colson. who is a veteran of the world war, drew a lucky number at the recent Torrinctoa land opening, winning a quarter section of land within two miles of the city. Miss Almaine Campbell who with Miss Katherine Thompson has spent the past year traveling in Europe, has decided to remain in Paris study ing French and music. Both Miss Campbell and Miss Thompson are for tner university students and are mem bers of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Miss Xorma Grumann who is teaching in the high school at Aurora is spending the week end with her parents,; Truf. and ,Mri Paufl H. Grumman. rpsccococcocoocococococcoco Sulphur Vapor Baths The Midland colics laying deep and dark the honors in The Krcnot'l about 1i winner. They with Wayr.e grid plans is team to grab the state conference. sr.oui.i Teache: nave t team unds an. are s no ratal n easy wil IX' fvS fcvera? ke ated Kri to c.asr with Mas T.'-wie farmer C.'rr.hv. hei-cir.g Karley lings wit::: n:ae day a: ceiie-t tie Fr t . vars.ty he vj.i: and ker Your.g w : :t the Ai PuTea::. f Q stars. a:eS : -.1 c : A r is siated It v'.;'. a::c: :.::t of the 18 The Most Perfect Bath in the World Gold Medal Award and International Diploma This Bath gets the same if not better results than any of the hot springs of the country. Thousands of patrons say they can get a hundred times better results right at home bv means of the Sulphur Vapor Baths. This Bath effects results when all the noted springs and vari ous other baths have failed. v The Sulphur Vapor Bath is the greatest system ever discovered S for the elimination of poisons from the body, and has brought perfect health to many chronic invalids. The White Sex in the r-iids: of 0 The American leat the ope-iter ester Cubs ::. Pic Vie K Comiskey team Alexander was on Cubs. Kerr was nu.v.ay is a b.a: I the Cnbs are city serie-. cc: a way with . l lar.kinc the aur :ie t e slab for the y effective. number of the tor :r.e miihtv 8 j Different From Other Baths This Bath has no weakening effects, but is strengthening and exhilarating in all cases. All forms of rheumatism respond quickly to the most natural treatment. Nature's Best Assistant gridiron chart for Nebraska fans. Nj game is schedule! for that day. It is 8 very jrooao.e Uuskers and Freshmen will in scrimmage Saturday afterr.ocn and the gates wi'.j j undoubtedly be thrown open to stu dents. Saturdav. October 133. the , Haskell Indians are coming. Watch . 8 I oat for them ; outfit. they are a fighting SECRET PRACTICE FOR DAWSON FOOTBALL CLAN (Continued from Page 1.) ley Young of the first year men has a dependable aggregation to battle the varsity and expects to show the more experienced men some new wrinkles in the pigskin sport. Coach Young has deserted the drill grounds and has been civins his men their usual evening work rat a: The Rovk Island ball purk. The first year squad has been cut considerably since the firs: call was issued and Coacn Young has weeded out those men who have layei down en the job. The Fro-i this year will not present the arr.iv of stars that last season's first yeir stria contained but the fighting spirit is there and a real hard battle is ex-petted. I Sulphur Vapor Baths I h 1337 R Street Phone L5205 8 0 A FOR LEASE fweve room house, suitable for sorority or fraternity. Within eight bocks of the campus. Call B-1562 PHARMACY NOTES The college the la r res: res of pharmacy report.; :s:rati:-n this vear sin.:? Where Do You Lunch Try our newly epuipped dining room Luncheon 35c- Combination Suppers 35c and 60c. OPEN ALL NIGHT SAVOY CAFE the orgmizatxn cf the s.h'l of jiar- i macy at lS-'v The fr.shman c's? is : nearly d -.ile the size cf previous! classes Mr. M. S. who graduate! from the coll-.-re cf ; in IC-l-l : and i) then receive-! a fe'.'.: wship in the Tniver-ity cf Mirn-sota. which J he held until hi enlistment in the A. El F.. has acc-f te-l an instruc- ! Day and Night Classes torshi? in de-p;rtment cf che Istry of the Univt-rs.ty cf Edward Simanek. ho graduated f re m the collrse of pharmacy las: it Nebraska's B-st School H:t. : HXr.-.. 1- c-rt:::ei ty ii.;:W Erter Ns. A fullv A ''J. rl,-.;mer.t. and Courses oof Study un :r. Fi.r ar i Honest Prices. Every teacher ditrl Schix;! Literature Free Nebraska School of Business T. A. Blake-lee. A. B. Ph. B., President. Gertrude Beers. Secy. iv V m.-rirjm AiHialin of aa-atiaaal School.) fmr and ll:o t. I.lnrala. Nebraska U. S. ARMY GOOD AND SURPLDS STOCK Can't FAIL to take advartage of tiese LOW PRICES and buy NOW for winter at this great sale cf REGULATION ARMY HIP BOOTS. New - - $4.45 GOVERNMENT WOOL BLANKETS $2.50 MIIRTS O. I. Woal MiirT.. rrno I M . I. at Milrt. Ira 1 4.V tlannW hin. aa-w S Ktutkl Kmrlira, rrne . Khaki Krvrflm, fit.. Hfliij' Oirrall and Jarkrt.. wh KTKB" All Wool Khaki rulrr . . Khaki Mip-arrr Mini . I.M llmijr Mitvlrra S.J Jr- !mirra l.J 4.V 1.04 .4.91 rT All Iaihrr Jcakra IUIir-linrd fta . 6-V ( rl u ruy Veia, IrMt hrr linJ aad Inubrr M f Krcolulioa hry . I. Markiaawa. S.TS t ol Marklaaara. all ( olor .' Bis I inr af Xrmr Tral. II rat r laarard II ar-r. JIST Kt.tll V.V MIIPMF.NT OF HF.AVT WATERPROOF TARPAULINS KHAKI. DUCK AND WHITE DUCK MOLESKIN COATS 12.50 Peculation, Double Back Army Rair Coat, new 5.93 Gas Mask Coats, oficers style 5.95 MANY OTHER STYLES O. I. Wat Arm J- Hlaoktl JJ.45 1 nil tan l'altrra and I'laid Blankrt. all rlur. iior Officer' Ina Cor- itxio Mil S5 Infaatry Miar. alt aitM. ftr . - 3-M Rrcalalloa V ark hoM, ail !" . i JXS liMffinrnl llabaall I.T Hlrh-iop. all Iml brr hwo .J K'fulalUa Klaa-k Naajr haea S-S 1II4. 13 mm. Khaki ilH Itill. IS i Khaki llljl litis. U ea. Khaki .fliM ItttS. 1.- at. whttol.1 ITI. I. ot. Khaki SI1.M IH!, IS aa. Khaki t OUT OF TOWN MAIL ORDERS rlirarf ally araplad a h-a ara-aanpaaard bj rhrk or mmy ordrr. Iarra-I p. .tiipnral. aaut itarlada polaca. OPK F.KiXC.H WANT ADS. LOST A GOLD EVERSHAKP FEX cil with name, V. Ordway, engrav ed on side. B6450. SPANISH TEACHSK NEEDED AT once. Call at 201 Temple. A. A. Reed. LOST 30 size ELGIN GOLD WATCH with Ribbon bracelet. Return to Student Activities office. Reward. THOSE useful garments of almost con tinuous wear may be kept new looking all the time by cleaning at proper inter vals. LET our service add service to your serv- MSfcfa iceuuie garments. 551 p Phone B-2311 333 North Twelfth. tlf -mr . ',"'x J- JJ Jifat ( i r,;, I ouaiJ. ty QUALITY IS THAT ELEMENT IN MEN AND IN MERCHANDISE WHICH ENDURES It is the element which makes a great oil painting more wonderful as it gets older, a violin sweeter for the melodies it has sung. A man greater for the adversities he has passed through and a Hail Schaffner and Marx garment hang better the longer you wear it. You can wear a Hart Schaffner and Marx suit or overcoat till its thread-bare but the integral grace and beauty of its lines, growing closer into the intimacies of the figure, will endure till the nap is off the fabric and the shine is on the wool. The wool will eventually wear out, but the workmanship won't. Hart Schaffner and Marx at the price of those that are not. $35 $40 $50 A Nebraska's Larsesit Kxr'usive M .mi ami Boy's St.e rmstrong CLOTHING COMPANY MANY MORE ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION LINCOLN ARMY &, NAVY SUPPLY CO. 211 SOUTH 11TH ST LINCOLN, NEBRASKA