THE DAILY N EUR AS KAN SIGMA TAU INITIATED MONDAY AND TUESDAY Mildred Harriss In Grace Miller White's Story "Polly of the Storm Country" Company and Topical Pictures Shows Start at 1,. 3, 5, 7, 9 JOSEPH W. SCHENCK Presents CONSTANCE TALMADGE in (i i Shows Start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 LYRIC. f ALL Wfc.fc.K- hi I CHARLES RAY LAURA PFEIFFER TALKS TO NORMAL STUDENTS Ir. IJiuni 11. I'lVifr,,,-, aHHoc-IutH I.i-oIVhhi)!- ,r Kuioiuiin history, .1,. livnvd the roiiiiiionct'inwit adilross of the lVru Normal roccntly. Shu was a KUPHt ot the lVru Dinnc'i- Club. Tho flolowlng comment, upon Iht adilross is taken from the "J'oru Normalite:" "As usual the roiiinirnciMiicnt ad dross was ilio most diKiillied part of 11m rominriKM'inent program. It was ilolivi-rod by a guest or tlio evening, Hr. I.aura l't'eitler of Nebraska Stale Liuveisny, who spoke upon "The Present Attempt at World Organ ization." Miss Pfeiffer has had un usual opportunity to study the poli tical and economic- situation at homo and abroad. She spoke forcibly and convincingly in favor of tho I-oague of Nations as tho one solution of tho world's problems and in closing paid tribute to (be inspirational leadership of Wood row W'elson." in "The Old Swimmin' Hole" it ; )t I i' I I'M I" i Shows Start at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ex mil mm u.tMHMify MIIMI.W-Tl KM) V-Wi:iMl W "MIXTURES" DAN AH EARN "Tlie Itov from vntir nriuhorlMMMl" WESTON'S MODELS lli-iiiilllul Artlxlle Cri-iilimiN WAIMAN & BERRY "A Trrlll ill Muir" g AUSTRALIAN BALTOS S '! AMiKKOI S III sim:ss 0 "M Nf II OK Til K IHISII" C "KI.VKT ll.llS" D I nlri niil IihiiiI N-hk lli-rkly Mhiu klart nl 7MXI .):00 hi g Mine. '.MN'.S MiflU :r.: fiiil. 1"- 'it K e For Good Eats Try the Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria ORPHEUM MON. & TUES., MAY 2-3 . ... ELEVEN MEN SATURDAY .Sigma Tau, honorary engineering fraternity, initiated cloven men Satur day afternoon. The Initiation look place at (lie. Lincoln hotel and who followed by a banquet in the garden room at G:3u. Fifty active, alumni and faculty members were present. Those initiated Saturday are V. Iiyng, L. W. Dillon, F. II. MoreimiH, W. S. (iass, W. II. Mongol, 1). Mc- Cauloy, W. M. l'orr, II. (). Feterson, K. T. Seeley, T. A. Wier and J. H. VVilburn. K. C. Talbot, president of tae activo chaiiler, presided at the banquet as toastmaslor. Ho was responded to by t K. Mickey, W. M. Torr and It, A. Canlt on the formal loast list Kach of the seniors and alumni war vail jini3 w NIGHTS 50c and $1.00 MATS 25c, 50c and 75c K. U.-HUSKER FIELD MEET NEXT ATTRACTION (Continued from I 'age 1.) Kansas has Mcdinnis and, Phillips. The latter will also run in the low hurdles. In the javelin throw Kansas will be well represented by Bradley, Sandef'ur, Ilrody or Reese. Bradley and MeAdams will high jump. Allison ir McCihnis will probably replace MeAdams in the high jump. Allison, MeAdams and Itogus are (he Kansas entrees lor the pole vault. In the Varsity tryouts loday Ed Smith won his place to run with Peering in the 100-yard dash and with Oeering or Hickman in the 220-yard dash. Cish finished second (o Wright in both high and low hurdles. Lees and Brown will represent. Nebraska in the polo vault. In the discus try outs. Wei lor and Moulton showed up the best. Weller was throwing well over 125 foot. Moulton and Pale will be the eniiees in the shot put. The javelin throw has not been definitely settled. Carman and Sehooppel are the best javelin men in school but are also members or the baseball squad. Carman can make a creditable showing in the high and broad jumps. Hartley, Brown and Moulton rank next to these two men in the javelin throw. Cish. Carson, Peering and Carman will be entered for tho broad jump. McDonald and Stromer or McCarthy will run the 110 with C.tbbs and Beiser working in the hair. Allen and Dorn will run the mile and Kretzler and Coates are entered for the two mile. The Aliirin for Spring went nil' Several weeks nro ! If you overslept better come rijrlit in and select your spring suit so you'll fret a full season's vo;ir. KUPPENHEIMER GOOD CLOTHES 1 t k :( a !' k ( it X K:: : ;!":; a :X m rijl X "XX 'X X) X'XXX .xXXXXXKX,?? Lx X X X t :: Antelope Park DANCK nj.ens for the Public Monday, May Second. Dancing Kvory Night. A. LOKB. Mgr. X ! X !X X PATRICIANS! Beginning with Tuesday night the dances will begin at eight o'clock and close at eleven. Tuesday Night! The Lincoln Hotel! The Rag-a-Jazz Band! Boyd Printing Co. tnlTtl0M. Christma GreUn Crdi, Programs. B1917 y. XXXXX XXXXs! " r- a n'u ' : ' ; ! :j ; a a a X X Xa 1 )tXKXSffiXXXX X XRit Ak lot the The Smut Looting. Popular Sbov io. CAMPUS a CLASS ROOM Ideal. All Round College Shoe Same Hti Quality at the TOM LOGAN GOLF SHOfc If your dealer cannot supply Tu writ us lot cataku) ana pfice THOMAS H. LOGAN COMPANY Hudson, Mas. "Send for the Tom Login Calendar, hleh pictures, suitable for framlnfl IntertvaUonal Oolf. Match be- Qulmet, Ray and Vardon." Tickets for the Senior May Ball Are Now on Sale. Refreshments - Decorations - Specialties Southern Rag-A-Jazz Band CITY AUDITORIUM, SaHirday, May 14, 1921 Grab Them While They Last. One Dollar Twenty-five. You can get them at the Student Activi ties Office or from memoers 01 uie cum I , ' 7 iJ mittee. ALEX CiAROXKR, chairman FRFD DEUTCH. master of ceremonies SARLINE ATiROTT MARTHA GARRETT JESSE MOORE HAROLD McGLASSON $45 $50 $55 Quality 'Clothes J Y1IE IIOl'SK OF Kl'l-'PENUEIMER. (!OOI) CLOTHES This Week With The Original SOUTHERN RAG-A.JAZZ BAND Monday ...Glenwood, Iowa Tuesday .Lincoln Hotel Wednesday York, Nebr. Thursday The Rosewilde Friday Lincoln Hotel Saturday Fontenelle Hotel Sunday Omaha Athletic Club "Nothing to do 'till tomorrow" The Original Southern Rag-A-Jazz Band BERT L. REED, Mgr. B2193 1141 H St. Big days or little days, Coca-Cola always is the favorite beverage. THE COCA COLA COMPANY Atlanta, Ga. C4 3