The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 14, 1921, Image 4

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XI Delia, honorary organization for
sophomore girls, will give a tea for
all freshmen girls Friday afternoon
from 4 to 6 In Ellon Smith Hall. The
tea Is planed to enable the sophomores
to get acquainted with the freshmen.
It Is the last tea that XI Delta will
give for the freshmen this year. A
good program Is promised.
(Continued from page on?.)
A. L. Miller, the next speaker, em
phasized the fact that there is a groat
challengo to tho men of America to
reach out.
"Your money, your sympathy, youi
prayers are ncdod for Steclo IIoI
(combe In his work In Egypt," sala
Mr. Miller.
Ho told a uumbcrr of utoileH of hi
own experiences in India, particular
ly of tho working of tho caste sys
t m.
.Mr. Eddy, the last speaker, hoBK'.'d
the students to tiling Intornntlonall.v.
"There is a challenge for such in
ternational thrinking as you li.iv1
lleer done before," were her words.
'As Nebraska uuwera the need
of China and Egypt today so are
you going to put a stamp on the
thinking of your community," she de
clared in an npeal for ready and v l'V
help in tho campaign.
day night at G:30. More tickota uiuy
bu obtained at tho Student Activities
office. The Ilusker track squad wl'.i
bo hampored for outside competition
should these tickets not be sold. Ne
braska will probably not bo repro
sonted at the Drake relays, Pnnn re
lays, Missouri Valley Conference meet
and National Intercollegiate meet
should thin ticket sale fall down.
(Continued from page one)
department has completed their scbed
ule and nro preparing for the Iatgcs
gathering of local visitors ever cd
tertalned. Last year there were ove
1,000 who wero acquainted wtlh tho
details of the laboratories and witn
the system of advertising which will
come out soon, it Is estimated that
thero will be more than double the
thumbor who attended last year. Sou
venlrs from the various departments
will be given to the visitors. Pro
grams are being made by several ol
the students. The forgo and foumhy
md the lectrlcal laboratories will ap
peal to many of the local people an!
explnation of tho operation of equip
ment in tho various sections.
Tho banquet on Friday night will
bo the nineteenth annual banquet ?
Its kind ond promises to be the larg
est and Bnapplos of all. James lr
arvey of Omaha will be toastmaHtcr
and his speakers are the best that
can bo obtained. Qeorgo A. Lee and
A. Bruce of Omaha will be Included
to asslHt him. W. P. Ollletto of Chi
cago, editor of Contractln gand E"g''
neerlng, had been Bocurod as tho
main speaker, but duo to tho death
of a member of tho family he will be
unablo to be here. The Nebraska a.
sembly of A. A. E. will bo the guc&tn
of the student chapter of A. A. E. and
tho combined engineering banquet wIP
be about four hundred. The sale o
tickets has boon rapid within the lnsl
week and every engineer will onalucr
this tha one big event of the present
ncnool yeor that he has tho opportu
nity of attending. Mr. Harvey's ability
as a toastmastor is well known In the"
University as he was toastmastor for
the 1915 Cornhusker banquet. He ha
spoken before the engineering socle
ties several times and his eppoHrdi:n
again with the engineers will be wel
corned by alL
And tho week would not be com
()lote without a dance, but th0 asMh
ance of one at Antelope park ha:i
given encouragement to those who
care for this gentle pastime. Tin,
dance will be a fitting climax for tiic
largest and most successful Engineer
Tno r i.'letln board on th cmip-j
near, the carpenter house has been
uiced for the posting of bulletins and
notices for the events of Eng'
Wuek and it has proven to be o' g;c: t
benefit In 'caching tho majority of
ho engineers. Further information
and notluca will bo posted Dior
ovents of tin? neck.
(Coiillimi'il from pnjri 1)
new season tickets. The only way
that Track can afford to do this is
by selling 3,000 or more of the sea
son tickets.
Fifty tickets have been placed in the
hands of every sorority in school and
the girts can sell these at any time or
any place. The contest closes Satur-
Come Early and
Enjoy the Fun
Admission Only 10c
Liberty Theater Bldg., Room 8
143 North 13th
Shop L9072 R.C3. LC679
Boyd Printing Co.
InlTmtloM. Chriatmu GrMttnf
Cards. Program.
Open Day and Night
We Serve the Best; Prices
' Reasonable
Visit the Lantern Room
Dancing from 9 p. m. to
12 a. m.
1439 O Street
To the Men who want to Save
Money -Here's Your Chance!
Men's Dress Shirts
1C0 dozn Good make, full cut Large Selection
Pure Silk Lisle Hose
Made by Wilson Bros. a small broken lot; worth
75c 3 for 1.00
Fine Neckwear
Best quality of Domestic and Imported Satins and
Silks; worth 2.50 Three for 2.50
Silk Shirts
Best Paterns and Quality
Collar Attached Shirts Plenty Here
25c Eiffel Pure Lisle Hose, Worth 40c and 50c 25c
Munsingwoar! Munsingwear! Munsingwear!
Short Sleeves Long Sleeves Without S leeves Ankle 1 e n g t h Three-quarter
length Knee length Stouts Tails and Regulars, 2.00 and up.
$1.50 Genuine Rocking Chair Union Suits $1.50
$ 1 .SO Genuine B. V. D. Union Suits $ 1 .SO
Men's Athletic Union Suits
Best Make Full cut Madras checks and mesh
Men's Night Shirts
Neatly Trimmed Full cut
Women's Holeproof Silk Hose-Ribbed Top-All
Colors and Sizes, $1.60