The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 20, 1921, Image 2

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I'iiIpIIhIhmI Siiinlny, Tui'mliiy, Wi'ilnoHilny,
'I'hiirNiliiy iiml Friday of each week by tlio
( ' ii I vithi I v of NclirnHkii.
I mlrr the llrrt Ion uf the Studont l'ub
Hi'iilliiiiK Hoard.
lintiTi-cl aw hpoond i'Iiimw mutter nt the
ImdIoIIIic In I.lnmiln, Npliruitkii, under Act
of Cuiiktvkx, Milrcll 3. IH7I).
nlMTltliin ruin !.00 .-r jfiir
I.(MI per Ni'ini'Htcr
Nlnule ropy 5 cents
JAfli At STIN Killtiirlu-(iilff
I.KII; MrHKlUK AIiiiihkIiik Kdltor
.11; N.N IK WATSON ANHoi'liite Kdltor
Oivln (iiiNton Nvn Kdltor
I'ililridve l.ou vm Kdltor
lii-rliert lirowm-ll, Jr Nmvn Kdltor
T I. idioni'H lt-lkill; Koom liUli, "U" Hall
JAM IIS I IIIIKK K HiiNlneflH Munacrr
llllord IIIckN t'lr. MuiuiKi-r
New Kdltor for tliln Issue
Ki.intnx.i: i. w k
"Subscribe for the Daily Nebraskan,
TODAY!" This is the slogan which is
being hurled through the air ir every
direction, which permeates even the
remotest corner of the campus in a
call to loyal sons and daughters of
Nebraska to show some of the old time
"pep." Energetic girls are canvassing
the students for subschiptions in an
effort to win the prizes that the busi
ness staff of the paper have offered.
Last night" in the regular Monday
night business meetings of the frater
nitie? and sororities, many of the org
anizations voted to support the paper
iuo per cent. Later in the week a
complete list of all organizations so
bi-.cking the Rag will be published.
The loyal support of every Corn
husker is what makes the University
of Nebraska, and this year the stimu
lation to do things for our Alma Mat
er is greater than it has been for
some time. The successful athletic
campaign that has Just been complet
ed is a sample of what Nebraskans
can do and will do. The important
thing now is for every student reg
istered in the university to boost all
worthy undertakings, to put away the
hr.mmer and push ahead with the rest.
This year the price of the paper
has been lowered 25 cents. The paper
will be a twenty inch, six-column pap
er and contain more news than last
semester. Special extra-page papers are
to be issued from time to time. Sun
day feature papers are to be printed
that will make the paper better this
semester than ever before. Show that
you are real Cornhuskers and sub
scribe for the Daily Nebraskan today.
of approximately elnghteen hundred
purchasers of tickets. Lets get the
2,000 sold before the committee closes
the Halo of tickets.
Hero's what it means: twenty-seven
athletic contest Tor- $7.50 If we get
tlio 2,000, a $2.00 tennis membership,
and the satisfaction of having backed
Nebraska nnd Nebraska athletics.
The day we have been waiting so
long for has come and gone. The grind
of the classroom has already begun
Assignments have been made, lectures
given, and already the professors have
begun to estimate the mental capabilit
ies of the students in their classes.
Today the class-rooms will not seem
so hot, nor the hours so long, because
we are beginning to be acclimated.
Now is the time to work! The first
six weeks are the most important in
the year. If a student gets off on the
right foot and gets the real spirit of
Nebraska, the year will be a pleasure
able one. Lets work hard now and rest
on our oars later in the year.
For years it has been an acknowl
edged fact that the law college has the
best spirit of any college at Nebraska
To you know why this is so? From
the first day a student enters that col
lege the idea of Nebraska is drilled in
to students. Factional things are look
ed upon with disfavor, and any move
ment that will better the school is
fostered. When the spirit of the Laws,
that of unselfish fellowship toward all
associations, is caught by the other
colleges, Nebraska will become the
most powerful university in the mid
dle, west
Say "Hello."
Lots of first year men and women
are mighty lonely right now. Many
of thnn are away from home for the
first tiine,and are working and living
under conditions that, are new and
unusual. Some of them have only a
pal or two with them and it is im
possible tor them to be together all
the time. These people pass to and
fro over the campus wanting to make
friends but not knowing how. Sopho
mores, Juniors, Seniors make ii. easy
for them. Say "hellow to them and
and they'll get the habit. Last year
Nebraska had a "hello" day, when
everyone spoke to everyone else. Why
confine it to one day? If the freshmen
get the idea, they'll soon make f i ieml3
with their classmates and their days
will be happier than they are now.
Season tickets may still be obtain
ed at the students activities offices.
Today many students took advantage
of the opportunity to obtain these
tickets and the sale is nearing eigh
teen hundred. Two hundred more
tickets will put $2.50 in the pockets
some folks may know and some ni.iy
That part of our great school of
Aro campus hounds that spot I and
About the grounds day after day.
Tn summer time they disappear
Until the autumn opening here.
When the students gather, then
They come upon tho scene nain.
Many times I've laughed to sec
Them do their antics filled with glee
To watch them jump and yelp nnd
All over the green campus space.
I've envied these same hounds oft-
And ridiculed them In my rhymes.
How carelessly they .rove about
Where we tread filled with fear
and doubt!
It seems, there's something in their
That constantly speaks up and
"We have solved life, the riddle great
And need not trouble our good pate.
"That's why we can afford to run
And tear about in purest fun;
And nothing in this world can chase
Tho smile from our complacent
X. Tempo Itaneous.
Tiyoutu will bo held Tuusday and
Thursday afternoons from 3 to 5 p
in. for University. Cadet Hand. PohI
sIodh open for clarinet, buns, and
French horn players especially.
Phi Omega.
1 hi Omega mecling in club room
of law building 7:30 p. in. Tlunsday,
September 22.
Sigma Delta Chi.
A meeting of Sigma Deltu Chi will
bo held at the Delta Tau Delta house
Thursday at 7:15 p. in. .
Norfolk Club.
Important meeting of tlio Norfolk
club will be held Wednesday evening
at 7:00 In Social Science 105. Election
of officers.
W. S. G. A.
Important meeting W. S. 0. A.
board at 7 p m Thursday, Ellen Smith
Paintings by Miss Ethel Coe, In
structor in the art institute and in
the University of Chicago, and the
exhibition of textiles will rci-pin on
display in the university gallei-y for
another two weeks.
Union Society.
Union business meeting at the Hall
7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening.
Lutheran Students.
Annual State Liu'icf League con
cntion to be hold at Grace Lutheran
church, 14 ami F street, Friday even
ing, Saturday and Sunday. See local
papers for full program.
11 oclock Is S. S. 305. Officers for
semester will bo elected,.
Military StudenU.
Memorandum to all students -for tlio
advanced course. All students regist
ered for the advanced course will re
port at Room 205, Nebraska hall, nt
5 p. m. Tuesday, Sept. 20. Arrange
ments will bo inado for classes for
tho semester.
History of Journalism.
Recitation scheduled of each mem
ber Is wanted at once. M. M. Fogg.
English 9.9 Argumentative Composi
tion. Meets in luw 101 (Inscend of 106).
Members absent Monday Hhould con
sult class bulotlna. 106, for Wednes
day mooting. M. M. Fogg.
Bible Class.
Bible class every Sunday morning
at 9:45 a m. at Grace Lutheran
for men and women students. Protr
inent local christian loaders in chaige
A cordial welcome for all. Line up
with your own church.
Commercial Club.
University Commercial club will
hold its first regular Easiness meet
ing of the year Thursday morning at
A smile ha sdepths that reach beneath
The surface of I ho roughest,
Tat pierce the heart and bring re
From those whose lives are toug-est,
From those who otherwise would live
To hate and never to Forgive.
A smile, the wrinkling of the brow
A twinkle in the glimmers,
A happy front that knows just how,
And All the world just simmers
With happiness and joy and each
Without a smile no one could
A smile, denoting that a friend
Is speaking to his brother,
No words are needed, In the end
Smiles become one another
And make "just living" worth one's
To smile and help make others
"Scientists say that trees contri
bute tho heat of the atmosphere.
"That's so. A birch has warmed
me many a time."
'(f I
, (f) C. R. Co., 192
Real Style
STRATFORD Clothes show the
finished art which is the real
essence of style. In cut, materials, fine
tailoring, fit and finish they represent
all that is best in style.
Stratford Clothes appeal to men
who believe that good dress is not a
vanity but a personality asset. Be
guided by Stratford Styles.
It pays to buy the best.
The new Stratford styles for Fall and Winter definitely attest to the fact that
Stratford designers are anticipating America's style trend. Stratford Clothes
are distinguished by several vitally important and exclusive designing and
tailoring features. Sack coats are made with the exclusive fabric trimno body
linings to wear out: They have two-way pockets. All coat seams are silk-satin
piped. All trousers are made with double crotches and double pocket stays. '
Getting Satisfaction
in clothes
is more than a matter
of luck
foresight in seeing
the MAGEE'S label
before you buy!
$30 upward
Itkidge 0icrzel Co
The new Fall and Vinter Styles are now on display
The New Gloves
are here.
Quality and Style are their chief characteristic features
let the following splendid numbers command your attention.
Short Gloves $3.00 and $3.50
Here's a typical fall favorite a short one clasp heavy cap
skin glove with P. K. seam. Embroidered and spearback. Cor
dova, beaver and gray to blend with your Fall costume. $3 and
$3.50 pair.
Another short 2 clasp overseam kid glove, In self and con
trasting stitching. Black, brown and gray at $3.00 pair.
Monarch kid gloves 2 clasp short gloves with pique seam,
in choice of black, brown, beaver, gray, and navy blue. Only
$3.50 pair.
Imported Kid Gauntlets
From France, come these handsome strap wrist gauntlet
gloves made of fine kid leathers. Every woman's wardrobe
should Include a pair like these in black, brown, gray, beaver of
white, because they are priced so reasonably at $3 to $6 a pair.
16 Button Length Gloves
Our 16 button length French kid gloves are actually beauti
ful. There is an attraction about them that will make you
want to wear them often this Fall. In black, brown, white,
and gray. Priced at only $7.50.
Aisle of Accessories Street Floor.
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